Besides the new mystery around the new ending, the town buildings got some updating.
The sheriff building now offers the players quests that they can complete for extra dollars while they're in the mines. Updating the sheriff's building unlocks more quests.
The Saloon now offers some entertainment for the players and upgrading the saloon unlocks a trophy showcase, which you can fill in by excavating trophies in the mines.
The reward: Unveiling the new ending rewards the player with MagnetoGun. Surely the fastest way to mine stuff in the game so far. Just aim at the wall and pull the trigger. You'll see, if the statues find you worthy.
- A new ending implemented with amazing rewards
- Magnetogun tool implemented
- The Sheriff offers Quests for the player
- The Upgraded Saloon has a showcase for collecting loot
- The Upgraded Saloon has a darts board
- Vault loot is randomized
- 8 new Relics spread across the mines
- Vive controller grab fix
- Height change button added for all platforms
About the previous combining of the DLC and the free version:
We wanted to clear some things as our announcement regarding the issue turned out to be a bit confusing for some.
- The Riches DLC and the free version were merged into one package
- No game content was removed from anyone
- Previous owners of the DLC still get the updates
- Previously claimed free versions are still playable as the free version was before the merge
- If you want to purchase the new full game, but claimed the free version before, you need to uninstall and remove the Cave Digger from your steam library and then you should be able to purchase the game.
If you have any questions or just wanna chat, join us at discord Discord