• Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Elephant
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Elephant
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot
  • Zeno Clash: Zeno Clash Screenshot


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.04.2009
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Preis Update 31.12.24

Über das Spiel

Zeno Clash ist ein Action Adventure, dass, wie es der Hersteller beschreibt, in einer Punk-Fantasy Welt spielt.

Die Geschichte beginnt mit dem Protagonisten Ghat, der von seiner Familie verbannt wird. Ghat ist einer von Dutzend Kindern von "Vater-Mutter". Vater-Mutter ist eine Zwitterfigur, die zu einem großen Clan gehört, der in der Hauptstadt der Spielewelt ansässig ist. Der Grund für Ghats rebellisches Verhalten und für den Rauswurf ist unbekannt.

Im Januar 2009 wurde Zeno Clash Anwärter des Wettbewerbes beim Independent Games Festivals in der Kategorie "Excellence in Visual Art". Zeno Clash ist eines von fünf Spielen, dass für den Award ausgewählt wurde. Insgesamt nahmen 226 Spieletitel an dem Wettbewerb teil.


  • CPU: Intel® Pentium® 4 3.0 GHz
  • GFX: 128 MB, Shader 2.0, ATI 9600, NVidia 6600
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Software: Windows® XP / Vista / Vista64
  • HD: 3 GB
  • SFX: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound card
  • INET:
  • CPU: Intel® core 2 duo 2.4GHz
  • GFX: Shader 3.0, NVidia 7600, ATI X1600
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Software: Windows® XP / Vista / Vista64
  • HD: 3 GB
  • SFX: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound card
  • INET:

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1239 Produkte im Account
603 Reviews
517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 21:17

Immer Feste drauf!

Ein Spiel, dass eine vernünftige Keilerei mit Schusswaffen verbindet? Tolle Idee!

“Zeno Clash” ist ein Beat `em Up, wie es im Buche steht. In 3D kämpfen wir mit verschiedenen Techniken gegen die Feinde. Hier muss ich direkt mal einlenken: Bitte verwechselt das Spielprinzip nicht mit „Mortal Kombat“ oder Ähnlichem. „Zeno Clash“ kann nur alleine gespielt werden und das Spiel folgt einer zusammenhängenden Story. Was es zudem recht einzigartig gestaltet: Man prügelt (und schießt gelegentlich) in der Ego-Perspektive. Während man im Nachfolger eine kleine Welt erkundet, besteht der erste Teil im Prinzip aus vielen kleinen Arenen. Im Kampf können wir nicht nur verschiedene Kombinationen ausprobieren, sondern bekommen gelegentlich auch Bomben und Schusswaffen in die Hand, die sich jedoch tatsächlich sehr gut ins Gameplay einfügen und nicht zu mächtig sind.
Die Steuerung muss man zwar ein wenig erlernen, ist insgesamt aber doch intuitiv. Nur an der Spielzeit von knapp 4 Stunden kann ich ein wenig meckern. Aber der Spielverlauf fühlt sich dafür aber auch sehr flüssig an und es kommt keine Langeweile auf.

„Zeno Clash“ hat eine sehr wundersame Spielwelt, die sich irgendwo zwischen leichten japanischen Einflüssen und absolut verrückter Fantasiewelt einpendelt. In dieser merkwürdigen, aber guten Kulisse zieht „Vater-Mutter“ (gemeint ist hier eine Person) eine Reihe von Kindern auf. Darunter auch Gath, der zu Beginn Vater-Mutter aus unbestimmten Gründen tötet und nun vor seinen wütenden Geschwistern flüchten muss. Währenddessen erfahren wir dabei in Flashbacks seinen Werdegang und ergründen langsam die Hintergründe seiner finsteren Tat. Die Geschichte ist auf jeden Fall sehr ungewöhnlich, aber dann doch erstaunlich gut.

