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  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.
  • Age of Gladiators: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 25.02.2016
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Preis Update 08.01.25

Über das Spiel

A Potential Scenario
You’re almost out of money. Two more days and you will no longer be able to pay your staff or gladiators. The fight scheduled today will draw exceptionally massive crowds, meaning the fight purse will be bountiful and the opportunity to place a large volume of bets will be high. One problem though: your top fighter is fatigued from his last fight and has a nagging shoulder strain. Plus he has a history of concussions, so it’s fair to say he will not be at full strength if you put him in the arena. But he’s the best you’ve got. The rest of your gladiators are rookies yet; still working with your trainers and far too inexperienced to send into the crucible just yet.

The next fight is a week away and poorly hyped. You cannot wait that long.

If you were of an evil disposition, you could execute your top fighter instead and seize his life savings; with the fight purses you have shared with him through his career, he has amassed a lot of gold. It could keep you going for a month or two - maybe more. Something to consider.

Or if you find that distasteful, you could go to the money lenders instead. But their interest rates have been high these last few days: 30% or more. You could finance present operations with that – but you would suffer in the longer term.

So maybe you should send your top fighter into the arena. He is bruised up and fatigued – but he also is ranked 3rd overall by the so-called experts and pundits of Leptis Magnus, the current city you reside in. You know he is one of the best and might still have a good chance at pulling out a win.

Or he could lose his life.

What do you do?
What Is It?
Age of Gladiators is a single-player strategy/business management sim set at the height of the bloody gladiatorial games in ancient Rome.

Hire scouts to scour the provinces for potential prospects – once you have recruited your gladiators, you will need to manage their morale and personality while equipping them for battle in the arenas. Recruit support staff, upgrade your stables, partake in side missions, and manage the wealth and reputation of your business as it grows each day.

As your fighters win battles and increase in level, it will be up to you to decide how to focus their abilities by spending attribute and expertise points. Compete, trade, and interact with other in-game bosses as you work your way up from the starting provinces in Africa to the grand coliseum of Rome herself!

  • Gladiators are born with their own dynamically generated attributes (strength, agility, stamina, dexterity, reflexes, intelligence, and health), weapon specialties, and personalities. It is up to you to hire scouts to locate the best prospects available for recruitment.
  • Manage your stable of gladiators carefully – their morale, greed, injuries, fatigue, and more must be taken into account before sending them to battle.
  • The physicality of your gladiators will increase or decrease with age, depending on if they are in their prime or declining.
  • Fame system: as your gladiators gain glory from battle, they will become more widely recognized and adored by the crowds. Win enough battles and they may even get voted into the gladiatorial hall of fame after they retire (or die).
  • Watch as your fighters climb the all-time records list for wins, kills, and fame - all held by retired and still-active legends in the arena.
  • As your gladiators level up, they gain points to spend on their attributes and expertise. Expertise allows you to build and customize your fighter according to their appropriate strengths.
  • Purchase, sell, or trade fighters with opposing bosses.
  • Rob treasuries, kidnap enemy fighters, assassinate your debt holders and more with the quest system. Increase the odds of success by sending gladiators on the mission as well.
  • Search for deals on weapons, armor, and money loans on the marketplace.
  • Hire staff such as scouts, doctors, trainers and blacksmiths to help your gladiators achieve victory. Your staff will gain experience each day they are employed.
  • Upgrade your stable by improving its food, bedding, shelter, and more.
  • Strive to become the wealthiest individual in the entire Roman republic. There are quick and underhanded ways to make money, but your reputation and fighter’s morale may suffer as a result.
  • Receive taunting letters from opposing bosses as well as various other messages from your fighters, staff members, and different characters as you progress through the game.
  • Rename your gladiators in order to increase your attachment toward them.
  • Bet for or against your gladiator based on the odds generated by bookmakers in-game.
  • Fight purses and betting is based on the hype associated with each match. The greater the hype, the more lucrative the fight purse and betting market will be - but the opposition will also be tougher.
  • Each game is dynamically generated and different each time.

Age of Gladiators is a twist on sports front office games like Out Of The Park Baseball or the Football Manager series. To continue the analogy, it was designed for people more interested in the strategy behind building up teams and players as a general manager rather than running the games tactically as coach. As well, the strategy element should appeal to fans of Paradox and other franchises in that genre.


