• X-Blades: Model Jodie Dart als Ayumi aus X-Blades
  • X-Blades: Model Jodie Dart als Ayumi aus X-Blades
  • X-Blades: X-Blades Wallpaper
  • X-Blades: X-Blades Wallpaper
  • X-Blades: X-Blades Wallpaper
  • X-Blades: Screenshot aus dem Musikvideo zu X-Blades
  • X-Blades: Screenshot aus dem Musikvideo zu X-Blades
  • X-Blades: Screenshot aus dem Musikvideo zu X-Blades
  • X-Blades: Screenshot aus dem Musikvideo zu X-Blades
  • X-Blades: Ansicht - X-Blades PS3 Theme
  • X-Blades: Ansicht - X-Blades PS3 Theme
  • X-Blades: Ansicht - X-Blades PS3 Theme
  • X-Blades: Model Jodie Dart als Ayumi aus X-Blades
  • X-Blades: Model Jodie Dart als Ayumi aus X-Blades
  • X-Blades: X-Blades Wallpaper
  • X-Blades: X-Blades Wallpaper
  • X-Blades: X-Blades Wallpaper
  • X-Blades: Screenshot aus dem Musikvideo zu X-Blades
  • X-Blades: Screenshot aus dem Musikvideo zu X-Blades
  • X-Blades: Screenshot aus dem Musikvideo zu X-Blades
  • X-Blades: Screenshot aus dem Musikvideo zu X-Blades
  • X-Blades: Ansicht - X-Blades PS3 Theme
  • X-Blades: Ansicht - X-Blades PS3 Theme
  • X-Blades: Ansicht - X-Blades PS3 Theme


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.02.2009
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Preis Update 30.12.24

Über das Spiel

Im Anbeginn der Zeit herrschten zwei göttliche Kreaturen ebenbürtig und in friedlicher Eintracht über das Universum. Sie waren Brüder und ihre Herrschaft war gut. Dieses goldene Zeitalter liegt so lange zurück, dass nur die unbeseelte Materie und die Sonne eine Erinnerung daran bewahrt haben. Der harmonische Einklang währte Millionen von Jahren, bis der Legende nach die Zwietracht einbrach.

Ein Streit zwischen den Brüdern darüber, wer die Vorherrschaft haben sollte. Niemand weiß, ob es sich um das Eindringen einer fremden, bösen Macht handelte, welche den einen der Brüder erfasste, den die Legende fortan den Finsteren nannte, während sein Bruder den Namen "Der Erleuchtete" erhielt. Tatsache ist jedoch, dass eine Zeit der Finsternis das Universum erfasste. Der Streit der Giganten wirkte sich zerstörerisch auf die gesamte bekannte Welt aus. Die Zeit des Chaos wurde schließlich durch einen wahrhaft göttlichen Akt des Erleuchteten beendet. Er erkannte, dass er die duale göttliche Macht in zwei Artefakte bannen musste. Somit hätte der destruktive Streit ein Ende, die Macht des Finsteren wäre gebannt. Jedoch konnte dies nur gelingen, indem der Erleuchtete auch seine eigene göttliche Macht aufgab, da beide Gottheiten untrennbar miteinander verbunden waren.

Auf diese Weise entstanden zwei Artefakte, die in einer riesigen Tempelanlage versteckt wurden. Die göttliche Macht und damit auch das Böse, sind immer noch in den Artefakten gebunden. Die ihrer göttlichen Allmacht beraubten, aber immer noch starken Brüder bewachen jeweils das Artefakt des anderen. Zum Schutz der Artefakte wurden es mit einem mächtigen Fluch belegt .Jeden Menschen, der in Kontakt mit den mächtigen Steinen kommt, erwartet ein schrecklicher Fluch, der die Mächte des Finsteren wieder zum Leben erweckt.

Der Aufbewahrungsort der Artefakte ist unbekannt. Nur eine vergilbte Karte in einem alten Buch gibt Aufschluss über den Ort. Doch wehe dem Abenteurer, der einmal auf diese Karte stoßen sollte...

