• Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.
  • Blightbound: Screen zum Spiel Blightbound.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.07.2020
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Preis Update 27.05.23

Über das Spiel

"Die Welt ist in Gefahr. Es ist Jahrzehnte her, dass eine Gruppe legendärer Krieger den gefürchteten Schattentitan nach einem langen, grausamen Kampf erschlug. Doch ihr Triumph währte nur kurz. Die wahren Absichten des Schattentitans zeigten sich, als seinem gebrochenen Äußeren die Verderbnis entwich, ein teuflischer Nebel, der jedes Lebewesen verwandelt, das ihm ausgesetzt ist.

Blightbound ist ein Mehrspieler-Dungeon Crawler, der drei Helden vor die Aufgabe stellt, ihre Bergzuflucht zu verlassen, um sich den Abscheulichkeiten der Verderbnis zu stellen – eines geheimnisvollen und zerstörerischen Nebels, der das Land einhüllt.

Erforsche von Hand gestaltete Verliese, kämpfe gegen einen erschreckenden Kader mystischer und monströser Gegner, hol dir wertvolle Beute und finde gefallene Helden, um deinen Kader zu erweitern. Jeder Spieler erfüllt im Team eine bestimmte Rolle – Krieger, Assassine oder Magier – um kolossale Bosse zu besiegen und clevere Rätsel zu lösen.

Kannst du alle Herausforderungen sammeln und absolvieren – und die Verderbnis ein für alle Mal bezwingen?"

Blightbound ist ein fortwährend wachsendes Spiel, mit neuen Verliesen und neuen Helden zum Finden und Erforschen, neuer Beute und geplanten, kostenfreien Updates für die Community.

Sammle über 20 einzigartige Helden mit einzigartigen Fertigkeiten, passiven Fähigkeiten und einer vollständig erzählten Geschichte, die du zu ihrem Abschluss bringen musst.

Hunderte einzigartiger Gegenstände als Beute und zum Herstellen helfen die Helden verbessern und ihr Repertoire an Angriffen und Fähigkeiten zu erweitern.

Baue deine Zuflucht aus, indem du neue Handwerker verpflichtest, die mehr Gegenstände herstellen, Gelder einbringen und deine Helden trainieren.

Kämpfe dich durch drei verschiedene Länder, von denen jedes mehrere Verliese bietet, einschließlich des unheimlichen Gravemark, des beklemmenden Underhold und der gefährlichen Blood Ridge.

Deutlich verschiedene Klassen belohnen das Spiel als Team, und mächtige Fähigkeiten wachsen das Ausfüllen deiner Rolle. Blocke als Krieger Schaden, unterbrich gegnerische Spielzüge als Assassine und heile deine Verbündeten als Magier.

Eine beeindruckende Mischung handgemalter Charaktere mit Echtzeit-3D-Modellen und Lichteffekten.


  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K (4 * 3300) or equivalent | AMD Phenom II X4 965 (4 * 3400) or equivalent
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 760 (2048 MB) | Radeon R9 285 (2048 MB) | Mobile: GeForce GTX 1050 Mobile
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 x64
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K (4 * 4000) or equivalent
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 970 (4096 MB)
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 x64
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

41 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 18:42
+ nice koop game
+ graphic
+ heroes

- grinding
- same missions every time
64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 11:49
Ich habe jetzt 7 stunden in diesem game und bis jetzt macht es ein guten eindruck. Meine probleme mit dem game ist nur das matchmaking und die bots.
Zum Matchmaking kann ich nur sagen das ich es schöner empfinden würde wenn man aussuchen könnte ob man mit random leuten spielen möchte oder alleine/mit Freunden.
Die Bots haben echt ein paar verbesserungen nötig, wie zum beispiel bei dungeons wo man alle 3 personen benötigt um ein rätsel zu lösen rennen sie gerne einfach nur in eine wand und machen es so das man den dungeon nicht abschließen kann.
Daher empfehle ich das spiel nur für leute die vor haben mit 2 weiteren freunden zu spielen da das momentan der einzige weg ist konstant spaß zu haben an dem game.
Was von mir auch ein wünsch wäre ist das man aus einem dungeon raus gehen kann ohne das game schließen zu müssen.
122 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 10:28
great game! its like darkest dungeon and old school arpg´s have a baby.

you can feel the passion the game was made with. the art style is freakin
great. the classes are what you think they will be; Tank, Heal/Mage and Rouge
are the 3 Archetypes and every Archetyp as some variations with other
speels and def abilitys...

the only bad thing i can say about Blightbound so far is the small playerbase right
now. to avoid long waiting times in the query they add bots for now to play with but....
i hope that some game magazines, blogs, youtubers etc will push this game hard since
is one of the best in 2020 and for me of the last years.

i play games like diablo, path of exile, grim dawn, darkest dungeon, Soul´s like games etc...
and this is a great summing of all my favorite games with beautiful artwork and style!
251 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 01:01
Good game !
876 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
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76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 18:56
Ich fasse mich diesmal sehr kurz.... Das Spiel ist Toll , nur das man gezwungen ist auf Online Spieler zu warten weil man eine Gruppe aus 3 Leuten braucht.... ist Bullsh... eine Mindeswartezeit von 20min ist übertrieben lang.... grad für Leute die nur mal kurz 2 Runden machen wollen.

Also bitte fügt NPCs ein die einen begleiten können wenn es mal länger dauert.....
3060 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
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217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 14:12
Blightbound game progression is too slow and grindy. I've already get bored before unlocking any hero or special gears. The combat formula on each session is extremely similar due to the limitation that the team MUST contain one tank, one DPS and one mage, no exception. Even worse the game FORCE you to play through all 3 characters at the same time in order to get all required resource for the item upgrade. Also every action recharge time is long even for the normal attack, most of the time is waiting for next skill available, which is not enjoyable. Every session is around 15 min and usually you might get 1 or 2 gears. However each character gear slots are too restrictive (left hand, right hand, 2 accessories (mage got 3 accessories but removed right hand slot) and expendable slot). It's not enough for player to stack up those gears set bonus to vary the strategy. The story is not attractive and mostly being forgot during the game.
611 Produkte im Account
155 Reviews
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74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 03:05
I'm obviously late to the party here, but this game seems pretty dead, unless you have two other RL friends willing to suit up with you in co-op. It's a shame, too, because the art style, combat feel, and base building are all solid, plus the whole premise seems fun and inventive (raiding the fantasy version of an irradiated wasteland, both for plunder from the old world and to rescue survivors). Alas, you pretty much have to play with bots right now, and they're awful.
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 20:54
Fun, engaging and challenging game if you have two friends with you on the journey.
291 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 08:15
This game feels like a classic arcade action slasher version of the board game Gloomhaven. Selection of different unlocked characters fit into three classifications of Warrior, Rogue, or Mage. Starter selection of mages are he healer/support of the group. The hub is a Gloomhaven style town with prosperity levels that increase as you play. I am not faulting this familiar style, it leads to the comprehension of the system for me. But if you like these style of gauntlet type arcade games, dont mind the odd selection of 3 and not 4 players, and like Gloomhaven style unlocks, this game is a sound investment to play with friends.
2582 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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4583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 15:20
I did enjoy this game with friends, but not with the bots. Too bad, the game is completely dead.

