News Liste Atomic Heart

Creating: Sechenov
Atomic Heart
12.07.24 16:00 Community Announcements
In the world of Atomic Heart, Dr. Sechenov plays a key role. As the director of Facility 3826, he is the embodiment of breakneck progress and ambitious projects. His name is associated with the creation of robotics, neuropolymers, and the Kollektiv Neural Networks 1.0 and 2.0. Sechenov is one of the most enigmatic and multilayered characters of the game. A former neurosurgeon, he became a pioneer in polymeric technology and the Kollektiv system by forming a team of eminent scientists around him. His work ushered in revolutionary changes to the science and technology of the game's alternative world.

Early sketches of the Atomic Heart universe were drawn up by Mundfish cofounder and art director Arthur "Artep" Galeev well before development began. Since then, the concept of Sechenov has undergone several changes. After all, he was originally supposed to be the main antagonist. Here is how Artep himself tells the history of Sechenov's making:

"When we were coming up with an antagonist in the context of Belka's travels through Limbo (see "The History of Creation: Limbo"), the initial idea was based on the image of a scientist striving for the progress of humanity at any cost, regardless of the potential sacrifices. So, back in the early 2000s, Mr. Sponge, who lives in Limbo, was created. A capitalist scientist on par with Thomas Edison or Benjamin Franklin. At the time, I made a lot of sketches for this character and notes about him. He possesses untold wealth and opportunity, and he invests it all in scientific research and the creation of design offices around the world.

His office looks like the cross-section of a sponge. This design is also used for Sechenov's office in the high-rise Chelomey in the game. The sponge represents a natural fractal structure with a huge surface area that highlights the "capacity" for opportunities. Valuable artifacts are kept in the office, which is also reflected in the game. In Sechenov's cabinet, you can see part of his collection in the form of a turbojet and supersonic Concorde, which only serve as decoration and collect dust."

The image of the sponge and its scientific are inexhaustible for Artep. And the mad scientist who lives within this structure continues to inspire our art director with new ideas and adventures. For him, there is no direct vertical hierarchy in their system, since the entire structure entangles itself not only vertically, but horizontally as well—exactly like a sponge.

After some time, Artep concluded that the image of Mr. Sponge needed to be translated into the real world. This is how Sechin came to be, combining the features of a capitalist and a scientist. But closer to the start of the game's development, Sechin morphed into the head of Facility 3826 Sechenov, a direct analogue of the scientist.

Why are money and science Sechenov's essential, fundamental components? Behind the scenes of his activities lie the economic factors that ensured the success of his corporation, a hybrid of capitalism and socialism, both a state-run and market economy. In order to avoid political controversy, Sechenov possesses outstanding economical and political ability as both a capitalist and a socialist. This allows for people of any economic or political system to find something familiar in him. As a result, he is confident that any means of motivation is acceptable if it leads to progress, quality of life improvements, and the exploration of the planet and space.

Sechenov's character is inspired by Gary Oldman's role as Dr. Norton in 2014's Robocop—a charismatic, composed character. The embodiment of the mind, style, and secrecy, simultaneously exuding self-confidence. Sechenov can be seen as the Soviet Steve Jobs, the outstanding innovator. Sechenov's appearance was outlined in an old trailer where P-3 talks to his silhouette, but his final appearance and voice were developed later.

Sechenov is a constant contradiction. His noble intentions and desire for technological advancements collide with the devastating consequences of his actions. He is skilled at obscuring the truth, but at the same time never lies, which gives players the opportunity to decide whether he's good or evil.

The story of Atomic Heart is in many ways intertwined with Sechenov himself. His uncompromising pursuit of his goals makes him one of the most fascinating characters in the game. If you play the game again, listening carefully to his remarks, we believe you'll understand his motives and the consequences of his actions even better. After all, he's already said more than enough…

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Release:21.02.2023 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler: Mundfish Vertrieb: Focus Home Interactive Engine: Unreal Engine 4 Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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