Das Spiel beginnt, nachdem die wagemutige Schatzjägerin Ayumi die Karte in einem verfallenen Tempel gefunden hat. So beginnt das Abenteuer in X-Blades. Wird Ayumi dem Fluch entrinnen und den Mächten der Finsternis widerstehen? (x-blades.com)


  • CPU: 2.0 GHz
  • GFX: ATI Radeon 1650 256 MB o der nVidia GeForce 7600 256 MB
  • RAM: 512 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP mit Service Pack 2, Direct X 9.0c
  • HD: 5 GB
  • CPU: 3.0 GHz
  • GFX: ATI Radeon x3800 512 MB oder nVidia GeForce 8800 512 MB
  • RAM: 1024 MB
  • Software: Windows XP mit Service Pack 2, Direct X 9.0c
  • HD: 5 GB

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 13:10
I like this old fight Video games <3
170 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.16 18:12
Macht es spass? Ja. Aber es dreht sich immer im kreis, fast immer die gleiche monster nur mit dem lvl stärker...
229 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.15 16:29
Very very good game you have to play it <3
189 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.14 09:18
Dies ist meine Review zu einem meiner Meinung nach ganz gutem Spiel was mir viel Spaß gemacht hat aber auch sehr schwer war.

Story: 3/10 Die Story hat in etwa so viel zu bieten wie eins der neueren CODs. Du weißt du bist eine Schatzjägerin und versuchst den bösen Fluch den du hast wegzubekommen.

Gamplay: 7/10 Das Gameplay ist bei kleinen Gegnern meist einfach nur simples rumgemetzel was aber spaßig wird durch gute Untermalung von Musik. Ein besonderes Highlight sind die Bossfights die ohne Taktik und wissen über die Schwächen des Gegner sehr böse ausgehen können. Also die Bossfights sind alle nicht so leicht.

Grafik: 7/10 Die Grafik ist für die Zeit und den Preis ganz schön und die Lichteffekte sind auch sehr gut gemacht was mir ziemlich gefallen hat.

Design: 8/10 Das Design der Vharakter gefällt mir sehr gut und ist ein wenig Comicartig ausgefallen. Was mir besonder auffiel war die Waffe des Hauptcharakters die der Waffe von Squall aus Final Fantasy 8 extrem erinnert und die Fähigkeit Funkenflug welche der Limit Attacke von Cloud aus Final Fantasy 7 ähnlich sieht.

Für mich lässt dies drauf schließen das die Entwickler Final Fantasy Fans sind. Aber naja ich kann das Game nur empfehlen.
202 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 21:06
I felt drunk trying to understand what was going on
206 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 21:06
Awful game. I regret don't asking for a refund when I had the time, this was just a waste of money even if it was on sale at the time. The main character design looked appealing to me and I like hack and slash games, that is the only reason why I gave it a try.
273 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 06:51
old school hack and slash?
283 Produkte im Account
136 Reviews
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 11:03
hack & slash, in DmC style, quite nice
535 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 20:11
About the only good thing about it is the the character's tit's and ass. The remake is pretty awful too since they toned down the skimpy outfits but that's not this game. Also the game is prone to crashing if it doesn't like your hardware.
109 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
77213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 09:54
60 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 07:03
People don't talk enough about the beautiful locations and music. Of course, there's a lot of hack'n'slash action. But after getting rid of the monsters, why not take a walk, see the sights?

Also: I am a bit impressed that a game could look this good way back then without requiring high-end graphics cards.
434 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
1759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 10:25
1078 Produkte im Account
948 Reviews
107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 18:48
hentai version of Devil May Cry
1583 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
22056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 01:39
  • Deep story
  • Amazing character design
  • Engaging and varied combat
  • Better than cyberpunk

