News Liste 4th Generation Warfare
Here are the main features:
Addition of real-time game mode: in this mode, time passes continuously as opposed to defined turns. A character that performs an action is active for the duration of this action, and then can move on to another action. The player can use the "Pause" and "Fast-Forward" buttons to control the speed of the game at any time. This mode brings a more life-like dynamic to the game and makes it more intuitive, simplifying rules that limit actions in turn-by-turn mode.
Improvement of the wargames and combat AI: bases for launching intercontinental missiles and anti-aircraft and anti-missile defenses have been added.
Many adjustments and improvements have been made to the AI, notably a greater consistency in the choice of countries to attack, in the frequency of hostile actions, or even the possibility of using nuclear weapons defensively.
Online cooperative game mode as the same country: it is now possible to play in multi-player mode and on teams as the same country. Multiple players can allocate roles and characters (and even transfer them during the game). This makes it possible to have online games where player teams compete with one another.
Players on a team can strategically allocate characters by their profession : for example, one player handles commerce and diplomacy, while another manages national security and espionage, while yet another controls the military, etc. : lots of simultaneous strategies and full-scale plans of attack in a short amount of time.
Addition of new items that give bonuses in accomplishing certain actions: laser sight, rocket auto-guidance or even various capsules that temporarily modify certain character abilities when consumed.
As this update constitutes the 4GW "2021 Edition", new games will begin in January 2021 with the heads of state of major countries having been updated to reflect the real world.
Finally, the game has new artwork and themes on its Steam page. Praised by players responding to our survey, this artwork highlights the "Strategy and Cyber-War" dimension that is the main draw of the game.
We hope that players enjoy all of the new features. Please do not hesitate to share your feedback and suggestions in the game forum.
Other new features are currently in development and will be released soon, notably new characters and occupations with specific actions.
The 4GW Development Team.