Pedagne Mod
ARMA 2 - Mod - Pedagne Mod
03.05.10 10:52
Pedagne Mod v0.1 [b]BETA[/b] by Arremba San Zorzo [i][b]Zitat [color=navy]Arremba San Zorzo[/color]:[/b] Hi, after exactely two years from the last release, PedagneMOD, today, is proud to release ...
GameTyp: Single+Multiplayer
Autor: Arremba San Zorzo
Veröffentlicht: 03.05.2010


Pedagne Mod v0.1 BETA by Arremba San Zorzo

Zitat Arremba San Zorzo:
Hi, after exactely two years from the last release, PedagneMOD, today, is proud to release the new italian army pack for ARMA 2.
The pack contains over than 320 soldiers, 80 wheeled vehicles, 30 tracked vehicles and 35 air vehicles, of Italian Army, Navy, Air Force andCarabinieri, divided in 9 files:
ASZ_PersoneIT.pbo (soldiers)
ASZ_Beretta.pbo (beretta weapons)
ASZ_ndd_weapons (other portable weapons)
ASZ_Wheel.pbo (wheeled vehicles)
ASZ_Tracked.pbo (tracked vehicles)
ASZ_Air.pbo (air vehicles)
ASZ_C130_AM.pbo (BIS C130 original simply retextured)
ASZ_m270MLRS_EI.pbo (BIS MRLS simply retextured)
ASZ_AAV7_EIMM.pbo (BIS AAV7 simply retextured)

Unfortunately, at date, this pack is still in Beta version, with the command actions menu only in italian and, contrarily to i have announced, the version for Arma 1 is not ready yet.

About the quality, at date, is not at the same points for all models and textures...many are more accurated, others are only draft.
This MOD is always in evolution and this is what we can do at date.

Know Bugs
-All: Smoke launcher do not work
-All: The get in position is not always right
-All:The rvmat reflections are not always optimizated
-Soldiers: wound do not work
-LVTP7: commander position do not work properly
-Wheeled: damages do not work properly
-ACM90: the ammo tow do not work properly
-Air:some damagehide do not work properly
-Air: the rescue wench do not work properly

Many people and Clan have tested this pack, but the great dimension of it, needs the test of the community.
Playng with the mod, is probable that you can stumble in a error message. Just ignore it (naturally if the game do not crash) and continue to play.
If you want, you can also compile the asz_bug_report excels file attached. I would appreciate that, later, you sent me it.


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03. 05. 2010 um 10:52
03. 05. 2010 um 10:52
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