Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
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Über das Spiel

Einst verstoßen, nun auf dem Weg zur lebenden Legende - beginne eine Odyssee, die die Geheimnisse deiner Vergangenheit lüften und das Schicksal Griechenlands verändern wird.
Entdecke üppige Wälder, Vulkaninseln und die geschäftigen Straßen antiker Städte. Tauche ein in eine vom Krieg zerrissene Welt, die gleichermaßen von Göttern und Menschen geformt wurde.
Deine Entscheidungen beeinflussen den Verlauf deiner Odyssee. Erlebe Dank der Wahlmöglichkeiten des neuen Dialogsystems zahlreiche Enden. Passe deine Ausrüstung, dein Schiff und deine Fähigkeiten an, um zur Legende zu werden.
Stelle deine Kampfkunst in riesigen Schlachten unter Beweis, in denen Athen und Sparta Hunderte von Soldaten ins Feld führen, oder nimm es bei Seeschlachten in der Ägäis mit ganzen Flotten auf.
Erlebe die Action in einem ganz neuen Licht mit Hilfe von Tobii Eye Tracking. Das "Extended View" feature bietet dir einen weiten Ausblick auf die Umgebung während die dynamischen Licht- und Sonneneffekte dich immersiv in die Sanddünen eintauchen lassen. Durch simples Betrachten wird das Markieren, Zielen und Anvisieren deiner Ziele viel natürlicher. Lass deine Sicht die Richtung vorgeben und verbessere dein Gameplay.
- CPU: AMD FX 6300 @ 3.8 GHz, Ryzen 3 - 1200, Intel Core i5 2400 @ 3.1 GHz
- GFX: AMD Radeon R9 285, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2GB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0)
- Software: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit versions only)
- HD: 46+ GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Video Preset: Lowest (720p)
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- CPU: AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz, Ryzen 5 - 1400, Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.5 GHz or better
- GFX: AMD Radeon R9 290, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4GB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0) or better
- Software: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit versions only)
- HD: 46+ GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Video Preset: High (1080p)
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
5823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 10:45
• AC Odessey ebnet den Weg mit in die Zukunft von der AC Reihe ein überwältigendes Spielerlebnis.
Eine Riesige Spielwelt:
• Lebhaft gestaltet und überwältigend viele Historische Orte sind spektakulär nachgebaut.
• Viel Liebe zum Detail eine überwältigende Atmosphäre.
• Massenhaft Aktivitäten welche zum sich in sie verlieren einladen.
• Wildtiere von Bären bis hin zum Hirsch alles sorgt für eine liebliche Idylle
• Taucht man ab in die tiefen der Meere hört man Wal Gesänge.
• Es leben Pottwale im Mittelmeer die plötzlich neben einen auftauchen
• Haie bewachen versunkene lang vergessene Schätze
• Licht stahlt verträumt durch die Baumkronen von Malis.
• Inseln wie z.B. Lesbos sind wunderschön gestaltet.
• Wenn man sich nicht benimmt verfolgen einen Kopfgeldjäger
Die schiere große Openworld wirkt oft doch für den Spieler oft leer. Nach dem 10 Armee Lager ist es leider immer noch ein Armeelager. Leider ist der einzige wirklich relevante Shop der Schmied. Die hohe Detail Verliebtheit ist wunderschön anzusehen aber für alle wunderschönen Orte in dieser Antikenwelt reicht oft die Geduld nicht aus.
• Vieles lässt sich verbessern. Bootsleute lassen sich anheuern, wenn ihr sie zuvor im Kampf besiegt habt.
• Seemannslieder kennt die Mannschaft schon auswendig wir jagen also keine Shantys mehr
• Einen Rammsporn haben wir auch.
• Der Schiffskampf macht Spaß Munition haben wir nahezu unendlich
Generell ist alles in die Werte gewöhnlich selten usw. eingeteilt. Was man auf dem Festland an Ausrüstung hinterhergeworfen bekommt ist hier rar. Das Boot schluckt nur so Ressourcen. Es gibt keinen Harfenmeister mehr. Die Flottenmissionen gibt es auch nicht mehr. Viel Potential wurde verschwendet. Munition haben wir unbegrenzt. Die Crew lässt sich austauschen aber meist nur mit einen schellen und schmerzvollen griff in die Geldbörse.
• Der Fähigkeiten Baum lässt uns später nahezu übermächtig werden.
• Alle haben ein Schild nur wir nicht. Wir brauchen auch keine Versteckte Klinge
• Wir nutzen nun einen kleinen Speer und können dann auch von Olymp runterspringen ohne Schaden zu nehmen. Aber unsere Gegner sind verschieden und krass drauf daher hält der Effekt auch nie lange an und man fängt wieder an zu schwitzen bei jedem zweiten Kampf in einem neuen Gebiet.
Fazit: ein Assassins Creed was seines Gleichen sucht. Weinenden Auges blicke ich den Shop in das Gesicht. Das ist das zweite AC ohne einen Unterschlupf. Trampelt doch nicht so auf den alten Spielen herum, sondern versucht auf eure Fans zu hören. Viele Wege führen nach Rom baut auf den alten legendären Monumenten der AC Reihe auf.
Mit den AC Valhalla DLC beweist AC Odessey das viele Potential und ist nur zu empfehlen.
24991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 13:18
1412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 20:30
3874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 17:57
7228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 08:11
1861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 19:24
Aber das Game (Assassin's Creed Odyssey) ist einfach sau nice gemacht worden, hat mich sowas von begeistert als ich das Spiel gespielt hab, kann ich euch auch nur empfehlen !!! :D
Bro danke für dein gift nochmal, hast mich sowas von HAPPY gemacht und natürlich Überrascht XDDDD
3968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 16:57
6659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 19:16
1514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 12:25
-Man kann den Verlauf der Geschichte selbst bestimmen, und darf anfangs selbst entscheiden, ob man einen Mann (Alexios), oder eine Frau (Kassandra) spielt.
-Des Weiteren kann man sein Build selber zusammen stellen, mittels von Items mit verschiedenen Fähigkeiten und dem Fähigkeiten Baum.
-Klasse Landschaft
-Man hat ein Schiff mit einer Crew
6204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 22:42
Die Story ist gut gemacht und einzelne entscheidungen können die Story beeinflussen. Ich empfehle es Kassandra zu spielen weil die Story damit mehr Sinn macht. Das einzige was mich stört ist die Open World, ich finde die Map zu gross aber bei so einem Spiel macht es Sinn das die ganze Griechische Welt betrett bar ist jedoch betritt man ¾ der Länder nicht.
18010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 18:53
Und was soll ich groß sagen...das Hauptspiel ist wirklich erste Sahne, ein monatelanger Genuss mit haufenweise Quests, einer ansprechenden Story, einer sehr beschaulichen und abwechslungsreichen Open World und dem Ziel, einen weitverzweigten Kult zu zerschlagen, welches für Langzeitmotivation sorgt. Es macht einen Riesenspaß!
Die beiden DLCs sind meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach allerdings völliger Stuss! Ich kann nicht einmal genau sagen, was mich an den DLCs so ankotzt, es eskaliert irgendwie völlig und zwar ins Negative. Im Vermächtnis-DLC bekämpfen wir quasi eine Light-Version des Kults, was halt echt nicht gut ankommt, wenn man den Hauptspiel-Kult schon komplett zerlegt hat und im Atlantis-DLC tauchen wir in mythische Welten ein und begegnen Göttern, was mir zu abstrakt und etwas zu sehr aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen erscheint. Ich denke, ich habe hiermit nicht gespoilert.
Aber das Hauptspiel hat so gebockt, dass es definitiv meine Empfehlung erhält.
Nicht Empfohlen
4199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 08:17
Leider wirkt es in vielen Teilen wie eine verbesserte Version des Vorgängers Origins, welche in ein anderes Themengebiet gebracht wurde. Teile der Welt wirken jedoch lieblos und leer und füllen nur eine zu große Karte. Genauso sind die zu bereisenden Orte (Höhlen, Banditenlager, etc.) und die damit verbundenen Quests schnell repetitiv.
Ich werde es dennoch zu Ende spielen, weil es an sich ein ordentlich gelungenes SPiel ist, der Kauf weiterer Nachfolger ist jedoch ausgeschlossen.
4464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 09:38
Und wieder hat Assassin's Creed eine weitere Epoche der Menschheitsgeschichte abgedeckt, das alte Griechenland. Und wieder geht es um Intrigen, Macht und Verschwörungen. Diesmal in Form eines geheimnisvollen Kultes, der die Wirren des peloponnesischen Krieges ausnutzt, um zu Manipulieren und zu Herrschen.
Dem Spieler kommt dabei die Rolle eines Söldners zu, der sich mehr oder weniger gewissenlos in wechselnden Bündnissen mit Athen oder den Spartanern herumschlägt und sich durch die Betten hübscher Frauen und klassischer Philosophen hurt.
Das Spiel bietet mehr Inhalte, als ein normaler Spieler nutzen kann. Neben den vielen Missionen, mytischen Kreaturen, Land- und Seeschlachten fand ich insbesondere das System der Kopfgeldjäger interessant. Diese zum Teil sehr starken Gegner tauchen je nach eigenem Verhalten unerwartet auf und können selbst einfache Missionen extrem anspruchsvoll machen.
Auch der Hauptcharakter fügt sich gut in das Spiel ein und genießt eine akzeptable Handlungsfreiheit.
Schade fand ich, dass ich den peloponnesischen Krieg nicht wirklich massiv beeinflussen konnte, dieser läuft gefühlt nebenher. Auch wird die Story im Hauptspiel nicht wirklich befriedigend abgeschlossen. Erst mit dem Atlantis DLC wird das Spiel zu einem plausiblen Ende geführt.
Das Kampfsystem ist sehr actionlastig, schleichen ist optional und vereinfacht die Dinge eher, als das es sie verkompliziert. Mir persönlich hat das Spaß gemacht, auch wenn es mit dem ursprünglichen Prinzip der Reihe wenig zu tun hat.
