Today we'd like to tell you about controlling your faction in Blood & Gold. Many of you fairly noted that governor management and diplomacy in "Caribbean!" was lacking. So here's what we did:
1) Now players can assign any of his followers as a governor. You can also entice governors from other factions. Governors can be assigned to attack a certain town, patrol selected area or follow your army around the map.
2) After creating your own faction, you can hire necessary managing specialists: Treasurer, Drillmaster, Sutler and Secretary.

3) Treasurer grants you access to economy control: sending convoys, trading through the clerk system in towns and operations with bank deposit.
3) Drillmaster lets you "transform" the troops you no longer need into your faction's army. For example, you might have a small troop of runaway slaves armed with pickaxes. By spending some of your gold, you can train them and turn into, say, a troop of musketeers.
4) Sutler helps you to supply your army with provisions (in case you happen to be far from your supply base) or provide your troops with regular food delivery.
5) Secretary give you access to diplomacy: with his help you can declare war, try to make peace (which will now cost you MUCH more, so better act civil!), assign and dismiss your governors governors.