273 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 10:41
Devil May Cry but trash.
444 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 21:09
The game is acceptable and serves as a nostalgic consolle relief.
A nonetheless good graphic and a lovely map design (small maps actually) help a little to overcome the few and repetitive actions. While the pumping metal soundtrack give it some pros, some clunky controls here and there mark out some cons.
Definitely it works best if burst all at once before nostalgia gives way to boredom.
972 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 13:32
This is not a game, this is awful waste of money and time.
43 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 21:20
i liked the gameplay
232 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 00:50
This is X-Blades, this is a hack and slash game that is over ten years old. I played this on the PS3 and guess what? It was terrible then too. The main character is annoying, the combat is a broken mess, the enemies are all model swaps, the levels are short with nothing interesting going on. This is a fourteen year old early access game by the same guys who went on to make War Thunder, a much better, grind game. I can only recommend this game if you can put your self back into the mindset of playing a PS2 game, cause even when this game came out on the PS3/PC originally, it felt 10 years old.

I am a wierdo who will go back and play old trash out of nostalgia, if you can't slap on those goggles, then chances are you're better off spending your money on a different, more superior product.
187 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 11:14
At the end of the day, X Blades is not a game that I would recommend for you. For those looking for something with sex appeal or mindless button mashing, there are much better options available elsewhere.
237 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 17:53
perfect game
720 Produkte im Account
552 Reviews
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 12:43
Even if it's not a great game, it's worth playing it, but buy it at a discount price.
373 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 19:35
Avoid it like the plague. Had potential.

Garbage execution. Buggy. Repetitive.

Not fun.
190 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 13:58
411 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 07:05
My friend gave me the code to his free G2A game and it was this...

I played all of it. It was interesting to say the least.
114 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 22:20
The first installment of what would later become Blades of Time is also a hack'n'slash action game whose main protagonist is a treasure hunter named Ayumi. Blades of Time is an entertaining, if somewhat flawed B-grade game, and playing its predecessor only made me appreciate it more, as it is a marked improvement over X-Blades in almost every way.

I liked...

  • The music (rock fits the action well)
  • The less serious tone (the setpieces, hordes of enemies and general cartoony feel made me think of Serious Sam; Ayumi's personality is lively and reckless to match)

I didn't care for...

  • The gameplay (most of the game is just fighting off waves of enemies or bosses with long healthbars, with little skill required)
  • The controls (it gets actively frustrating in the few segments where the game makes you cross a series of traps with a move that only works half the time)
  • The plot (the latter game has too complex and wordy lore, but this game has almost no story beyond its intro)
  • The skill economy (in the first half, it's hard to afford elemental attacks needed to progress; in the latter half, you will end up with literally millions of points/souls/whatever without anything to spend them on; one of the most useful things to buy is healing, but it gets more expensive the more you buy it; prices of skills make little sense as they can vary by orders of magnitude for no good reason)


Just play Blades of Time instead, it's a much more polished experience in comparison. The basic idea of the game isn't bad, but it doesn't have the atmosphere, personality, or gameplay to deliver.

For more reviews, feel free to look at my curator page: Azar Reviews.
77 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 10:17
A scantily clad woman with two blades and lots and lots of monsters, that sounds like an entertaining game, but turns out to be a laborious task. It's fun for one hour or so. But once you realize that there is nothing more to the game than fighting huge amounts of monsters in similar looking areas, it becomes annoyingly repetitive
48 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 23:39
What inhuman thoughts would lead to someone making this?
1430 Produkte im Account
1073 Reviews
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 16:01
It's an action game much like Devil May Cry or God of War but it seems a bit bland at times. I wouldn't say it's a bad game but it seems mediocre in most cases. Pick it up cheap if you are bored and looking to slice and dice for a bit.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 19:18
it's ok
73 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 10:28
Quite Noice!
380 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 22:25
The anything but subtle fanservice doesn't excuse the floaty controls and the weightless attempt at a combat system. The story, if it can be considered that, is also whatever, so you'll have a bad time with this one for the sake of having a bad time and nothing more, and the dialogue and voice acting are so bad they're terrible.

I just want to vent about how terrible the movement (what are those jumps? why is the double jump a spin and why does the protagonist look like Sonic doing it?) and combat mechanics (imagine Dante, the guest character from Devil Summoner 3, which has Dante from the Devil May Cry series as a guest character, but braindead) are, they're actually uncomfortable and make the game practically unplayable unless you like suffering.