5842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 19:58
Die Grafik ist sehr schön und detailgetreu gestaltet.
Anfangs kann man zwischen zwei Charakteren entscheiden (Alexios und Kassandra)
Die Story wird vom eigenen Handeln bestimmt und variiert daher stark. Es ist mit einer Spielzeit von 84 - 160+ Stunden auszugehen und macht wirklich spass.
13144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 22:13
ich schreibe dieses Review zwar nur, um das Abzeichen zu bekommen, allerdings ist das Spiel auch ziemlich gut.
Wer ein Spiel mit viel Inhalt und einer schönen Welt sucht, ist hier genau richtig.
Nicht Empfohlen
9534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 14:08
Jedoch am meisten Spaß haben mir die willkürlichen Crashes alle 5-100 Minuten gemacht. Seitdem ich von meiner GTX 970 auf eine RTX 3080 upgegraded habe, gab es immer wieder random einen Absturz oder ein Freeze welcher dann mit einem Taskmanagerkill endete. Nach rumgegoogle und das Ansehen der Fehlerberichte im CommunityHub schien es daran zu liegen, dass das Spiel allgemein Probleme mit RTX Grafikarten hat, viele Leute welche das Spiel mit RTX 1060 etc gespielt haben, hatten das gleiche Problem. Bei denen hat es geholfen die Grafikkartentreiber downzugraden... Bei meiner 3080 hat dies nicht geholfen/ging auch so gut wie gar nicht. Hab Ubisoft auch mit Fehlerberichten zugespamt :). Die längste Spanne ohne einem Crash konnte ich dann im Fenstermodus mit einem FPS-Limit von 90 und alle Grafikeinstellungen auf Niedrig verbringen. So konnte ich wenigstens den DLC Content noch zu ende bringen und mir alle Achievments holen.
Solange ihr keine RTX Graka habt, gönnt euch im Angebot mit Seasonpass, hat sich für mich sehr gelohnt. Trotzdem Daumen runter wegen den Crashes, weil die schon echt hart genervt haben und der Spielspaß sehr gelitten hat, wenn du ne Festung nochmal machen durftest. Mir ists nicht oft passiert, dass ich große Sachen wiederholen musste, da das Spiel (zum Glück) oft Autosaves gemacht hat.
3225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 16:02
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 21:02
Ich dachte nach Origins ehrlich gesagt nicht, daß sich das noch steigern lassen würde, aber Ubi Soft
hat es echt geschafft noch eine Schippe draufzulegen!
Ich bin nicht mehr der Jüngste und muss sagen daß die Steuerung mit dem Gamepad mich nahezu
überfordert hat, aber nach dem Überwinden etlicher Wutanfälle und dem Opfer zahlreicher
heldenhafter Steuergeräte, kann ich dieses Spiel wirklich geniessen!
6625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 18:13
Positive Aspekte:
Die Story: 9,5/10
Die Nebenquests: 9/10
Die Map: 9,2/10
Die Vielfältigkeit: 8,5/10
Spaßfaktor: 8,5/10
DLC´s: 7,5/10 Schicksal von Atlantis (9/10) - Das Vermächtnis der ersten Klinge (6/10)
Negative Aspekte: (Je höher desto schlechter)
Bugs & Glitches: 7/10
Überflüssiger Content: 5/10
Insgesamt: 9,4/10
Nach meiner Meinung ist Assassin´s Creed Odyssey der beste Teil den es bisher gab und ich spreche aus eigener Erfahrung da ich jedes gespielt habe. Krasses Spiel, lohnt sich!
5203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 17:57
???? Meine 90-jährige Oma könnte es spielen
???? Einfach
???? Schwer
???? Dunkle Seelen
???? MS Paint
???? Schlecht
???? Meh
???? Grafiken spielen in diesem Spiel keine Rolle
✅ Schön
???? Meisterwerk
???? Schlecht
???? Nicht besonders
✅ Gut
???? Schön
???? Dieses Spiel hat keine Geschichte
???? Als würde man Temple Runners für die Geschichte spielen
????Es ist für die Leute da, die es wollen
✅Gut geschrieben
???? Epische Geschichte
???? Stellen Sie sich Kingdom Hearts vor, aber auf Crack
???? Kostenlos
???? Unterbewertet
???? Perfekter Preis
✅ Könnte billiger sein
???? Komplette Geldverschwendung
???? Sie können es mit einer Mikrowelle betreiben
✅ Durchschnitt
???? High End
???? NASA-Computer
???? Sehr kurz (0 - 2 Stunden)
???? Kurz (2 - 15 Stunden)
???? Durchschnitt (15-50 Stunden)
???? Lang (50-90 Stunden)
✅ Extrem lang (90-110 Stunden) allein mit Seeschlachten kann man diese Zeit erreichen :)
???? Kein Ende
???? Ich würde lieber zuschauen, wie Farbe trocken wird
???? Schwer zu genießen
???? Wiederholung
✅ Eigentlich ziemlich amüsant
???? Die Art von Spaß, an die Sie sich erinnern werden
???? Fahrt deines Lebens
???? Es ist eine einmalige Erfahrung
???? Nur für Erfolge
???? Wenn Sie einige Monate / Jahre warten
✅ Auf jeden Fall
???? Unendlich wiederholbar
???? Nein
???? Warten Sie auf den % Verkauf
✅ Ja
5984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 20:29
+Spannende Quests und interessante Stories.
+Setting ist grandios. Tolle Stimmung und Athmosphäre
+Kampfsystem ist herausfordernd und doch leicht zu erlernen.
+Auch grafisch eine absolute Augenweide.
+Die Spielwelt ist riesig und umfasst das komplette antike Griechenland im Maßstab 1:1000 (Spielwelt = 130 Qaudratkilometer, reales Griechenland = 130.000 Quadratkilometer)
+historische Stätten sind fast nahezu identisch mit der Realität
+Rollenspieleinflüsse machen den Charakter ein wenig individualisierbar von der Ausrichtung seiner Fähigkeiten
+keine Ladezeiten in der OpenWorld.
-Die Musikanten in den Städten spielen fast immer das gleiche Lied
-nach etwa 100 Stunden fangen sich einige wenige Dinge an zu wiederholen
-Gegner leveln mit
-ich will mich auf Sitzmöbeln niederlassen können. Geht immernoch nicht. Ich warte seit AC2 darauf ^^
Fazit: Must have.
7953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 20:13
interessante Dialoge/Story,
gigantische Kulissen! (ohne Witz)
ganz cooles combat System (mit blocken, rumrollen, ner handvoll brauchbaren attacken)
gut aussehende Rüstungen/Waffen (mit der Möglichkeit des Aussehen ändernst zu allen freigeschalteten Looks)
am allerbesten sind aber echt die Aussichten/Kulissen, einfach hammer
12501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 21:22
Aber warum hat das solange gedauert?
Naja, lasst es mich erklären: Als Odyssey im Oktober 2018 erschien, habe ich direkt zu Release angefangen zu zocken. Es hat mega Spaß gemacht. Leider kam dann Red Dead Redemption 2 raus und das Spiel rückte allmählich in den Hintergrund. Dann folgte ein Urlaub und viel privates und schulisches, was erledigt werden musste, wodurch ich einfach keine Zeit mehr hatte. Dann kamen auch noch ein paar andere Spiele heraus, die ich aufgrund meiner fehlenden Zeit lieber gespielt habe. Abends eine Runde Multiplayer anstatt 2-3 Stunden Odyssey. Ich habe dann immer mal etwas gezockt, aber nicht sehr viel. Ich hatte mega Bock, das Spiel endlich weiterzuspielen, aber es fehlte einfach die Zeit. Und ich wollte das Spiel keine 10 Minuten zocken und es dann wieder beenden. Wenn man nämlich einmal angefangen hat, dann kann und will man nicht mehr aufhören, weil einem diese unglaublich große und schön gestaltete Welt wortwörtlich verschlingt.
Aber im Sommer 2019 habe ich mich dann noch einmal rangewagt und weitergezockt. Ich hatte wieder mehr Zeit und konnte mich während meiner Sommerferien diesem Meisterwerk wieder widmen. Mein Ziel war es von Anfang an, 100 Prozent zu machen. Ich wollte wirklich alle Fragezeichen aufdecken und auch alle Nebenmissionen wollte ich absolvieren. Jedoch verging mir dann irgendwie die Lust, weil ich mir sowas großes vorgenommen hatte und es schlichtweg zeitlich nicht umsetzen konnte. Also habe ich Odyssey erstmal ruhen lassen.
Diesen Sommer, nachdem ich die Schule erfolgreich beendet habe, hatte ich nun endlich Zeit, mich dem Spiel wieder zu widmen. Und siehe da: Ich habe die Story beendet, dann mit den beiden DLCs angefangen und diese innerhalb von 10 Tagen durchgezockt. Dann folgten noch die letzten Achievements, die mir fehlen und dann war ich endlich durch.
Die meisten von euch fragen sich jetzt bestimmt: Warum schreibt er das hier? Das interessiert mich doch überhaupt nicht!
Ja, das denke ich auch, aber ich möchte euch mit dieser Geschichte zeigen, dass Odyssey ein wirklich unglaublich fesselndes Spiel ist, welches ich auch nach fast zwei Jahren nach Release immer noch gezockt habe und auch durchzocken wollte. Wer sich mein Profil anschaut sieht, dass ich nicht wirklich viele Spiele auf 100 Prozent durchgespielt habe. Das Spiel muss es wenn dann schon wert sein und das ist Odyssey definitiv.
Und außerdem wollte ich mal eine etwas andere Review schreiben. Die meisten sind ja vom Aufbau her immer gleich. Hier habt ihr mal etwas Vorgeschichte :)
Deshalb kann ich Odyssey nur jedem wärmstens empfehlen. Sucht ihr nach einem Story-Game in einer unglaublich großen und super gestalteten Open World? Dann könnt ihr mit Odyssey wirklich nichts falsch machen! Es bietet euch eine spannende Story, ein gutes Stealth Gameplay sowie zahlreiche Waffen + Modifikationen, wodurch ihr euch spezialisieren und somit euren ganz eigenen Spielstil in die Tat umsetzen könnt.
