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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.04.2020
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Preis Update 07.02.22

Über das Spiel

In Yar?s Revenge, take flight as you explore exotic alien worlds and seek to avenge your fallen race. Gain experience to upgrade and expand your armor and weapon capabilities as you fight off the evil Qotiles. But remember to take care in the choices you make ? as the fate of your species and home world hangs in the balance.

Key features:

  • An exhilarating on-rails shooter ? a tightly scripted cinematic experience in which Yar flies through visually stunning Miyazaki-inspired landscapes while fighting a wide variety of memorable enemies.
  • 6 unique and beautiful environments - fly through the rich and lush environment of the Yar Village to the bio-technological nightmare of the Qotile Homeworld.
  • Upgrades and RPG elements - Gain experience while customizing your armor and weapon abilities.
  • Drop in/drop out co-op ? Join your friend at any time and help them conquer the Qotile menace.
  • Flashback ? Unlock bonus features such as the original comic and challenge modes which will test your skills.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

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1686 Produkte im Account
272 Reviews
722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 16:47
As is typical on-rails shooter one can expect , honestly its more than that. If it is not the first time your entrance in the Yar's revenge franchise, then it definitely is your kinda game. Honestly, gameplay is simple as alien shooter and you control yar's to take your revenge on the colonies of insects. The final queen's boss is Queen ratkamalina. It comes with mere 6 levels with not more than 15 minutes of gameplay per level. But still if you wanna get that comical feeling of what lies ahead and how does the plot goes by unleashing itself, than keeping aside simple on-rails shooter, its worth to witness the final moments of the yar's saga and complete your collection. If ever atari decides to release another yar's in yar's universe.

Ahhh, pardon my emotions. I just liked the game, that's it.
1908 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 01:33
Crappy controls and you can't change them
1075 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 04:32
A surprisingly ok low budget rail shooter about a four armed bug lady and her revenge trip.

Gameplay is very similar to Sin & Punishment, a 3D shmup with a flying character, there aren't many shooters in this style so I take what I can get. Lacks enemy variety but it doesn't overstay its welcome so it's not a huge issue. Controls really well with mnk and runs great (after a couple of ini edits).

Got it for a buck and was expecting a disaster thanks to reviews, pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
1002 Produkte im Account
182 Reviews
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199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 23:14
Yar's Revenge (Remaster) - Wow, I mean wow, I have never taken to disliking a game right off the the get-go, but wow, I can honestly say this feels WRONG in every sense of word. The installation and configuration seemed real, for lack of a better, unrefined, literally to get into the configurations it brings up a command line interface, which just screams to me someone did not think this through. In game experience is just as bad, graphics are not too bad, concept seems off from Yar's Revenge, but has just enough of the original feel in the story line (which feels fully fabricated), but as I said, just enough to where I could continue on. Here is where is truly went of the rails for me, who in their right minds thinks these controls up, mind you I am keyboard player and often I expect some challenges with said configuration, you get use to is as you work through them (think Parallax Software - Descent), but, OMG they are so bad, at I have a Razer Naga Mouse, and the sensitivity is whack to say the least, after several changes to adjustments, it still was fairly unplayable, WASD controls work okay, but the quickness (and I was playing on the easiest setting) of the the enemies does not allow for any real control if your trying to shoot said enemies and dog any counter attacks (I died during the training, which has never happened to me....ever, guess I should be ashamed, but I am not). Unfortunately I cannot recommend this game at all. All the way around it feels rush and someone wasted the good name of a great old 2600 game to put out this garbage. I am sorry to be so harsh, but I expect better from Atari, I have been a faithful fan for many a year, but, I cannot in good conscience tell ANYONE to pick this up for any price.
187 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.19 07:40
Yars Revenge

Yar’s Revenge is by no means a bad game but it is neither a very exciting game. Looking at some of the images and trailers, I click the add in cart button on impulse. The 60% discount on a already cheap game also just made that temptation impossible to resist. I was hoping that it will transport me back to the Panzer Dragoon moments of old. A time I was busy experimenting which games can work on my old PC from 1997 which seem to struggle with the then wow graphics. As with my Doom review, I somehow always ended up with Doom or Wolfenstein. Panzer Dragoon was one of the few games that did work somewhat and was a remarkably fun diversion for me. Flying on a dragon, shooting lasers at enemies in a unique world and a rather relaxing somber orchestral/techno soundtrack was pretty darn cool. Although the occasional crashes on my struggling PC kind of sour those moments but anyway does Yar’s Revenge scratch that itch. Well somewhat but fails at a few departments as well.