The music is nice, sometimes. Maybe.
88 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
4955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 20:47
interesting game
78 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 22:18
My Score: 3/10
258 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 16:26
deep story, amazing character design, engaging and varied combat
better than cyberpunk i rate 10/10
199 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 07:59
246 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 15:23
Let start with the fact:
1. You most likely allready played beter game of this genre
2. The game play is basic at best
3. The plot is eye rolling at beast too
4. Can become repetitive at the end

Did I enjoyed it? YES. Would you?

1. Do You like anime?
2. Does the main heroine look Good/Pretty/Sexy/Cute to you3.
3. Are you up for simple brainless heak and slash?

yes? buy it (on sale if possble)
no? YOU MONSTER! ( Im kidding :)
908 Produkte im Account
521 Reviews
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 17:54

Information / Review English

X-Blades is an Action adventure developed by Gaijin Entertainment.

Gameplay / Story

At the heart of X-Blades is the treasure hunter Ayumi, who finds a map at the start of the game that points the way to two mysterious artifacts of immeasurable value. The map also contains an inscription that tells of an ancient legend. As a result, from the beginning of time, two divine creatures ruled the universe - the dark and the enlightened. However, this symbiotic balance of darkness and light was disrupted when the two brothers fell out and fought for supremacy. As a result, the enlightened one banished the dual divine power into two artifacts to prevent the dark one from usurping all power and plunging the world into eternal chaos. The inscription also gives a clear warning.

Ayumi ignores this warning and goes on a search for the artifacts that are hidden in a temple complex. The action is continued in cutscenes, which are sporadically played automatically after the end of a level. The style of the videos is based on the anime look, which is achieved through greater use of cel shading effects compared to the game graphics. In the further course of the game, Ayumi has to deal with various types of opponents, some of them story-relevant boss opponents such as the enlightened and the sinister. At times she receives support from the treasure hunter Jay, the fourth central character of the game.

The player controls the protagonist Ayumi in the third person perspective via mouse and keyboard or controller. The gameplay remains primarily true to the characteristics of classic hack and slay: Rapidly staged battles against a large number of opponents. This principle is occasionally enhanced by boss opponents who are harder to defeat and usually require special strategies.

Ayumi's weapons are called gunblades or pistol blades; a combination of sword and pistol. The basic attacks can be divided into ranged combat (pistol shot) and close combat (blade blow), which can be upgraded in different upgrade levels by collecting artifact fragments distributed in the levels.


+ fast, uncomplicated action
+ nice light and magic effects
+ nice surroundings
+ multiple ends
+ Trading cards


- shallow combat system
- one looks for a story here in vain


X-Blades offers you Devil May Cry in small format.

Information / Review Deutsch

X-Blades ist ein Action-Abenteuer, welches von Gaijin Entertainment entwickelt wurde.

Gameplay / Geschichte

m Mittelpunkt von X-Blades steht die Schatzjägerin Ayumi, die zu Spielbeginn eine Karte findet, die den Weg zu zwei geheimnisvollen Artefakten von unermesslichem Wert weist. Die Karte enthält zudem eine Inschrift, die von einer uralten Legende berichtet. Demzufolge herrschten seit Anbeginn der Zeit zwei göttliche Kreaturen über das Universum – der Finstere und der Erleuchtete. Dieses symbiotische Gleichgewicht aus Dunkelheit und Licht wurde allerdings gestört, als sich die beiden Brüder zerstritten und um die Vorherrschaft kämpften. In der Folge verbannte der Erleuchtete die duale göttliche Macht in zwei Artefakte, um zu verhindern, dass der Finstere die gesamte Macht an sich reißen und die Welt in ewiges Chaos stürzen konnte. Die Inschrift spricht außerdem eine deutliche Warnung aus.

