Als Anf?hrer einer aufstrebenden interstellaren Spezies liegt es an dir, dein Volk bei der Entwicklung neuer Welten zu leiten, neue Arten von Raumschiffen zu bauen und Kriege zu f?hren, um das ?berleben deiner Zivilisation in einem oft feindlichen Universum zu sichern.
Steam DB Steam DB Galactic Civilizations IV
App ID
App Type
Galactic Civilizations IV
Stardock Entertainment
Stardock Entertainment
Supported Systems
First Record Import
May 29, 2023 - 23:18:01 UTC
(573 days ago)
Last Record Update
November 25, 2024 - 08:53:31 UTC
(27 days ago)
Release Date
19. Okt. 2023
Solid Economy
Ask Not What Your Empire Can Do For You
Build a Terror Star
Commodity Trader - Level 2
Commodity Guru
Commodity Trader
Anomaly Researcher
Relic Hoarder
Pirate Cleansing
Gain an Ally
Discover a Nebula
Colonize a Planet
First Contact
Design a Ship
Worker Specialization
Against the Tide
Breeding Season
The Orb of Draginol
Shard of the Mithrilar
The Everwar
The Plague
Trading Partner
Veteran Crew
Lose by Your Own Terror Star
Lose by a Terror Star
Complete a Minor Civilization Quest
Own 30 Planets
Play for 1000 Hours
Play for 100 Hours
Play for 5 Hours
Play a Multiplayer Game
Rebuild the Retribution
It's OUR Homeworld
Recruit a Dozen Leaders
Recruit a Leader
Commodity Seller, Level 2
Commodity Selling Guru
Commodity Seller
Iconia Reclaimed!
Unleash My Power
Use a Terror Star
Artifact Mastery
Galactic War
War with the Unknown
Win as Altarians
Win as Arceans
Win as the Baratak
Win as the Drath
Win as the Drengin
Win as Festron
Win as the Iconians
Win as the Iridium
Win as the Krynn
Win as the Manti
Win as the Mimot
Win as the Navigators
Win as the Onyx
Win as Terrans
Win as Torians
Win As Xeloxi
Win as the Yor
Win a Battle
Fleet Victory
Win by Terror Star
Conquest Victory!
Win with a Custom Faction
Diplomatic Victory!
Win an Immense Game
Influence Victory!
Win a Multiplayer Game
Prestige Victory!
Science Victory!
Design a Civilization
Yor Dead Iconians
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
Als Anf?hrer einer aufstrebenden interstellaren Spezies liegt es an dir, dein Volk bei der Entwicklung neuer Welten zu leiten, neue Arten von Raumschiffen zu bauen und Kriege zu f?hren, um das ?berleben deiner Zivilisation in einem oft feindlichen Universum zu sichern.