Mit einer Mischung aus japanischer Tradition, Grimms Märchen und noch viel mehr Fantasie entsteht auch grafisch ein echter Wunderling. Auf Basis der Source-Engine war das Spiel schon zum Launch nicht gerade die neueste Generation. Aber hier steckt ja auch ein sehr kleines Team dahinter. Sehr viel Mühe wurde sich aber gerade bei den sehr verschiedenen Figuren gemacht, die einfach eine tolle Vielfalt aufweisen. Die orientalisch angehauchte Musik passt dabei zu dem merkwürdigen Setting.

„Zeno Clash“ wurde von Brüdern entwickelt und ist ein tolles Prügelspiel. Dabei kommt die Geschichte nicht zu kurz und gerade dieser „exotische“ Stil hat mich angesprochen. Zudem kam Zeno Clash in einer Zeit heraus, in der hochwertige Indietitel noch sehr vereinzelt auf Steam erschienen. Wer bereit ist, sich darauf einzulassen, dem werden beide Teile sicher gut gefallen.

Du prügelst weniger, sondern schießst/denkst/fährst stattdessen lieber in Videospielen? Dann folge mir doch in meiner Steamgruppe, wo ich meine Reviews als Kurator verfasse.
337 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 22:28
Very special art and strange story. Some mechanics worked not as described, but still a very good game.
735 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.18 21:04
Basically its Half Life 3 on crack from another dimension and with fist fights.
Finally we all can close the case.
1333 Produkte im Account
1419 Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.16 00:42
Story Spielzeit ca. 4 Stunden

Gutes Beat ’em up Game mit einem Weltklasse Charakter Design!
Diese besonderen Kreaturen findet man nur in Zeno Clash, einfach einzigartig toll. Wordurch das kämpfen noch mehr Spaß macht. Sehr schöne Idee! Hauptsächlich geht es hier ums kämpfen, das gegen abwechslungsreiche (Optik) Gegner, auch Bosse dürfen hier nicht fehlen. Eine Story gibt es auch, die an sich gut reinpasst und einfach mal was anderes ist. Das Spiel beweist einfach, das anders auch gut sein kann! Nicht immer die 0815 Gegner/Welt. Die Spielzeit ist nicht so lang, aber für so ein Kampfspiel genau richtig. Hier gibt ein keine riesen Kombos wie z.B in Devil May Cry oder ähnliche Games. Wo man gefühlte 20 Tasten drückt damit ein Angriff statt findet. Hier in Zeno Clash gibt es nur die linke und rechte Maustaste für einen leichten und schweren Angriff, die Leertaste zum Blocken. Einfach, aber gut. Der Sound, Steuerung und Grafik passen gut hier rein und sieht für 2009 gut aus. Es gibt auch noch Challenges, damit man noch mehr Spielzeit raushauen kann.

Insgesamt wegen dem Design ein Kauf wert, alles andere (Gameplay) spielt man einmal und gut ist.
1685 Produkte im Account
211 Reviews
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.16 13:45

Künstlerisch wertvolle Prügelorgie

Ein großer Kritikpunkt an Computer- und Videospielen dieser Tage ist die mangelnde Kreativität. Ein Kritikpunkt, über den ein Spiel wie Zeno Clash nur lachen kann. Selten habe ich eine surrealistischere und aufregendere Spielwelt bereist als Zenozoik. Passend dazu gibt es eine ungewöhnliche Handlung, welche gerade durch ihre zwischenmenschliche Bodenständigkeit reizt. Abgerundet wird das Ganze durch das spaßige, vergleichsweise leicht zu steuernde Gameplay, das im Grunde genommen nicht mehr tut, als ein totgeglaubtes Genre (in diesem Fall die Brawler) in die Egoperspektive zu verfrachten. Allein hierdurch erreicht die Intensität und Brutalität der Kämpfe einen beeindruckenden Höhenflug, der einen regelrecht an den Bildschirm fesselt und erst wieder loslässt, wenn man das Spiel durchgespielt hat. Leider ist der Spaß aber recht schnell wieder vorbei, was angesichts der Genre-Herkunft aber auch nicht verwundern sollte. Die alten 2D-Brawler aus seligen 16-bit-Tagen hatte man sogar noch schneller durch. Von mir gibt es jedenfalls eine klare Empfehlung für dieses Juwel aus Zenozoik.

