Im Forum von Entwickler Infinity Ward wurden nun erste Informationen zum Linux Support bekanntgegeben. Neben den Hinweis, das es sich bei Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare um ein Windows Spiel handelt und Infinity Ward normalerweise kein offizielles Wort zur Linux Unterstützung verliert, gab Community Manager fourzerotwo nun doch einiges bekannt. So bestätigt er die arbeiten an den Linux Files und das man auch guter Dinge ist, diese eventuell schon beim Release des Spiels vorzufinden. Diese Aussagen sind natürlich mit Vorsicht zu genießen und wie schon gesagt "unoffiziell".
As Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a Windows game, there's typically little official word on Linux support. However, we typically contract out as someone noted for Linux files to be made post-launch. This time around however, I know we've been working with them to work on the Linux support in conjunction with our official Windows release, but none of that is official.
I believe it was our intention to hopefully line up Linux file releases at the same time as launch but last I heard it was taking them a bit longer so they should / hopefully be out shortly after launch. Again, Linux support isn't done by us here IW so we can't promise any time lines / support for that, but as I said we've made sure to be working with those who do, do the linux files to get them out sooner and closer to launch this time around.