Notice of Progress on Planetary Operations on Lethe Undergoing Analysis.
All USCM Otago crew and Weyland-Yutani personnel are considered expendable for the acquisition and recovery of this data. You have been warned.
We have initiated the "Tindalos" protocol to expedite the development of the current simulation. Be prepared for adaptations and changes to operational procedures.
Your cooperation in these urgent matters is greatly appreciated. Remain vigilant and continue to check for updates as the calculation progresses to its conclusion.
MU-TH-UR 6000
End of Transmission

- Fix of the infinite popup opening when launching the first campaign.
- Add security to prevent marine upgrade tutorial triggering twice.
- Fix of a blocking state when trying to return to main menu during squad deployment to supplies tutorial transition.
- Fix of a blocking state during xenotech tutorial.
- Fix of crashes that may occur when using elevator.
- Fix of the "Back" button disappearing in the weapon panel.
- Fix of the "Suppressive fire" skill that could not be cancelled anymore if launched after 2 "sentry-guns" or 2 "mines" or 2 "deployable motion Tracker".
- Fix of the ammo counter that can reach "-1".
- Fix of the ammo counter that can reach "2 147 483 647".
- Fix of the marine automatically firing at enemies while on the "undetected" state AND a shelter is possible to create.
- Fix of the Tactical drone teleporting at the middle of the map, preventing a blocking situation.
- During the Prologue, fix of a blocking state triggered when opening the pause menu with a controller during marine selection tutorial.
- During the mission 1 (Dead Hills), fix of the ARC tutorial not triggering when returning to the ground floor, preventing a blocking situation.
- During the mission 07 (The Montero), fix of the possibility to have the lift leading to the Montero not working after a save, preventing a blocking situation.
- During the mission 08 (Extraction), the tactical drone can now trigger a specific sequence in the basement floor (Security Room), preventing a blocking situation.
- During the mission 10 (Pryce of Deception), the Queen can no longer being lured by the tactical drone, preventing a blocking situation.
- During the mission 10 (Pryce of Deception), Fix of a flow issue at the entrance of the Spire where the player may have a dialogue and the aliens spawning after having deactivating the defenses, preventing a blocking situation.
- During the mission 11 (Olduvai), the Queen can no longer be lured by the tactical drone, preventing a blocking situation.
- During the mission 11 (Olduvai), fix of the invisible wall at the start of the main mine floor allowing some marines to get through, preventing a blocking situation.
- During the mission 11 (Olduvai), fix of the scripted sequence at the start of the "Basement-1" floor where the APC doesn't kill every enemy as intended, preventing a blocking situation.
- During the mission 11 (Olduvai), fix of the scripted sequence at the start of the "Basement-1" floor where the player may lose marines without having control of its squad.
- Fix of several contextual crashes.
- Fix of the "Nightmares" Otago event error stating that marines become "exhausted", the indication is now "tired".
- "Tactical Drones" "breaking the weld" are now stopped properly when the marine "rest".
- "Orbital scanner" button on the map is now properly greyed while "Interfering signal" is ongoing.
- The auto-save made on the Otago when exiting to main menu before first deployment on Mission 1 (Dead Hills) has been removed, preventing a blocking situation.
- The Xenotech slots during the deployment selection are now setted at 10 instead of 11.
- During the mission 2 (Berkley's Dock), rework of the navigation to avoid marines that can get blocked in walls.
- During the mission 5 (Nuclear Protocol), fix of the objective flow for the secondary objective requiring the player to loot resources crates. It's no longer possible to loot crates before the objective ask to do so.
- During the mission 10 (Pryce of Deception), fix of the objective feedback indicating the objective location, that may be removed after using a lift or loading a save.
- Fix of the Otago Event text for the "Nightmares" Event - Add of the right effect ("Tired" instead of "Exhausted") for every language.
- Add of the Error Message "{Name} is dead." displayed on the skill unavaible cause all marine that can use this skill are dead.
- Add of an error Message on the "Orbital scanner" button when it's disabled during "interfering signal".
- Flare accuracy bonus was "5" for "civilians" and "sentry-guns". Change to "10" to match the bonus given to the marines.
- Human enemies can no longer break the weld of the safe zone anymore.
- Looted aliens’ corpse (with Xeno-samples) are now properly unloaded when changing level.QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS
- Add of an "Ultra-Wide" option button in the "Display" panel. (Can be activated or deactivated)
- Add of a safeguard, the enemies loaded under the floor are instantly killed, preventing blocking situation.
- During the mission 08 (Extraction), add of an unlock for players stuck on the objective after using a drone in the command tower.