As you may have noticed we have over the past few days been doing some adjustments to the ATC system of Airport CEO, specifically targeting a few undesired behaviors featured mostly within very large airports. Today we're releasing the (most likely) final update in that series which takes care of some final stabilization in relation to these new updates, specifically...
Release notes - 1.0-44
- MERCURY-47103: Flights can on very large airports in rare instances be planned in the past due to a missing flight list cache clear
- MERCURY-47124: Flights on very large airports can slowly over time degrade in landing time accuracy
- MERCURY-47127: Serialized and de-serialized flights can due to an incorrect validation check on some airports bloat the flight data save file
While these balance issues primarily, as mentioned, with very large airports - ultimately airports of all sizes benefit from these improvements.
Thank you for playing and see you around the community!
// Alexander, Fredrik & Olof - Apog Labs