Hello Designers,
It's been over a year since Aquarium Designer was released. Since then, we've provided you with many updates that added a lot of content to the game. New fish, plants, functionalities... and it is still just the top of the mountain of things we have in store for you!

Labor of Love Award
As we keep listening to your wishes and try to update the game with what you want to see in it, we can't help thinking that you like Aquarium Designer as much as we do. Your engagement in the game after a year since it launched is simply amazing! We couldn't have hoped for something like that! Thank you!
Therefore, we would like to ask you to nominate our Aquarium Designer for the Labor of Love Award in The Game Awards 2022. We will be grateful for every voice!
With each new person who hears about the game, we get more feedback on fish behavior and different mechanics. The amount of repetitions of some elements in your opinions is often a key factor in planning updates. Therefore, the more Designers there are, the better the game may become.
Sea Life DLC is on, fishes!
If you still haven't played the first Aquarium Designer DLC, you can quickly catch up and buy it now or add it to your wishlist :)
Meanwhile, a new update is arriving in the upcoming days.
Ho-ho-ho! Let the snow fall!
And remember: just keep swimming!
Aquarium Designer team