Pro und Kontra:

- die Kämpfe wirken dank der Egoperspektive enorm intensiv und brutal
- surreal-bizarres Setting
- interessante aber überraschend bodenständige Handlung
- zahlreiche Kampfmanöver und Waffen sorgen für abwechslungsreiche Kämpfe
- drei verschiedene und gut ausbalancierte Schwierigkeitsgrade

- der Soundtrack bietet keine richtigen Melodien
- ist für heutige Verhältnisse etwas kurz (ca. 5 Stunden für beide Spielmodi)
- die Kämpfe können manchmal unübersichtlich werden
406 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.16 22:22
Verrücktes Spiel.
Mehr gibts nicht zu sagen.
Es fühlt sich an als wäre man in einer komplett anderen eigenen Welt mit viel Prügelei!
Storymäßig ist spärlich, zweckmäßig und hat ausgereicht. Aber die Atmosphäre, die Level, und vorallem die NPC´s sind verdammt verrückt und sehr fantasievoll gestaltet, allein das hat mich sehr gefesselt.
1248 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.14 21:15
Originelles unverbrauchtes setting, aber schwaches, langweiliges gameplay. Schlauchlevel und repetetive Kämpfe.
411 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.14 12:12
80/100 Punkte!

Damn, ist das Spiel schwer! Wer eine Herausforderung sucht ist hier richtig. Ich finde es persönlich nicht einfach zu spielen und es hat auch einen leichten Brainfuck-Touch! ..Naja leicht?! Eigentlich einen sehr starken! ;) Aber grade das macht Zeno Clash wohl aus. Und weil das Ding so abgedreht ist - schwer - aber trotzdem recht viel Spaß macht, bekommt es von mir auch eine Empfehlung.

Ich habe es geschenkt bekommen und würde zumindest keine Fortsetzung kaufen, weil ich an diesem Teil schon so hart zu knabbern hab, das dies bestimmt die nächsten 3 Jahre reicht! :-P

Das Genre ist schwer zu beschreiben, es ist ein Ego-Kampfspiel mit SHooterelementen in einer Brrainfuck-World.. ja.. das ist es ^^
3743 Produkte im Account
261 Reviews
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.13 17:10
Took me 3-4 hours to finish and I will remember this game..
Great storyline, AMAZING combat system, only seeing the same enemies over and over gets a little repetetive.
Still is an amazing game that every gamer should try :)
125 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.13 19:24
Tolles shooter mit fantasie waffen usw du spielst ein typ der drogen raucht danach bis du in ne fantasy welt
490 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 20:45
the art
715 Produkte im Account
305 Reviews
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 08:49
dope game, feels like if an apocalypse happened and crackheads were the only survivors
477 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 13:08
The screenwriter of this game has good imagination. Love it!
421 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 20:09
1435 Produkte im Account
200 Reviews
415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 20:42
One of my favorite games
795 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 13:49
The people that made this were definitely on drugs.
172 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 03:21
This game is so aesthetic its unreal, it absolutely rivals spore in both visuals and art design. Unique experience worthy of buying, the gameplay is varied, with both enjoyable hand to hand combat systems, and weapon play that actually matters, voice acting is charming. The passion is palpable.
124 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 05:51
Unlike most other games. The first-person brawling is satisfying, and the weapons are fun and unique. The art style is like Morrowind on peyote, and the story is strange and compelling in a charming, source engine kind of way. Voice acting is awkward and its a bit short, but well worth a playthrough. Unlike most anything else.
77 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 22:42
It was an ok experience, Recommend trying it out.
1867 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 11:29
The voice acting isn't good. Regardless of acting some of the voices are bad or even just unintelligible. The combat didn't feel good either which is kind of the core of the game. Why would I recommend? The setting alone is worth experiencing. What a wonderfully weird world that I want to explore more of. It's only 3-4 hours long so easily completed in a single night.

