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2.3.0 Release
25.05.23 21:17 Community Announcements
Version 2.3.0 is live on the main branch! Going forward, the development branch will also see more frequent updates. See the 2.3.0 changelog below. Please report any issues on github or on the #bug-report channel on discord.

v2.3.0 - SF3 rework and performance improvements (25 May 2023)

BREAKING CHANGES: These changes may require changes to your scripts.

* Major changes to the SF3 mechanic. See the related spoiler section below for more detailed info on the changes.
* The same script filename can now be ran multiple times with the same args. If running a script from another script ( / ns.exec / etc), this limitation can be re-imposed with the preventDuplicates RunOption (see general section for info on RunOptions).
* The same .js script will now be the same js module whether the script was ran directly or used as an import. This means top-level variables (variables defined outside of any function) are shared across all instances of the script.
* The js module for a script will also be reused by any script that has the exact same compiled text, even if that script is on another server or has a different filename. This can lead to unexpected results when using top-level variables.
* Some properties removed from ns.getPlayer and added to a separate function ns.getResetInfo. These are still accessible from getPlayer but will produce a warning message the first time they are accessed per game session.
* hackAnalyzeThreads now returns -1, instead of 0, when no money can be hacked from the targeted server.
* ns.iKnowWhatImDoing has been removed, replaced by ns.tprintRaw for printing custom react content to the terminal (limited support).


* Minimize impact of unavoidable memory leak when modules are created, by reusing modules as much as possible (@d0sboots)
* Internal data structure changes (@d0sboots, @Snarling)
* Fix memory leak when initializing large number of netscript ports (@Snarling)
* Improve performance while on the Active Scripts page if many scripts are starting/ending. (@d0sboots)


* Remove requirement for script args to be unique. This was also related to performance improvements. (@d0sboots)
* ns.hackAnalyzeThreads no longer indicates infinity any time a single thread would hack less than $1 (@Snarling)
* ns.renamePurchasedServer no longer crashes if player is connected to the server being renamed (@Snarling)
* ns.hackAnalyzeThreads now return -1 (instead of 0) if no money can be hacked from the targeted server. (@d0sboots)
* Fix a possible infinite atExit loop if a script killed itself. (@Snarling)
* Static timestamps of last resets can be obtained via ns.getResetInfo, replacing playtimeSinceLastX from ns.getPlayer (@G4mingJon4s)
* Improved support for printing react content directly to the terminal (ns.tprintRaw) or to a script log (ns.printRaw).
* Added RunOptions, which can optionally replace the "threads" argument for / ns.exec / ns.spawn. (@d0sboots)
* RunOptions.threads: Provide a thread count (since RunOptions can replace the threads argument)
* RunOptions.temporary: Prevents the script execution from being included in the save file.
* RunOptions.ramOverride: Provide a static ram cost for the script to override what is calculated by the game. Dynamic ram checking is still enforced.
* RunOptions.preventDuplicates: Fail to launch the script if the args are identical to a script already running.


* Fixed a bug that could cause the overview skill bars to become desynced (@d0sboots)
* There is now an autoexec setting to specify a script on home to automatically run when loading the game. (@d0sboots)
* Monaco script editor updated to a newer version and has more config options available now. (@Snarling)
* Improve Electron's handling of external links (@Snarling)
* Improved support for ANSI color codes (@d0sboots)
* Improved consistency of file paths. Correct names for files no longer start with a / even if they are in a directory. (@Snarling)
* All Math Expressions contract no longer accepts wrong answers (@Snarling)
* Faction invites now trigger immediately when backdooring a server. (@Snarling)
* Fixed issue where duplicate programs could be created. (@Minzenkatze)
* UI improvements to create program page (@Minzenkatze)
* Fix inconsistency in skill xp to skill level conversion (@hydroflame)
* Updated blood donation counter to reflect number of confirmed blood donations. (@hydroflame)
* Minor improvements to ram calculation process (@Snarling)
* Improved terminal arguments detection (@Snarling)
* Improved display for ls terminal command. (@Snarling)
* Added more internal tests and improved test quality (@d0sboots)
* Various codebase improvements (@Snarling, @d0sboots)
* Documentation improvements (Many contributors)
* Nerf noodle bar



* Corrected the "Next equipment unlock" text for member upgrades. (@LiamGeorge1999)


* Many Corporation API changes, due to functionality changes and due to property name changes. See documentation for correct usage.
* Can now have multiple divisions within the same industry. (@Mughur)
* Can now sell a division or sell the entire corporation. (@Mughur)
* Product quality now depends on material quality (@Mughur)
* Product price can be set separately per-city (@Mughur)
* Exports can be set relative to inventory or production (@Mughur)
* ns.corporation.getProduct is city-specific (@Mughur)
* Bulk purchasing is available from the start (@Mughur)
* Can buy multiple upgrades at a time, similar to hacknet node upgrades (@Mughur)
* Various UI changes (@Mughur)
* Removed happiness from employees (@Mughur)
* Coffee renamed to tea (@Mughur)
* Training position renamed to intern (@Mughur)
* More options for SmartSupply (@Mughur)
* Advertising nerf (@Mughur)
* Nerfed investors and reduced effectiveness of "fraud" (@Mughur)
* Fixed React errors, renamed most corp object properties (@Snarling)
* Various other changes (@Mughur, @Snarling)


* Faction invites trigger immediately when running ns.singularity.getFactionInvitations (@Snarling)
* Added ns.singularity.getCompanyPositionInfo (@jeek)


* Failing a contract or operation now consumes the action (@Zelow79)


* The SF9.3 bonus is also given to the player when inside of BN9. (@Zelow79)
* Adjusted the SF1 bonus for hacknet costs (slight nerf), and raised the SF9 bonus to compensate. (@d0sboots)
* Added option to purchase company favor using hashes. (@jeek)


* Sleeve shock recovery now scales with intelligence. (@Tyasuh)
* Sleeve kills during crimes count towards numPeopleKilled (@Zelow79)
* Fix a misspelled moneySourceTracker call for sleeves (@zerbosh)
* ns.sleeve.getTask return value now includes cyclesNeeded where applicable (@Snarling)
* Internal type refactoring on Sleeve Work. (@Snarling)


* Fix inconsistency in how BN12 multipliers were calculated


* Improve performance of Stanek's gift update cycle, and rework (buff) bonus time handling. (@Snarling)
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