Blightbound has been discounted by 25% during the ongoing Devolver publisher sale!
The sale ends in just under 22 hours, or on Tuesday 11th May at 10am PT.
We have made continuous improvements in every aspect of the game, especially with a focus on improving AI in the past few updates and patches. We are currently hard at work on getting Blightbound ready for its 1.0 release coming soon™️.
We have a couple of huge announcements lined up, but we're not quite ready to make them just yet, we're still mauling over a few details internally, but keep an eye out on this space, there should be some big announcements coming in the next 2 weeks (hopefully)!
If you have any feedback or suggestions please leave them in the relevant Steam (Sub) Forums or in the relevant channels in the Official Ronimo Discord.
If you would like to see Blightbound gameplay from the latest patch, there is plenty of footage on the Official Ronimo Twitch Channel. If you would like to see some beginner gameplay of the first few dungeons, check out the new series we just started on our Twitch channel called "The Impossible Journey" where we play through the stories of every hero, then try to win a game on Impossible Difficulty! Check out episodes 1, 2, and 3.
Best of luck venturing into the Blight!