Steam DB Steam DB Assassin's Creed? Odyssey

App ID
App Type
Assassin's Creed? Odyssey
Ubisoft Quebec
Supported Systems
First Record Import
October 05, 2018 - 20:49:27 UTC (2266 days ago)
Last Record Update
November 12, 2024 - 13:01:21 UTC (36 days ago)
Release Date
5. Okt. 2018


This is Sparta!
This is Sparta!
An Odyssey in the Making
An Odyssey in the Making
Past Mistakes
Past Mistakes
Evil Unearthed
Evil Unearthed
The Bright Minds
The Bright Minds
From the Ashes
From the Ashes
Democracy Falls
Democracy Falls
Legend in the Making
Legend in the Making
Taking Back Athens
Taking Back Athens
Odyssey's End
Odyssey's End
Child of Poseidon
Child of Poseidon
Make It Your Own
Make It Your Own
You Work for Me Now
You Work for Me Now
I am Legend
I am Legend
Are You Not Entertained?
Are You Not Entertained?
Godly Power
Godly Power
Legacy Restored
Legacy Restored
Top of the Food Chain
Top of the Food Chain
The Cult Unmasked
The Cult Unmasked
Stink Eye
Stink Eye
Hermes's Homie
Hermes's Homie
In Perseus's Image
In Perseus's Image
A-maze-ing Victory!
A-maze-ing Victory!
Eye on the Prize
Eye on the Prize
Riddle Me This
Riddle Me This
Lord of the Seas
Lord of the Seas
The Argonauts
The Argonauts
Master of the Hunt
Master of the Hunt
Everybody Benefits
Everybody Benefits
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
A Pirate's Life for Me
A Pirate's Life for Me
Going For Gold
Going For Gold
Scourge of the Aegean
Scourge of the Aegean
Blood Sport
Blood Sport
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Fashion's Creed
Fashion's Creed
Aphrodite's Embrace
Aphrodite's Embrace
One Head Down…
One Head Down…
Ramming Speed
Ramming Speed
I Have the Power
I Have the Power
War Master
War Master
Misthios in Training
Misthios in Training
Island Hopper
Island Hopper
Hero for Hire
Hero for Hire
Wrath of the Amazons
Wrath of the Amazons
The Midas Touch
The Midas Touch
The Show Must Go On
The Show Must Go On
Lightning Rod
Lightning Rod
Divine Intervention
Divine Intervention
Volcanic Sunscreen
Volcanic Sunscreen
The Image of Faith
The Image of Faith
The Daughters of Lalaia
The Daughters of Lalaia
Lone Lion
Lone Lion
Without a trace
Without a trace
The Start of a Legacy
The Start of a Legacy
Breaking the Limit
Breaking the Limit
Predator and Prey
Predator and Prey
A Poet's Legacy
A Poet's Legacy
A Brother's Seduction
A Brother's Seduction
Rain of Arrows
Rain of Arrows
Fire on Water
Fire on Water
Parry to Carry
Parry to Carry
Blood of Leonidas
Blood of Leonidas
A Friend Worth Dying For
A Friend Worth Dying For
The Heir of Memories
The Heir of Memories
Seeing Red
Seeing Red
Bittersweet Beginnings
Bittersweet Beginnings
Surgical Sniper
Surgical Sniper
For Love of Persia
For Love of Persia
One Really, Really Bad Day
One Really, Really Bad Day
Every Story Has an Ending
Every Story Has an Ending
No More Rulers
No More Rulers
In the Face of the Gods
In the Face of the Gods
Gathering Strength
Gathering Strength
The Conqueror
The Conqueror
Old Flames Burn Brighter
Old Flames Burn Brighter
Bad Dog!
Bad Dog!
Guardian of the Underworld
Guardian of the Underworld
The One
The One
Gathering More Strength
Gathering More Strength
A True Ruler
A True Ruler
Your Own Medicine
Your Own Medicine
Isu Bloodline
Isu Bloodline
Hephaistos's Apprentice
Hephaistos's Apprentice
Gathering Full Strength
Gathering Full Strength
1 Versus 100
1 Versus 100
Assassin's Creed? Odyssey
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
90.33% 40262 4308
Meistere dein Schicksal in Assassin's Creed? Odyssey selbst.

Einst versto?en, nun auf dem Weg zur lebenden Legende - beginne eine Odyssee, die die Geheimnisse deiner Vergangenheit l?ften und das Schicksal Griechenlands ver?ndern wird.


Entdecke ?ppige W?lder, Vulkaninseln und die gesch?ftigen Stra?en antiker St?dte. Tauche ein in eine vom Krieg zerrissene Welt, die gleicherma?en von G?ttern und Menschen geformt wurde.


Deine Entscheidungen beeinflussen den Verlauf deiner Odyssee. Erlebe Dank der Wahlm?glichkeiten des neuen Dialogsystems zahlreiche Enden. Passe deine Ausr?stung, dein Schiff und deine F?higkeiten an, um zur Legende zu werden.


Stelle deine Kampfkunst in riesigen Schlachten unter Beweis, in denen Athen und Sparta Hunderte von Soldaten ins Feld f?hren, oder nimm es bei Seeschlachten in der ?g?is mit ganzen Flotten auf.


Erlebe die Action in einem ganz neuen Licht mit Hilfe von Tobii Eye Tracking. Das "Extended View" feature bietet dir einen weiten Ausblick auf die Umgebung w?hrend die dynamischen Licht- und Sonneneffekte dich immersiv in die Sandd?nen eintauchen lassen. Durch simples Betrachten wird das Markieren, Zielen und Anvisieren deiner Ziele viel nat?rlicher. Lass deine Sicht die Richtung vorgeben und verbessere dein Gameplay.

Die Liste der kompatiblen Ger?te finden Sie auf der Tobii Website


Zus?tzliche Hinweise:

Eye-Tracking-Feature mit Tobii Eye Tracking.