Creating a character is a complex and fascinating process. The story of Larisa Filatova, Facility 3826's neurosurgeon, is an excellent example. She's a highly skilled professional and an idealist who plays a significant role in the plot thanks to her intelligence, manipulative nature, and moral ambiguity. She combines feminine strength and the ability to stand up against injustice, representing a collective, modernized portrait of a heroine in a sci-fi setting.

Character Concept
Larisa Filatova was designed as a strong female character who reflects modern beliefs about intelligence and independence. We wanted to stay away from the stereotypical image of a scientist in a lab coat and glasses, so we made Larisa a tomboy. She's someone who can easily find a common language with men, who isn't afraid of rough edges, and who stays true to herself in any situation.

Relationship with Petrov
Larisa's storyline didn't take shape right away, but her relationship with Petrov became an important part of it. Initially, she was just a guide for the hero, but in the final stage of pre-production, we decided to expand her role and add a personal motive related to the conflict over Sechenov's plans. Despite her feelings for Petrov, Larisa doesn't approve of his methods. She opposes the idea of suppressing the will of those who participate in Kollektiv 2.0 program and is willing to fight for her principles.

Appearance Evolution
Like other characters, Larisa's look went through numerous variations, from the classic "lab coat scientist" to more extravagant and spectacular ones. The team didn't only consider making her a young woman, but also an elderly scientist, as well as a foreign specialist named Laura, who had come to gain experience. After much discussion, the name Larisa was chosen.

However, there was one part of her look that stayed the same from the very beginning: her bright, memorable hairstyle that sharply contrasts with the rest of her appearance. Since her character is based on the image of an idealist with a strong internal conflict, her purple hair further highlights her freethinking and hidden protest.

Creation Process and Technical Considerations
Larisa's development took a long time. At the initial stage, a model was created with a universal appearance, and a distinctive hairstyle was immediately chosen. Later, when the actress was brought on to the project, more attention was given to the details of her clothing, which was partly inspired by the style of Balmain, especially her shoes and pants. The heels were added later to enhance the character's femininity. Interestingly, once we added the heels, we had to correct her gait since the mocap actress had been wearing flat soles. To adjust this, we created a separate development branch to fine-tune Larisa's movements under the new conditions.

The history of Larisa Filatova's creation is an example of how an intriguing character can be born at the intersection of creativity and technology. Her image took a winding path from the initial concept to final implementation, but her key features—strength, moral ambiguity, and independence—remained unchanged. These qualities make Larisa stand out among other characters and add an element of unpredictability to the storyline.