We never really liked how players could escape automatically after their imprisonment in "Caribbean!" or M&B games. This is a role-playing game after all, and the player should be in control of his own destiny. Besides, there were other oddities and some illogical things. For example, even after being held captive by forest bandits, players could run away from them with their gold, armor and weapons on hand, losing only some boots and a horse. Or losing a sword and gloves maybe, but keeping the horse.

It's not very clear if we try to think of this aspect logically. Obviously, prisoners would lose ALL their valuable items, not just randomly selected ones. So if you're defeated in battle in Blood & Gold, here's the list of not very pleasant option you will face:
- All personal items are taken away by the winning side. This includes armor, weapons, horses and gold on hand (by the way, this is why it's better to keep your money in bank in Blood & Gold).[/*]
- You are sold into slavery — to work in a mine or plantations, depending on your luck.[/*]
- You receive a prisoner robe and some work equipment.[/*]
- You can try to escape from a mine or plantations, but if you're caught in the process, guards won't be too happy about it and will proceed to beat you pretty hard (all the way to lowering your base characteristics, like strength or intellect). So better act careful.[/*]
- If you're confident about your charisma, you could try talking other prisoners into rebelling and escaping as a group.[/*]
- If your escape is successful, then, depending on your charisma and leadership traits, you could form a new troop of runaway slaves which will become another one of your parties.[/*]
- With this troop you could try robbing caravans, attacking convoys, sell prisoners into slavery, thus taking revenge for your trouble.[/*]
- If you're concerned about your lowered intellectual level after taking some beating during your imprisonment, you could visit one of Catholic abbeys. Nuns will do their best to fix you up.[/*]