CoD4 Worldspawn Settings
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Article - CoD4 Worldspawn Settings
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
12.03.08 09:24 Games
Die Worldspawn Settings legen die Lichtverhältnisse auf Custommaps fest und sind somit unverzichtbare Werte für den Mapper.
Nachfolgend findet ihr die Worldspawnsettings der unterschiedlichen CoD4 Maps. Es handelt sich hierbei um die Einstellungen der Lichtverhältnisse und der Sky Texturen (dies benötigt man im CoD4 Radianten zum Erstellen einer Map).

"Backlot" / mp_backlot

"radiosityScale" "1.8"

"contrastGain" "0.425"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1.30"

"sundirection" "-43.5 25.11 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 0.88 .75"

"suncolor" "1 0.92 0.88"

"ambient" ".15"

"Bloc" / mp_bloc

"radiosityScale" "1"

"contrastGain" "0.15"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.90 0.90 1"

"sunlight" ".9"

"sundirection" "-120 -50 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .92 1"

"suncolor" ".9 .98 1"

"ambient" "0"

"Wetwork" / mp_cargoship

"RadiosityScale" "2"

"contrastGain" "0.15"

"diffusefraction" "0.15"

"_color" "0.5 0.5 0.7"

"sunlight" "1.3"

"sundirection" "-25 315 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.5 0.5 0.7"

"suncolor" "0.5 0.6 1.000000"

"ambient" ".1"

"District" / mp_citystreets

"radiosityScale" "2.5"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".74 .68 56"

"sunlight" ".78"

"sundirection" "-67 97 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "1 .89 .74"

"suncolor" "1 0.92 0.88"

"ambient" ".2"

"Ambush" / mp_convoy

"diffusefraction" "0.1"

"sundiffusecolor" ".75 .84 1"

"sundirection" "-30 -340 0"

"suncolor" ".85 .76 .53"

"sunlight" "1.6"

"ambient" "0.3"

"_color" ".75 .84 1"

"Countdown" / mp_countdown

"brightness" "0.1"

"reflection_color_correction" "launchfacility_a"

"diffusefraction" "0.2"

"_color" "0.02 0.02 .05"

"sunlight" "1.5"

"sundirection" "-30 0 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.717647 0.776471 1.000000"

"suncolor" "1 .8 .6"

"ambient" "0.2"

"Crash" / mp_crash

"radiosityScale" "1.5"

"contrastGain" "0.425"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1.3"

"sundirection" "-50 240 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 0.88 .75"

"suncolor" "1 0.92 0.88"

"ambient" ".02"

"Crossfire" / mp_crossfire

"contrastGain" "0.425"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1"

"sundirection" "-50 136 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 0.88 .75"

"suncolor" "1 0.92 0.88"

"ambient" ".1"

"Downpour" / mp_farm

"reflection_color_correction" "mp_farm"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.90 0.90 1"

"sunlight" "1"

"sundirection" "-40 225 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .92 1"

"suncolor" ".9 .98 1"

"ambient" "0"

"Overgrown" / mp_overgrown

"radiosityScale" "2"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.46 0.64 0.61"

"sunlight" "1.1"

"sundirection" "-147 119 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.80 0.88 0.94"

"suncolor" "0.84 0.81 0.58"

"ambient" ".10"

"Pipeline" / mp_pipeline

"radiosityScale" "2.5"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.90 0.90 1"

"sunlight" "1.15"

"sundirection" "-44 220 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.80 0.88 0.94"

"suncolor" ".9 .98 1"

"ambient" ".15"

"Shipment" / mp_shipment

"radiosityScale" "1.2"

"diffusefraction" "0.2"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1.3"

"sundirection" "-43 51.5 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 1 .75"

"suncolor" "1 1 0.95"

"ambient" ".1"

"Showdown" / mp_showdown

"sunlight" "1.6"

"sundirection" "-33.34 117.76 -78.14"

"suncolor" ".85 .76 .53"

"sundiffusecolor" ".75 .84 1"

"diffusefraction" "0.1"

"_color" "0.46 0.64 0.61"

"ambient" ".02"

"Strike" / mp_strike

"contrastGain" "0.425"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1"

"sundirection" "-45 -144 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 0.88 .75"

"suncolor" "1 0.94 0.80"

"ambient" ".02"

"Vacant" / mp_vacent

"radiosityScale" "1.7"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.46 0.64 0.61"

"sunlight" "1.3"

"sundirection" "-45 25 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.80 0.88 0.94"

"suncolor" "0.84 0.81 0.58"

"ambient" ".15"

thx to Capt.Com

SP Maps - MODSonline

Aftermath "Aftermath"

Airlift "Shock and Awe"


Ambush "The Sins of the Father"

Armada "Charlie Dont Surf"

Blackout "Blackout"

bog_a "The Bog"

bog_b "War Pig"

Cargoship "Crew Expendable"

Coup "The Coup"

Hunted "Hunted

ICBM "Ultimatum"

Jeepride "All In (part 3)

Killhouse "F.N.G."

Launchfacility_a "All In (part 1)"

Launchfacility_b "All In (part 2)

scoutsniper "All Ghillied Up"

sniperescape "One Shot, One Kill"

village_assault "Safehouse"

village_defend "Heat"


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12. 03. 2008 um 09:24
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