The levels are at least kept interesting, in terms of gameplay, despite the combat not clicking with me. It's not particularly hard just a bit awkward and the inclusion of weapons (though I loved the designs) seemed to go against the spirit of it.
173 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 05:12
Game with enjoyable first-person melee combat. Bit too short and story is nothing special, but not horrible. Just price is a bit too high for 3-hours gameplay.
418 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 03:27
First off, the world is interesting and unique, and this game was clearly a labor of love. The artists here put a lot of time and effort into making this world and its characters. It's a very unique style. I can appreciate that.

If only it was a good game. It feels like for every 10 hours of artistic effort, there was about 15 seconds spent developing the gameplay. Frankly, from a mechanics and technical perspective, Zeno Clash SUCKS. Hard.

The most obvious thing at first is the field of view. I feel like I can't see anything, like I'm looking at everything through a magnifying glass. There's no adjustment for this in the settings, either. And the horrible lurch when switching to sprinting is going to make me puke if I play this any longer. This is all significantly worse when you consider how much of the game is spent fighting multiple opponents. You can never see what's going on. It's a mess. I've died from an opponent a few inches to the side of the one I'm locked onto and I couldn't even see how they killed me or prevent it because they were out of my field of view. Ridiculous. Truly awful.

The other huge dealbreaker is the awful combat controls and mechanics. When you try to dodge, the input doesn't even register half the time. Movement is clunky. The CAMERA is clunky. I don't quite understand how they managed to make turning feel clunky and unwieldy, but they did it. Controls are unresponsive and a good amount of the time, it feels like your character just isn't doing what you want him to. (What's his name? Gat? Cack? I can barely understand half the dialog in this game.) Enemies can hit you from what feel like five feet away and it makes timing your dodges feel harder sometimes than dodging a hit in real life. You, however, can't hit enemies unless you're close enough to make out with them. A mess. This all combined with the awful fish eye effect and camera lurches honestly make me feel closer to being physically sick than they do to having any kind of fun.

The game's unique. I WANT to like it. I've tried reinstalling it and playing it several times now. But it's just so terrible. I can't enjoy it, and I can't honestly recommend anyone else give it a try either.
1297 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 23:21
This games is short and makes no sense but it's not a bad thing in itself.
I loved the experience.

Fantastic and surrealist, the art-style is gripping, the atmospheric soundtrack is great and the sound effects are neat. The fist fight combat can get annoying, mainly parring which seems very unfair with the almost unpredictable attacks of the enemies, it works when it wants to work... It's even worst when you're being surrounded by multiple enemies when you can only really use the dodge move against the enemy you're locked to but there's always a way or another to cheese it by bashing everything or using the ranged weapons the game gives you.

I wish the combat was better since the game is kind of based around that, even if you're given nice stone age guns but despite that, it was well worth going through the story line, observing the scenery and learning what I can about the insane corwids and Father-Mother.

Play this if you really enjoy surrealism with a nice and weird scenery.
314 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 03:22
Blast from the childhood. Exactly as I remember it. You can complete this game in one sitting. Absolutely fell in love with the surreal art design and a very interesting way of presenting a story. Good game. It was still fun to play it even after all these years.
950 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 08:36
Short, awkward storytelling, cool environments and world, cool enemy design, the default setting is hard where enemies deal normal damage while normal has enemies deal less damage and there is no easy.
I like it.
351 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 22:25
An interesting First Person Fighting game that has a cool world and really interesting designs.
The Fighting mechanics are fun, but a bit exploitive. I feel the game starts to loose it's steam 75% in, and recycles for the final levels. Overall, neat game.
222 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 21:57
I don`t know but I had fun 8/10
368 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 15:40
A cozy game where you get to beat up weirdos, freaks, lunatics, psychos, mavericks, misfits, deviants, wackos, perverts, oddballs, nut-jobs, and kooks. All of which are you friends and family. This game disguises itself as a strange looking first person RPG, but it's actually a fighting game with a heart warming story about beating up impostors and hermaphrodites. Ghat is basically John Chaser. Good game!
586 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 18:21
Good game kinda short
227 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 04:26
This is the absolute best of weird surreal shit that I need in life, makes me feel nostalgic for stuff that doesn't exist
659 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 00:45
I was really impressed by the unique combat system
109 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
2013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 03:55
punching people is really fun
322 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 10:27
+ eerie world
+ absolutely amazing characters
+ interesting storyline
+ nice music selection
+ fight mechanics are hard to master
+ Oxameter!