Ayumi ignoriert allerdings diese Warnung und macht sich auf die Suche nach den Artefakten, die sich in einer Tempelanlage verbergen. Die Handlung wird dabei in Zwischensequenzen fortgeführt, die sporadisch nach Beendigung eines Levels automatisch abgespielt werden. Der Stil der Videos orientiert sich am Anime-Look, was durch stärkere Nutzung von Cel-Shading-Effekten im Vergleich zur Spielgrafik erreicht wird. Im weiteren Spielverlauf bekommt es Ayumi neben diversen Gegnertypen immer wieder mit teilweise storyrelevanten Bossgegnern wie dem Erleuchteten und dem Finsteren zu tun. Zeitweise erhält sie Unterstützung durch den Schatzjäger Jay, dem vierten zentralen Charakter des Spiels.

Der Spieler steuert die Protagonistin Ayumi in der Third-Person-Perspektive via Maus und Tastatur bzw. Controller. Das Gameplay bleibt in erster Linie den Charakteristika von klassischem Hack and Slay treu: Rasant inszenierte Kämpfe gegen eine große Anzahl von Gegnern. Dieses Prinzip wird gelegentlich durch Bossgegner aufgewertet, die schwerer zu bezwingen sind und meist besondere Strategien erfordern.

Als Waffen dienen Ayumi die sogenannten Gunblades bzw. Pistolenklingen; eine Kombination aus Schwert und Pistole. Die Basisattacken lassen sich in Fernkampf (Pistolenschuss) und Nahkampf (Klingenhieb) unterteilen, die jeweils in verschiedenen Upgradestufen durch das Aufsammeln von, in den Levels verteilten Artefaktfragmenten aufgewertet werden können. Derart werden nach und nach neue Nahkampfattacken in Form von Schlag-Kombos sowie neue Fernkampfattacken in Form von unterschiedlichen Schießmodi freigeschaltet.


+ schnelle unkomplizierte Action
+ nette Licht- und Zaubereffekte
+ hübsche Umgebungen
+ multiple Enden
+ Sammelkarten


- seichtes Kampfsystem
- hier sucht man eine Geschichte vergebens


X-Blades bietet dir Devil May Cry in Kleinformat.
155 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 03:46
My playtime: 8.1h (based on Steam, completed the game, good ending)

X-Blades is a hack-and-slash game where you have to beat enemies and bosses in several areas.

- 2 endings
- 3 difficulties
- A lot of skills and weapons to utilize
- Collectibles to upgrade some skills

- The camera moves too fast even in the slowest speed
- Some levels are too repetitive
- Character tends to jump all of a sudden
- It's hard to utilize auto-lock properly
- Some areas are too bright, some are too dark
- Sometimes it's hard to find rage needed to cast spells without taking damage from the enemies

Should you buy this game?
The mechanics are awful and the story doesn't make sense - I can't seem to find a good thing to recommend. I mean... I usually don't mind doing repetitive things, but this game is too boring. I'm sure there are a lot of better hack-and-slash games out there.

In-Depth Review

The graphics aren't that bad considering that this game was released in 2007. The characters are cute-looking although there are times where the character looks odd at some point. Some backgrounds are also breathtaking if you can ignore the fact that it's an old game.

The design is a bit outdated though. The main menu doesn't look appealing and some elements take a lot of space on the screen. People with OCD might also get annoyed with the fact that the health bar and the skill display aren't aligned in a straight line.

The game also needs to work on its brightness. There are times where the screen is too dark and some times where the light is too blinding to see.

Even though the game has a lot of cutscenes, I hardly could understand the story. I mean... I knew what was happening but it didn't give enough information as a story. It wasn't until I read the diary that was provided in the main menu that I understood what was going on.

As for the story itself, it sucks; it doesn't make sense and the ending is just absurd. The game seems to focus too much on the final boss throughout the game although the ending was meant for something else.

The game
The game has battle as its main focus. You'll explore one dungeon and each section of the dungeon acts as a stage that will allow you to battle. There are two kinds of battles: a boss fight and a regular fight where you have to kill enemies until a bar is depleted. The second one is more common and the game will also help you by giving a bestiary that shows the enemies' weakness to finish the battle.