The game only has 3 levels and 3 area in those levels, so it is technically 9 plus the last boss level.
Therefore, you will be seeing the same areas repeatedly. The bots only work from difficulty 1-8.

You cannot choose the difficulty, so you have to beat an easier level for them to randomize.
The last boss was extremely challenging with bots on anything higher than 5.
They just do not work with the last boss, so you will spend more time resurrecting the bots then doing damage to the boss.
313 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
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522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 08:49
With only just 9 levels and no variation coming along with increasing difficulty, Blightbound becomes grindy, repetetive and boring versy fast. Characters opf the same class are very similar so switching between different mages warriors thives helps for very short time and does not provide any incentive to run thgrough those few levels again and again to get a new character that won;t be in fact that new.
173 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 10:01
Boring, too bad cause the visuals are great
247 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 19:36
Incredibly shallow game. Very little content. Hardly anyone plays this game so unless you have friends to invite, you'll be matched with bots 9 times out of 10. I probably started losing interest in the game around the 4-6 hour mark but kept playing with a friend because it's one of the few coop games we both have.
102 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 05:50
If you have to play with friend, love loot, to unlock characters etc, this game is really great. Sure the bot are not great if you don't have friends to play with, but even so the game sure deserve your time. Unlocking character that comes with great items, improving your characters so you can complete harder difficulty etc.

Sure it's repetitive, but every H/S loot game is, give a try !!!
76 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 02:17
This game is terrible. I bought this game day 1 and was horrified how bad the gameplay was. After a year of updates I had hoped it was better but it is not.... not worth playing tbh
42 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 12:55
No complaints. Engaging rpg experience.
46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 07:19
The matchmaking is awful, you can wait for 10-15 mins and only one person would join, then leave, and you would have to restart again.
519 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 01:27
Game is fun to play with friends. Easy to learn and build your character.
1037 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 17:29
Minor issues with puzzles when playing with bots and UI being somewhat clunky. That said, when playing with friends, this is a great experience, if chaotic at times and I would recommend it to people that are into the dungeon crawling genre.
261 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 03:56
This is a fun game but the bots are HORRIBLE.

Imagine the worst bot in any game that you have ever played and then magnify it by 100

If your bots get you to wipe a scenario you NEVER will level. You get trash items. BUt no leveling.

Frustrating to play 20 minutes to have your healer bot not heal you your warrior not taunt and then they step in the red stuff on the ground to cause damage and die over and over.

This game has promise and seems fun but you need a few friends to play.

If you queue you almost never get anyone

This game is so fun I just wish the bots didn't suck
182 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 01:55
pretty fun with 2 friends. a lot of variety in a combo stuff/skill for every character.
pretty hard until you find a good combo of characters too.
love it.
no bug for all 3 friends within 7hours a row of game.
don't hear all others. there is no bug et if you have two friends and love coop game. it's a very good game
739 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
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429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 00:41
Good concept, but so far, poor execution. The game feels very bland very early, mostly because of cooldowned evasion/quicksteps which are relevant for a wizard teleporting away, but takes out LOTS of the tactical aspect in close combat. I would have expected a stamina bar for that.

As a result, you can be a damage sponge as a warrior (who can actually use his shield as he wants to mitigate damage and get counterattack bonuses), but the rogue, while powerful, is also frustrating to play because of their frailty and inability to gracefully dodge WHEN YOU NEED IT. Thus, the game doesn’t really reward spacial placement skills : you have luck or have managed to step back (terribly slowly) at the right moment, or you take damage. No parry mechanic either.

I failed to see the roguelike element as well. BTW, the multiplayer is not a problem if you have a couple friends to play with, but the dungeons are almost always the same, which is a fraud for a game advertising itself as having a roguelike element (read the tags). The different heroes are just skins with slight skills/spells variations, but you’ll find yourself going back to the basic characters because… they simply are better, and they are the ones you leveled up in the first place.

The crafting is also very underwhelming. You just get more stats with a shiny new skin. No new moveset, very little mechanic variation…

In the end, the game is just a mindless button masher which could totally have been made for smartphones, or in the 2010s. At least, that’s what the lazy, bland combat mechanics suggest.

