Steam DB Steam DB Journey To The Savage Planet

App ID
App Type
Journey To The Savage Planet
505 Games
Supported Systems
First Record Import
February 17, 2021 - 23:57:01 UTC (1244 days ago)
Last Record Update
May 20, 2024 - 10:25:17 UTC (57 days ago)
Release Date
28. Jan. 2021


Cragclaw Defeated
Cragclaw Defeated
Floopsnoot Queen Defeated
Floopsnoot Queen Defeated
Teratomo Defeated
Teratomo Defeated
Open Sesame
Open Sesame
Aaaaaaand we're back
Aaaaaaand we're back
Phone Home
Phone Home
Little Shop of Horrors
Little Shop of Horrors
The $600 Man
The $600 Man
Stronger, Faster, Probably Poisonous
Stronger, Faster, Probably Poisonous
Return To Sender
Return To Sender
It's Not In The Game
It's Not In The Game
Your Friendly Neighbourhood...
Your Friendly Neighbourhood...
For Science!
For Science!
Deleted But Not Forgotten
Deleted But Not Forgotten
Teratomo? Teratomo!
Teratomo? Teratomo!
No Refunds
No Refunds
Flippin' the bird
Flippin' the bird
Turdball Wizard
Turdball Wizard
That's all people really want to do...
That's all people really want to do...
Au-revoir Gopher!
Au-revoir Gopher!
Scott Norwood in the Hizzy...
Scott Norwood in the Hizzy...
What Would You Two Maniacs Like To Do First?
What Would You Two Maniacs Like To Do First?
He Slimed Me
He Slimed Me
Don't Cross the Streams
Don't Cross the Streams
We came, We Saw, We Kicked Its Ass
We came, We Saw, We Kicked Its Ass
A Little Help, Please
A Little Help, Please
Stop Crapping On Me, Jessie
Stop Crapping On Me, Jessie
Home At Last
Home At Last
Screw This Noise
Screw This Noise
Build It Up
Build It Up
I Want To Go Home. Eventually.
I Want To Go Home. Eventually.
I Feel The Same. I Think?
I Feel The Same. I Think?
It's Me. But Not Me. But Still Me.
It's Me. But Not Me. But Still Me.
I Come in Peace
I Come in Peace
Pinball Wizard
Pinball Wizard
The Answer is 42
The Answer is 42
Who Is Teratomo?
Who Is Teratomo?
Old Game Master
Old Game Master
Old Game Alliance
Old Game Alliance
Kronus: Unplugged
Kronus: Unplugged
Jewel of the Bargain Bin
Jewel of the Bargain Bin
Power Underwhelming
Power Underwhelming
Coastal Postal
Coastal Postal
Walking On Air
Walking On Air
Part of a Complete Breakfast
Part of a Complete Breakfast
Journey To The Savage Planet
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
89.9% 1895 213

WILLKOMMEN BEIM PIONEER-PROGRAMM! Als neuester Rekrut von Kindred Aerospace ? des viertbesten interstellaren Raumforschungs-Unternehmens ? ist es dein Job, herauszufinden, ob der Planet ARY-26 f?r Menschen bewohnbar ist. Du hast kaum Ausr?stung oder Erfahrung. Viel Gl?ck!

Deine Mission beinhaltet:

? Mehrspieler ? Spiele alleine oder online mit einem Freund. Wenn du einen hast.

? Erkunde und katalogisiere die Flora und Fauna, z. B. seltsame Kugelv?gel, halluzinogene Pflanzen und ?verwesende Alien-K?rper?ffnungen?. Versuche, nicht zu sterben.

? Es wurde an nichts gespart.* ? Du bekommst coole Werkzeuge wie Laserpistole, Jetpack und ?Messsonde? umsonst und dein 3D-Drucker verwandelt Weltraumm?ll in Gegenst?nde.

? Bist du allein? ? Zus?tzliche Geheimnisse! Erkunde den Planeten, um sie zu entdecken. Du wei?t, dass du dich dem Ziel n?herst, wenn du das Wort "Gurken-Schei*wasser" h?rst und das ?verwesende Poloch? findest.

Auf ins Abenteuer!

* ? Es wurde an allem gespart.