Animal Shelter
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Über das Spiel

Dein Hauptziel im Animal Shelter wird es sein, sich um diejenigen zu kümmern, die unter deiner Obhut stehen, sie zu behandeln und ihnen Unterschlupf zu gewähren. Es wartet viel Arbeit auf dich in dem Tierheim, das zu einem Zufluchtsort für alle Kreaturen in Not und sicherlich bei der Suche nach geeigneten zukünftigen Besitzern helfen wird. Denk daran, dass sich das zukünftige Besitzer-Haustier-Duo ergänzen muss. Dein Hauptziel? Finde ein passendes Zuhause für deine Haustiere!
Wer macht nicht gerne Fotos von seinen Haustieren? Du hast dafür deinen eigenen Fotoraum zur Verfügung, in dem du außergewöhnliche Fotosessions machen kannst. Sei kreativ, spiele herum und benutze die Fotos schließlich als Dekoration für das Tierheim. Das wird sicherlich die Aufmerksamkeit neuer Besucher auf sich ziehen!
Kümmere dich um das Wohlergehen deiner Tiere
Der Adoptionsprozess ist sehr langwierig und kann für deine Haustiere schwierig sein.
Denk daran, ihre Bedürfnisse zu überwachen: von Hunger und Gesundheit bis hin zu Spielbedarf und Liebe. Spezielle Namenskarten sind dabei nützlich. Deine Aufgabe wird es sein, auf die aktuellen Bedürfnisse deiner Kleinen hinzuweisen.
Spiel mit ihnen
Denk dran! Ein Haustier, das unterhalten wird ist ein glückliches Haustier! Deine Haustiere verbringen den größten Teil ihres Aufenthalts in der Einrichtung in bequemen Boxen, weshalb du auf die richtige Menge an Unterhaltung und Bewegung achten musst, damit sie stark, gesund und entspannt bleiben. Streichel sie, verteile Leckereien, spiele mit Bällen oder Lasern, und sie werden dir das sicher durch großes Vertrauen und und ein fröhliches Gesicht vergelten!»
Alles am richtigen Platz
Das Tierheim besteht nicht nur aus den Boxen, sondern auch aus vielen anderen Gebäuden. Für deren Planung hast du den Baumodus zur Verfügung: verwalte und kaufe neue Gebäude, stelle bestehende um, erweitere die Flächen – Du hast das Kommando! Denk daran, dass alles wichtig ist, auch der Abstand der Steckdosen. Triff deine Entscheidungen mit Vorsicht. Am Ende wirst du derjenige sein, der sich mit seinen Haustieren im Tierheim bewegt.
Coole Features?
Bei Animal Shelter setzen wir auf Innovation. In keinem anderen Tierheim findest du unsere Lösungen. Ein Beispiel ist der völlige Verzicht auf laute Lieferwagen, die durch schnelle und leise Drohnen ersetzt werden. Ist das nicht cool? Diese werden auf jeden Fall den Stress bei Tieren minimieren, die Lärm nicht mögen, und das ist nur eine Idee! Unser Spiel bietet so viel mehr!
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i3 3.0 GHz
- GFX: NVidia GeForce GTX 780
- Software: Windows 7 64 Bit / Windows 8 64 Bit / Windows 10 64 Bit
- HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch Türkisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Koreanisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Türkisch, Japanisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Chinesisch (traditionell)
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz
- GFX: NVidia GeForce GTX 970
- RAM: 12 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 7 64 Bit / Windows 8 64 Bit / Windows 10 64 Bit
- HD: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch Türkisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Koreanisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Türkisch, Japanisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Chinesisch (traditionell)
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 00:01
I purchased this (being a massive supporter of animal charities) because there was a donation to charity(ies) included so I will give massive kudos for that, but for anyone just buying for a bit of fun. I'd say to think carefully.
It's hellacute for the first half hour, but soon becomes tiresome and repetitive. You're basically a one man band, you have to do everything yourself without the ability to employ staff/volunteers to aid you. You can only adopt one animal at a time. Your day consists of living on a computer to either find information/shop/build. All animals are recolours of the same dog/cat, over and over.