Positive point : the art is great. But that’s the only positive aspect of that game. Kudos to the game artists.
74 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 04:15
Don't tend to write reviews or anything very often. Don't buy this game if you like Gauntlet or Hades or want to play with a friend. Bots are over powered and blast through everything, making it boring solo. Duo you just die, and the bot still is OP and makes it boring. Was so disheartened by the clunkiness of the rogue and movement of characters in general. Should have been an amazing game, just too much wrong. Requested a refund it was that bad.
177 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 21:21
Its a bit of a grind, but a level or two every so often is fun. Binge playing would be better if I felt advancement was quicker.
264 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 02:50
This game sucks. Absolute garbage. Way too hard and glitched as hell.
The tutorial level makes it seem easy enough. Then they throw you into near impossible scenarios where you are severely outnumbered and under powered.
The first stage after the tutorial, they force you to play solo (which is my preferred way to play anyway) amd the team AI is stupid and not helpful at all.
I made it halfway through the level, only to use my dodge move, and I went through a solid wall and got stuck in the environment. My second attempt, I made it to the first boss, only for him to continually spawn additional enemies, and kill my AI team mates within seconds. I couldn't revive one fast enough before I was killed and lost.
Do not be fooled by the cool looking art style animation. This game is not worth the money or time.
153 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 17:40
A good game for playing co-op (as hotseat). The only one big flaw I really don't get is that you barely can play solo: bots are too stupid and, although I love playing as caster heroes, sometimes I want to play a different hero, but it's simply inappropriate to give bots a healer role
48 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 23:01
I cannot seem to find a game.
I have spent most of my time so far matchmaking, bots are not smart and i would prefer to play with other people. get 2 friends if you want to play this game
269 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 23:01
This game sucks alone, and almost nobody plays it.
Too difficult to rely on bots, because the AI sucks.
The different Heroes are just the same 3 base classes with 1 new skill for the most part.. and you have to level them all from scratch.
69 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 00:06
I do NOT recommend this game. What an utter waste of money. I cannot get into it at all. Everything feels pointless. Matchmaking? What matchmaking? The levels are pretty much the same thing over and over and over. The idea seemed cool, and I waited longer that 2 weeks and got stuck with it. So I've made small attempts to give it another shot.....NOPE. Literally stuck with something I now hate.
238 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 20:08
Since I see negative reviews with no comments allowed saying the game doesn't have single player. It in fact does you just have to hit start game and play with bots. If people are going to get this to play solo that is 100% doable. I hate these people that just try to find any reason without looking for two seconds to give a negative review and hate a game.
14 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 04:32
You have to try it, get some friends and get a LOT of funny nights together, you can play at the same console or PC.
1178 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 08:48
Good concept, the gameplay quite fun but lacking in content. You into the game like 2 hours and you already done with everything. New hero is just mix and match of old hero in term of skill, you need to repeating grind killing same monsters and boss again and again which don't have many variety. If you get it real cheap then it's find I guess.
50 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 21:21
I like the art, the world , the game .
But there are problems with the gameplay ,
I really did not like too many loading, when passing from one room to other it loads everytime which takes time, come on guys we are on year 2021, you can do better,
On passing to new rooms, game waits you for a circle to complete than it asks for F button to be pressed, I really did not understand the motivation behind this , either auto transfer to new room when circle completes, or just allow to pass with f.
Playing with bots is not easy , I feel like the game is made to be played with other players .

I thought I find a game like Hades or Diablo III , but current game play does not give a similar taste while fighting, controls should be improved ....

Uninstalled after playing 1 hours, got bored ...
75 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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8613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 17:32
Although this game is no longer in beta, it doesn't feel like it. There are a lot of bugs, and the AI behavior is relatively poor.

It is entertaining to unlock characters and follow their stories, but this mechanic gets boring very soon. When you get better items, the fun of the game becomes beating harder difficulties. However, with the behavior of the bots and the small number of players, this becomes unattainable. Beyond this, the game doesn't seem to have anything to keep you playing as it becomes very repetitive.

Ronimo is a very creative company, but I think they made a mistake with this game that has aroused little interest. At least on Steam, it is not even close to surpassing the number of players of Awesomenuats. This game was launched in 2012 and still has an active community of players. If it weren't for Ronimo's mistakes, it would have many more active players.
124 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 14:18
Early version of the game was disappointing with a good idea; However, now the game is being filled with great decisions to improve the overall quality of the game, if this at all continues, we're going to have an awesome game already with a challenging style game play, lots of unlockable thingies in the game - Character roster feels pretty decent and is primarily focused on Warrior - tanky frontline (scales well into such things but not at first) Assassin (Obviously very high dps crit potential) and mage (very reliant on skills and team for the most part as they are squishy along with the assassin more so than the warrior at first.) The recent changes to the game modified certain passives, giving the chance to play characters of those roles a bigger reward for choosing specific characters over others - which was heavily lacking early on. There was no reason to play anyone but the assassin to get you through the levels and fight with the most damage and ability. If the changes continue as they have been from the dev action going on, this game will only get better. Very unique in the game's approach and fun to dive into alone or with others as the maps are pretty simple yet rewarding if you have a bit of patience to do the item equipping outside of the combat areas and in town. Gives a feel of risk and reward for choosing more challenging areas and so on. Still needs quality of life tweaks, but it's ahead of the curve...as bane self proclaimed once.
207 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 01:25
Here's the deal. First fucking thing it says is single player followed by co-op followed by multi. Single player isn't even an option. During early access they said the full release would include it. Main menu has two options. Play multiplayer or quit game. I'm sure this isn't an issue for most people but I don't like being lied to and it's especially egregious considering as I write this review I can see it continuing to state that single player is an option. Pisses me the fuck off.
498 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 19:54
I can't get through the tutorial because the game keeps crashing. This is happening to many others as well. These issues persist despite using a high performance PC with an Nvidia RTX 3080. Disappointing.
303 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 00:43
Boring gameplay. Mostly just button mashing and trying to maneuver your 2D hero in 3D space which is frustrating. Loot is usually just useless junk. I've played a couple hours and have seen very little that is unique or intersting. Maybe a few years ago this would have been something special, but not after Darkest Dungeon, Heroes of Hammerwatch etc.
2421 Produkte im Account
170 Reviews
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 14:50
Solid Gauntlet style gameplay with beautifully drawn and animated characters. Great for couch gaming coop.
33 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 16:20
game would be fun.... but there's literally no one in matchmaking in any of the 3 locations you can choose. I spent probably 2 hours of out the 5 played waiting for players to join and nothing.
1070 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 18:36
Cant recommend it right now, game has low variety of gear/equipment (you will keep finding mostly same gear over and over), and also 9-10 repetetive levels, it has only 3 classes, each with one specific weapon type (and not multiple weapon types per character), it has a lot of characters that you can collect, however, they all are almost exactly the same. Game has certain weird game designs that make game not very fun. Basically, everything in this game is same, repetetive and with very low variety.