  • CPU: Dual-core 1.8GHz or equivalent processor
  • GFX: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • HD: 330 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Dual-core 1.8GHz or equivalent processor
  • GFX: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with 1GB memory
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • HD: 330 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • MISC: Best Resolutions: 1366 x 768 or higher
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

135 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 22:37
Age of Gladiators ist ein Gladiatoren-Manager. Um Geld und Ansehen zu erlangen, leiten wir eine Gladiatorenschule und lassen unsere Kämpfer in der Arena antreten. Durch den Einsatz auf dem Kampfplatz sammeln sie Erfahrungspunkte, um ihre Werte und Fertigkeiten zu verbessern und folglich immer fähigere Kontrahenten zu bezwingen. Sind sämtliche feindlichen Kämpfer der Stadt besiegt, können wir in den nächstgrößeren Ort weiterziehen und nach unseren Darbietungen für provinzielle Kampfzirkusse schließlich an den populären Blutorgien im Kolosseum Roms teilnehmen.

Ob wir einen Gladiatoren in den Kampf entsenden, entscheiden wir nach dem individuellen Geschick in Gegenüberstellung zum Format des Ereignisses. Unerfahrene oder versehrte Kandidaten schickt man besser nicht in massiv gehypte Großveranstaltungen, da die Überlebenschancen angesichts der dort antretenden Veteranen gegen Null tendieren. Überdies erleiden Arenenkämpfer berufsbedingt häufig Verletzungen, plagen sich mit Erschöpfungszuständen und Krankheiten herum oder verlieren bei ausbleibendem Lohn jedwede Kampfmoral. Für ihre Effizienz und ihr Wohlbefinden sorgen hinzugebuchte Ärzte, Trainer und Waffenmeister sowie eine angemessene Bezahlung, Kost und Logis. Eine gewisse Risikobereitschaft wird dem Spieler dennoch immer abverlangt, denn allein die Wettgewinne, besonders jene der gefährlichen Großevents, wirken den täglich anfallenden Unkosten entgegen. Und obwohl der Erhalt der liebgewonnenen Recken mit fortschreitendem Spielverlauf immer bedeutsamer wird, sollte sich ein Scout zwischenzeitlich nach neuen Debütanten umsehen, denn im Gladiatorengeschäft herrscht naturgemäß stets personeller Verschleiß.

Die Präsentation von Age of Gladiators erweist sich als so antik wie sein historischer Rahmen und beschränkt sich fast ausschließlich auf Zahlen und Tabellen, welche die verschiedenen Charakterwerte sowie die offensiven und defensiven Fertigkeiten detailliert ausweisen; bestenfalls die starren Avatare unserer Waffenträger binden plastisch ins Geschehen ein. Selbst die Kämpfe werden zwar minutiös, jedoch lediglich über Texteinblendungen nachvollzogen, bevor uns das Spiel das mathematisch errechnete Kampfergebnis auf einer blutbespritzten Tafel präsentiert. Das Fehlen grafischer Inszenierung besitzt den Charme alter Schule und mindert die Dramatik keineswegs, sofern man über etwas Vorstellungsvermögen verfügt. Unweigerlich schließt man so manchen erfolgreichen Gladiatoren trotz seiner größtenteils numerischen Skizzierung rasch ins Herz und entwickelt ihn zu einem Star der Arena, der jedes Blatt zu wenden vermag.

Trotz des episch anmutenden Gesamtbilds ist das Spektrum der Prozesse und Möglichkeiten stark begrenzt. So kreuzen stets nur zwei Gladiatoren die Waffen. Ein Kampfgelage mehrerer Kontrahenten ist ebenso wenig möglich wie das Auftauchen wilder Tiere in der Arena; nur frisch angeworbene Novizen können sich zu Schulungszwecken mit Panthern, Bären und Löwen rangeln. Zudem motiviert das repetitive Spielprinzip kaum über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg: Zu Beginn werden Entscheidungen angesichts schwindender Geldmittel und unterschiedlicher Gegnerstärken noch reflektiert getroffen und die als zeremoniell empfundenen Auseinandersetzungen durchaus kontemplativ verfolgt; spätestens in Rom aber erstreckt sich das Geschehen auf uferlos aneinandergereihte Duelle, die wir mit mechanisch einstudierten Mausklicks bewältigen, zumal unsere hochgezüchteten Gladiatoren nun praktisch unbesiegbar geworden sind.

