Hey there Carmafans, it's competition time!
There’s just 3 weeks to go till the 21st May, when Carmageddon: Reincarnation gets its full release on Steam! And with the recent Big Beta Update now out there in the wild, we thought we’d give you all the opportunity to win some cool PRIZES for having FUN playing the GAME!
Using the Action Replay feature, we want you to record a clip showing your funniest Carmageddon moments. Whether it be Pelvic Thrusting Screwie through the side of Cleaver, or firing an Anvil salvo into a CU:NT, we want you to make us wet ourselves laughing and in doing so you might be in for a chance at winning some awesome Carmageddon goodies! Clips should last no longer than 30 seconds, and you can submit as many entries as you like.
What goodies you ask? For the winner there’ll be an awesome poster signed by n0bby and the gang, a t-shirt of your choice from the Official Carmageddon store and we'll also throw in a bunch of other Carma related treats including a set of Smelly Bushes! Four runners-up will also get one of our sought after Frig Magnets and a set of Smelly Bushes!
You can pick up some handy hints and tips about using Action Replay mode from our Carma video editor pro Tanel who talked about the various editing modes during one of our Twitch live streams - https://youtu.be/l8NbF4-QKcE?t=42m4s.
We'll announce and play the winners video plus the 4 runners-up live on our Twitch stream on 20th May!
How to enter
To enter this competition:
- Post the link to your video in the following thread[/*]
- Make sure the video title has 'Carmageddon: Reincarnation BetaMax Competition' and the description includes your forum name so we know who you are![/*]
- Closing date for entries is Monday 18th May 2015.[/*]
- The video must be of Carmageddon: Reincarnation.[/*]
- Your video must be no longer than 30 seconds.[/*]
- You can enter as many videos as you like.[/*]
- Your video can show a modded version of Carmageddon: Reincarnation but you must mention in your description you are using mods.[/*]
- The title of your video must contain 'Carmageddon: Reincarnation BetaMax Competition' and the description must contain your Carmageddon.com forum name.[/*]
By entering this competition you are accepting the Terms and conditions found here