Steam DB Steam DB Override: Mech City Brawl

App ID
App Type
Override: Mech City Brawl
The Balance Inc
Modus Games
Supported Systems
First Record Import
October 18, 2018 - 19:02:24 UTC (2097 days ago)
Last Record Update
May 15, 2024 - 23:53:36 UTC (61 days ago)
Release Date
3. Dez. 2018


Mech 101
Mech 101
First Of Many
First Of Many
Know My Name
Know My Name
Jack Of All Trades
Jack Of All Trades
Mech Connoisseur
Mech Connoisseur
What A Show!
What A Show!
This Isn't Even My Final Form
This Isn't Even My Final Form
Power Saving Mode
Power Saving Mode
I Don't Need Toys
I Don't Need Toys
How Do I Look?
How Do I Look?
A Hat For Every Occasion
A Hat For Every Occasion
Collector's Edition
Collector's Edition
Colorful Wardrobe
Colorful Wardrobe
Elevated Look
Elevated Look
Mr. Mavis, I Don't Feel So Good...
Mr. Mavis, I Don't Feel So Good...
We Want You!
We Want You!
Prepare For Trouble
Prepare For Trouble
I Feel Witchcraft Upon Me
I Feel Witchcraft Upon Me
Do You Even Lift?
Do You Even Lift?
Snap Out Of It
Snap Out Of It
I Smell Po' Boy
I Smell Po' Boy
From Earth To The Moon
From Earth To The Moon
Enjoy The View
Enjoy The View
The Return Of The Pharaoh
The Return Of The Pharaoh
They're Everywhere
They're Everywhere
City Savior
City Savior
Stop Hitting Yourself
Stop Hitting Yourself
I Can See Into The Future
I Can See Into The Future
Strong Winds Predicted
Strong Winds Predicted
Master of Deception
Master of Deception
Gotta Go Fast!
Gotta Go Fast!
Can't Touch This
Can't Touch This
You Just Activated My Trap Card!
You Just Activated My Trap Card!
Just as Planned
Just as Planned
I've Made a Huge Mistake
I've Made a Huge Mistake
Breaking the Ice
Breaking the Ice
What Goes Around Comes Around
What Goes Around Comes Around
It's All in the Mind
It's All in the Mind
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
It's Me, Austin!
It's Me, Austin!
Override: Mech City Brawl
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
78.04% 398 112
Keine Getriebe, kein Ruhm! Steuere in diesem 3D-Mech-Gerangel riesige Roboter durch grandiose Stadtlandschaften und gib alles! Epische und explosive K?mpfe mit unverwechselbaren Mechs erwarten dich im lokalen und online Versus-Modus, Gruppen-Koop mit 2 bis 4 Spielern und einer Einzelspieler-Kampagne.

Steuere eine bunt gemischte Truppe aus epischen Mechs in Wolkenkratzergr??e. Jeder Mech hat seinen Spielstil, spezielle Moves und Abschl?sse. Rage ?ber deinen Gegnern empor und lege ganze St?dte unter deinen F??en in Schutt und Asche. Zerst?re 3D-Arenen, die nach echten St?dten und L?ndern modelliert wurden, darunter Tokio, ?gypten, San Francisco und Mexiko. Trete gegen andere Spieler an, hol dir zwei bis vier Freunde, um gemeinsam dynamische Koop-Spiele zu bestreiten, bei denen jeder Spieler f?r einen bestimmten Teil des turmhohen Mechs zust?ndig ist! Individualisiere deine Mechs in der Werkstatt, gib ihnen neues Zubeh?r oder andere Skins, um deinen ganz eigenen Stil zu erschaffen!