Obwohl ich Age of Gladiators gern gespielt habe, kann ich es als Nischenprodukt nur eingeschränkt empfehlen. Tatsächlich ist es wohl mit einem Gladiatorenkampf im Circus Maximus vergleichbar: Es birgt kurzweilige Unterhaltung, stiftet aber keinen tieferen Sinn.
98 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.18 14:17
habe es für ein paar cent im sale gekauft. dafür war es gut und ich gebe einen daumen hoch. muss dazu aber sagen das ich die meinungen bezüglich des schwierigkeitsgrades nicht verstehen kann. nach 3 oder 4 kurzen test spielen hatte ich den dreh raus und habe es mit 3 gladiatoren durchgespielt. alle 3 hatten über 400 siege. sobald man weiß welche perks man nehmen muss ist es kinderleicht und wird dann zu einem simplen rumklick spiel, was mich nach ca. dem halben spiel angefangen hat zu stören. man macht immer die selben 5 klicks im prinzip. ich habe das spiel auch auf so schwer wie möglich gestellt. also zufalls stats, keine autosaves usw. alles no problem. also ich finde es zu leicht und es bietet wenig abwechslung aber für ein paar cent war es echt gut.
1334 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.17 16:14
Wenn man gerne rechnet ist es nicht schlecht, einfach um 25 Jahre zu spät erschienen, Den vollen Preis ist es aber nicht wert!
207 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.16 23:53
Age of Gladiator ist ein Managerspiel rund um Gladiatorenkämpfer, das vielleicht nicht den größten Umfang zu bieten, aber genau die richtigen Handlungsmöglichkeiten bietet, um sich angenehm zu spielen. Man wird kaum länger als 20h mit diesem spiel verbringen, wer aber auf Managerspiele und am besten noch auf historische Spiele-Settings steht, der kann hier nicht viel falsch machen. Ich habe meine 17,1 Spielstunden auf zwei Tage gespielt. Danach habe ich zwar alles gesehen, bis dahin konnte ich aber einfach nciht ausschalten. Dieses Spiel hätte ein wenig mehr Aufmerksamkeit verdient.
232 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.16 09:25
Age of Gladiators ist ein Spiel für Zahlenfetischisten, soviel sei vorab gesagt. Wichtiger in diesem Zusammenhang ist jedoch der Umstand, dass es ein gutes Spiel für Freunde des Numerischen ist, denn es weiß auf seine Art zu motivieren und da das Spiel vom Entwickler mit immer neuen Inhalten gefüttert wird bleibt es angenehm frisch.

Die grafische Präsentation wirkt dabei dem Szenario entsprechend ein wenig altertümlich, geht sogar weiter zurück als das römische Weltreich und kann eigentlich nur als spartanisch bezeichnet werden. Genießer polierter Hochglanzgrafik werden also kaum auf ihre Kosten kommen, aber das Game steht darüber, indem es auf mathematisch nachvollziehbare Weise spannende Kämpfe inszeniert, die einen zum mitfiebern animieren. Auf diese Weise generiert sich viel Inhalt im Kopf des Spielers und liefert dadurch eine grafische Meta-Oberfläche, die von Polygon-Blendern unerreicht bleibt.

Das Spielprinzip ist dabei simpel gehalten ohne jedoch auf wichtige Ecken und Kanten zu verzichten. So wird man immer wieder motiviert sich beim Waffen- und Rüstungsschmied nach Ausrüstung, sowie beim Sklavenhändler nach neuen Gesichtern zu erkundigen, die auch aufgrund der vergangenen Updates zunehmend vielfältiger erscheinen. So macht man sich seine eigene Geschichte oder, was teilweise genauso interessant ist, verzichtet darauf und betrachtet die Kämpfer als Fleisch für die Arena. Aber selbst wenn die zweite Variante sich gerade am Anfang durchsetzt baut man über die Zeit eine Bindung zu seinen Recken auf. Über die Spielzeit kommt es so dazu, dass man immer häufiger die Namen seiner Kämpfer durch den Kopf gehen hat, differenzierter beginnt abzuwägen welcher Kampf welchen Streiter gut in Szene setzen würde, mit wem man die höchsten Gewinne erzielen könnte und wie man seinen Kader möglichst lang am Leben erhält.