Game is not released yet, update 1.0 will come this year, not sure when though. If game becomes good, I will change my review to positive. But as of right now, it is just not fun at all. I love RPGs, I just cant love this one.
148 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
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426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 20:21
i don't recommend in the state it is now, maybe will be better at full release

7h in and i feel i saw everything, gets repetitive fast, there are alot of heroes but the ones from the same classes are pretty much skins since only the passive is unique, super grindy with low quantity of maps, low enemy variety, loot also isn't interesting
if they pump out more content to create variety and make the hero's more unique, might turn out to be good

will update at 1.0

191 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 21:45
Gameplay is fun, 15-20 minute ques to find randoms is not fun.
178 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 22:48
Dont let the negative reviews scare you away from this one! It might not seem like it at first but this game has pedigree. Its another diamond in the rough from Devolver. IMO its one of the more accessible indies they've picked up in the last several years of back to back bangers. Ronimo has a small list of titles, but Awesomenauts released in the glorious age of xbox live arcade and has continued to get updates to this day. In an age of $60 AAA Flops and heartless money grabs, Blightbound stands true to its roots. $20 is a bargain.
The (now fewer) negative reviews i read had me holding off on purchasing Blightbound for a couple reasons. Complaints of the grind and difficulty curve, poor bot ai, connection issues, repetitive levels etc. You'll run into them here as well. Im here to denounce them all fools.
The difficulty is a non issue, if you're paying attention to the difficulty ratings of the missions and matching them to your party level in an easy to understand UI. Eventually you will be able to handle mission difficulties several levels above your party level if you take the time to master the gameplay.
That brings us to the curve and the grind. If you dont want to NO PROBLEM. Im 10 hours in with a single friend to co-op and we have switched characters so many times we are still running Blight level 6 or less (Normal or Easy). We TEND to find Easy mode a cakewalk, but still sometimes get pasted by a new boss, which is great! Its great because even if you die you retain all your material rewards, which filter into crafting for better gear. This is a roguelite. If your problem is dieing, you're playing the wrong game.
10 hours into the game Im still unlocking new characters who all have individual stories and questlines to follow. I havent finished a single one. You will find yourself repeating the same levels often, but with new characters and new storylines (albeit sparse ones) to continually unlock you will find yourself jonesing to return. There are still a handful of levels we havent explored or cleared entirely, and enemy and trap mechanics seems to change as difficulty increases, leaving the missions feeling fresh.
Ill say initially progression can feel a LITTLE slow. But reliably whenever i began to feel that way, a new feature for my refuge, or another character would drop into my lap expanding and deepening the gameplay further. At this point i am so earnestly impressed that i feel compelled into writing an over the top review.
The Bot AI is the one thing that actually needs some love. Occasionally they will entirely misbehave, failing to trigger puzzles, or triggering where they ought naught. I imagine this makes for obnoxious do overs in single player. However, in multiplayer the bots are always leashed to one of the players, and in practice if the Bot is getting uppity one of us just walks to the other side of the room while the other solves the puzzle.
Let me tell you that my PC is inches from death, and a recent windows update left my disk drive hanging like a mother-fucker, causing most games to crash. Blightbound seems to have a ton of built in saftey measures for when your pc or network hangs up. Coop partner reports that I am invincible at all times that my game is frozen. In the few instances i jumped the gun and restarted the game or my pc before Blightbound unstuck and continued to run, all my items and quest progress was saved as i was returned to the refuge. I was earnestly awestruck. Thats the good shit right there. No game/server connection issues whatsoever. Your mileage may vary.

Best enjoyed with a Controller for Melee and a Mouse for Caster and Menu navigation.
268 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 23:28
Blighbound is a situation of a great idea, but poor execution.

A strictly co-op game with forced online support is already a fairly bad idea due to the limited nature of the game's ability to match you with players of similar strength, if it can match you with other players at all. I have personally found myself lucky enough to have two others to brave the dungeons of this game with.


The game itself has a well-crafted, albeit generic. world. The story itself is told through personal quests of each of the heroes you acquire.

The art style and sound design are unique and blend well enough together to provide a well-crafted audio and visual cue combat system for most encounters.

The voice acting is passable and won't break your immersion as far as reverb or distortion not being edited out. Props to the VA's for delivering technical quality to an indie game.

You'll end up seeing many enemies repeating over the course of your experience in the game. Bosses feel unique enough between areas, but some are admittedly uninspired or borrow the designs of other elite enemies you can already face throughout the dungeons.

One dungeon in particular, The Descent, has an amazing elevator event that you use to progress throughout the dungeon itself. Fighting enemies, dodging lasers, and the feeling of stress due to actual difficulty and not inflated HP values and/or damage, is truly good game design.


The repetition of dungeons can prove to be incredibly monotonous for some, while I don't mind it myself, especially having played many roguelites.

The gearing mechanics and attribute system can feel like it has less than the desired impact at times, but I also know many people like small increments of increasing power rather than large milestone boosts. This game only really excels in small increases of power, so if that's your jam, here you go.

The color scheme is incredibly drab and bleak. This is intentional and a stylistic choice due to the state of the game world itself being one of apocalyptic struggle. If you need brighter colors in your games, steer clear of this one. It's all dark reds, grays, and greens.


I hate that this part of the list will be the most extensive, but I have a lot of issues with the core tenants of and execution of the game as it stands at the moment. I've tried to keep in mind that the game isn't finished, but at the same time, some of the design choices are abysmal at the moment, and I need to hope the devs plan to rework them.

Boss names appearing every time you encounter them, loot feeling largely ineffective until legendary due to them just being basic stat boosts, puzzles being repeated between every dungeon you run, so they never feel fresh or different, just tedious, and skills that are set in stone for each hero, not allowing for any kind of mix and match for unique builds, as well as a map that provides limited info and cannot be fully opened or zoomed out for more info on where to go during a dungeon for quests, as far as I know.

These are just a few of the smaller things I'd like to mention before I break down my bigger issues below.

The quests are mediocre and feel like filler rather than actual personal stories. The tedium of collecting 500 mana orbs on a warrior is absolutely insane. Your counter only goes up if you collect them yourself, while you compete with a mage who can literally teleport to his mana orbs as needed. This shows a weird dissonance between the message and intent of co-op, but having mechanics that starkly place each player at odds with each other.

Loot is distributed round-robin as it's picked up, leading to a separation in loot. This isn't the worst offender, but it feels bad to pick up loot knowing you won't be claiming anything for yourself. Reducing the amount of trash loot and making loot count for all players at once would do wonders for creating a value in pushing higher dungeon levels, rather than having them feel like a slog.

Enemy balance feels lacking at the moment, with quite a few of them feeling awful to play against. The large bruisers with shields have a repeating large AoE attack that denies you access to their weakspot. This would be fine if not also amplified by the pressure that each smaller enemy can provide. This creates situations where it feels positioning does not matter and is instead just frustrating, feeling unable to do anything meaningful. As the warrior, get used to just holding down block due to the incredibly high burst damage some enemies do.

