Airport Kassel is now also available for XPlane 12 via Steam.
New in the XP12 Version:
- Standalone, fully customized XP12 version
- Revised lighting
- Ground textures now including PBR reflections and normal maps
- Revised orthophoto, color optimized for XP12, including autumn/winter version and normal map
- New, additional orthophoto for the immediate vicinity of the airport (60cm/pixel)
- Reworked vegetation placement (new volumetric grass)
- XP12 3D vegetation for forests, trees and bushes for seamless integration into the environment
- Weather effects for wet, snow and ice
- Full support for native XP12 seasons, with no other add-ons or plugins
- Reworked autogen and street placement
- Revised static aircrafts
- New XP12 Custom Mesh from Maps2Xplane (incl. Ortho4XP patch)