Attention, this is a Priority One distress message from the survivors at Jackson's Landing on the planet Lethe. We are broadcasting on all available channels.
The situation here has escalated to a critical state. All lines of communication with governance and security forces have been severed.
The creatures we are facing grow increasingly dangerous, showing new capabilities for rapid nesting and expansion. The situation is desperate.
Some of our scouts have reported seeing a contingent of Colonial Marines engaging the creatures. They appear seasoned, experienced in combat, and potentially knowledgeable about the threat we are facing. While it is unclear how they are faring, any information they possess could be invaluable to our survival.
If this message reaches anyone capable of providing assistance, we implore you to relay our distress signal to the Colonial Marines stationed on this planet—or better yet, come to our aid yourself.
You are our last hope. Please, help us.
End of Transmission.
- This message has been recorded and will repeat automatically -

Major bug fixes
- Fix of several occurencies of the Aliens instantly detects the marine’s squad.
- The mission success is now forced, when the player deploys in a mission where all the objectives has been completed, but does not have unlocked the next mission.
- The game is no longer saved when the player quit the game during the deployment cinematic to avoid a total loss of his squad.
- Fix of a Crash that may occur when using a controller and spamming the RB key during the loading of the Otago.
- The "Archivist" achievement will now correctly be unlocked when the conditions are met.
- During the mission 1 (Dead Hills), removal of the Shelter inside Everly's Room to avoid a block when the player initiates a rest when the scripted sequence starts.
- During the mission 08 (Extraction), add of fail safes to avoid a blocking situation where the objective " Enter the Research Center" does not complete correctly.
Minor bug fixes
- "Claustrophobia" & "Robophobia" has been removed from the codex as they are not effects in the game.
- Fix of the objective indicator that may not be displayed when loading a save.
- Fix of the accuracy displayed with the wrong value on the marine statistics when losing the state "Tired" (Only display, the effect was not applied)
- A player can no longer load a corrupted save.
- A Corrupted save is no longer created when loading a save.
- Improvement of the framerate dropping that may occur when human enemies are patrolling.
Quality of Life improvements
- Modification of the campaign completion calculation to fit more closely to the average time spent on each mission.
New Game+ mode
- New Game+: The player have the possibility to start a new campaign in New Game+, by selecting a save from a previouvly finished campaign.
- New Game+: Every marine may now reach the level 15, only in new game+.
- New Game+: Marine's customization, traits and attributes are all conserved.
- New Game+: Weapons, Xenotech and Upgrades have to be unlocked again.
- "Perfect Organism": Add a campaign option to raise the attack damages dealt by the Aliens during the campaign (Does Not Need to be in new game+ to be activated)
- "We're Too Late": Add a campaign option to raise the starting Infestation level during the campaign. (Does Not Need to be in new game+ to be activated)