However, some areas are too redundant. There was a time where I had to fight these phantom enemies in 2+ areas. It might not be a problem if the enemy doesn't respawn, but the main problem with battles in this game is that this game has a mechanic where you have to kill a certain enemy to reduce a bar that will allow you to finish the stage once it's fully depleted. Other enemies will also respawn forever until you fully deplete the bar and I found them to be annoying since the enemies that I had to kill were flying and hard to reach. The camera also doesn't help since it moves too fast when you move it around quickly even though you already lowered it in the settings.

The game also has a problem with the spell casting. You need to fill up your rage bar which can be filled either by charging it, taking damage, or slashing an enemy or a purple crystal. Some enemies are flying, making them hard to hit, and it takes time for a purple crystal to respawn. Charging the rage bar is also hardly an option since it takes time to charge and you need to stand still to do that. Your only option is to take damage, which seems to be the best option although it doesn't work in some cases where the enemy deals a lot of damage.

To be honest, I found the boss fights in this game to be more appealing than the normal battles. Some enemies have a weakness and resistance to a certain element and sometimes you need to do a certain thing to kill them. However, you need to spam your spells to kill them and I ended up circling most of the bosses until I hit a purple crystal whenever I ran out of rage.

Although there are a lot of spells that you can use, you need to purchase them and some spells are too expensive to buy. The price of the spells might seem to be unimportant after you reach the second half of the game, but you most likely don't need those extra spells at that point.

You also can spend your money buying items to replenish your health and rage although I found it to be quite expensive in the first half of the game.

There are some collectibles in each area that will either give you money or upgrade your damage. However, some collectibles are missable since they can only be obtained in a boss fight and sometimes it's hard to collect them in that state.

Other Areas
Although the game has a lot of areas where you have to fight monsters, there are four areas that will test your skills. Two areas will test your reaction speed by pressing two buttons at nearly the same time while the other two will test your luck since you need to pass through a rotating pole with obstacles in it. To be honest, I found these areas to be horrible and it took me several tries to finish them.

The game offers 3 difficulties. I played the easiest difficulty and the difficulty is just right for me. There were some levels that I found to be very easy although there were some levels where I died.

I found it weird that the character tends to jump even though I didn't do that; the main character will sometimes even jump when I walked on a stair. This also might be causing a problem with the double jump system because there were times when I couldn't double jump, especially when I jumped close to an edge of a cliff.

The game also offers auto-lock that behaves weirdly. First of all, you need to use a middle mouse button to lock on an enemy, which most of the time doesn't work, and even if it does, the auto-lock will go off after you cast a spell to the enemy. I ended up giving up using it after a few tries since it was faster to kill the enemies without it.

It's a hack-and-slash game with a lot of problematic mechanics and an unappealing story. The game is also too repetitive at some points.
1872 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 16:56

From the same people who made War Thunder comes: X-Blades, a fan-service, hack and slash, RPG.

Well, this was one of my first games on Steam.
I don't know if I got it for free, but paying for this? That's criminal.
Yeah you get an ass in your face while you kill some weird sheit, but man porn is free?

It's an old game filled with some game breaking bugs that include:
Game key broken, so that you can't get passed the free demo area.
With wonky keybindings, bad abilities and old graphics, this ancient steam game just ain't worth your time.

Save yourself the trouble, don't buy this. 2/10
514 Produkte im Account
476 Reviews
1041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 05:08
Ayumi is my wifu <3
28 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 16:02
1077 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 20:57
not rollerblades :/
169 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 10:25
I bought this game knowing it was bad and to have a laugh, but I wasn't ready for how BAD it actually was. Nothing works correctly, the gameplay is boring, the story is terrible, the cutscenes made me nauseous with the camera going all over the place, the fights takes forever and all you can do is smash the attack button (as there are no variations) and, every once in a while, lauch a wide spell and that's it.
The graphics are okay, and that's pretty much it for the positive points. Avoid this game like the plague, it's not even worth it as a guilty pleasure, since it offers no pleasure at all.
273 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 06:34
The only compliment I can give this game is that if I had to choose between playing this game, or having starved beavers chew my limbs off, i wouldn't have an issue making up my mind.
58 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 20:11
Game is super repetitive but gotta say that the eye candy graphics for this game is beyond amazing even when it was released.