Nicht jeder hat die Motivation, ein Spiel auf 100 Prozent durchzuspielen. Kurzzeitig hatte ich auch keine Lust mehr, aber wenn man dann mal wieder eine Stunde gezockt hat, dann will man einfach nicht mehr aufhören. Es macht einfach mega Spaß, die Welt zu erkunden und eine Basis nach der anderen leise auszuschalten.
Klare Kaufempfehlung von mir!
PS: Kauft euch unbedingt den Season Pass. Die beiden DLCs übertreffen noch einmal das Hauptspiel und bieten euch eine super Weiterführung der Hauptstory mit so einigen Überraschungen :)
5846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 20:37
Das wird sich wohl jeder Spieler irgendwann denken und verliert die Hauptstory aus den Augen.
Man grindet Holz und Co., um endlich sein Schiff zu vollenden, oder sucht einen einzigartigen Boss, oder stellt sich einem Kopfgeldjäger.
50 Stunden und ich habe wohl nicht mal die Hälfte gesehen.
Also Daumen hoch
16395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 19:15
Habe zwar das Spiel durch Angebot zugeschlagen, aber es ist besser als ich erwartet habe.
Ich freue mich auf nächsten Assassins Creed Spiel :)
945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 04:21
Man kann auswählen, welche der beiden Casanovas man spielen möchte. Weiblich oder männlich, was darf es sein?
Das Kampfsystem ist gerade beim Blocken oder Ausweichen etwas ungenau, stört aber meist nicht. Ist nur bei Kämpfen gegen härtere Söldner etwas nervig, wenn man deswegen desynchronisiert (man stirbt) wird und neu anfangen darf.
Ansonsten ist das Kampfsystem erneuert durch Skills wie den 'Spartanischen Tritt' (macht Spaß, die Gegner den höchsten Berg Griechenlands herunterzutreten und zu hören wie er 'Ich bin unaufhaltbar' oder 'Letzte Worte?' ruft.
Die Story habe ich nach etlichen Stunden noch nicht durch, da es immer Neues zu entdecken gibt.
Dem einen ist das zuviel nebenher (man muss Nebenquest nicht machen), dem anderen setzen vor Vorfreue einzelne Herztöne aus.
Das Rollenspielelement ist aus dem Vorgänger bekannt. Man levelt sich hoch. Es gibt Gebiete die durch 'Levellock' blockiert werden. Damit meine ich: Die Welt steht einem offen, aber die Gegnerlevel variieren. Soll man in Gebiet X eigentlich noch nicht umherstreifen, sind die Gegner dort einige Level höher. Netterweise bekommt man das Level dann nkcht als Zahl sondern als Totenkopf angezeigt.
Wer keine Erfahrung mit Dating, Flirten usw. hat, hat hier die Möglichkeit seine Skills zu verbessern. Ob jung, alt, Frau, Mann, groß, klein, dick, dünn oder was auch immer: Ihr habt fast immer die Möglichkeit den Dialog auf eine Flirterei oder anbahnende Bettgeschichte zu lenken.
Alles in Allem ein gutes Spiel, Schwächen hier und da (Ladezeiten) aber ebenfalls Stärken, die man nicht vergessen darf. (Grafik, Feeling, Atmosphäre, Humor).
15472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 14:21
14652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 07:35
6529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 15:35
Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass trotz des Versuches, die Welt mit generischen Ereignissen zu füllen, es mich so fesseln würde.
Die Spielwelt ist atemberaubend schön, abwechslungsreich, und verleitet durch Details zum Erkunden.
Der Bezug zum historischen Griechenland ist leider nicht akkurat, bietet aber Möglichkeiten sich interessiert dem zuzuwenden.
Vorher beschäftigte ich mich auch kaum mit diesem Thema, nach vielen Büchern und im Spiel vorkommenden Charakters freut man sich mehr darüber zu lesen.
Das Gameplay ist rund, legt Wert auf schnörkellose Abläufe, entspanntes Grinden, und funktioniert astrein.
Genießt die Zeit.
15111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 15:02
8909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 15:03
Zuerst die Grafik, sie sieht super aus und man verliebt sich sofort in die Landschaft und die liebevollen Details des Antiken Griechenlands.
Das Kampfsystem ist auch gut, es sollte für jeden was dabei sein. Ob man alles aus der Ferne mit Pfeil und Bogen, einer mächtigen Zweihandaxt oder alles still und heimlich mit einem gezielten Stich erledigt, bleibt einem selber überlassen. Ich empfehle den Bogen!
Land und Seeschlachten machen auch Spaß, auch wenn es nach einiger Zeit eintönig wird, weil es immer das selbe Schema ist.
Abschließend bleibt zu sagen, dass Spiel ist herausragend und bietet sehr lange Freude. Die DLC's strecken diese auch noch weiter und sind absolut zu empfehlen.
4275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 18:15
jahre später hab ich mir dann black flag und den nachfolger gekauft und war gefesselt. die schiffsschlachten und das erkunden waren geil und die ganzen kleinigkeiten. was nur nervte war der munitionsmangel, den es hier nicht mehr gibt :).
2 oder 3 jahre später (gefühlt) hab ich mir dann diesen teil hier gekauft (gold edition). sehr sehr sehr geiles game. ich habe viele verbesserungen gespürt und gesehen im vergleich zu black flag. ich würde schon fast sagen es ist ein 2tes skyrim.
erkunden, seltene items finden, kämpfen, schöne viele nebenquests, skills, schicke SEHR große map, schiffskämpfe, söldner finden.... diese dinge sind alle extrem geil.
kommen wir also zum beschissensten und eigentlich einfachsten was die hier total verkackt haben.
das leveln.
ich habe noch nie so ein beschissenes system gesehen. man levelt ja bei mmo's schneller als hier. warum? weil egal was man macht, immer eine bestimmte anzahl an % exp bekommt. ich habe sogar das gefühl, dass es schlimmer wird, je höher man kommt.
bei jedem lvl up wird man zusätzlich auch noch bestraft, weil du deine items jedesmal auf das lvl anpassen musst. die schadenszahlen sind völlig uninteressant, weil man mit lvl 40 oder lvl 60 genau den selben schaden macht. die zahlen steigen zwar, aber %ual gesehen, ist es das selbe. (selbe ausrüstung nur geupgradet auf 60).
zusätzlich bekommt man mehr materialien, je höher man kommt... ABER.. die KOSTEN steigen pro lvl up auch!
das dauerhafte upgraden ist somit fast unmöglich. erst mit lvl 99 kann man farmen, bloß da brauche ich die materialien auch nicht mehr wirklich. zusätzliche stats auf die items beim schmied hauen ist eher kein kostenproblem.
das einzige das von dem system profitiert sind die upgradekosten des schiffs. die kosten gehen irgendwann in die tausende und werden sogesehen durch das höhere lvl billiger.
tja und so musste es dann leider kommen, dass ich nach 14h spielzeit (ich war lvl 12) angefangen habe exp zu cheaten. nach und nach ist mir aufgefallen, dass die lvl einen garnichts bringen außer fähigkeitspunkte und frust (weil nach dem lvl up ja immer steht: schaden und leben erhöht). ab lvl 12 hab ich dann den kaufbaren exp boost aktiviert und auf 100% gestellt (cheat) und so bis lvl 30 gespielt. dann kam wieder frust und ich hab mich auf 50, dann auf 60 und jetzt zum schluss von 65 auf 98 gecheatet. ich kam jedesmal immer wieder an dem punkt, wo ich meine ausrüstung nicht mehr upgraden konnte und das frustet richtig. selbst bei der einfachsten schwierigkeitsstufe sind die gegner sehr schwer.
mit lvl 99 ist nämlich nicht schluss. ihr könnt weiterhin leveln und bekommt fähigkeitspunkte, die ihr investieren könnt (ähnlich wie bei diablo 3 paragon lvl).
werde ab jetzt mit 10facher exp spielen (hört sich viel an, beim exp balken passiert aber nichts). ihr könnt nämlich hunderte von punkten in das ,,paragonsystem'' reinstecken.
also ignoriert die dmg zahlen und ignoriert die exp. die leute quatschen müll.
wenn ihr erstmal ohne cheats leveln wollt, ist diese methode hier am besten:
ihr werdet es ja selbst merken.
ich hab anfangs auch erstmal probiert und nur mit gold gecheatet und mir die ressourcen beim schmied gekauft. selbst das ist schon eine herrausforderung.
und stellt das game unbedingt auf einfach, dann sind die gegner 4 lvl unter euch.
-geiles game
-leveln ist scheiße, lässt sich aber dank ,,cheats'' anpassen
9140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 20:23
Ich finde es einfach toll,die Geschichte,die Charaktere,besonders Sokrates find ich sehr toll.Schwierig ist weder die Steuerung,noch die Gefahren und zur Not kann man ja auch das Schwierigkeitsgrad wechseln :) .
Ich spiele mit Dolchen auf Gift und Krit-schaden und am meisten auf Attentate und ich komme sehr angenehm durch,auch wenn sich das töten bei Bossen hinzieht aber es geht gut =)
Ich kann und werde das Spiel bzw.die Spielereihe immer unterstützen,es gut reden und weiterempfehlen :)
Nicht Empfohlen
2818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 09:03
negativ: für die gebotenen Inhalte ist die Welt viel zu groß und mit zu vielen sinnfreien Füllmaterial und repetitiven langweiligen Quest zugemüllt.
Weniger kann manchmal mehr sein
Nicht Empfohlen
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 10:07
731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 00:42
Außerdem ist die Spielwelt auch extrem groß und ich freue mich den Rest der Welt erkunden zu können. wenn ich mir das Spiel eines Tages kaufe :)
3379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 20:57
13311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 13:40
Mir gefällt so gut wie alles an diesem Spiel und dazu hat es mein interesse an das antike Griechenland geweckt.