The game is a constant repetition of : Find animal>feed animal>pat animal>throw ball/play with laser> clean up poop> take photo> scan photo> place ad> find suitable match (this takes an AGE)> handover animal. Rinse and repeat. Over and over and over and over again. You may get the odd illness or wash thrown in, but that's about it.
Not sure if its a bug for everyone, but I have found that you don't always receive everything you have purchased once you 'take all' from the delivery box and should you move any of your buildings, you find the majority of your stuff has gone missing and has to be repurchased. I've also found that the game freezes intermittently while carrying animals.
I don't want to be too harsh on it, I've played much much worse and I do think that there is definitely a market for older children/young teens here, but i'd be inclined to say that you can actually have more fun playing sims pets than this. After the first 15-20 minutes of the game, you've pretty much done it all.
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 09:32
Animal Shelter
T O O M U C H C U T E N E S S ! !
Almost all the games I play are filled with violence. On the other hand, Animal Shelter overflows with wholesome vibes only. It was a completely different experience from the usual bloodshed & slaughter games. This game was very exciting to play at first. But after the game shows you all its trump cards, it starts becoming repetitive & boring. Well, at least for me it did. You might have a completely different take on this game! It was nice to see the developers donating 10 grand from their income to animal shelters in real life! My hope for humanity is restored.
About This Game
There’s no storyline for the game. You just have objectives to achieve. You take in dogs/cats, tend to them then put them up for adoption. You just have to repeat this over & over again. Yes, there is variety in the dogs & cats since they have different characteristics & varying needs & wants. But the core gameplay feels very repetitive.
Gameplay Mechanics
I am sure you guys would've played at least one of those “Simulator” games. Well, if you didn’t, lemme explain it a bit. These games try to replicate the experience of a particular job in most cases. For instance, this game gives the player insight into how it feels to own an Animal Shelter. It might not be very accurate but it covers the basics.
When you start this game, you get thrown into a tutorial. This lasts for a long time as the game has a lot of features. The game goes something like this:
- You have to first choose what animal you want to start with; A dog or a cat.
- After choosing, you spawn into the game’s world. A van brings in your first stray animal.
- Each animal you get has different characteristics & varying needs & wants. As an Animal Shelter, you have to tend to these needs & wants to make the animal happy.
- These may include food, water, medical attention, clean up, playing with it, etc. Catering to these needs will improve the dog’s physical & mental health allowing you to put it up for adoption.
- You need to buy a camera to take pictures of the dogs which will then be uploaded along with the advert for its adoption. After uploading the Advertisement, you play the waiting game waiting for the perfect client to adopt the dog. This is decided by comparing the traits & features of both, the dog & the client. The more they have in common, the more reputation points you get. You can send a person from your animal shelter to go & investigate the client for more information.
- Through the computer, you can choose each animal you want to take in. After selecting, the same blue van will come & deliver the pets to you.
- Then the game basically repeats these steps.
So, that’s basically how you play the game. It’s repetitive after a while but you can never get enough of these fluffy animals! The interactions are very cute. You can play with the animals & even pet them. What surprised me is that you can pet the animal after placing it in the van which will take them to the new owner. It’s a very emotional detail if you get emotionally attached to one of the pets.
Some animals you get will either have an injury or will be sick. You can treat them at the med bay if they are injured. If they are sick, you have to take a blood sample & submit it to the Vet who will send you a prescription of what you need to use to heal that animal.
Money management is very important. It’s best to buy supplies whenever you need them since the drone delivers them in 10 seconds. I really love how they used drones to deliver stuff in disposable cardboard boxes which can also be used as storage for extra stuff.
You can get expansion tickets by earning reputation stars. These tickets can be used to expand the area of your animal shelter, allowing you to build more buildings. You will need more dog & cat enclosures if you are going to be taking in a lot of them!
See, there are a lot of things you can do but the game still gets stale after the tutorial. There are also a few bugs you will encounter like disappearing items, animals clipping through walls, etc. Some mechanics like picking up the animals, the dogs chasing the ball, etc feel a bit too janky. I am sure they will slowly rectify all the bugs & glitches the game has!