Yars Revenge made by Atari (I was surprised Atari still releases games) is a rather simple on rail shooter where you control Yar and her quest to defeat the evil Qotiles. In the process freeing her race the Yar’s which I was always confused. Is it the race or her? The plot is simplistic but its delivery is done poorly through some stilted art and dialog during combat. Being an on rail shooter it was rather difficult for me to read and shoot at enemies at the same time. After a while I just gave up reading and just started playing the game as the story was really barebones and at times quite nonsensical.

Yar’s overall is a very easy game to play and short one at that. You use the left mouse button to shoot your standard firearms and the right mouse button to attack with a powerful beam that can kill a single enemy quickly. The WASD are your directional button to control Yar’s movement. There are other weapons and equipment you can collect and use during combat by using the 1234 but for some reason a xbox control scheme is use to show you the stuff you have. I was a bit confused here. An example Y was a shield but how was I to know that pressing 1 can use it. Only by looking at the options control scheme did I figure it out. It’s a minor issue though for me. You can use the Tab button to shoot an all-powerful beam that wipes out everything in sight. The shooting at the start was rather monotonous and the enemies was nothing to shout about. The enemy variety in this game is remarkably weak as you see the same enemy over and over again but the shooting does get better later on in stage 3 on wards. With more enemies and one or two interesting boss fight.

I was surprised that the game does have some neat environments and some small variety to its 6 levels. From the mushroom like forest planet to the factory laboratory areas with a lot of verticality movement. However there is some minor graphical glitches with you going through objects and enemies. The screen does turn red when you go through them signaling you have taken damage. It would have been better if Yar had some unique animations when clashing with objects or enemies instead of just going through them. At times your firing animation would go on loop but it only happen in one stage. The soundtrack is not too bad with the synthwave techno electronic beats which seems suitable and at times it does help bring the Panzer moments. The shooting sounds though is really weak and lack any impact.

Overall would I recommend this game? Most probably not unless you are a huge fan of on rail shooters but even then I would recommend something else. There is no replay value for me, despite it having challenge stages. It is however remarkably cheap. Here in Malaysia it’s about RM 23 which is roughly 5 USD. There are also some small neat extras in showcasing Yar’s Revenge history and original game with a comic as well as some concept art. Maybe comparing it to Panzer Dragoon is not fair but Yar’s Revenge at the end of the day is a rather barebones simplistic on rail shooters.

Out of 10
Graphics - 4 Going through objects despite having variety to its simple levels
Gameplay - 3
Sound - 3
Story - 1 If i could read the dialog and if it was not shown during combat it might be a 2

On a side note, while doing this review I came upon on interesting article regarding Yar’s Revenge history and game development. I thought I will just add it here for anyone who is interested in some game history and development.
1237 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.17 19:55
Did you like Panzer Dragoon on the Sega Saturn. If yes, this game might be something for you. It has a rather high difficulty level but is fun nevertheless
286 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.17 23:59
This is a pretty neat game, but suffers from one flaw that is driving me balls. You can invert controls for aiming, but NOT for flying. I feel like I'm trying to rub my belly and pat my head while shooting hordes of bugs.

I really wanted to enjoy this game.
533 Produkte im Account
373 Reviews
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46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.17 20:43
It was a nightmare to even get running on a clean install of Win7 64 bit. Lots of fooling around and manually installing old DirectX packages.