Selbst nach 125 Stunden bekomme ich nicht genug von diesem Spiel und habe noch viel zu entdecken!
483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 08:24
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☑ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer (if u want to play on 8k)
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 9
☐ 10
8615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 18:41
7/10 Gameplay
10/10 Graphics
4/10 Story
Nicht Empfohlen
10092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 00:52
2145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 06:43
The player takes on the role of a mercenary and is allowed to choose from two siblings at the beginning of the game. Kassandra and Alexios do not differ in any way in their abilities, but they do. Both are basically wordy and witty thieves in rags, but the acting performances bring surprisingly large nuances to the characters. Where Kassandra’s voice actor seems to have realized the style the game is aiming for and draws his role appropriately in the blink of an eye, Alexios ’actor shakes the scenes as in any C-movie as such.
Whichever of the two gets chosen, there is a long way ahead from a small island in the periphery to the limelight. The orphan, who lived with the small frogs of his entire youth, finds himself in the midst of great conspiracies and events shaking the whole of Greece in search of answers to the questions surrounding his family and the war. As it is an Assassin’s Creed game, the dim cults and shadow governments, of course, also revolve around the patterns.
The story has a tremendous measure. Even if you just stuck tightly to your finish, staring forward and skipping all sorts of side tasks, there will certainly be more than forty hours going through the game.
Odyssey is very close to Origins in terms of basic gameplay, which of course isn't terribly surprising. Not such a huge game was being developed in a year, so Odyssey and Origins were guaranteed to be made in parallel. Thus, the same game engine is used in large part, although small tune-ups have been made.
So there’s an open world action adventure with character development and this time even lightweight role-playing. All the conversations are now just in the right form of dialogues, where the player chooses their reply from a number of options and thus decides for themselves whether they want to smell all the opponents or be a kind and brisk mercenary. Neither option is automatically better, as depending on the situation, opening ones head to the skin may be worthwhile - and at least not by making your game completely salty.
It goes even worse when exploring the open world, where Odyssey seems to save rarely. So if you’re messing around in the woods looking for treasure, hunting animals, and causing general aggravation, it’s better to prepare yourself. Otherwise, there may be a nasty surprise ahead when you notice that the previous autosave is a few hours away.
This was a rather fragile implementation for 2018.
Now to the most controversial part of the critique, as the worst part of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is how damn big the game is. The Odyssey is as long as a year of famine, and the story is by no means super-rhythmic. Figuratively speaking, the story lurks, postponing the start of such cautious first 15 hours of play, after which something finally begins to happen. Even after this, there are often miraculous looting stages that do not really happen for hours other than keep doing grinding and cleanup work.
+ Beautiful world.
+ The naval battle is nice.
+ A sense of adventure.
+ Fun story.
+ Either intentionally or unintentionally a funny performance.
An actionable and entertaining adventure that would have needed a bit of snipping.
- Too many unspoken side effects.
- The story should have been summarized.
- Inefficient savings mechanism.
The game is smooth and fun. The controls work moderately, meaning climbing, for example, is much more functional than in those slightly older creeds.
6634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 03:41
5979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 13:55
“Glory and death, Spartans will never surrender! ????”
The Assassin's Creed... Personally, I have serious love / hate relationship with this series. Right after the very first game was released in 2007, I instantly fell in love with Animus concept, Dan Brown-like story, character design and gameplay mechanics that felt a lot like a stealth take on Prince of Persia. Sure, the first game was more like a proof of concept, but when the second one started Ezio's saga? It felt awesome. Assassin's Creed II pretty much turned me into a fan, really. Unfortunately, there's that thing about Ubisoft that ruins everything. The thing is – they're greedy as f. And after Mr. Auditore turned the series into a huge hit, they started milking it like there's no tomorrow. Sure, the new games had some mind-blowing ideas that were way ahead of their time and there was always something new, but at the same time, the core mechanics were always the same, while open world elements... well...
Unlike many others, I never liked Black Flag. Even though the main character there was voiced by Matt Ryan (AKA the one and only true John Constantine), I always felt like the game was a perfect example of what was wrong with the series at that point. Sure, it did naval battles (that were introduced in AC III) justice, but at the same time, it felt like a royal waste of time. There were millions of things to do, but at the same time, pretty much all of them were for nothing. And when it was about the main game, it was nothing but the same exact missions we've seen ages ago. Naturally, with such an approach, the reboot was inevitable. Especially since the main story ended in AC III and since then it was, like, a bunch of fillers.
So, when Assassin's Creed Origins arrived, I was really curious. I mean, it was that exact point for the series, where it was time for Ubisoft to introduce some really big changes. To finally make a next big step. And we all know how it ended the previous time they tried something like that in Splinter Cell. Surprisingly, Assassin's Creed Origins turned out... pretty solid, really. Not perfect (far from it), but still, it was surprisingly neat soft reboot. If we can call it like that, since well, it was pretty much a different game. Sure, it looked like Assassin's Creed and all of its signature features and moves were still there, but instead of our usual action / stealth, we've got ourselves something that felt a lot like an action role-playing game.
That's right, role-playing game. We've got a huge open world environment, we've got choices, we've got leveling and we've got grinding. Tons of grinding... Which was my biggest complaint about Origins. Sure, there was more meaning in what we were doing than what Black Flag had to offer, but since the game was really, really slow (about 3x times slower than I can possibly take), grinding for better gear was just... boring. And you did need a better gear because Assassin's Creed Origins was one of those games, in which enemies leveled together with you. You know how it is, even if you leveled up to the maximum level, the enemies did exactly that too and the only way to get some real advantage in battle was to get better gear. Which, like I said, was boring. Also, yes, open battles became the main dish in the Assassin's Creed Origins. Sure, the stealth was still there, but the game didn't force you to use it anymore. Exactly the opposite, again and again Origins forced you to fight openly. In other words, it felt very different from what we had before, but at the same time, it was far from being a failure. Especially since the ancient Egypt looked absolutely stunning.
Naturally, I was somewhat excited about Odyssey. Sure, after Origins I didn't feel like playing another one for, like, a year (just because it was way too slow), but at the same time... See, I grew up with The Histories of Herodotus. Back when I was a kid, most of the fantasy novels were either prohibited in my country, or impossible to find. But we had all sorts of ancient myths and history-related stuff. So... that's what I've read as a kid. Naturally, there's a very special place in my head for ancient Greece. And even though Assassin's Creed Origins felt more like an interactive tour than a proper game, I totally didn't mind something like that in ancient Greek setting. Guess what? That's exactly what I've got.
I mean, you know how it is about Ubisoft. Let's just admit it, nobody expected them to make a next big step right away, right? Odyssey follows the same exact formula we had in the old AC series. Which means that it's exactly the same thing, just in different setting and with some new features. Which... are not really that cool. The biggest new feature this time (aside from gender selection) is conquest battles. Long story short, you do some grinding (yeah, yeah, everything in this game requires a lot of boring grinding) and then you participate in the battle for certain territory. You help one of the sides win and conquer the area, and... you can repeat the process again. Just because. While some of the conquests being story-related, there isn't much meaning in it. Aside from rewards, of course. Because... you know. Grinding. In Assassin's Creed Odyssey you literally do grinding just to get access to more grinding. Good golly, y'all...
I don't want to say that it's a terrible game, but... just keep in mind that it's far from what we've seen in good ol' Assassin's Creed II, in which everything had meaning and you wanted to get every single collectible. Odyssey is exactly like Origins. It's slow, kinda boring, painfully repetitive and is sinking in tons of grinding. It's more like an ancient Greece tour than a game, really. Then again, you will want to look around. Because this... game... looks... great. Playing this game feels like the books from my youth coming to life. Unfortunately, this game is also a technical disaster. First of all – it's pretty CPU demanding (even more than the next installment in the series, since, unlike Valhalla, this one doesn't use the advanced DirectX 12 API). Up to the point where it can overheat your processor if your model is hot and your cooling is just enough. And if your gaming rig is cold, this game will crash it just because. Because that's what it does. It hates you and personally, I didn't have a single session without technical difficulties. There's always something. And if you think that playing on consoles will save you from all that bull? Well, think again. For example, this game can stop saving your progress. Or even lose it completely. Just because. Imagine wasting dozens of hours on grinding and then realizing that your entire progress was lost. Sounds fun, huh? Well, that's what this game does. A lot. Make sure to use manual saves. And then backing those up, because even manual saves have tendency to disappear. You have been warned.
So... yeah. Here we are. Before paying for this game, make sure it's exactly what you want. Odyssey is a huge game with many hours of gameplay and many things to do, but at the same time it feels more like an interactive tour. Pretty slow one too. It's one of those games you play because they look good. You just enjoy the visuals, enjoy the atmosphere and then rage quit because Ubisoft's coders suck butt. Naturally, I can't say I recommend this game to everybody, but still, there's sure something beautiful here. Slow. Buggy. Repetitive. With tons of grinding and microtransactions (yes, really). But still, pretty beautiful. Just make sure it's exactly what you want right now and be ready for technical issues. Dixi.
7640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 08:36
Talking about gameplay, things aren't what I was expecting. The game offers multiple playstyles but demands being actually stealthy, doing assassinations, stealing or murdering even if you like to be a warrior or a hunter. I'f you like sneaking and infiltrate then this game is for you. Others may find graphics more appealing to their taste.
18101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 00:35
But if you start Odyssey, expecting an RPG with a leveling system and skill trees and is somewhat unfamiliar (or not that fond) with how the original AC games play out, then you'll be fine.
Odyssey is ::
>> BLOATED but CHILL... Which I actually appreciated because I fired up the game when I was exhausted by some fast-paced strategy games.
>> VAST... you can go from one point to another on the map on horseback, with auto-steering, and you'd have time to maybe wash the dishes, brew some coffee and whatnot...
>> the side characters are FUN... Ever tried debating philosophy with Sokrates himself?
Well worth the 230++ hours I've spent infiltrating forts and tipping the balance of power in ancient Greece, fighting the Minotaur, Medusa herself, Cyclopses.. cyclopsii? .... The Nemean Lion from the trials of Herekles itself.