Die Spieldauer hat dabei ein angenehmes Maß und wird erst gegen Ende in Rom ein wenig durch die schier endlosen Gegnerreihen überdehnt. Hier muss man sich durchbeißen, um am Ende der einzige noch aktive Lanista zu sein, was insbesondere des Umstandes geschuldet, dass man bereits vorher der bekannteste und reichste sein sollte zu einer echter Fleißarbeit verkommt. So könnte der Entwickler durchaus noch ein wenig nachlegen, da die Motivationskurve schlicht nicht mehr so befeuert wird, wie am Anfang. Schade ist in diesem Zusammenhang auch, dass die Bewaffnung des Kämpfers dabei scheinbar keine differenzierte Auswirkung hat. So hat der Kämpfer mit dem Gladius gegen einen Recken mit Lanze die gleichen Erfolgsaussichten wie gegen einen Kontrahenten mit Kampfsichel. Alternativ würde das bekannte Stein-Schere-Papier-Prinzip gute Dienste leisten, den Lanista überlegen zu lassen welchen Krieger er gegen wen in die Arena führt.

Die Zufallsereignisse, der Handel mit anderen Lanista um ihre Stars, das ständige Aufwertung und Spezialisieren der Kämpfer und der zunahmende Abwechslungsreichtum der Kämpfe bilden so insgesamt ein weitesgehend motivierendes Spielerlebnis, dass sich Liebhaber von Spartacus und anderen Medienvertretern des Genres in jedem Fall ein zweites Mal ansehen sollten. Unbestreitbar hat man für kleines Geld mit dieser Software viele Stunden Freude.

+ Nachvollziehbare, faire Kämpfe
+ Progressiver Ausbau des eigenen Kaders
+ Zunehmend spezialisierte Kämpfer
+ Simpler, aber effizienter Ausbau des eigenen Ludus
+ Aktive Entwicklung mit immer neuen Inhalten
+ Auflockerungen durch Handel und Zufallsereignisse
+ Entwicklung auf vielen zusammenführenden Ebenen
+ Simple, aber sehr stimmungsvolle Klangkulisse
+ Hohe Spielzeit

- Optisch sehr schlicht gehalten
- Gegen Ende abnehmende Motivationskurve
- Waffentyp ohne Auswirkungen
- Im normalen Spielmodus häufiger Selbstbetrug durch Trial and Error
- Keine Lokalisierung

Fazit: Age of Gladiators weiß den Spieler über lange Zeit mit seinem angenehmen Spielfluss gefangen zu nehmen. Die stetige Entwicklung aller Aspekte des eigenen Ludus sowie auch der Kämpfer bilden hier das motivierende Herzstück, welches erst gegen Ende mit voll ausgebildeten Kämpen, komplett ausgebautem Ludus und unerreichten Lanista-Fähigkeiten seinen Abbruch findet und zur Pflichtübung verkommt. Bis dahin kann man sich jedoch in ein angenehmes Spielerlebnis betten, welches über dutzende Stunden zu unterhalten weiß und so unterm Strich ein sehr gutes Preis-/ Leistungsverhältnis ergibt. Der karge grafische Unterbau ist von vorn herein nur Nebensache und beeinträchtigt für den, der sich darauf einlässt in keinster Weise den Spielspaß. Age of Gladiators ist nicht das CoD der Gladiatorenspiele, sondern vielmehr ein guter Vertreter der Gattung Fußballmanager auf Altrömisch. Insgesamt ist das Spiel die Investition des geringen Kaufpreises in jedem Fall wert.

Prädikat: Worth 10pence
520 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.16 11:37
Its simple but fun. But it could be so much better. I hope the devs add some cool stuff in future updates. So far i like it.
131 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 09:28
love it
10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 06:59

Age of Gladiators.

