Namalsk island
ARMA 2 - Map - Namalsk island
23.05.10 10:22
Die neueste Version von Namalsk island ist v1.10 by Sumrak - A part of Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk modification..
GameTyp: Single+Multiplayer
MapTyp: Custom Map
Autor: Sumrak
Veröffentlicht: 23.05.2010
Die neueste Version von Namalsk island ist v1.10 by Sumrak
- A part of Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk modification..
Zitat Sumrak: I'm proud to say, that i finished work on my island Namalsk. Almost 2 year of work, begin in OFP: Resistance (Very old screens here), continue in ArmA: Armed Assault (screens here) and finally finished in ArmA II (final screenshots from ArmA II). Now, all needed on Namalsk was completed, and i can say, that Namalsk is now in version 1.0 ready to release. You can try ambinet color change modules - prealpha stage of ns_modules.pbo (more info here). I have to recommend use some of these modules, because, they can add more atmosphere for Namalsk in various situation.

What is Namalsk?
Namalsk is fictional island, located in Bering Strait. It is island with hard conditions for life, island is covered by needle-leaved trees, with high mountains covered by perma snow blanket. On Namalsk are located lot of different objects, for example there is high transmitter Seraja in mountains, underground in object AII, big town Vorkuta and two harbors Tara and Lubjansk.

What is Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk?
Namalsk is only the part of this modification, full modification, with campaign on Namalsk island and more features (more info here or here) will be released probably in summer 2010. Namalsk is using models of buildings from this mod and probably these models will be in this period more tune-up (added for more objects paths for AI, etc.). I tried to minimize size of this release, so, don't await full versions of all pbo's, there are only things, which are needed for playing on Namalsk.

Detailed description of final version of Namalsk:
* Very detailed island
* Covered almost by new objects (buildings and smaller misc objects from Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk modification)
* You can found on Namalsk big town Vorkuta, old hospital, small factories and villages, yard,2 harbors, mountains covered by snow, big agricultural object Jalovisko, UNDEGROUND object AII, train tracks, deep forests and more and more.. SEE Screenshots below they tells more than words :)
* Since ArmA II, new island is near Namalsk, called Tara
* Completely NEW painted satellite mask with higher resolution.
* Enhaced quality of ground textures
* Enhaced performance on whole island
* Tweaked ArmA II trees for better performance on Namalsk[/i]
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