5944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 05:14
11322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 12:58
It's a great game but not even close to Origins when it comes to charisma of the MC. Greek mithology is amazing and it's there, but could have been better explored on the main quests.
8859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 09:22
Malaka! How I hate boars and hostile chickens in this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
5147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 21:15
The initial quests are fun! A bunch of interesting quests which quickly progress the story and... oops. Then it just... stops.
The quests branch out into what seems like an endless slew of boring, repetitive quests which seemingly never end, and they give so little experience that you have to go on for ages before you can start on the main story again, which then proceeds to branch out again and you have to repeat the same cycle over and over and oh my god just LET ME PLAY THE FUN PART.
To add to that, the combat feels... bad. Its just hitting someone over and over and *sometimes* dodging an attack. Your character just keeps playing the same goddamn hit animation which feels sluggish and unresponsive. Though sometimes you do end up doing a cool finishing move, which, I mean it at least looks cool?
I didn't encounter many bugs apart from one time where I rammed an enemy ship and it fucking catapulted me into the sky at like 9001 mph, exposing all of my crew members to about 27.35G's of force for a solid 15 seconds, it's a miracle some of them actually survived, AFTER THE FALL. It was funny so I'm going to let it slide but other than that, no bugs!
Oh also, there's microtransactions which let you get more XP faster. Yeah. Ubisoft wants you to pay to play less of their game. Wow.
7920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 16:44
All in all if you liked Witcher3 you'll like this
8806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 10:33
This is in brief, Better to experience it by your side, Highly Recommended.
Nicht Empfohlen
14403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 22:15
For some reason Steam doesn’t warn about this.
3007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 21:00
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☑ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☑ 9
☐ 10
Grab this review template here []
3654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 01:51
Reading other reviews, this game is apparently “not like an AC game” so I don’t know what they did to the franchise between AC2 and Odyssey but the mechanics haven’t really changed. Feels like an AC game to me, mashed with the Witcher 3.
Realistically, the gameplay is a lot like AC2, but I expected it to be. I wanted the game for its visual beauty and nostalgic gameplay and that is honestly what I got; so I cannot personally fault the game! Loving it at the moment!
I really do NOT like that it has to play through Ubisoft Connect. Took me 45 minutes to actually log in when it finally decided there was no server error any more. I was so close to trying to steam refund. I would rather play this game offline directly through steam and forego ANY online experience if it meant I didn’t have to play through the garbage Ubisoft Connect thing. Unfortunately I can’t.
5022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 00:47
The map is incredibly large, there is so many places and sights to see. On top of that it is absolutely gorgeous, when you get the settings up higher you are left with a truly beautiful world waiting to be discovered right at your fingertips. In all honesty it feels pretty optimized too, I haven't had the game crash on me yet, no micro-stutters, no frame dips in certain areas. All in all a smooth experience.
The game-play is nothing short of fantastic, the sword fighting, bow shooting, and assassinations are all incredibly fun to experiment with. I really like how there are different class setups so you can have different slots for different play styles, this makes playing in mixed combat settings a lot easier. The movement has been fantastic for me in my experience, no issues there, the mixture of parkour, sneaking around, and horse back riding add for a nice mixture of ways to traverse this massive map.
The story-line is again a fantastic display of historically accurate characters, amazing voice acting, and great cut-scenes. Which all intertwine with a spectacular plot line, there are loads of plot twists and decisions you must make that will shape the game later on, the deeper you look into the story the more you realize how detailed this game really is.
Overall this game has been and will continue to be an absolute blast to play, I do plan on getting the season pass at some point, which will include even more content for the story-line. This game is fantastic and was worth every penny I spent on it, I %110 recommend this game to anybody who is considering purchasing it.
8742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 21:31
This review was written after finishing all the plots and obtaining all the achievements of the game.
Se você busca um jogo como os primeiros da franquia em relação a jogabilidade, provavelmente não gostará de Odyssey, caso você não se importe com o caminho RPG que a franquia tomou, terá muitos horas de distrações em um dos mapas mais bonitos que já vi, com uma jogabilidade fluída e um plot interessante, caso adquira as DLCs, apesar do plot limitado, terá muito mais horas de exploração e conteúdo (Principalmente na DLC O Destino de Atlântida), recomendo jogar as DLCs após acabar a história principal. Como todos os jogos da franquia, você encontrará figuras históricas e interagirá com as mesmas, (Se você for jogar, te desejo uma boa sorte para com os dialógos de Socrátes hehe). De qualquer forma, agradeço AC Odyssey por preencher o buraco que The Witcher 3 me deixou após finalizar o jogo.
Essa análise foi escrita após terminar todas as histórias e conseguir todas as conquistas do jogo.
9949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 19:53
After 168 hours of playthrough, I can say that the game has taken its place in my heart.
Before buying, I thought about which edition to buy. I chose between the latter two and still chose the Gold edition. This is the best option for me personally and I recommend it to the majority, because it has both a seasonal pass and an additional game of the series, and skins are not important to buy the edition above.
After buying the game, I was very surprised, I did not expect that I would like it so much. I love open worlds and this one was no exception.
The graphics in the game are amazing.
While on the islands, we see magnificent buildings, nature, sunsets and sunrises, everything looks very expensive and of high quality.
The sea is not inferior to beauty, water, everything that is there looks gorgeous.
The cutscenes are well filmed and a pleasure to watch.
Separately, I can say about the beauty of the cards of the second expansion. Ellisium, the kingdom of the dead and Atlantis looks divine.
The story in Odyssey is surprisingly quite good for the most part. You have the choice of playing as Alexios or Kassandra. It doesn't really make too much of a difference which one you play, so for my playthrough I chose Kassandra. Either way, you play as a mercenary in ancient Greece during the Pelponesian War, a time of great struggle between the Athenians and the Spartans.
The story starts off basic but it begins to escalate pretty quickly. The first chapter of the game is brilliantly concluded, and after that I found myself hooked. There are three story branches that the game has you follow. You acquire these new branches as you progress through the story. I'm not going to talk about these branches in this review because I honestly think you should discover what they are for yourselves when you play this. What they are, and the way they are revealed, are brilliant. The more you go through the game, the more content is available to you. It can get overwhelming sometimes.
Mutliple choice dialogue is a brilliant addition to Assassin's Creed in my opinion and it makes you feel like you have way more of an impact on the story and the characters. It may not drastically change the course of the game, but the things you say do have consequences.
Does the story retain this level of charm? No, not really. Once you reach the half way point of the game, it begins to fall a bit flat. It's not that it becomes bad, it's just not as good. The level of mystery begins to become a bit stale and the structure of the main quests begins to be a little repetitive. You find yourself having to do other needless things before being able to do the main quest, which can get annoying. As well as this. the ending to the main story branch is a bit weak, and honestly a bit cheesy.
You can play the game using guided mode, or exploration mode. Guided mode was with a compass and icons pointing to where you need to go. Exploration mode removes all of this and makes you figure out where you need to go with the tips you've been given from talking to people or finding notes or letters. This makes the game a lot more challenging and serves as a way more memorable experience to say the least.
You can fight using a variety of different weapons and the introduction of combat abilities makes these fights a lot more exhilarating. You gain a skill point each time you level up which can be used to invest in these abilities.
Executions aren't as impressive in this game. Sometimes the animations don't exactly line up, resulting in the whole thing looking goofy. Assassination executions can sometimes screw you over and get you spotted by other enemies, which can get pretty annoying.
Sea combat is a much more prominent feature in this game since a big portion of the map is ocean. Sea combat was something that I wasn't a fan of in previous games, but Odyssey has done it almost perfectly. It's simple, and it can be really exciting. Your ship can be upgraded using resources, and the more you upgrade, the better your ship can sustain itself. During your travels, you can recruit new people to join your ship. These people will give your ship bonuses and will assist you in boarding other ships.
The game world is split into different regions. Each region is either controlled by the Athenians or the Spartans. One of Odyssey's new game mechanics is the implementation of conquest battles. To unlock a conquest battle, you need to weaken the hold of the controlling faction. Once a conquest battle is unlocked, you can begin a massive battle that will decide who controls the region. You have the ability to choose which side you want to be with.
As well as this, Odyssey introduces bounty hunters. If you commit a crime and it has been witnessed, you risk placing a bounty on yourself. This will send a bounty hunter after you. They are smart and very powerful, and can show up when you least expect it.
Many players say that the game is full of grind. I partially agree with this.
On the one hand, the game has a bunch of additional tasks that appear on each bulletin board themselves and the player must complete them in order to get the required level to be able to complete the storyline task.
For my part, I initially opened each island to which I was sent and in the end was always a level higher than the level for the task. I love to explore the world, so the grind passed me by.
I didn’t complete the tasks from the bulletin board because I simply didn’t need them.
Many people say that this is no longer the Assassin Creed, but it doesn't matter to me, because I was not familiar with the series. As a standalone game, it's gorgeous. It has great graphics, a good storyline, great gameplay, a bunch of features and innovations, besides, at the moment the game has a nice discount price, so I cannot but recommend this instance of the gaming industry.
Final Score - 9.5/10
My screenshots <3
14164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 19:35
For almost 240 hours.. it was an epic journey.. from the lost son of Sparta, who subsequently became a respected mercenary to the dreaded demigod strengthened by the abilities of the First Civilization (Isu).
However, the discovery of Greece is nothing compared to the mythical worlds we can look at and which are part of the DLC - the celestial Elysium, the chaotic Underworld and, of course, Atlantis itself.
I recommend keeping this DLC at the end of the game.
Personally, I was most fascinated by the meeting with Hades. I have not seen such an incredibly interesting character in the game for a long time - powerful, cruel, dreaded, funny and charismatic.
The improvement of the Assassin's Creed series with a higher intensity of sci-fi/fantasy elements fascinated me already in AC Origins, but AC Odyssey completely dominated me. I wish the creators adhered to this in future parts as well. 95%
4905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 10:56
This is my second AC game I have played, and to be fair I kinda enjoyed both (Origins & Odyssey).