6/10 in the genre of management.
time to finish: 7-13h.
time to 100%: 15-20h.
difficulty: 5.
style: 7.
grind: 7 (I think it's genre specific).
music: 4 (nothing special).
replay value:2.
achivements: +.
cards: +.
An excellent game to plunge into the gladiatorial household for a couple of tens of hours.
For me, this is the first experience of playing in the management genre, I can say that it was quite addictive.
I played on the medium difficulty level, but even on it the game was challenging for the first 5 hours of the game, then very repetitive gameplay began, and it remained that way until the end.
102 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 04:21
53 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 13:23
Had potential to be a fun game but really lacks depth.
For those who don't own the game yet, the concept of the game is quite straight forward, buy gladiators and let them fight in the Arena to earn money to progress. Problem is that that is about it.
There is unfortunately absolutely no depth to the game, so as soon as you figured out how to buy gladiators (select them from a list) start a fight (klick on it and select your fighter) and level them up (click on stats you want to increase) the game just comes down clicking yourself from fight to fight which is rng generated with some basis on your gladiators stats.
And unfortunately that's it. You can progress in different areas but literally the only difference is that the opponents are stronger and you get more money for won fights.
And that is kind of sad because there were lots of opportunities. There is different kinds of weapons but instead of them affecting each other like on a rock paper scissor system or having other aspects, like their effectiveness being affected by the fighters stats, the only difference is that every fighter has a preferred weapon and looses some stats with others.
Then there is four types of agents you can hire, but instead of them interacting with the game, they just give you a per cent bonus on things like weapon strength and recovery time from a fight.
Also the game isn't really balanced out like in many small game titles and Game play doesn't feel very fluid because you have to manually click for every new day, with most of them not anything happening at all, but these are minor flaws one could ignore if the game otherwise would be fun.
Only reason to buy this game is that its cheap but there is way better options, that are actually fun, so i would recommend against buying it.
788 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 11:03
This game reminds me of the old DOS days. It has images, but it's really a text game.

I like this game a lot, for what it is, it's done really well. I don't know if you'll like it, but for what it is, it's well done.

I've seen the new, Age of Gladiators 2, and Raiders, with rudimentary 3D models, and I feel those games look worse. They look try-hard. This game embraces the fact it's a text game, and it does it well.
440 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 12:09
Warning, please read this review before buying this. It may save you a few bucks.

The game isn't necessarily bad. it's not an asset flip, someone definitely put a bunch of work getting this game ready and playable. The issue is just that myriad small issues all come together to make the final product frustrating and unneccesarily difficult.

Essentially, you are a gladiator manager. You have your own stable of fighters you need to house, train and equip before sending them into the arena. Arena fights are really simple. You decide on one of three enemy fighters your fighter gets to go up against, you place a bet hoping your fighter will win (or place a bet against them hoping that they'll lose) and if you win you get your earnings. Lose, and you lose your bet plus the fighter.
You don't actually have control over the combat itself, the two fighters just swing at each other in an automated combat system where you just watch as they slowly damage each other or until you hit the skip button to see the results.

So, let me state a few starting issues. First off, the initial difficulty of the game is unreasonably high. If you purchase a fighter, equip them and then send them into battle, the game tells you what the odds are of them winning. These are usually accurate, but that's part of the problem. If your odds are good you might have a 3 to 1 chance of winning, but that still gives you a 33% chance of potential death, and because most of the time losing = death for your fighter and a single fighter (especially a trained one) is such a huge investment, it is super easy to go bankrupt over and over and over. Even once you understand the basics of how the game works you can still get a few bad rolls and end up without fighters. Worse, the AI kind of benefits from starting out with a much better stable of fighters than you, the weak among which are quickly weeded out in monthly tournaments, causing the difficulty to increase rapidly the further you get into the game.
This is compounded by the fact that, instead of earning a set wage if you win and losing nothing except your fighter when you lose, you are forced to bet on each match to actually make a profit. This quickly results in all-or-nothing scenarios where you must invest the maximum you can every match because otherwise your earnings just aren't high enough to keep up with your upkeep costs and/or potential future losses, which makes your losses sting even harder when they happen. And they WILL happen. Even the best fighter has a chance to get unlucky and die immediately.

In addition, the game also doesn't really explain how anything works. Every single time I wanted to make sure what a stat does I needed to google it to figure it out, and even then the different fighter stats are not at all balanced against each other *COUGH* dexterity *COUGH*, so a new player is likely gonna see all his investments go up in smoke as a result because they bought a bunch of fighters that the game told them had above-average stats, but turns out all their high starting stats were the ones with the least impact on winning fights. Again, this is made worse by the fact that nigh everything in the game is represented by a number that doesn't really tell you anything.

Aesthetically, the game could have also used some more work. There's not a lot of variety in soundtracks, nor backgrounds, nor portraits.