- NONE (at least for me)

In my opinion world of Zenozoik is perfect representation of how purgatory should look like. It's eerie, dangerous, dreadful and somehow mystic. It's the most atmospheric game i've ever played.
251 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 03:03
There is an intrinsic value to weirdness. The bravery to upset established conventions in order to create individuality, even in the face of alienation, is to be celebrated.

This game was a huge gamble, in visuals, in storytelling, in gameplay. A gamble that shows what people who make games because they love them can do incredible things. And I'm very glad it panned out.

Should you play it? Damn straight. Despite its age, there's still nothing quite like it. Great fun, great pace. Maybe a bit too short? I love short games, so I don't really mind. And dirt cheap. Really no reason not to play it at this point.
751 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 20:00
I have been a surreal game kick and this made me circle back to this game in my library. The art and feel of this game is weird but very cool at the same time. I like the first person brawler feel to it and the uniqueness to each weapon you come across. This is one that it would be cool to see a remaster done on it. As far as a basic moves its pretty basic but its a lot of fun to watch your opponents fly across the screen. Besides a few hiccups this game runs fine in windows 10. It is a short game but even at 10 its worth the experience.
254 Produkte im Account
128 Reviews
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 18:45
Better melee combat than Cyberpunk 2077
16 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 19:37
Cons: It's short, it's REALLY weird, and the plot is barely there.
Pros: It's short, it's REALLY, REALLY weird, and its world is incredibly memorable. Most importantly, fighting is fluid, dynamic and fun. Best fantasy bird punching simulator on the market, 10/10 scull bombs.
602 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 17:46
A little janky, but in the way that all best older games are. I really did love this one
1406 Produkte im Account
988 Reviews
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 22:00
Very unique first person beat em up kind of game with some interesting enemies and a trippy art style. Combat in this game was really enjoyable and felt like a lot of thought went into it. It was a bit weird but still a great game!
133 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 06:47
Very unique setting that I loved. It's like if you asked Jodorowsky to make a kung-fu game. Brilliant. The combat is super satisfying but far too easy. Often you can just heavy attack and kick characters to death without having to engage in the far more interesting dodge to counter attack/timed block mechanics. Still def worth playing but only if its on sale. Cause it's super short. I beat it first time through in about 3.5 hours. Still would reccomend.
287 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
1301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 05:04
You beat up furries, women, and buff cavemen for like 3 hours maybe, forgot how long this is but it's short. Gameplay works and it's pretty satisfying to smash people's faces in. Story is fine. Good game.
411 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 22:41
A very weird game. Everything is weird: the art direction, the plot and specially the gameplay. Weird, weird, weird.

Weird is good.
50 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 01:04
As I was punching my brother, who was a bird, in the face twenty times repeatedly before he fell over, and a man with a big tin pot on the top of his head started shooting a gun made of crabs at me, I decided I like this game. This damned bizarre game about pummeling stork-faced monster criminals and pig-mech-men and angry deterministic golems. You punch a lot and get punched a lot. But once you get in the rhythm, you're in another world. Another world of wiggly-eyed concavities and mechanical doors that need to be bribed. Of species and genus melted together into a warp of unholy flesh, of unbelievably surreal dialogue, and a good dose of bonking people into walls and hoping they stay down. Dig on that, you dirty tef.
213 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 01:18
father mother is a beautiful creature
183 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 04:47
very weird I like it
489 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 16:21
I don't like beat 'em up games but I love surreal games and movies that create a world of omg's and wtf's, a world you get lost in and completely forget about the dullness of our own limited reality.
It's like a Hieronymus Bosch painting came alive and punched you in the face.
Furthermore, I sense a lot of extremely wise metaphorical stuff in there...was that the Tower of Babel in the background?...
It's a call to bust the shackles of unquestioned apathy.
Would recommend 10/10 I feel inspired.