This will be a fast review so let's go.
Amazing graphics, a trully experience of the Ancient Greek world, very well detailed and immersive. All graphics on Max and frames reaching 70-90 fps which is very amazing and optimized, for the amount of quality it has. 9/10
In a very distant and big open world, which I ENJOY, alot to explore! Tons of sea and islands which is basically representative of Greece. Map is 10/10
Great base story and characters! Could've more plot and missions but still enjoyable to play and see it. 7/10
Soundtrack isn't the best, nothing to compare to something like Doom, FF, Zelda or Pokémon... the game really doesn't offer that much of that as it's not really their focus. Audio effects are kinda cool and realistic, specially on the sea, it's great! 6/10
Gameplay is really amazing, a very assassin-stealth RPG, and very simillar on both games: do missions, clear objectives, collect things and level up. Mechanics are something I have experienced before and nothing really unique, apart from the skills you learn. 6/10
Resuming my game experience (talking on Odyssey & Origins), I really enjoyed completing these game's achievements and playing all of it. Beautiful worlds and specially the DLCs of both games were outstanding! Really wish other AC games did implemented achievements (on Steam) so I could beat them, but I may probably end playing some of them in the future.
4329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 12:54
I've played AC odyssey for 3 days, and i still want to play ▶️...
Trust me you should play this one...
Everytime when i turn my pc on, First thing that i do is to play a music and put the volume in the loudest level, until I played AC odyssey, i really don't want that! In Game music is awesome...
84 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 12:40
⚖️ Grade = A. Worth a buy, if you enjoy free roam in a complex open world. However, if you're looking for list of quick play option, it doesn't have
✔️ F r e e roam in open world
✔️ Traveling progress (Horse riding & Ship pilot)
✔️ Climb wall, pillar, statue, hill
✔️ Armor parts management
✔️ Assassin mission or Steal mission
✔️ Long duration in combat
✔️ Story telling each of the NPC problem
✔️ Discovery Tour about Ancient Greek (Massive content)
❌ Damage more than 3 enemies in a single slash
❌ Stylish scene in combat
❌ Quick Play list
❌ Puzzle Challenge
❌ Score/Time Attack for replay value
????Reveal long version checklist
A+ | 7-8 | Worth Deluxe Edition | No Wait | - | [/tr] |
A | 5-6 | Worth Normal Price | No Wait | ✔ | [/tr] |
B | 3-4 | Overpriced | Wait 10%~35% | - | [/tr] |
C | 1-2 | Lack of value | Wait 40%~90% | - | [/tr] |
D | 0 | Not what you need | Wait 100% | - | [/tr] |
???? 2018: Game released, but I didn't put this on my wishlist
???? 2019: Friend show many beautiful screenshots, but it is not my game
???? 2020: Many steam friends recommended it, but I'm not buying
???? 2021: Play for the first time, ermm... I felt complicated on the controls
???? Recommend install on a SSD hardisk to have normal loading time
???? Story about: Time travel back to 431 BC in ancient Greek
???? Unclear voice acting (No English accent)
???? Not allow healing under level 5 (starting 2 hours combat)
???? Complex controls, rebind them will easily conflict each other
???? Melee weapon cannot damage more to 3 enemies
???? Doesn't much brutal kills, in fact
???? Cheats available in Story Creator Mode
???? Community Rating: Very Positive
⚠️ Greedy Ubisoft, Pay to win, don't buy ➜ Fast win is optional
⚠️ Earn less money and less xp, slow down progress ➜ That's is reasonable, and a solution
⚠️ The controls are sometimes messy ➜ True
???? Control eagle to scout the area before enter
???? Eagle eye can see thru walls and mark them on the screen
???? High quality graphic
???? Reputation impact on choice being made
???? Recruit enemy to work for player
???? Story Creator Mode available: Custom build a quest & dialogue
Thanks for reading, if you found this helpful please ???? then:
???? Browse more similar reviews and follow this Curator, or
???? Join our group to discuss future review format and layout
???? Disagree, Criticize, Insult ➜ Write here
16382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 23:19
If this is your first AC game, I recommend Origins before this, Black Flag before that, and AC 2 if you really want to get into the series.
This is an RPG game first which I liked very much. You can be a 'white knight' or you can be a psychopath that bangs even ugly blacksmiths. Personally I mixed it up, but absolutely banged everything I could even if it made me cringe.
Ikaros is not the best guide as he can miss a big shark just under me so I have to dive to 'mark' it.
If a shark engages you, swim directly up or down otherwise you're fish food. Picking them off from the surface of the water is best (Ghost Arrows of Artemis from the Hunter Tree are useful as well).
The first thing you should set out to do is upgrade your Spear of Leonidas as max level abilities are locked behind this requirement (have to complete main story missions).
Fully exploring areas is a good idea before you leave said area.
You have unlimited torches, so have a blast burning things.
Watch for snakes in dark interiors! And if you hear the floor moving, that's your cue to move too.
There are 3 classes: Hunter, Warrior, and Assassin.
Hunter can be surprisingly fun, but do NOT use fire as elemental damage if you're the sneaky type as you'll set the bush you're in on fire (you can snipe enemies from bushes). You do not have to craft elemental arrows, you can simply upgrade poison or fire, activate it and then shoot the arrows of your desire (you can't use both fire and poison, so it's one or the other).
Warrior is the most satisfying combat I've had in many a game. Keep in mind on 'normal' you can be killed in 3 hits so if an archer uses Spread Shot and you're too close, well enjoy your reload. Hard difficulty takes two hits to kill you (sometimes one), and Nightmare difficulty you may find yourself one-shotted by an enemies Vanish ability (which is supposed to do no damage). I played the game on Hard and switched it to Nightmare at level 80ish. It pains me to say it, but I'd recommend trying Normal then going from there,
Assassin is doable in this game, but you need gear with Assassin damage as its main damage. Don't expect to be one-shotting anything at the lowest of levels.
Gear comes in Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary rankings. Epic is the best overall despite a legendary set granting an additional bonus. Crit Chance, Crit Damage, Crit Chance while full health, and Crit Damage while full health I found to be the most beneficial modifiers. I prefer Fire so I also looked for Fire Damage and Elemental Buildup if my ideal bonuses were not present.
This game to me is worth MSRP (ofc I only buy on sale). I'd recommend the DLC too, but maybe throw that on your Wishlist and wait until you beat the main game which is roughly $18.00 on sale. The store where they sell in-game items is trash. $20 for some re-skins and zero content whereas $18 buying the base game and I can get 200+ hours of content is no contest. Those items are in the game files themselves, hypothetically all someone would have to do is download some type of Cheat Engine to unlock them. Personally, I say its not worth all that mess, just enjoy the game because it's a damn good one.
Nicht Empfohlen
4492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 12:49
I've taken multiple 2 - 3 month breaks when playing to just try and get through it, and I'm currently in the middle of my next break, we'll see if I ever pick it up again or actually finish this game.
15974 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 22:08
Is Assassin's Creed Odyssey Better Than The Witcher 3?
Short Answer: No.
Witcher 3 has much extensive RPG mechanics, characters that bring out more emotional attachment, and better side quests among many other aspects that Odyssey cannot match. But the fact that AC Odyssey is even in the conversation with Witcher 3 is quite an accomplishment for Ubisoft and definitely a journey worth experiencing.
Ubisoft has taken what they introduced in Origins and improved it in every way from character development to combat system/RPG elements, and more comprehensive side quests in a much bigger open world environment.
While playing Odyssey I saw glimpses of the Witcher 3’s influence.
The rich dialogue and interactions you have with the world and the NPC’s (Non-playable Characters) allows you to feel attached to them, like I did with Geralt in the Witcher…that is if you play as Kassandra. She is quick witted, funny and passionate. It's nice that Ubisoft gives you the option to play as multiple characters, but to be honest you will enjoy Odyssey much more with Kassandra. Alexios voice acting is quite bad because it's often over the top, forced and feels like a bad B or C level actor voiced him, pulling you out of meaningful moments in the game. With Kassandra though I never had that experience. Also, Ubisoft pulled back the confusing story-line of the series a bit so that you’re not weighted down with the relationship the Assassins have with the Templar’s as much as previous games. This makes me more invested and excited for the story than I have been in games prior to Origins
The combat system is very similar to the Witcher 3 but not as robust.
You’re able to freely spend and reset your ability points, trying different combinations of weapons and attacks. You want flaming dual swords? Check. How about remote control over an arrow for perfect shot placement? Check. Rage mode like God of War? Check. My personal favorite has to be the Spartan Kick. I find myself yelling “THIS IS SPARTA” in my head every time I do it. This variety and flexibility will drive you to unlock more and more abilities.
On top of the abilities of the characters, customization with your weapons is great too. You’re able to get different level of gear off enemies along the rank of common, rare, epic, and legendary. Each piece has different perks so you’re able to match them to your style of play and you can even add additional ones to your gear by engraving. Such enhancements are additional critical damage, stealth bonus, faster ability recharge, breathing under water, etc… And if you have a level one piece of gear that you really like, you can raise it to the max level if you have the necessary crafting materials.
Which game does weapons and abilities better?
That’s up to your personal preference. I think that most people will like Odyssey more than Witcher 3 in this regard even though the latter has more to choose from. Mostly because you only get one reset on your abilities for the game on the Witcher 3, so you have to choose your points wisely as they will hold a lot more weight as you progress.
Side Missions
In many open world games, you could stick to the main quest almost start to finish without feeling that you’re missing out on an epic side mission. Not the case with Odyssey though. Much like Witcher 3, Odyssey is able to pull me in with the many side quests. I found myself with very little regrets going out of my way to a spot with a “?” and spending the time to complete it. Though I still haven’t come across a side quest as memorable as The Bloody Barron in Witcher 3, which is probably an unfair comparison as that side quest is one of the best ever in gaming history. Odyssey’s side quests are meaningful though. The fetch quests, as there are many in massive open world game, are even enjoyable. For example, one of my favourite fetch quest was a love triangle where you have to collect items to make a potion that will cause someone to fall in love with an NPC. You can choose different options which effect how it unfolds and who end up with the “happy ending”. It is these kind of details that make your time spent doing extra content satisfying. Even as I was playing the other night I was flagged down by an NPC. I thought “Okay, this should be a 10 minute pit stop for some of that sweet, sweet XP.” Wrong! Two hours later I finished the multiple branching side quest with a thrilling conclusion. Every time I think, I’m going to work on the main story I get distracted by one of the many “?” on the gigantic map. To some this may seem overwhelming (and it is), but it’s an example of how good content all around helps drive people to play your game.