It's a really really rough game. If you're expecting top quality you're looking in the wrong place, but it might still be good for a few hours of fun. That heavily depends on your ability to deal the frustration of a purely RNG based game though.
218 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 18:35
Your guy with a 56 strength, 78 damage, and average stats otherwise will lose to a fighter with a 14 strength, 20 damage, and one decent stat otherwise. In the meantime, you will lose tens of thousands of denarii per month because your fighters are always resting and eating--if they win. If they lose they're wounded for weeks at a time but keep eating.

The RNG to this game is a bad joke. If you're making money and winning fights, that mostly means is that you happened to throw a thousand pennies in the air and watch them all come up heads.

There's some dice control as the game progresses--if it progresses--but this is just another losing streak game that tests your patience to repeat the early stage of it so many times you go numb and aren't even playing a game anymore. When you win, how satisfying can it be, really? You didn't work hard to develop skill and strategy. You just won the lottery.

There are guides and tips floating around out there. Good luck with those. They can change your experience to throwing 200 pennies in the air until they come up all heads.

Games like this are probably really nice money makers for developers. They're cheap, so they sell a bunch of copies, and the programming is so lazy that there isn't much to be done except grind out some basic graphics and repetitive text. Who needs reasonable ranges of chaos when you can just pop in RNGs? It's the difference between running a baseball team and playing home run derby.
293 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 11:19
Really love this game!

Was a bit hard at the start, but soon got into the swing of things. Once I started winning and making money I couldn't stop playing.

Simple but addictive management game. Recommended A+
174 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 03:52
Good simulator and strategy of hiring gladiators to fight for you and rise in the ranks. The concept is great and is a very simple game ,which only takes a few hours to get used to.
396 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 23:12
Fun concept that reminded me of the glory days of flash games. Unfortunately, though, this game is way wAY WAY to reliant on RNG. Mix that with a harsh and very unforgiving early game and the end result amounts only to frustration. Bummer.
561 Produkte im Account
141 Reviews
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 12:20
You own a gladiator school. You hire and train gladiators to fight for you. This is a numbers game where you manage everything from the hiring of staff to the equipping of gladiators. Combat is nothing more than watching dice rolls to see if your gladiator will win you money and fame, or die. Nothing more. Fun for what it is.
233 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 16:20
Not bad for a management game, fun for couple hours. Not worth its full price.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 16:11
once you learn how to play this it is quite addicting
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 21:34
This is a fun game with intuitive UI. Only improvement needed is fight animation
1707 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 07:20
I am so conflicted about this game, I will write a review that I wish I had read before playing it. I feel I have spoiled the game for myself by save-scumming, but before I realised that I was save-scumming, it was already too late to stop. On the other, hand, I suspect that the game would be extremely punishing without save-when-you-want, as I was regularly having my *** handed to me in low level fights, before I save-scummed my gladiators into terminators. So to enjoy this game, it is recommended to find the right balance. On the other hand, it is very grindy and it will probably get tedious after a while, if you play it fair. I had NOT expected this kind of internal conflicts from a 'random' indie game.
138 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 16:05
Brought this game at launch, played it a little bit and set it aside for a few years. Now i'm trawling through the backlog of games i haven't played i finally got around to finishing it. Good for a play through or two but towards the end it just became a more complex/glorified version of a clicker game. still the first 5-7 hours its pretty fun and trying to figure out what works and what doesn't with your fighters.

I'd recommend it but i probably wouldn't spend more than $10 (AUD) on this so wait for a sale. Its an ok game, it works, its engaging but the end games a drag.
193 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
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22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 17:59
essentially a mobile game. its crap
1401 Produkte im Account
113 Reviews
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629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 04:42
Relies purely on RNG. (90 % of time this rng is against the player even if odds say otherwise) kekw.

Every fight, every decision is rng. Sent my lvl 5 guy to fight their (just hired lvl 1 merc) and guess what, my guy (with armor, best weapon and extra stats lost fight against him) and was executed afterwards, 5:1 odds and still a lost fight. Bullshit. These kinds of games just drives me nuts. Of course developer wanted to player to keep playing (wasting time) by adding grind achievements so in order to unlock them i found a cheesy way, before every fight save your game and if fight is lost reload and try again. There! Grind problem solved.