172 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 23:10
rare gem
586 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 09:52
Weird world. Combat reminds me of Dark Messiah except you punch people. I liked it.
263 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 17:53
Best 1$ sale purchase I ever made.
Total mindfuck of a game, and you can punch people in the face.
1268 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 22:15
The weird alien world and environments are so appealing it pulls one through despite the horrible controls and combat.
1317 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 05:57
What can I say about Zeno Clash? Zeno Clash is one of those games that takes place in a totally different sort of world to ours. However, it succeeds where many others fail, due to the fact that it not only LOOKS like it takes place in another world, but it actually FEELS like it takes place in another world.

The world of Zeno Clash is one unlike anything else. In this world, several different races live together in relative harmony, from the anything-but-typical humans, to anthropomorphic bird/rat people who communicate through hissing and pained squawks, to huge elephant and boar-type beings who charge and trumpet, to disfigured grotesqueries. Though they may all be humanoid in shape, their speech, behavior and way of thinking go far to show that the world they exist in is nothing that we can truly relate to. Even the humans can be so vastly different to one another in terms of abilities and behavior, it can make you wonder if anyone in the game truly understands anyone else. The world is a flimsy patchwork, held together through sheer brutality, and you've become public enemy number one.

Zeno Clash is a first person shoo... well, more of a first person brawler, rather. Oh, there's shooting alright, and a reasonable amount of it, but the focus is clearly on the fisticuffs, more than the firearms (or what pass for them in the world of Zeno Clash, aint no magnums here, but how about duel-wielding spitting fish?). See, if Zeno Clash has one constant with our real world, it's that punch + face = unconscious being on the ground. And this constant is what's going to keep you going in this unforgiving reality.

The combat in Zeno Clash is frantic, but skillful. You have a variety of moves at your disposal. From quick jabs, to long wind-up punches, to uppercuts, to charges, to kicks, to kneeing, to blocking, to parrying, and that's just with your own body! There's also about 4 or 5 different types of guns, which do behave mostly like equivalents you'd find in the real world, though with some mechanical differences, and wildly altered designs. And of course, what would a beat em up be without enormous clubs? They work how you'd expect. Of course, enemies also has access to most of these tools, and will gladly use them against you, even when you're in a fist-fight against two others. Come on, did you really expect them to play fair?

Visually, the game is great. The Source engine has always been a winner, and it's certainly used to its full effect to make an absurd world devoid of the structure and order that govern our own. Colour is used to fantastic effect to set mood, and whether the game wants you to feel worry, or fear, or tension, or to feel like you are trapped within a mystical dream, it can and does so. The soundtrack is equally as effective in accomplishing this, ranging from the beats of war drums and chanting to make you feel like this could be your last stand, to music that makes you feel both elated, but also that not all is right with the world.

To divulge any of the story in this review would be a massive mistake, as seeing all the twists and turns the story takes is one of the main enjoyments of Zeno Clash, but I will say this. The story is bizarre, but in its own way, still makes sense. The characters are insane, but still respectable. Each character has their own motivations for their actions, and unraveling these motivations is a strong driving force for the player. You want to see where things are going, and what happens to the strange and wonderful characters. Why is everyone after you? Who is this father/mother figure? Everyone seems to hate you, but you're not even slightly regretful for your actions. For how long can you keep running until you're caught?