Final Thoughts
My final thoughts on this game and the comparison is that these type of games are best played and enjoyed at your own pace, not thinking about how you’re going to 100% it or beat it fast. I’m the type of gamer that wants to burn through games, but after a few hours in the world of Odyssey I stopped trying to rush to the end and just started to enjoy the ride.
16136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 14:15
One of the best games I've ever played.
The slightly longer version:
It is a huge game with many historically accurate details of the ancient Greece or at least way more historically accurate than any of the Hollywood movies despite having mythical creatures in it.
The map size may not be as large as games like the newer Just Cause games but it is much more populated and with way more things to do than many other open world games.
There are also many buildings that you can actually enter and with detailed decorations and furnitures.
The combat system is similar to the Origins with the main story being quite a bit longer or at least it feels that way which I personally think is great.
I mean a good game should be large enough and have enough content for the player to spend at least 50 hours or more without being too repetitive.
Some people say the game is grindy early on and punishes the low level players but personally I think it makes the game more exciting when being chased by mercenaries many levels higher and explore new areas with much tougher enemies and hostile wild animals because it encourages you to do more side quests and find new ways to kill high level enemies.
There are also multiple dialogue options with some affecting which ending you would get which is also great and reminds me of the Mass Effect trilogy and the newer Fallout games.
I don't usually care too much about music and songs in games but the soundtrack of this game is just amazing and perfectly matches the beautiful landscape and architecture.
25288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 05:15
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 10:32
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Really bad
☐ Very good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Very bad
????????????????Player audience
☐ Adults
☐ Kids
☐ Fps Players
☐ Casual Players
☑ All
????PC Requirements
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boy
????Game Difficulity
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
???????? easy to play, but no counter at the begining
????Story length
☐ Really short (0-5 hours)
☐ Short (5-9 horus)
☐ Decent (9-16 hours)
☐ Long (16-25 hours)
☐ Really long (25-35 hours)
☑ Extremelly Long (35++ hours)
???????? The main story is 50 hours, didn't finished the game but I will, with the sidemissions is 70hours+
???? Game price
☐ Very cheap
☐ Decent
☑ Wait for sale
☐ too expensive
???????? I bought the game on sale for 15$
Nicht Empfohlen
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 08:49
6441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 19:32
Graphics are astonishing! Gameplay is smooth and the combat system is not extremely easy like the other AC's before.
I finished the game and bought DLC's but I still want more! Can't get enough of the Ancient Greece!
Nicht Empfohlen
5431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 23:53
The only thing this game has in common with any other games in the series is the name and the Isu, which has always really been in the background of most other AC games.
Before I get into my main review of this game, I just want to point out that AC Origins did a very good job explaining the 'origins' of the AC Brotherhood, and on top of that while Origins did have some mythological elements, they were implemented through DLC and were explained as hallucinations brought about by the pieces of Eden.
Compared to Origins, Odyssey is a slap in the face of what it means to be an AC game:
- Mythology plays a big part of the game, and you fight mythological creatures as part of the story, [spoiler] however later on you can find out that these creatures are just the result of Isu experiments, which is kind of a bullshit reason [/spoiler]
- There is a large focus on the Isu, [spoiler] heck, you're the child of a God-like figure, [/spoiler] and it really contradicts what is known about the Isu from previous games. The Isu aren't some mysterious Godly human-predecessors, but are really just petty magicians (especially if you play the Fate of Atlantis DLC).
- Origins explained the birth of the Brotherhood, but this game is set way before Origins takes place, so there isn't any mention of the Hidden Ones or Order of the Ancients (outside of a DLC), and really the Cult of Kosmos (the Templar equivalent in this game) has nothing to do with any AC lore.
- Layla Hassan is incredibly unlikable. In Origins, she didn't have much to do with the story and was a pretty forgettable character, but I guess I'd describe her as a boring Lara Croft. In Odyssey, she is an incredibly annoying, arrogant weird hipster, who would make sense as a side character in Watch Dogs 2, but doesn't really seem to belong in an AC game.
- The game is too arcadey. Compared to previous games like Unity, with proper, well-flushed out and somewhat realistic mechanics, this game just feels like it lacks substance. You can dance and dodge around 15 foes and take them all out without being hit once and you just float and jump around everywhere you go like you have wings. It just doesn't seem to belong to an AC game.
- Finally, the story. Past AC games have been known for their complicated, thought-provoking stories, but the story in Odyssey is just not worthy of its namesake. Furthermore, although I'd consider this game more a quasi-RPG than a real RPG like Kingdom Come or the Witcher games, you shouldn't really have the ability to make game-altering decisions in an AC game. The whole premise of AC games is that you are accessing someones memories, not making your own memories of people that died thousands of years ago.
Most of the issues I listed above are issues I'd say only people who have actually played other AC games would share with me. If this is your first AC game, you wouldn't pick up on a lot of this so it would be really irrelevant. If this is your first AC game, though, and you really enjoyed it and want to delve further into the series, be prepared to either be very disappointed or pleasantly surprised, because from mechanics to story and lore, all other AC games are very different to Odyssey. If you, like me, have played the other games and are familiar with the lore, you will find yourself very disappointed with this game.
12896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 12:53
I wonder why I waited several months writing this. I had fun and clocked over 200 hours with the latest entry in the Assassin's Creed series. My own odyssey with the franchise began around the time Brotherhood was released. I started from the beginning and never skipped an episode (emphasis is on the main titles released for the PC) with the exception of Liberation. However, before Odyssey I did purchase the remastered version of episode III so I could finally assist Aveline against the Templars in New Orleans. I checked one of the Chronicles games (didn't care much for it) and also watched Fassbender in action as Callum Lynch. The image of him being attached to a mechanical arm is still haunting my dreams.
In Ancient Times
Yep, we are back, but this time the setting is Ancient Greece. In fact, the story takes place hundreds of years before Origins. The map is huge (certain sources claim it is 2.5 times as big as it was before) and we have a lot of islands to travel to. Some are truly gorgeous and I did notice that I always looked for photo opportunities when exploring a new location. Frankly, I preferred Origins as the desert with its sandstorms and mirages was truly one of a kind, however, the new setting is also great. Visiting Mount Taygetus with its snowy tops, discovering an uncharted island with a huge Poseidon statue, doing quests in Mykonos while enjoying the scenic view, looking for a tablet (no, the one without a circuit board!) underwater in the Red Lake Bay... just to name a few memorable things. We traverse forests, visit theatres, stealth kill enemies near ancient ruins and stop at several waterfalls to enjoy their sight. Historical characters await: Socrates will annoy us several times, Herodotos accompanies us during our seafaring quests and we even help Hippokrates save people. Oh, and just because Lucy Lawless portrayed a skinny, athletic Xena in the '90s the lady you meet in Odyssey is much more... well, heavily built.
Modern Times
Before moving on to other cool stuff let's look at Layla Hassan a bit. This part of the game was a total letdown. We get out of the Animus to be able to look around in our temporary HQ but bear in mind the next time you do this it will be in another location. So, check your laptop with all your documents and read all the e-mails before diving in once more. I miss Desmond and his companions. The creators themselves confirmed they are unsure where to go with this part of the story. What a shame as Layla is quite likeable! Hopefully, this will be extended further in the upcoming title Valhalla.
Siblings & Dialogues & Choices
You'd say this we already saw in Syndicate as we had the opportunity of controlling the Frye twins. The difference now is that we pick between Kassandra and Alexios at the beginning and there will be no coming back. Would you like to play as a woman all along after picking a man? Come back for a 2nd playthrough, then. My choice was Kassandra and from what I read on the internet the dialogues are identical for both - even the gear they begin with is the same. Many say the acting on Kassandra's part is much better.
So why do a new walkthrough? Because we have decisions this time. In Origins we saw how the creators decided on exploring the RPG path and in Odyssey it is ever more present. Sometimes dialogue selections only mean hearing more background info on a particular task we have to do. At other times the selection ends in a massacre, threat or even in lovemaking. I liked how a small icon was placed at the end of these lines warning you of the outcome. So, like in a Bioware game, if you feel like you went down on the good side and now it's a good time to become a renegade, pick a new gender and alternative choices. As decisions are offered at key events in the story this also means a different endgame for the first time in the series!
Another thing introduced is the notoriety. Forget Bayek and his police-like role as this time you play as a misthios, a mercenary. You can attack anybody anytime - a lot of lootable chests or jars are private property. Civilians notice what you are doing and they react accordingly. Should you get into a heated battle with the locals (be it Athenians or Spartans) even civilians can join the fight. They immediately obtain the weapons of fallen soldiers - if they fail to do so prepare for the good old-fashioned fisticuffs. Every territory is owned by either Athens or Sparta – you can join them on the battlefield to claim a new territory (these battles are massive with dozens of combatants present!) but you will never become truly an ally to either. As a mercenary you are neutral and you can complete missions in the interest of both.
Sailing on Ancient Waters
Seafaring returns which partially explains why the map is significantly bigger. Although we have to make do with javelins and arrows instead of cannons, naval battles can still be entertaining. Athenians and Spartans mind their own business but be careful when it comes to pirates and mercenaries. Fewer equipment does not necessarily mean fewer updates. A lot of resources must be spent if we wish to achieve the most powerful form of our Adrestia. Looting on sea allows us to get the applicable cosmetics: figureheads, texture for the hull and the mast and even the crew can look different. You can also hire lieutenants: they improve the attributes of our seafaring abilities. Even bad guys (from a simple soldier to the deadly mercenaries) can be hired. This is a bit tricky as instead of doing a killing blow we have to knock them out. I remember using Bayek as one of the legendary captains along with Charon, the ferryman. Additional (dozens) cosmetics are available in the store for Helix currency. This system was well-known (and annoyed many players) in Origins already.
