Hi witches,
It has been almost two months since you dove into the dark fairy tale world of BLACKTAIL. Yaga, The Hut and The Black Cat, it all makes sense now!
Your support and feedback has proved that we do this for the love of games and we love what we do! A big thank you to all of you.
We've been hard at work with our most recent PATCH, which has addressed certain concerns we've been able to implement. Thanks to your feedback and detailed bug reporting, certain fixes and requests were possible! Please continue to report, and support, BLACKTAIL :)
Only the most noticeable changes have been listed in these PATCH notes.
The update includes other minor fixes which may not be included in this list, but nonetheless have been implemented to enhance your BLACKTAIL experience.

1. DLSS | FSR2.1 | XeSS - added PC Video Upscaling options
2. ULTRAWIDE 21:9 & 32:9 - black bars fix/visible when applicable
1. ARACHNOPHOBIA MODE - has been added
2. PERSISTENT CENTER DOT MODE - has been added for those who may experience motion sickness
3. IMMERSIVE MODE - option to hide the UI has been added
6. DANGER SIGNS - have been added to indicate more difficult quests and areas
4. SIGN POSTS - a reminder for Side Quests has been added
5. GAME OVER SCREEN - added various game tips
7. ADDITIONAL ADD-ONs - implemented to enhance your gaming experience
1. ADDITIONAL AUTO-SAVES - added to various major and minor moments throughout the game
2. MORE FREQUENT TUTORIALS AND POP-UP'S - to remind the player of certain events, skills, mini-game controls and objectives
3. CHEST ADJUSTMENTS - Beast Chests have more randomized loot and basic Chests no longer respawn and stay open.
4. ALMANAC ENTRIES - fixes and adjustments
5. BATS - are now more visible and have had a health bar added
6. ANTIDOTE - poison resistance duration will last significantly longer
7. MAP - has been visually improved
8. GAME UI - visual adjustments
9. FOXES AND STICK BUGS - more have been added to the world
10. ENEMY HIT BOXES - have been increased
11. RESOURCE INVENTORY CAPACITIES INCREASED - increased for the Red Herb, Honey, Eyes and Crystals
12. ENEMY RESPAWN TIMES - have been increased
13. VARIOUS VISUAL ADJUSTMENTS AND ENHANCEMENTS - implemented to improve visibility and experience throughout the game
1. MANEATER quest - soft-lock progression fixed (player was blocked in the tower area after dialogue with Drath'Eff Kha)
2. SPECIAL TREAT TUTORIAL - conditional blocker in the Special Treat tutorial fixed (player couldn't leave the canyon or progress the quest further)
3. UPSIDE DOWN BRIDGE AREA - conditional blocker in the Upside Down Bridge area fixed (player couldn't get off the bridge and continue the quest further)
4. WINTER AREA BLOCKER - conditional blocker in the winter area fixed (Boruta's dialogue interrupted quest progress)
5. AUTUMN BLOCKER - Conditional blocker in autumn fixed (player couldn't progress the quest further and was blocked on the "Hunt the ghost" quest step)
6. THERE BE DRAGONS quest - soft-lock progression fixed (player was blocked in Peewee's area)
7. WHO'S THE FAIREST OF THEM GNOLL quest - conditional blocker fixed (player movement was blocked in the boss fight area)
8. WINTER main quest - disappearing quest markers fixed
9. UNTIL IT SLEEPS quest - conditional reward blocker fixed (player couldn't interact with Spy or Whacko)
10. PAINKILLER quest - conditional blocker fixed (after the boss fight and cutscenes, the objective was stuck on the "Follow the spirit" step which directed the player back to this Autumn boss area, with nothing to do)
11. THE VOID STARES BACK quest - Henrik's fishing spot respawn issue fixed
12. WINTER SOLSTICE quest - conditional progress blockers fixed (player couldn't progress to the "Prison of Souls" areas
1. GNOLL CITY ACCESS - you can no longer access Gnoll City without an active quest
2. CURSED BEEKEEPER TAG - fixed an issue with reaching Super Morality while having the Cursed Beekeeper Tag
3. NEW GAME+ - more detailed description and various bug fixes
4. LEDGES - bugged ledges fixed (unable to grab certain ledges easily)
5. ENEMIES SPAWNING UNDERGROUND - fixed various spots where enemies spawned underground
6. STICKY CROSSHAIR ADJUSTMENTS - added options to change the effect strength
7. REBINDING - rebinding keys issue fixed (bug in Vision stage if keys were rebound)
1. VARIOUS AUDIO BUG FIXES - fixes and improvements to UI, Dialogues and SFX
STEAM DECK - automatically changes resolution to avoid crashing