The pacing of the game is flawless. No environment stays the same for too long, and changes in what you're fighting and how you fight it are frequent. In some places, you're locked in a small area and fighting a few enemies at once. Other times, you walking on a long path, fending off wild creatures. Then you're fighting a blind crab-faced assassin, then you're going through a dark freaky environment fending off living shadows, and then you're on a goddamn boat. Things change rapidly. The game doesn't feel boring, because it doesn't allow for the opportunity to let boredom set in. Never-mind the fact that the moment to moment gameplay changes quite often, the changes in the environments are enough to keep you invested.

Now, the game isn't perfect. Sometimes combat can be a bit clunky, with your kicks missing at times when they shouldn't, and the story, whilst wonderfully fantastical, is quite short, and ends on a cliffhanger, which continues in the (IMO, drastically worse) Zeno Clash 2. Despite this, overall, Zeno Clash is still a fantastic experience, and a great game. Every hour of it is an experience worth having. I highly advise picking it up to anyone who's interesting in a impactful first person brawler with a unique world.

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50 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 01:32
At least I found my Easter Egg.
650 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 19:29
Zeno Clash is an odd game, made in the Source engine (Half-Life 2) by a really small team of brothers in Chile. It has one of the most unique visual and narrative styles you'll ever see. I won't lie. It's straight up weird, but in a fairy tale sort of way. It's telling a meaningful story with heart, despite all of it's eccentricities.

The gameplay holds up really well even by today's standards. It has some jank, but it's deep and makes total sense. The melee fighting system takes time to master, but once you do, it feels very cool and expressive. The tutorial system is pretty good at teaching you the intricacies, and actually turns out to be a nice little side narrative itself.

I played it for the first time back in 2013, and I still love playing it today. It's a game you'll remember.
397 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 05:26
If you look at the credits for this game, you'll see a lot of a particular last name, suggesting this was a family passion project. And what passion it is. If nothing else, Zeno Clash is worth experiencing for its sheer lunacy.

The gameplay itself is sort of like a faster-moving Condemned in its emphasis on first-person combat. Controls are often slow to respond and fighting multiple enemies a real pain, but with practice you'll figure out the quirks and become reasonably skilled, if never proficient. Punches land with a satisfying *whomp* and there's just enough variety in scenarios that you won't get totally bored. Ranged combat, like in Condemned, is poorly thought out and often best ignored. Since this stuff takes up the bulk of the game, there's not much else to say on it.

However, the real draw of Zeno Clash - the thing that inspires you to persevere in spite of the frustrating times you'll have - is the desire to see what totally loopy thing it'll pull out of its ass next. The plot, told in jagged, non-linear fashion, is utter nonsense, but meshes perfectly with the utterly not-of-this-world art design. It's as if Tim Burton and Salvador Dali had a quickie on a huge digital canvas, grandiose, primal and beyond definition. The character models are so intricately decked out (at least, until they start repeating) that you might stop to stare even as they're kicking your face in. The level of vision in this thing is astounding. If it were any kind of significant the art book would be worth the price alone.

So be prepared for a visual feast and mechanical rabid beast. It takes time and effort to reign it in, but it sure is something to gawk at.
500 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 10:51
I bought this game because the demo was just plain weird, like holy fuck you can just look at the screenshots. I stayed for... whatever the hell it was that i played. It is a first person beat em up which on paper sounds bad but they make it work somehow. The combat is somehow works, sometimes you punch, and you know it should have hit but didn't, but it's not as big a deal breaker as it sounds. Despite some flaws combat is pretty fun, you'll mostly punch, and occasionally shoot enemies. Melee combat is really the focus, most guns are peashooters on most situations. That's all fine and good but it's not why I enjoyed the game so much, I played the game for the story. It's probably not excellent, but boy is it unique. It revolves around the main character's relationship with their father-mother (don't question it). I enjoyed the story, but I'm sure most of it had to do with how weird and intriguing the alien world of Zeno Clash is. I wrote this review after I finished, so bear in mind the game is short, but i'd say it's worth the purchase
327 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.19 20:39
I do consider you my Father and Mother, but you have to stop doing what you do.

