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ARMA 2 - Neue Screenshots von ArmA2
04.05.09 17:38 Screens
Die Entwickler fahren ein weiteres Update für ihre Website auf, mit neuen Infos & Screenshots.
Die Entwickler fahren ein weiteres Update für ihre Website auf, mit neuen Infos & Screenshots.
Als wir vor kurzen die Vermutung äußerten, daß demnächst die neue Chernarus Kategorie auf der offiziellen Website ein weiteres Update erfahren wird, hätten wir nicht damit gerechnet, daß dies innerhalb von 48 Stunden passiert. Wie dem auch sei, so können wir euch heute zwei neue Bereiche vorstellen, die da wären: Industrial areas und Inhabited areas. Mit diesem Einblick in die Vielfalt von ArmA2, sollte nun auch der unerfahrende User ein paar Informationen gewinnen können und wir damit hoffentlich einen weiteren Interessenten für ArmAII rekrutiert. Macht weiter so, Bohemia Interactive und verkauft uns bitte ein fehlerfreies ArmA2! Die Screenshots findet ihr unter der News oder über die ArmA2 Galerie.

Industrial areas

For the fast growing industrial production in the second half of the 20th century, the electricity inflow conducted by land from the west was insufficient; also the basic infrastructure of gravel roads was inconvenient. Yearly floods, created from the melting snow were constantly threatening the coastal railroad, built for the purpose of transporting cargo from Chernogorsk to the industrial centers. This was the only secure connection during the long-lasting rains.

In the 70's it was decided to build a motorway infrastructure and also construct a number of waterworks, which would not only reduce the yearly floods, but also allow the generation of electricity from owned sources. The results of this effort are mainly the Pobeda Dam, a number of flood barriers on the main traffic artery leading from Chernogorsk along the coast to Berezin, and of course the great hydro-electric power plant near Elektrozavodsko.

Inhabited areas

The biggest city and the administrative center of the Chernarussian Northern Province is Chernogorsk. What was originally a small fisherman's village quickly grew into a city thanks to the intensive industrialization of the Chernarussian Autonomic Republic, which began in the 50's of the previous century. Chernogorsk has always been a harbor town, once connected to northern trade routes, now a place through which the raw materials flow to Elektrozavodsk.

By the decision of the Soviet Union's government, not only Chernogorsk, but also other fairly undeveloped cities of the Northern Province were supposed to change to the symbol of industrial advancement. The price for urbanization and industrialization was the environmental damage of the coastal areas. The local village population was rooted out and forced to live an urban life, or moved to the northern Kolkhozs. This fact reflects not only in the fast-engineered infrastructure and generic apartment block style housing developments, but also in the architectural spirit of socialistic realism. The dominants of the cities then aren't the historical centers, but industrial zones, lime-kiln and the buildings of long abandoned factories.
Quelle: ArmA2 Website
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.05.2009
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Release:29.05.2009 Genre: Militär Simulation Entwickler: Bohemia Interactive Studios Vertrieb: Morphicon Limited / Peter Games Engine: VBS2 Engine Kopierschutz:SecuROM Franchise:keine Infos
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