We’ve shared quite a bit about the inspirations and history behind BLACKTAIL, but now let’s talk gameplay—namely the skills you’ll need to survive in the woods! Yaga, being a peasant girl, already knows quite a bit about hunting, trapping, starting fires, and the like, so the skills you’ll be focused on collecting fall more in Combat and Witchcraft categories.

As you explore BLACKTAIL, you’ll discover all kinds of materials to hoard. Some, like feathers, herbs, and branches are common, but you’ll be using them frequently to craft arrows and other on-the-go items. Others, such as Spider’s Eyes are found far less frequently or are dropped by monsters roaming the woods. Even rarer items, such as teeth, can be discovered in hidden chests or in the lairs of very dangerous creatures.
Finding the items to unlock new skills is just half the battle. You’ll also have to scour the world of BLACKTAIL for Lost Pages of the Hut’s book to discover recipes for the cauldron that allow you to craft elixirs and potions that expand your skills. Fair warning, these pages will be difficult to find and will often require feats of daring-do.
In BLACKTAIL, your trusty bow goes a long way while on the outskirts of the forest but it alone won’t be enough once you start braving the deeper, darker woods. Combat oriented abilities range between passive upgrades that allow you to draw your bow faster, do more damage, and create special arrows. Active abilities will let you dash, deflect projectiles, and huff, puff, and blow enemies away.
Well-trained witches can hex areas, buffing themselves and damaging or disabling surrounding foes. And what’s a witch without a potion or two? You’ll also be able to brew up concoctions that heal, cure poison, sharpen the senses, and more.

Sharp eyed fans may have noticed the small animal glyphs beside certain skills. We’ll have more to share about those soon, but in the meantime we’ll just say that they’re connected to the artfully-crafted 2.5D narrative episodes scattered throughout the world.
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