News Liste Blackwell Unbound

Another hotfix
Blackwell Unbound
28.02.25 00:48 Community Announcements
-Fixed photo album access code entry and hover interaction.
-Adjusted the Countess encounter at Roosevelt so saxophone music starts only after she leaves.
-Stopped the "Notebook updated" window from restarting saxophone music in Roosevelt.
-Resolved Lauren’s collision near the gate.
-Prevented background music from resetting when exiting the trailer.
-Addressed dialogue speech and text discrepancies.
-Fixed music restarting when exiting views of Mavis letter/Mavis’s picture.
-Restored missing speech at Jambalaya Records.
-Fixed missing speech for "C Sharps" dialogue.
-Restored ghost interaction for "C Sharps and Cecil Sharps" at the construction site.
-Stopped repetitive questioning during the Columbia University call with Sam Durkin.
-Corrected Isaac’s song behavior on the dictation machine so prior music resumes.

Sorry for patching it again so soon!