Not going to support these kind of developers.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.20 17:18
Really liked how it wasn't only stat driven. There was always a chance for luck.
431 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.20 13:23
If you like the old role playing games where the battle results was coming out as reports of attacks then this game is for you. It combines the excitement of waiting for the result with strategically peeking of your fights without the wandering around to find one. Of course there is a part of the game where you advance your camp of gladiators and invest your hard earned currency. And for those that like to bet there is the option to bet on your fights and make even make money when you lose a gladiator. (Evil betting manager)
76 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 16:21
A lovely old fashioned manager game based on principles of dice rolling. The game is fairly straight forwards once you understand the priority order of dice rolling, which then means you skill up more efficiently. If you accept that your starting gladiators WILL die, and that in theory it is mathematically possible for a Lvl40 Gladiator to lose to a sick/critically injured Lvl1 Gladiator (albeit highly improbable) then all is well! Once you are rolling it can settle in to a quite routine turn ending game, but that doesn't detract from what has been a wonderful day of nostalgic game playing. A lot of modern management games add complexity which gets in the way of more simple fun, this will forever be a game I spend an hour on here and there for the hell of it.
1338 Produkte im Account
134 Reviews
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1343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 05:42
I want to like this game. A gladiator management sim seems right up my alley. However the mechanics are extremely opaque, and a bad run of RNG can lead to punishing death spirals. I like the concept and I'm following the developers other projects in the hopes that their future games have a little more clarity because this is a cool idea , and not a bad implementation. Just one that was more of a struggle than I could enjoy.
379 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.19 12:18
For a management sim this was good for the most part. I like the Roman Gladiator theme and it kept me engaged for at least a day. Probably only good for a casual gamer though. I think it would have been more fun if the gladiators had more of a personality. Also their isn't any animation of the gladiators fighting or anything. It's basically watching hit points go up and down which means you have to use your imagination a lot.

Anyway If I had the choice I'd probably buy this again as something to just kill time at work... wait I'm playing a management sim at work... something wrong with me.
269 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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2719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.19 10:41
Just boring number cruncher no animations or anything. Disappointing there are better gladiator games out there like Domina.
439 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.19 02:19
Taking care of my weak ass gladiators to become Chad gladiators feels so satisfying
280 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
5731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.19 12:07
Great Little game. Enjoy playing it. It's quite hard when you start off but you become quite familiar with it eventually.
890 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.16 16:56
I'll begin by saying...this game is rough. It's rough in many, many ways. It's not just a matter of difficulty, but also presentation, style, and a lot of aspects like that. It's a game that shows promise, but as it stands...is a very niche title. The game's premise is novel and far too rarely executed on. It's a game I wanted to like, and while I do enjoy it, it's a game that is lacking in some areas and needs a lot of improvement.

However, I've found the game...is simple. The simulation aspects are there, the game is sutiably difficult, and the fights are bloody and exciting. Every fight can put your gladiator school to ruin. However, the game just doesn't (yet) have the depth that really lets you get into the nuances of the game. Variety feels rather lacking. There are only really 4 venues to fight - two in North Africa (Utica and Leptis Magna), and another two in Italy (Brundisium and, of ocurse, Rome itself). In each city things grow increasingly difficult as you go from city to city, climbing the ranks. The concept is great.

The management of the teams is simple. It's effective as you buy staff to train and heal and maintain your gladiators. The game lets you choose too how you treat your gladiators. Do you want to build a prison, or a high-quality training establishment? Or maybe something in the middle? Based on what upgrades you buy for your school, what ameneties you provide for your fighters, their skills be influenced rather heavily, though at great cost as maintianing such enhancements can become quite expensive. Thus your goal is to run the most effective school possible, but also a profitable one, and sometimes these things can be at odds, espeically given the rather sporadic nature of fight scheduling and their value (more on that near the end!)

The fights are suitably engaging, in a way, especially if you turn the combat text speed to 0.5 to really hype the suspense, or a more brisk but still intelligible 1.0 (by default it's at a blindingly fast 2.0), each fight can become quite tense, especialy if you're invested in your fighter. That said, the game feels very obtuse in terms of what a crowd's desires are. There's no indication until you're actualy committed to the fight what the crowd may be feeling - whcih is understandable, but you'd think that a city would have a certain 'flavor' or the crowd coudl be a little more predictable, at least over time. Instead, it seems that there's a straight up random chance (20% to start) that a gladiator will be spared at the end of a fight, which can only really be increased by investing perk points into them. More talk about those later.