The large tracking skulls are invulnerable, with a decreasing health bar as they chase you. They do such massive amounts of damage that you most physically stop what you're doing and run. You cannot survive their proximity attack for more than 2 or so seconds, even as the warrior blocking. This is AWFUL and feels awful as well.

The builds are non-existent outside of some of the legendary items granting special effects, which are admittedly done decently. Rather than having an amount of select skills to customize and create builds with, you're given characters that you're unable to customize in any way. It leaves MUCH to be desired when you're forced to play a character who's skills you don't enjoy playing, all the way up through their lower levels (as they all level separately, even amongst those in the same class, creating unnecessary grind and tedium.) This is all done JUST so you can do their personal quest, which again, your allies can't actually help you with as they cannot see your objectives on the map.
Instead, they should delegate the characters to a cosmetic system, allowing you to craft builds with different skills, and run the quests based off of the current skin of the character you're wearing. It places power and control into the hands of the player, while also still providing the opportunity for a narrative quest system.

Ultimately, even with a party of three, this co-op game lacks proper co-op elements, and generates more frustration and irritation rather than any sort of entertainment. It's really disappointing to write a negative review here, but much of the game design is lacking. A strictly co-op game is lacking much of what makes co-op games feel co-op. The online matchmaking is more or less dead, along with a relatively boring progression system that leaves a lot to be desired.

I'll gladly update this review if they revisit much of this game to help it become the diamond it can be, but at the moment, so much of this game just works against itself. It's a frustrating experience you can share with friends. Can't recommend it.
161 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 23:12
2d Beat-em-up Vermintide.

Very fun with friends.
523 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
3892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 20:09
It's fun, but it needs something ti regularly draw in and retain players. Match making is painful, with about a third of my 60 hours (at time of writing) was spent trying to match a full party.
141 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 15:43
The game has its moments where it is certainly fun, but the biggest problem with this game is the bugs and the grind (with sometimes no good rewards). We've had multiple instances where our whole party had to abandon a run because of some terrible bugs, granted it is EA I can let that slide. But the grind is just not enjoyable. We will run dungeons and get basically nothing out of it. Your lvl caps at 8 which we hit a long time ago, the city takes forever to level... like a long time. Also, the market refresh rarely if ever gives decent items nor do the runs we do. So basically you do a run and get more gold and items you don't need. I'm hoping the next patch changes my review but as of now it just isnt worth the grind for the small payout you get.
207 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 07:32
Bland and unexciting combat, immediately feels repetitive.
431 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 01:06
I really WANT to like this game. But it's fricking AWFUL. Horrible developer decisions RUIN this interesting little try.
Doubt it will ever make it out of Alpha.

-bad camera scaling all the time. no ability to scroll in/out yourself.
-need a controller for melee and MUST play a keyboard/mouse with mage. Mouselook for melee sucks @$$
this just makes me want to punch the devs. Do they NOT playtest??
-too damn busy in most fights to play melee and live.
-bots sucked BAD for a while, not so awful now. :-/
-some kind of mindset where instead of making the game WORK, they spent too damn much time trying to make it extremely hard. /facepalm
-worst netcode.. Most of this has now been patched, and as no one is playing (max players today 8!) I cannot tell if it is REALLY fixed now.
-poor difficultly scaling.

Save you money, spend it elsewhere. Synthetik is _excellent_, Gunfire Reborn is OK but only just.
202 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 05:35
buy gunfire reborn, it's $12 dollars and you'll get way more enjoyment from it
480 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 04:56
Don't play this game. It may look and feel fun for the first hour but you'll quickly realize that:
The bots are broken and there's no way to control them and they can and WILL fuck up your puzzles
You will exclusively be playing with bots unless you got 2 friends to play with because no one plays this game
You have wait in a queue that will never find players for about 15 seconds before it lets you choose to play with bots, there's no way to choose bots right away
Some enemies and fights are horribly designed and the second enemies spawn you and your bots will wipe. This can be on any difficulty, whether easy or impossible.
Sometimes the game will randomly decide that the character you chose to play as in the selection screen is not in fact the character you chose and assign you a random character. At this point there is no way to exit the game (that doesn 't have other players btw, just bots) besides alt-f4ing and reopening the game.

Overall, I want to like this game. I love the combat, art style, and collection aspects. However, it's such an awful mess right now I would never ever recommend it.
540 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 20:59
I can't recommend the game at all. There is pretty much nothing that feels really great. The combat is extremly boring and one sided. The levels get repetitive very fast and the loot doesn't feel really great either.
On top of that, even while there are several characters for each class, most of them feel almost the same.

Besides all that, the game is pretty much dead around 10 player. And while there are bots, they are awful.

Save your 20 bucks for something else.
273 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 01:18
The bots can be pretty incredibly stupid, but if you have even one other person to play with the combat is fun, progression is fast, and the overall presentation is solid. There are a lot of characters which stem from 3 archetypes, but the passives and skill setups are varied enough to make the characters play different. The speed at which you level (which is one level up per mission out of the cap of 8 per character) means that if you run 3 or 4 missions with a character and realize you don't like them that much, you didn't burn too much time.

The biggest downside is the limited number of levels and the bot AI. I didn't play it at launch, so it may have been in rougher shape, but if you bought it and were disappointed initially I think it's worth coming back to. Still being updated, too.
29 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 21:01
I received this game from their stream for free (Won the Gotta Go Fast!), and it seems like most of the problems people have been talking about have been fixed and they're fixing and releasing a lot more soon with 0.7 (i.e. A.I. can open doors with you now and other puzzles, loot is automatically picked up, first dungeon and boss was scaled down, etc.) And they've changed a lot of things to make it all seem more unique character wise. Not to mention they're releasing 3 skins for each character soon. Overall I'm enjoying this game a lot so far! If you're not sure about it yet, wait a few days for 0.7.
85 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 14:53
Oh Blightbound.

I really like this game. BUT it feels more like a niche game and will thus not have many players online… which is kind of what you need for this game to work well so we already got ourselves a problem.
To really enjoy this game and make the best of it, you need at least 1 friend to play it with (that is the way I experienced it) but preferably 2 other people.

The good things:
• It’s incredible fun when playing with your friends.
• It’s really well balanced.
• The class identity in this game is really strong.
• Each character’s story feels worth playing through.
• You really feel the progression when getting a legendary item, especially a trinket that you can equip on every character later on.
• The bosses are all unique.
• The game feels fluid.

