The game was CARMAGEDDON. For a generation of gamers coming to the end of a decade of 2D, wireframe, and corridor combat, it was an awesome introduction to the concept of the “real” 3D open world, do-whatever-the-feck-you-like, chuck-out-the-rulebook-and-just-BE-STUPID gameplay. And in doing so it also introduced the gaming world to the whole concept of realistic physics and real-time dynamic damage. What’s more, it was the FUNNIEST GAME EVER.
And now, Stainless Games is proud to announce the FULL RELEASE of the latest ground-breaking game in the series. Yes, Carmageddon: Reincarnation is HERE. And with it comes everything that was great about the original Carmageddon, plus MORE! MORE carnage! MORE LOLZ! MOAR GRANNIES! It’s got Career, Freeplay and Multiplayer modes plus CarMODgeddon modding support.
It’s the latter-day high-octane car smashing ped mashing antidote to racing games, and it’s available on the Steam Store TODAY!
So what have we done to update the game that was not only one of the most controversial titles of its day, but also the most innovative and technically advanced of its generation? Well controversy is pretty hard to whip up these days, but we are still proudly offering you the chance to turn PEDESTRIANS into POINTS (which continues to get certain sections of society hot under the collar) using your car or a whole host of hilarious ped pulping POWERUPS! And we continue to be boldly innovative and technically bloody clever – our CAR CRUSHING CODE continues to be the envy of anything else out there. Plus it’s all more HILARIOUS than ever!
All this means that what you get is a Carmageddon fit for the 21st Century, tuned for today’s fun-seeking bloodthirsty adrenaline junkie game fans… Just get a load of THIS:
Carmageddon: Reincarnation’s got a Career Mode with 50 events over 9 wildly varied levels, 6 game modes, 24 custom killing machines, nearly 100 warped out PowerUps and a huge menagerie of innocent peds. There’s 6 player Multiplayer mode, Freeplay and CarMODgeddon modding mode. PLUS – Smelly Bush collectibles, Upgrade Tokens, Achievements and Leaderboards!
Carmageddon: Reincarnation - Celebrating 18 years of Cunning Stunts and Granny Mangling.
Oh, and P.S… The Pope who condemned Carmageddon back in 1997 was Greg Pope, Member of Parliament for Hyndburn, Lancs (1992 to 2010). Cheers for the priceless front page headline, Mr. Pope!