Visuals & Audio
The visuals aren’t that appealing but animals look cute in any resolution! The game feels low poly. The animations of the animals are very cute! I love how the dogs react when petting them & how the cats chase the lasers. What’s really appealing is the usage of drawings of cute dogs & cats on the loading screen & a drawing of a sad cat & dog in the pause menu with a speech bubble that has “YOU GOIN’, FREN?”. It’s so cute & sad at the same time. Doesn’t allow me to exit the game, hence why I just Alt-F4. In conclusion, the game's visuals are not that great & could use some polishing. On the other hand, their UI design is pretty eye-catching.
I forgot to mention that the game gives pretty low FPS. I guess the developers haven’t properly optimized the game. It overheats my laptop & has a lot of FPS drops. Please look into this!
Sound design, there’s nothing much apart from Background music, animals barking or meowing, the honk of the van & the whirring of the blades of the Quadcopter. All of them have been perfectly implemented!
- Cute animals. I love the animations that the dogs & cats have. They’re just adorable.
- A lot of content.
- The game is endless.
- It’s a bit detailed as it takes into account the basic needs of the animals.
- The graphics are decent. The animals look low poly when compared to the other hard surface assets, but they oddly suit the game’s vibes.
- Gameplay gets repetitive & stale real quick.
- Few bugs & glitches, no game is perfect.
I needed a cute & wholesome break and this game gave that to me. I honestly had fun while playing it although I got bored of it. I will surely go back to the game in the future though. Kudos to this indie dev for making a pretty good game! I recommend giving it a shot if you love dogs & cats. In my opinion, the game is not worth the base price. Try grabbing it at a sale. If they add more content that doesn’t allow the game to become stale quickly, then it would be worth the $19.99!
Reviewer: Midplayz
Dogs come when they’re called; cats take the message & get back to you later…
Rating: 8/10
Please follow United Critics for more quality reviews.
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91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 07:01
It starts with the fact that you don't get to see any people in this game. The interaction with the new pet owners is only done via the PC. And there you spend a lot of time, if you really want to find the right new owner. A lot of time!
Normally the interactions with the animals are limited to feeding, giving water, petting or throwing the ball, waiting for the poop to be made and washing. Especially with the dogs being pack animals, I would have expected them to play with each other if you let them out in the run together - but nothing. The dogs also do not lie down in their dog beds so far.... well, it's daytime all the time anyway. Oh, and there is of course no daily routine, so fixed feeding times, for example. For sick, malnourished or too fat animals can be important.
And my biggest criticism: You have to do everything alone! There is no support, no employees, no volunteers to walk the dogs, as is usual at least in local animal shelters (Germany). There are also no visitors, no adoption events like some shelters like to host.
The game is really very repetitive: animal arrives, take care of it in the cage, have a short time outdoor, take a picture, place an ad, find a suitable owner, put the dog in the car - and the next one.
In short, it gets boring quickly.
There are many tasks in an animal shelter that you can do yourself and also delegate to others. But not in the way it is presented here. Sadly.
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 04:19
Achievements: Easy
Sound: Bad
Tech trees/advancement?: Not really but yes
Graphics: Pretty
???? This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.
This is a game for fans of these super realistic simulators. This game has some cute animations and being able to name the animals and interact with them will please pet fans. Still, this game is meant with realism in mind and there may be some moments that are sad for those who are more sensitive to the realities of our pet problem.
For many, the game may be too realistic and will provide only a short time of enjoyment unless you have a niche interest in the subject. There are different simulator games for you out there.
I did not encounter any bugs except sometimes the cats would not play with my laser pointer so I had to enter my inventory and exit to get them to pay attention again.
I recommend it merely because there are fans of the genre it will please and because it has the good message of spay or neuter your animal to reduce the pet populations!
???? Check out Catizens Curations for more pet games!
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 10:30
Animal Shelter is a first-person perspective simulator with the primary goal of operating and maintaining an animal shelter that rescues cats and dogs, and allows you to find them new homes.