Sadly, there isn't really many ways to invest in them. It's simply a matter of very hands-off training, increasing the facility ammenities, and giving your fighters weapons or armor. While armor feels like it's well-done, in that wearing armor is a trade-off of dexterity, stamina, agility... Weapons are lacking. I just don't feel like weapons exist in a very engaging or interesting space. There are nominally over a half dozen weapon classes, but they merely exist to make you buy weapons as a gold sink, as there is no differentiation between them. A sica is no different than a gladius which is no different than a fascina (trident), or pugio, or any of the other weapons. And while any gladiator can use any weapon, there is a bonus to using particular weapons - and given that all weapons share the same damage ranges, have no speical characteristics, and generally cost the same...well, it feels like a missed opportunity mechanically speaking

The parks are a novel feature that I rather like; and the perks for the individual fighters feel well balanced. However, many of the Player Perks, designed to simulate, I believe the school's traditions, history, inclinations, over time, feel very unbalanced. There are a few (the Reputation Boost perk in particular) that feel outright broken! It states that it raises your reputation to the maximum simply by investing into it. That sort of bonus, naturally enough, just kind of kills any purpose for the mechanic. The same could be said of a lot of the other perks - such as being able to ignore fatigue, or retirement ages, essentially making your team into an emotionless juggernaught as you can choose to ignore morale penalties with certain perks. Things like that are wonderful boni, but they can seriously unbalance the game. That said, other perks, such as Opportunity Chance increases, starting level bonus, weapon bonuses of various types, gladiator health increases. Things like that make a lot of sense and play into the whole notion of Ludus Traditions...the others just feel outright game-breaking and need to be reconsidered.

It would have been nice to fight across the whole Empire than merely North Africa and Italy. It could have also allowed for a degree of variety too in the fighting styles, or the sorts of fights you can manage, or increase the scouting possibilities, creating a regional fame system so that if your team fares poorly in one area you can move to somewhere else where your style is more interesting to the crowd - whether through the crowd's preferences of fighter style. It just feels like a bit of a missed opportunity to not be able to play with gladiator types, city preferences. Besides the obvious style choices, cities could have had meanignfully-sized arenas. Smaller venues would of course be less favorable to spear-wielders, for instance... Or massive arenas might be the only ones capable of putting on mass displays where you send your whole stable out to showcase an entire roster against an opposing school. Second, you always start in Utica, then advance, city by city, through Leptis Magna and then to Brundisium, and finally to Rome. It could have been more interesting if each city had a certain bonus or style or some other aspect to it, and then you chose where to start of the three other cities - and your goal was to 'conquer' all 3 of them, then move on to Rome. It's currently a linear path that I do wish had been a little more interesting.

There's also no way to arrange matches. A big part of being a Lanista, as I understand it, isn't JUST building your stable of fighters, training them, and keeping them in prime shape, but finding fighters to go against your men that will make for interesting battles. It'd be nice if, instead of 'merely' choosing your fighters, and your chosen school, you could also 'suggest' in negotiations who you fight against. And based on relative skills, purse size, crowd attendance, venue, and other factors, the opposing Lanista will agree or disagree to the arrangement. ALso, not being able to fight non-arena fights, is kind of disappointing as well. While the schedule of fights goes primarily towards the main arena(s) in a city, it wasn't uncommon to have schools supplement their income by providing entertainment to dinner parties, funerals, and frankly - to not have this option can lead to massive gaps in the game where you sit there for days or weeks on end hitting 'next turn' until you find a fight that matches your needs. And this isn't an issue that occurs only in the beginning when outmatched and seeking only less hyped fights. It happens also later on in the game too, when you find that it's simply not worth it to risk your less-skilled men in the less-hyped fights that occur.

I'd also like to note that the developer is quite active and open-minded for suggestions in this game, and while the game is technically a full release, I see ample probability that there will be some major game enhancements, mechancis, patches, etc, that will make the game better over time. In full disclosure, I have talked with the developer relatively recently and have been in contact for modding purposes. Further, in the course of our discussions, he asked that I write a product review here - however, it has not affected in any way the content or my opinions on this game.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
77.96% 375 106
Release:25.02.2016 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Creative Storm Entertainment Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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