Just a quick update to let everyone know I am hard at work still on Age of Gladiators II: Rome!
Some things in the works right now:
- Arenas: These are being designed as we speak. As the player progresses through the various cities, the arenas they fight in will be come grander, until finally reaching the Coliseum itself!
- 3D Models: Gladiators will come from three regions in the game (Italia, Gaul, Africa) and will have their own ethnic abilities. The preliminary looks at the models as they are being design right now are fantastic; much more detailed. Looking forward to showing more.
- Armor: Once the models are complete, armor will be worked on next. I'm going for six armor sets to start (two light, two medium, two heavy). The armor sets themselves will match much of what we have seen in artwork and movies featuring gladiators to-date.
- Weapons: Weapons are finished and will be in-game shortly.
- Animals: I just coded in the beasts (lions, tigers, wolves, bears) today. Like the first game, this will allow players to send their gladiators against either human or beast opponents.

- 2D Boss/Gladiator Portraits: These have been completed (see above for a few examples) and are now in-game. I decided to go with an art style for bosses and gladiators closer to the first game, with both gladiators and bosses having a unique face and personality.
- UI: The UI is being designed right now as well and should be completed in the next couple weeks. It won't take me long to implement that in the game so that I can start showing people how the management (non-combat) side of things will look.
- Coding: The game backend is almost entirely coded now and is being tested as we speak. The majority of what's left at this point is just putting in the above art elements and then more testing!
I'm really excited to start showing you some screenshots very shortly!