???? Positives | ???? Negatives | [/tr]
???? Relaxing gameplay. ???? A moderate quantity of dog and cat breeds to look after. ???? Your facility is simply modular, allowing you to choose where rooms are placed. ???? Finding animals a good home is emotionally rewarding. |
???? Ugly animal models. ???? Lack of any storyline basically ensures you have no goals to work toward. ???? The gameplay loop is exceptionally repetitive, with very little to bolster your experience in terms of activities. ???? Limited customisation. ???? Animal behaviours don't offer you any varying challenge at all. |
To my great dismay, there isn't one. You own and operate an animal shelter that you can personally name, but there isn't any information about your character's motivations for opening one or why they choose to rescue only dogs and cats, and not any other types of animals.
Gameplay Analysis
Every dog (and cat) has its day.
The gameplay elements that are present are exceptionally clean and well-thought-out. Unfortunately, the clear downfall is that there aren't many of them. You will begin the game following a rather basic tutorial of how things work: ordering food and water, buying cleaning utensils, taking pictures of the pet, playing with, and looking after them, etc. All of this with the expectation that they will become happier and healthier and eventually be ready to go to a good home that you have personally selected.
Once you have fare-welled your first animal (be they a cat or dog, as you get the choice at the beginning), you expect the game to open up and provide you with some kind-of fleshed-out experience with plenty of progression and customisation. And that is where the game loses any traction as there is nothing more to it. The only decent addition is that you get limited control over how the shelter will expand, but that's more like fluff content than anything substantial to challenge you, as the customisation of the facility is extremely basic. These upgrades only really serve to make your more gruelling tasks a lot easier and don't add any more things to manage.
The only major aspect that I thought might provide some variance to the otherwise stale loop was the animal behaviours, where some are energetic, some are aggressive, and so on. It was seemingly a forgotten mechanic as it doesn't play any part in looking after the pet at all. Every animal you take in will have the same generic AI and doesn't change in the slightest during the entire playtime. The only thing this does for you is that it helps you choose the type of home it should go to, and that is it.
Audio and Visual
From a visual standpoint, Animal Shelter has a lot going for it. The environments are detailed and engaging, and the surrounding nature is eye-catching, with lush and highly-detailed foliage decorating the horizon in all directions. And then you go to your loving new companion, and they look like someone glued fur to a pig hoping to trick you into rescuing it. It is such an ordeal, that something as simple as trying to get a decent photo of them for the website is a nightmare all on its own.
The audio isn't a whole lot better. A bland and flavourless soundboard has been used here with a limited scope of variance. All the dogs sound the same, and all the animation effects sound recycled and empty of any real depth. You get the immediate impression that they weren't recorded for a simulation-style experience. The soundtrack is perhaps the only positive aspect here, as it is soothing and provides you with a tranquil experience as you potter around doing whatever you plan to do for the day.
PC Performance and Specifications
With the game set to the highest possible settings, I never noticed the framerate drop below 60. There was a surprisingly limited quantity of bugs and glitches during this experience, but I did have at least two crashes in the frame of approximately 5 hours.
???? Graphical quality is mediocre even at the highest setting.
???? A couple of early crashes made it hard to want to invest time.
RAM: 32GB (Under Load Usage: 34%)
CPU: i9 10900KA 3.70GHz (Under Load Usage: 37%)
GPU: MSI Ventus RTX 3080 (Under Load Usage: 40.4%)
Final Thoughts - Borderline
Review chart here.
Animal Shelter isn't going to win any awards for simulator of the year, that's for sure. But the overall experience isn't terrible, it lacks any significant graphical polish or gameplay mechanic that will help break the monotonous loop, but it is a very soothing experience that gives a good insight into what it's like to work in a real animal shelter. I think this game would benefit from some kind-of customisation and varying gameplay, but at the moment, it just doesn't support it.
I cannot recommend buying this game at full price, as it simply isn't a full game (yet?). I can, however, happily recommend it to an animal lover who can find it at a severe discount.
Follow our Curator page, Summit Reviews , to see more high-quality reviews regularly.
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 00:04
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437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 19:58
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107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 17:35
Also very few different stories behind why the animals needed shelter it was basically the same: Stuck in sewer, dog fighting, abandoned by owner etc.
I also wish when you let the animals run free in the garden they will interact with each other, it was kind of boring how they didn't even seem to notice each others presence.
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