First major complain: Bots
I won’t excessively concentrate on complains about the bots as those has been mentioned by everybody and his mother but improving them is so incredibly important so here are mine;
• bots hitting puzzles and complicating them for you
• staying back at times, so you have to reel them in again – also them staying back hitting invincible enemies for an unprecedented amount of time because they haven’t spawned yet
• the mages healing could really be timed better but I don’t know any way to fix that issue
The healing problem is kind of irrelevant as a complain towards the bots as that can also be a complain to other players, maybe a button for pings would be good, like “healing ready” or similar to give bots commands to when they should heal, but I don’t know if that would be too much to handle/control when playing solo.
Besides the bots being shit at the game mostly, the difficulty with even one bot on your team makes a huge difference and thus we get to another complain I have with the game.

Second major complain: the Difficulty
Being able to change the difficulty yourself would improve the game immensely.
You can just reset the difficulty by closing the game and reopening it again, which really makes not being able to set the difficulty immediately just an annoyance more than anything else.
You will mostly just want to do specific dungeons for your characters to progress in their storyline, if those are set on very hard or impossible, just reset the game until you get something reasonable.
Being able to progress your characters story mostly on easy or normal makes the game boring as well over time, for me at least. I as a more challenge seeking player would love to play the game constantly on at least tough or hard. Other players would surely love to relax more while playing with friends, so they’d wish to play the game on easy or normal constantly. Just make it possible to set the difficulty.
Getting more aetheric sparks for harder dungeons would be awesome to see as well, as you also take more time clearing those as well as the constant chance of failure.
The totem elite bosses are just unfair to play against, their damage output is way too much for their AOE attacks which can essentially just end your run (on hard or harder difficulty) just before the boss in a small area (The Hemomancer for example) for which I would definitely reduce the damage output or attack speed.
You should also get more Aetheri Crystals for harder/longer quests considering how damn long it takes to collect them right now. You cannot try any builds or anything fun because you end up even needing to hoard them like a dragon to your legendary items.

Third major complain: the Matchmaking
While selecting what run you wanna do, if you just want to show your mate or even your online companions, if you ever happen to come across some, you have to select the dungeon, and if the other player selects something as well, might it be by accident or whatever, it just starts, make it 2 instances, 1 for showing what you want to do and another instance to click to actually choose what you want to run.
Make it available to leave a dungeon while you’re in it. When you have to leave because of personal reasons, or a bug with a bot, you have to close your game to end a run and that’s just annoying if you want to start another one immediately. Why isn’t that an option.
Looking at a character in the quartermaster section changes the character you actually queued up with which is annoying in my opinion, when you just want to look through some stuff in the loading time and the mate starts.
Also being the host, and having connection issues just instantly forces you to disconnect and abandon the quest, as opposed for your mates who can just continue which is really frustrating, as you could perfectly just go on playing yourself with your mates also being replaced by bots.

My complains:
The games costs way too much considering its repetitive content and it also being only almost playable with 1 or 2 other persons. Making it cost 40-60€ as an early access game to make it an enjoyable experience.
Some bugs like clipping out of the wall or killing bosses at the edge of the arena which makes the loot spawn unavailable to collect. And I don’t know if that’s supposed to be or not, but every boss should drop loot as it feels unsatisfying if It doesn’t and the dungeon is just over like that.
The different characters are more like reskins than anything else, and the only really good warrior is Ezzouhn. Some of the characters are very specific like the cryo mage, malborys as a tank etc, but for some characters like Creen, which I really like character wise, but the kit just makes no sense and it’s hard to play him and enjoy it when you cannot build effectively.
139 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 00:38
I am lucky I got to play with real people initially, and that was pretty fun. Once you've fought every enemy a few times and been to every area that's the end of the enjoyment. I don't know how many times I did that elevator level. I'm glad they have added bots as there is nobody playing now, and you will need them. Sadly, many missions still end in fatal glitches, invulnerable bosses or just impassable areas due to poor companion AI. It's a shame since the aesthetics and audio are quite good and I would happily play more if there were some way to customize your character and have a fresh dungeon to tackle.
69 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 14:50
It's like Castle Crashers met with Diablo, but only the good parts.
639 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
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30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 18:57
let me start off by saying that I am pretty sure this game will be great by the time it leaves early access. however, I don't think it's ready now for public consumption, considering how I made it in 30 minutes before rushing to the uninstall button.

+ fantastic, one of a kind art style.
+ nice sound effects.
+ the actual combat (stabbing, casting spells, etc.) feels super satisfying, when the animations are working properly.
- the first dungeon after the tutorial has TERRIBLE AI for the bots you're running with; multiple times they would just run around instead of reviving me. one time they just froze there and I thought I would have to call it quits there.
- the bosses in that dungeon do insane damage, and the mage doesn't get enough heals to make it so that your party is not constantly trading spots reviving each other instead of fighting the boss, because you're holding on by a sliver. combine this with the horrendous AI, and you have a first practice dungeon after the tutorial which is a long, painful slog where the game consistently is not letting you do the thing it is best at, stabbing monsters.
- the fact that you are saving all of these nerds throughout this dungeon for 15 minutes all so they can die immediately as soon as they become support NPC's makes me not want to replay this dungeon since where's the reward? there almost certainly is one, but it isn't effectively communicated, so I have no incentive to return as is.
- general jank; levers will seem like they're close enough to be pulled and will have the prompt to pull them pop up, but you actually need to be one inch closer to do that. characters will momentarily get caught on terrain. there isn't much indication to go where you need to because there will be part of the level obscured by the camera.

I'll come back to this when it's a better, cleaner experience. til then, it's giving me no desire to push through the jank any more than I have, and I have plenty of other games begging to be tried. not gonna be refunding to support the development, and if you want to do so as well, that's the biggest reason why I would potentially suggest picking it up now. if you want a genuinely good game when you purchase it, wait. this thing has potential, but it just isn't there yet.
62 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 04:08
Great artwork
Each Class has a unique feel to it
Challenging on harder difficulties
A good Diablo meets Castle Crashers vibe to it

low player base means playing a lot of games with bots
few minor bugs nothing game breaking

Solid Game so Far!
97 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 17:25
Bots are the worst. Make it a frustrating experience.
377 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 20:39
Very fun game! Reminds me of gauntlet dark legacy combined with the art direction of darkest dungeon or mad world the MMO from jandisoft.

