Hello Animal Lovers! ????
On the occasion of the premiere of the demo version of Animal Shelter 2, we are announcing a competition in which we will select the 20 most creative opinions regarding the demo version of Animal Shelter 2! ????
???? RULES:
1️⃣ Play the Animal Shelter 2 Demo
2️⃣ Write your opinion using one of the forms below
And that's it, now we will choose the best 20 opinions ????
Please remember to check your email address before sending the form ????
✉️ Google Form - https://forms.gle/XQLNpNP1S18PT3XZ9
✉️ Microsoft Form - https://forms.office.com/r/qZeqSdDu8q

???? Starts: June 8 at 4:00 PM CEST
???? Ends: June 17 at 12:00 PM CEST
We will announce the 20 opinions we have chosen within a few days. ????
We will select the 20 best, most creative opinions about the Animal Shelter 2 Demo Version and send the Steam key to the full version of Animal Shelter 1 to the e-mail address provided.
If something is unclear to you or you need help, please write to us here or on Discord ????

Have fun!
Animal Shelter 2 Team