Dear Designers,
At this special time of the year, we want to wish you all the fishtastic things you have ever dreamed of. A new car, a journey to a faraway land, a new fish species in your tank, or maybe simply a lot of good time with family by your side. Let this upcoming 2023 year bring you all a lot of joy, love, and satisfaction.
And many good games, of course!

And here's our little gift for welcoming a New Year:
Remember all those Steam Discussions where we asked you about the fish and plants you want to see in the game? Well, here's proof we're here to make your dreams come true. In the December update, we've added 2 new freshwater fish: Black Moor Goldfish (Carassius auratus) and Pearl Gourami (Trichopodus leerii), and a new freshwater plant - Lobelia cardinalis (the underwater kind, of course).
We're hoping you will enjoy them as we're approaching a New Year, full of possibilities and hopes. And plenty more updates from the Aquarium Designer. We also have some DLCs in waiting - you can try guessing their themes in the comments below!
Remember that while the Winter Sale lasts, you can also buy the Sea Life DLC with a 20% discount!
Where can you find us?
You can always reach out to us here, on Steam, through Steam Discussions, which we try to monitor on a regular basis. However, we also have a Discord server. There are over 300 enthusiasts of the game and aquaristics in general, so come and join our little community :)

Have a Fishtastic New Year, our dear Designers!
Aquarium Designer team