Soldiers of Fortune
The mercenary system introduced in Origins is now much bigger and more interesting. We often bump into one such soldier but as long as we are not notorious we are not attacked. It is possible to find a mercenary with such a high level at the beginning of the game that only dozens of hours later will we be able to kill them. If we are not interested in the constant challenge, we can just pay certain sponsors to remove the bounty on our heads. Otherwise prepare for an exciting battle with an enemy you can consider as a miniboss. We can check their abilities during the encounter and see if they have a weak point (for instance, extra damage from fire or poison). The gear we get can be really good and defeating one means replacing its position in the hierarchy. Once we cleared a tier, we enter another so that we can reap additional benefits. Aim for the top tier as becoming number 1 is immensely satisfying. Mercenaries are randomly generated - becoming the best does not make the system obsolete. Encounters will last until you play the game.
Switching Into Full Gear
Aiming towards the RPG experience once more! We have more items (armor) to add and set pieces also appear. For those of you willing to explore all locations and doing all quests obtaining all set pieces is a great bonus. I liked the fact that getting hold of a new item unlocks its „look” so if you replace it with a newer one you can still keep the skin / texture.
As tier bonuses include vendor-related bonuses we have fewer skills available as the unnecessary onces were removed. Emphasis is still on aiming toward the 3 possible playstyle: hunter, warrior or assassin. I preferred the middle but by the end of the game I could still purchase all skills (many with all their additional levels).
Review continued in the comment section (to be read starting from the last comment)
14493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 11:55
Overall I think it's a really good game and definitely worth your time.
6814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 22:25
Most Ubisoft open world games are just a bunch of recycled ideas from a previous game put in a new skin and this one is no exception. It has the fetch quests, synchronization towers, checklists etc. that we've seen in many older titles. There is even a separate class of daily quests that are basic fetch quests with generic writing (these have a silver icon instead of a gold one). I don't know why these exist in the game but they don't affect the game when ignored. The actual sidequests (those that aren't automatically generated fetch quests) are often underwhelming with mediocre writing and uninteresting tasks. However, a few character quest lines such as those of Socrates are an exception. These are surprisingly well written and thought provoking. The main storyline has its highs and lows but is interesting and well written overall. There is a decent mercenary system and a morally questionable conquest battle system, where you have to weaken a nation by burning it's supplies and participate in the war that ensues, all just to get gear.
The combat in the game is a mixed bag, I don't like the reliance on adrenaline in combat. Halfway through the game, you'll stop caring about attacking and just spam abilities off cooldown, especially since there's an ability that refills adrenaline. As for stealth, the AI is not that smart. Detection doesn't use sound and is only based on vision. Crouching in a bush makes you invisible to even people that are really close to you. I also don't like the fact that stealth attacks aren't instakills and a guard might survive a stab in the neck just because he was 2 levels ahead of you. The naval combat is interesting.
What really makes the game interesting is the open world. Ancient Greece is a great location for an open world game and Ubisoft has nailed it. Cities filled with beautiful Greek architecture reinforced by bright marble, mountains enveloped in fog at dusk, sunlit valleys and the tiny islands on the horizon shrouded by the endless sea all come together to make a beautiful world. Everytime I dock my ship on a new island I would find myself eager to run in and explore. I only wish that the game didn't actively discourage exploration as it does. Every point of interest is marked with a question-mark on the map which cannot be turned off. Moreover, when you reach such a place, instead of letting you explore, the UI gives you a list of things to do and you can use your eagle to mark things in these list. This guarantees that you don't missing anything by not exploring. Thankfully, these can be turned off along-with a handful of other HUD elements, that take away from the experience, such as the the mini quest information widget. The main quests objectives are spread out in the world and there is a level scaling system. This means that once you get past the initial stages of the game, you are free to choose where to go.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is far from perfect, but it is still very much an enjoyable game.
5738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 01:59
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☐ Adults
☐ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
7437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 18:52
- balanced combat system, i.e. people of your level are a challenge in group, be under leveled and you'll get you ass handed to you, be over leveled and you'll be doing the ass kicking. (although the game does scale up as you level up)
- fun combat system with different skill trees and 3 ways of doing combat. Ranged, up close, or assassination. or even in combination with each other.
- Conquest mode is fun and rewarding the more difficult you make it for yourself.
- Mercenary system is good and not confusing or complicated, kill someone and move up in ranks. although if you are being hunter it does get ridiculous sometimes if you have 4 mercenaries hunting your ass at the same time. [spoiler]you're better off paying off your bounty at that point[/spoiler]
- Cult system is well done and takes some time to complete (you'll be doing that throughout the entire story and maybe even after)
- buttload of side quests for you to level up if you're stuck or struggling with something
- mythical creatures to slay, who doesn't love a good ass handing with a [spoiler]minotaur[/spoiler] or [spoiler]cyclops[/spoiler]
Hands down my favo AC game, I love these kind of games (open world / rpg) that have a lot of diversion and things to work on, doesn't get repetitive or boring, you can always switch to doing something else.
Would buy for the full price 100%. Totally worth the 60€
9130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 22:51
12601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 17:30
Gameplay: 9/10
Combat was great, stealth was satisfying, playing as a bow master was an interesting added challenge. My only gripe was that if you specialized in assassin, there were many times where stealth was not an option and you were forced into combat you weren't fully effective at. Despite that, the RPG elements were an amazing addition to this series. I really liked having a choice over how my character played, being able to customize both her look and her gear to suit my play-style. Ship combat was great, I enjoyed the RPG style upgrades. It wasn't Black Flag great, but this isn't a pirate game, so I'm impressed with how much effort they put into it.
Story: 9.5/10
This is highly subjective, but I found myself agonizing over choices that actually felt meaningful and had an impact on the overall game. It was brilliantly done, I took off .5 points because of the debacle that is the modern day storyline.
Graphics: 10/10
It's literally gorgeous. Viewpoint scenes really showed it off on my ultrawide. Animations, cutscenes, facial expressions, all of it is beautiful. Taking screenshots of gorgeous moments in front of awe-inspiring scenery can become addicting.
Replayability: 10/10
As I mentioned above, your choices matter. You can definitely replay and get some minor changes in the story arc and some major different plot twists. You also have two distinct main characters to choose that will mildly change some things (mainly in the DLC). There is also an option for new game plus.
Content: 10/10
Not including DLC you can easily spend 100+ hours on this game, including DLC you could probably hit close to 200 and still have stuff to do. This game is packed with meaningful content I actually want to do. Not just filler and fetch quests.
DLC 1: 7/10 -- It felt lackluster, no new scenery, just more quests, which is fine, I didn't want it to end, but my choices felt pointless. The developer had a story in mind and nothing I said or did could change that story playing out.
DLC 2: 9/10 -- This was just a breath of fresh air. Finally jumping into the mythology headfirst instead of vague allusions. You are actually there! In Elysium, the Underworld and Atlantis. I thoroughly enjoyed all the episodes of DLC, but I would rank my favorites in this order: Episode 2, Episode 1, Episode 3. The story allowed for choices to affect the outcome, unlike the first DLC, but it did feel slightly sloppy and rushed towards conclusion, but it's forgivable since they give a sizable amount of content as a DLC. The modern day ending post DLC was not my favorite. It felt so untidy... I didn't even know I was DONE until I did a google search. You get modified abilities throughout which allows you to change your playstyle. You get access to some pretty sick end game weapons. There's a good chunk of content and it definitely takes time to fully get through. I would give the story about a 7/10, but all the other aspects really drags it back up to a 9 IMO.
One of the best games I've played. The Modern Day storyline was a bit convoluted and confusing, but the main game was great. The DLC was good and definitely worth it, but I did feel a sense of lacking the freedom of choice that I had in the main game. My favorite DLC episode was episode 2 of the Atlantis chain. The hunt DLC was meh tbh. One of the story arcs felt really forced down my throat. I think what kept me motivated to push through it was the promise of Atlantis when I finished (not that you can't do Atlantis first, I just wanted to beat them all in order)
I didn't 100% percent the game, but I did complete all quests, collect all gear, kill all bosses/cult, collect all viewpoints, etc. including the DLC.... It took me about 100 hours to do. I played as Kassandra, because I preferred her voice actor.
6258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 16:53
played all of the games in the series and loved most of them.
but after syndicate i didn't see the assassin's creed i knew.
the price of them were too much for me bcs games are much more expensive in my country.
until this game released and i'm hating myself for not playing it when it came out,
but 2 weeks ago i downloaded a cracked version of the game(i'm sorry)
i played the game, i enjoyed it more and more as i was going more deep into the game.
i was dying of enjoyment and decided that i have to buy it bcs it's the best game in the series so far,
i waited for the sales bcs it was too expensive for me, then the sales started.
and here i am writing a review for the best game i've ever played in my life and thank u ubisoft for this great game :)
have a great life <3
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 13:24
15958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 14:45
This is one of these games you will never want it to finish. Actually some moment I thought I've found a game I'll play for years. Like a Single Player MMORPG (yes, it's my dream :P) however Ubisoft announced that there won't be any more DLC's or expansions for Odyssey, which I still mourn today.
If you are going to buy, buy it with all the DLC's included; believe me it's gonna worth it. Odyssey is really a complete adventure where you'll lose yourself in spectacular views of Mediterranean Sea and extremely well written stories. Every quest is another adventure and chasing the Greek Mythology was like a dream!
I've finished the game in maximum difficulty with kill or be killed actions and all I can say is I'd try even harder if there was any option.
If you're an RPG fan, no matter how much you're familiar to AC universe, it's a must-have game.
I'll be talking about this game after 10 years like I still do about Baldur's Gate, Fallout, Vampire the Masqurade etc.
Have fun and don't forget to kudos devs!
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Assassins Creed