The game offers fun and flexible classes that you can unlock, find & develop in unique ways to best fit your desired play style. Each class group and hero of that group (Fighter, Rogue & Mage) plays a vital role in the survival and combat ability of the party; and more importantly each class type is fun to play, so no one gets stuck with a 'last pick'. While the game could benefit from more players in the online lobby, Blightbound offers AI companions to join you on solo-adventuring. The real meat of this game is the bosses, they are challenging and unique in their designs and abilities. This game is a blastfor those that like quick dungeons, and when its on sale the 3-pack is well worth the fun time with friends.

I hope to see a gadgeteer class type in the future (Traps, arrow/bolt-launcher, minions) and more crafting recipes.
145 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 07:41
Bots are brain dead and don't contribute anything even in the first dungeon if you plan on playing solo DO NOT BUY THIS GAME you need a group of 2 other people to play this game with
445 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 18:49
An awesome dungeon crawler with beautiful graphics. I've been playing with 2 buddies and it is an absolute blast, even when we fail a mission. I'm really looking forward to unlocking more Hero's and continuing to explore this amazing world.
98 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 12:09
It is a great game to play with friends, has a nice setting as well as an really unique gameplay
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 19:13
I play this game with friends and is a very fun cooperative experience. I haven't tried playing it with random matchmaking.

It is quick and easy to pick up. I like that if we all have a spare 30 mins, 3 of us can quickly jump on, attempt a dungeon raid and then move on with our lives.

The mechanics are easy to learn, difficult to master. The creator's are constantly adding new content, and making the game better and more interesting. Couldn't recommend this game enough!
745 Produkte im Account
130 Reviews
88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 18:26
Why is this game so hard?
183 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
2563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 08:27
Great game to relax and get a few dungeon runs in with some friends before calling it a night .
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 18:42
very good, funny, great to play with friends
322 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 09:59
Over All Mechanism Good
But Need More Update
Lots of Bug Indeed
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 20:20
fun game
140 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 20:00
This game is a beautiful 3 man coop dungeon crawler. It's solable with bots if no one is on matchmaking, albeit with minor tweaks needed to the AI. Has a nice loot grind to it and i can see late game gear builds being pretty neat. I've played in random groups and with bots and both have been fun. The game has some challenging encounters which can quickly result in a wipe, so I think good teamwork with friends can be rewarding at the harder tiers of play.

All the negative reviews I've read below are either dumb or factually incorrect. People with 1 hour on the game complaining about AI intelligence in early access, or saying the games good but other players are mean so it needs report feature. For real? You down voted a good game and potentially hurt its chances at growth because of that?

Keep in mind the game is 16-20$, and IMO is already in a condition to get several hours of coop or solo fun out of.
174 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 17:53
Is a nice concept but has major flaws. A.) can't play because there aren't other players and ai can't open pressure plate doors / puzzles. B.) more than half the time my lot from a boss fight is in the portal to exit so i can't pick that up (on the rare occasion i didn't have to quit because of a door being unable to be opened}. if it wasn't designed to be a multiplayer game from the start it could work, but until those doors get fixed i'm getting my money back.
21 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 09:06
Don't give up on this game developers, you guys honestly have the foundations of a fantastic game. I can see this game exploding in popularity after a few more updates roll out that addresses some of the more major complaints people have (e.g. notoriety system). Keep it up devs, I honestly haven't had this much fun in a co-op game in many years! Very excited to see the finished product.
34 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 22:59
Best coop game ive played in a long time. Cant wait for them to add more content !!!
139 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 23:24
Game is great but I did not have friends to play with and I did not enjoy the matchmaking system, would maybe have preferred to play solo and then play with friends when I wanted to.
I'd recommend ONLY if you have 2 friends to play with.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 13:52
I purchased the game, I advise you to WAIT, if ever, to do the same.

It was exciting learning how the game worked. The fun trickled to a stop after such discovery.
I wonder how many of my hours played were from waiting in the lobby. How many half ran missions or boss battles that got glitched or bugged.

Most of the fun available will be displaced by playing the game itself.
103 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 17:34
The game is a WIP, but I love the idea and would like to see more games like it, I would recommend looking up some guides online because its very vague on what to do and how to do things.
Over all I'm enjoying the game now that they have bots even though they can be pretty dumb at times.
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 20:55
So I began to play the game.. not heeding the warnings I got from other reviews about the bots in game.. I was in a dungeon, because none wanted to que with me, maybe because of I am only 2 hours in to the game.
so I started a run.. me and 2 bots split into a 3 way path.. and one of the bots decided to brainfart.. he wouldn't step on a platform to open my way.. and thus I needed to get out of the game in order to reset the game and lose all the loot I found..
2088 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
1034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 14:58
Ok, let´s see. Blightbound is a 3 people cooperative dungeon crawler action oriented. You play with some people, kill mobs and bosses, complete missions and earn loot, which becomes better and better the more you play with the same team. You also develope the refuge where your characters level up and equip as you earn experience, and you can unlock many characters and their backstories as you preogress.

First of all, remember that this is an early access game. There are bugs, and lacks content, but I must say that the developers are active and updates come regularly.

I really like the backstory of the game, where you try to survive in a blighted land full of monsters. And love the fact that your characters develope their stories as you play with them. A lot of lore there, which I love. Sound and visuals are lovely, too, even when the backgrounds look pretty similar (yes , everything is ruines and devastation). I also like the voice acting, pretty good and varied. Maybe I miss some more voice-over in the enemies.

As in gameplay, it is satisfying and fast-paced. Many of the downvotes come from people who think all characters are the same with only one or two skills changing. This is partially true, many characters in the same class share one or two skills, but looking at the different combinations makes different styles of play and different sinergies with other characters, which I guess was intended. I personally like it, as you can accomodate to one role yet change the playstile while still fullfiling this role. For me, the ideal would be to reach the moment where you could choose for your character among all the skills that this class had.

