News Liste Bitburner

v2.3.0 - Hydro is back baby!
01.04.23 04:04 Community Announcements
v2.3.0 - Hydro is back baby!

** Scripting **
- Replaced NS2 with NS3, we're thrilled to move on from Javascript to Rust. Note that this will break existing scripts.
- ns.print and tprint now return randomly encrypted values.
- Added a ram cost to every JS reserved word to better simulate real world ram usage.

** World **
- Travel restricted due to covid concerns.

** Sleeves **
- Sleeves may now explode at random because of faulty firmware by VitaLife.
- Sleeves no longer contribute to karma.
- New Sleeve task added: Eat noodles.
- The IRS found about your sleeves will you will be taxes 9x more.
- Corrected typo: Sleeves now properly named Steves.

** UI **
- Terminal updated to Windows 10.
- The default font has been changed to Wingdings.
- The script editor has been removes in an effort to reduce the amount of buggy scripts.

** Gang **
- In an effort to reduce jealousy among factions, joining a faction while you have more than 3 factions will result in leaving a random faction.
- Due to social distancing, gangs are now known as groups.
- New equipment type for gangs: Fly Swatter to help reduce ever growing bug problems.

** BN **
- BN14 now available for our premium subscribers. Starting at $199/y but available for $198/y for a limited time.
- The NSA has found out about your sleeves, you can no longer have sleeves and be in BladeBurner at the same time.
- Hydroflame is working on BN14 and not his next game.

** Bug fixes **
- Fixed a bug that caused augmentation price to double in price instead of dividing by 2.
- Fixed a bug where grow added $1 per thread.
- Fixed a bug where the same script could be run more than once at the same time.

** Misc. **
- No animals were harmed in the making of this patch. OK, well, maybe one or two.
- Removed jump scare from BN12.433.
- Removed all illegal activities (including hacking, get a job or something).
- Removed Australia because its a government conspiracy.
- Removed keyboard support. Only touch screen is supported now.
- Bitburner would like to apologize to the great nation of Agrabah. We understand what we did wrong and we are sorry.
- The game is now double-rot13-encrypted to ensure secure transfer.
- All damage now reduces max hp instead of current
- The dev team has been overtaken by the french, all new content will be written in french
- Removed multiplayer
- In addition to blood donations youll now be able to donate more organs to Hydroflame.
- Bitburner now requires link to bank account and uses players real money.
- Due to DNS being broken we're relying on IP addresses only.
- Changed the default theme to light mode (other themes currently unavailable while we rework the theme system).
- Added Terabyteburner4000 inside Gigabyteburner3000.
- Reaching $ 1.8e308 now allows you to gain 1 IP which you can spend on upgrades, wait wrong game.
- Inflation has been added, aug prices will now passivelyrise.
- Following last year, Joe from Joes guns is now in prison and divorced.
- Buffed n00dles.
- Pretend I posted this 2023-04-01 your time.
Logo for Bitburner
Release:10.12.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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