When it did work between crashes, it played like a weird game that seemed hacked together to satisfy marketing agreements. I know that sounds crazy but when you play the game, its clear that not a lot of time went into developing any aspect of the game experience including art, sound, story, gameplay, etc. It seems that probably more than one company worked on the game since there is no apparent cohesive vision to any of it.

The controls are hypersensitive and non-adjustable. There's no story. The intro is 2 minutes of the same concept sketch being zoomed on at different angles. It looks like one company pre-rendered video or something, then another company overlayed a rail shooting game on it. All of it is so strange.

Stay far away, this game is a hot mess.
1597 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.16 14:04
This is actually a fairly fun game. Honestly I only bought it because I owned an Atari 2600 as a kid and had Yar's Revenge for that system, and wanted to see what an update / sequel would possibly be like so many years later. It doesn't seem all that related to the original, actually. I mean the story is, very very vaguely, similar, but other than that -- different gameplay, different feel, different tone, different everything. The original was just a masterpiece. It'd be nice if this contained the original as a mini-game or something inside it, but nope, it doesn't. I guess they had the game license and wanted to use it for some slight popularity. And for me it worked. But most Steam gamers are younger than me and never even heard of Yar's Revenge, so I doubt this trick works on most people.

Basically the game is a On-Rails Shooter. If ever played a game where you move along a path and have to shoot everything that appears in front of you, quickly, before it disappears, it's like that. Panzer Dragoon is a good analogy. If you *casually* enjoy that type of game, you might enjoy this. If you think that type of gameplay is stupid and boring, you won't enjoy this. If you are a die-hard fan of on-rails shooters and only look for the best examples in that genre, you also won't enjoy this. It's intended to be a time-waster. I'd say buy it on sale if you are even remotely curious about it, and if you read this review that's probably you. Two dollars (on sale) isn't a big risk. I played it for two hours, and had some fun with it. Two hours of fun for two dollars is an okay trade by me.
160 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.15 00:08
Sub par game? I really have to ask what kind of gamers are out there. I grew up playing panzer dragoon on the sega dreamcast. I been around gaming almost since it's infancy. Now a days it's about first person shooters anything else is subpar. What a shame. If you liked games like panzer dragoon or panzer dragoon orta you'll like Yar's Revenge. Rip off of original Yar's Reveng. Nothing to do with the original. Thank goodness. The original does not look this good nor play this well. To compare the both is like comparing a calculator to a ps vita.

Problems-It's locked at 30fps. Go to ini and change to 60 fps.
Not at 1080, same thing. Unluck in ini in the steam folder. Not full screen. You get the picture.
Went to nvidia settings and set it at SLI 16x CSAA. Why? Because I could.....PCMR.
19 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.15 21:13
It's fun rail 3D rail shooter, with a bit of challenge.

I read some of the negative reviews say either 'controller is bad' or 'just a typical rail shooter'.

1: possibly cos they are using a typical PC gaming control setting to play this non-PC game making it difficult.
2: they never played Panzer Dragoon, hence why they think its a House of the Dead clone.

Though the control setting doesn't have the settings for game pad but its easy to learn after you know the buttons, not difficult.

Been a long time since I played a game that is close to Panzer Dragoon since the last game in early 2000, and I love it, simple fun.
63 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.15 00:36
Has nothing to do with the Atari classic other than the name. The name was just used to sell a sub-par game.
623 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.14 07:56
Absolutely horrible controls! As a big on-rails shooter fan, I was vaguely looking forward to this, but it just plays so badly. Some interesting ideas, and it looks pretty good.

I'd say one of the worst aspects, even if only a subtle one, is the player and the on-screen gameplay feel... kind of detatched, as if the player doesn't exist in the same world, almost as if it's simply a video in the back ground that you can vaguely interact with.

All in all it's just kind of mediocre. I knew it was going to be bad after hearing the reviews of the xbox 360 version, but... it's not even 'so bad it's good', just really really bland. Avoid.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
57.69% 30 22
Release:28.04.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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