Finally, there is the issue with the multiplayer and the infamous notoriety system. Multiplayer means that you need three players to play the game. Lobbys are not always full, and sometimes is hard to find people to play with. Playing with people also has the problem to sometimes play with people that plays different and teams dissolving after just one match. Notoriety system makes that the more you play with the same groups, the harder difficulties you can choose, and the better equipment you can get. The bad thing is that if anybody leaves the party, the notoriety falls down to zero again, making you to restart building it. Recently added bots solve part of the problem (at least you can play without a full party), but they do leave the party after each match, reseting the notoriety counter. My best guess is that the developer wants this to be a mulyiplayer, not a single player with bots game, which I totally not only understand, but support. The bad side is that I am a casual player, and many times I have no time to more than two or three games in a row, which doesn´t let me room for opting for the greater difficulties or rewards. This could be a problem if, as I said, I was not a casual player with not so much free time. For me, it´s ok. But I get that other people have problems with it, even when I want to remember that this is an early access.

Ok, summarizing. Good game, addictive gameplay, a lot of replayability. Coop (you can even play in the same computer with friends!), and pretty interesting. But still in developement. For me, is a good product enough as it is, but it promises a lot more. I recommend it, and, if you like it, just give the creators some feedback for them to improve what you don´t like.
1019 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
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2009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 18:10
I hope my feedback is constructive, and though its pretty negative, know that its only because I see so much potential in this game, and did have slightly more fun than I had frustration. Every update adds a bad idea because of a commitment to keep old bad ideas. The game has great potential, and is a fun concept, but developer judgement thus far is leading me to give up hope for the game ever improving for now. The game requires notoriety (keeping the same party for several hours of play for good loot) This is a bad idea. They made it so more difficulties are available to get better loot, but even on impossible the game is easy and gives loot that is crap for my level. They got rid of knowing what tier of loot you would get after spending half an hour playing, bad idea. Then they added bots, so the dwindling player base could find a party, or make a party that didn't leave and reset the stupid notoriety idea, but guess what, it includes a terrible idea, bots leave the party and reset notoriety after every level, making them useless. Bad ideas compound upon each other out of some weird blinding hubris keeping them from throwing it out that I cannot understand. Think things through with your games, and throw out trash ideas if you cannot fix them. Adding more characters with samey skills isn't drawing anyone back in. Fix the game's basic poorly thought out elements (especially notoriety, burn this horrible idea in a fire) and maybe I'll want to play it again someday.
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 21:49
The game has lots of potential but they need to do a Steam Spotlight or something to bring more players in. This game will be amazing if not for the waits to get into party. Note that it's early access and note that it's from the ppl that made Awesomenuts. This game will be big and I am glad to be one of it's supporters :-)
If you get angry buy early access games, wait for the release. It will be a jewel!
2319 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 23:52
Can't recommend this until they allow offline play with AI. It's obviously functional in the game as it's part of the tutorial. Not a high enough population to find games so it's essentially unplayable.

EDIT: Devs added bots! The game is much more accessible now. Thanks for listening to your customers :)
160 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 14:38
It was fun while people were playing it. Since nobody is currently playing it or there aren't enough, it's impossible to play since groups require 3 players. There should be an option to play without filling the party. Make the game 1 - 3 players.

This simple feature not being in the game will keep me from recommending it to anyone.
129 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 04:32
No one plays this game. Impossible to play
220 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 00:30
Well i was planning on playing the game.. only im stuck on an endless loop of *Waiting doe players to join* Done the first mission with other players. now im unable to do anything at all because no players to play with? good early access game. il come back to it when they add bots to the game. that way i can play a game like world of warcraft.. as it multiplayer but play it solo.
381 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 11:56
I really like the game but most of the time, i am waiting for players to join. The longest que i had was about an hour long. It is fun to play, but a real pain to find a game. The bot support is really needed.

The other Problem is the loot system. You get chances on better loot the longer you stay in the same lobby. This is not working so well with random teammates.

Other then theese 2 problems, the game is a lot fun to play.
463 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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7631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 03:13
If you don't have friends, don't bother with this game. Game randomly crashes and you lose all your progress as well. If a player D/C's or rage quit everyone else gets punished for it.
157 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
3821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 04:07
Fun game. Put 50 hours into it so far and have enjoyed all of it. More content to come so the playtime will only continually increase. Any bugs have been quickly squashed and content is coming along at a steady pace. I'm not sure why people say nobody is playing when I have no issues finding a game. There's even people grouping up via the Ronimo discord so check that out if you prefer having pre-made groups. Definitely recommended.
94 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 07:16
Darkest Dungeon, if it was an ARPG. There are some technical issues, however, with enough tweaking, bugfixing and ample content, it'll be quite addictive. Fortunately, development team are quick to respond and a roadmap has been already charted. Here's hope it'll be glorious!
198 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 06:08
I enjoy the game; with polish, content, and updates, it could be a solid title.

Right now though, I can't in good conscience recommend it to anyone unless they plan on playing with two of their friends. The queue times after the first few days have gotten longer and longer. With the notoriety system in the current implementation and long queue times, you're often playing at low risk/reward scenarios when you do eventually get a group, which is frustrating for item and character progression. This is not the type of game I expected really long queues for.
392 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 20:14
Stay far clear of the game for now. The base combat can be enjoyable, but much beyond that is not enjoyable. The game has plenty of very nice ideas, but the execution was not done well. The refuge system actively nerfs your characters later if you keep your characters in tip top shape (easy to do if you don't go down and always pick random hero which nets extra blight cleanse). The notoriety is a super cool concept but one person dropping screws the whole party out your notoriety meaning I have to waste my time doing 3-4 missions of useless loot that I have heaps of already before I can find anything remotely relevant to me. Loot is randomly awarded from mission clear from a static and fairly small pool, there are no diablo-esque prefixes or affixes. The game is also riddled with bugs, some game breaking to where you just have to quit the game and restart it screwing over the party you were with in the process. I somewhat forgive this as its early access and bugs come with the territory but some things happen so frequently a single mission would have revealed it. Also warrior's shield blocking doesn't actually block any damage unless you're the host, this is also true for quite a number of hero passives. The game also weirdly touts 20 heroes, but the 9 heroes we have are very small changes in kit (sometimes a single skill and a passive change). I'd much rather a smaller number of heroes that have actual time put into them. All that being said the art is nice, so there's that I guess.

Edit as I forgot to mention, the game is mandatory online 3 player co-op with bots added later at some point. The games dwindling player count has made it very difficult to even get into a match lately. Spent 8 minutes in queue looking for other players, finally found one who promptly left queue after another 4 minutes.
86 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 11:45
If you don't have 2 friends to play with you, then don't buy it
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Release:29.07.2020 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Ronimo Games Vertrieb: Devolver Digital Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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