* Pros
+ Very satisfying and fun melee combat
+ Insanely weird, but oddly cool world and character designs
+ The story is confusing and weird

* Cons
- Once you get the combat down, it gets really easy
- The voice acting is terrible
- The script is terrible
- The story is confusing and weird

Overall: 6/10 Above Average

Must Have? | Buy? | Wait for Sale? | Don't Ever Buy This?
[Wait for Sale]
165 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.19 23:10
Fighting mechanics were enjoyable enough, although there are some loose ends (making the interact key and the enemy focus key the same button is problematic), and switching between enemies and evading by running can get tough. But overall the combat was simple and very satisfying.

The story, art style, and overall atmosphere of this game is where it really shines. You can complete it in just a few hours if you stick with it. 6/10 would recommend for the story and art/world alone.
381 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.19 21:33
What a strange but compelling game!

Its art style is what perhaps most people first take notice. Visually striking, with a bizzare but powerful art direction, and surreal alien landscapes, Zeno Clash immediately immerses you into a fantastic, wild and alien primitive world of the future meeting all sorts of weird inhabitants, some friendly others trying to kill you. The whole look and feel of this game is perhaps something you'd imagine coming straight out of a psychedelic european comicbook of the 60s or 70s. Accompanied by an eclecting tribal soundtrack, it offers an experience unlike anything you've played in this genre. Character design is also marvelous to look at, with many of your adversaries having unique models and despite the game's age, some, especially your female companion, having some really beautiful facial and motion animations with expressive features and lively (and equally bizzare) voice acting that enhances this etheral fever dream you experience.

The story is also more interested in showing you the world and letting your imagination run wild, providing only the basics. While not overly complicated, and perhaps a little bit abrupt in its delivery, falls perfectly in line with the rest of the tone of this game. Playing as Ghat and being accused/chased for the death of your father-mother, the leader of your clan, you brawl your way through hordes of feral forest-people, evil bounty hunters and other creatures of the night in your struggle to survive. But even this simple premise delivered some pretty intreresting and thoughful ideas, presenting a world that is not as black and white as one would think.

Gameplay-wise Zeno Clash is a very unique and interesting take on the FPS genre, although perhaps it's not correct to describe it that way since shooting is an afterthought in this game and barely plays an important part besides a few situations. Instead, Zeno Clash is a first person brawler, where - instead of you typical linear map - you are placed in different stages/arenas, some more simple and open, some more narrow and complex trying to defeat your enemies with an array of different attacks and combos. What starts as a relatively simple affair, soon expands with a few deeper mechanics that are easy to learn but hard to master. Sometimes, the game can be a bit frustratingly difficult due to the control scheme and overall gameplay style, and with its gunplay not very good it can lead to some repetition and difficulty spikes, but thankfully autosaves are plentiful, after each difficult battle section that with a little patience you can complete this tough but short game in a few hours as it is a short game. (there is no manual saving).
The AI of the enemies was also impressive, with many of them reacting differently, managing to avoid reckless attacks, using available weapons or taking cover when confronted with said guns.

i didn't encounter any serious technical problems with the game but I have to emntion that despite my gamepad being recognised by the game, i still had to use a third party program to add a camera/mouse-look movement with the right analog stick. Also it was unfortunate that I couldn't make the subtitles work on my computer, making some of the more alien dialog a little difficult to understand. (everyone speaks english but some voices are a bit more distorted or have strong alien accents)

In the end I was really impressed with Zeno Clash, it was a game I tackled on mostly out of curiosity, due to its unusual artstyle, and I was pleasantly surprised with it's take on combat, its overall presentation and feel, and despite some rough edges, it delivered a very memorable and satisfying experience that is more fresh and daring than many of the bigger-budget offerings of the genre. It might not be for everyone but I would definitely suggest you give it a try, especially if you like... trippy sci-fi fantasy arena brawlers in first person.
Logo for Zeno Clash
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
86.46% 1577 247
Release:21.04.2009 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: ACE Team Vertrieb: Valve Cooperation Engine: Source-Engine Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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