Okay people, this is it! Candle is finally released. It seemed like this day might never come, but it is here at long last. We wanted to thank all of you for your support and for your patience. We know that this development has stretched a lot more than we expected, but it has all been so we could be sure that the game’s final quality was perfect and lived up to your expectations. In a few hours you’ll be getting the game and you will be able to experience the whole game. We really hope you like the end result, we’ve put our love into it.
Now, onto the release info for Kickstarter Backers:
We will start sending you your copy (or copies!) of the game in a few hours. We were going to partner with the Humble Bundle guys for this one, so you would be getting a Humble link. In it, you would have been able to choose your desired version of the game (Steam, GOG or fully DRM-Free, for PC, Mac or Linux), so everyone could get the version that best fits your needs. But, unfortunately, there was some technical difficulty and you wouldn't be getting those until next week, and so in Daedalic and Teku Studios thought that it would be incredibly disrespectful to you guys. What we are going to do is to send you all a Steam key and, for those who want a GOG key instead, just reply to that mail asking us for it and we'll switch you activation to GOG.
Also, that’s not it! We will be sending all the digital tiers to you too :) so for those of you who pledged for the digital versions of the artbook, the OST, etc., you will get them with your Humble link. As for all the physical goodies, we are finishing everything as we speak and we’ll start sending them to you next week, so you should be getting them everywhere before 2016 ends.
Final Words
As we said, we thank all of you for your continous support and for your huge patience. We’ve never faced a challenge like Candle before, but we had to choose between cutting the game, reducing its scale and launching it earlier, or keep our desires and ambitions and go for a longer development. We had a big idea of what Candle could and should be, and we felt that this was the time to fight for its full potential. But it took a great deal of time and sacrifices, and so we hope that the final result lives up to your expectations :)
Thanks a lot for backing Candle, thanks a lot for your kind words during these past years, and thanks a lot for your patience. But thanks to you, the wait is finally over. Cheers!