Its a decent game for one or two passes but i did enjoyed it.
307 Produkte im Account
186 Reviews
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486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 15:13
My playtime: 8.1h (based on Steam, completed the game, good ending)


X-Blades is a hack-and-slash game where you have to beat enemies and bosses in several areas.

- 2 endings
- 3 difficulties
- A lot of skills and weapons to utilize
- Collectibles to upgrade some skills

- The camera moves too fast even in the slowest speed
- Some levels are too repetitive
- Character tends to jump all of a sudden
- It's hard to utilize auto-lock properly
- Some areas are too bright, some are too dark
- Sometimes it's hard to find rage needed to cast spells without taking damage from the enemies

Should you buy this game?

The mechanics are awful and the story doesn't make sense - I can't seem to find a good thing to recommend. I mean... I usually don't mind doing repetitive things, but this game is too boring. I'm sure there are a lot of better hack-and-slash games out there.


In-Depth Review


The graphics aren't that bad considering that this game was released in 2007. The characters are cute-looking although there are times where the character looks odd at some point. Some backgrounds are also breathtaking if you can ignore the fact that it's an old game.

The design is a bit outdated though. The main menu doesn't look appealing and some elements take a lot of space on the screen. People with OCD might also get annoyed with the fact that the health bar and the skill display aren't aligned in a straight line.

The game also needs to work on its brightness. There are times where the screen is too dark and some times where the light is too blinding to see.


Even though the game has a lot of cutscenes, I hardly could understand the story. I mean... I knew what was happening but it didn't give enough information as a story. It wasn't until I read the diary that was provided in the main menu that I understood what was going on.

As for the story itself, it sucks; it doesn't make sense and the ending is just absurd. The game seems to focus too much on the final boss throughout the game although the ending was meant for something else.

The game

The game has battle as its main focus. You'll explore one dungeon and each section of the dungeon acts as a stage that will allow you to battle. There are two kinds of battles: a boss fight and a regular fight where you have to kill enemies until a bar is depleted. The second one is more common and the game will also help you by giving a bestiary that shows the enemies' weakness to finish the battle.

However, some areas are too redundant. There was a time where I had to fight these phantom enemies in 2+ areas. It might not be a problem if the enemy doesn't respawn, but the main problem with battles in this game is that this game has a mechanic where you have to kill a certain enemy to reduce a bar that will allow you to finish the stage once it's fully depleted. Other enemies will also respawn forever until you fully deplete the bar and I found them to be annoying since the enemies that I had to kill were flying and hard to reach. The camera also doesn't help since it moves too fast when you move it around quickly even though you already lowered it in the settings.

The game also has a problem with the spell casting. You need to fill up your rage bar which can be filled either by charging it, taking damage, or slashing an enemy or a purple crystal. Some enemies are flying, making them hard to hit, and it takes time for a purple crystal to respawn. Charging the rage bar is also hardly an option since it takes time to charge and you need to stand still to do that. Your only option is to take damage, which seems to be the best option although it doesn't work in some cases where the enemy deals a lot of damage.

To be honest, I found the boss fights in this game to be more appealing than the normal battles. Some enemies have a weakness and resistance to a certain element and sometimes you need to do a certain thing to kill them. However, you need to spam your spells to kill them and I ended up circling most of the bosses until I hit a purple crystal whenever I ran out of rage.

Although there are a lot of spells that you can use, you need to purchase them and some spells are too expensive to buy. The price of the spells might seem to be unimportant after you reach the second half of the game, but you most likely don't need those extra spells at that point.

You also can spend your money buying items to replenish your health and rage although I found it to be quite expensive in the first half of the game.

There are some collectibles in each area that will either give you money or upgrade your damage. However, some collectibles are missable since they can only be obtained in a boss fight and sometimes it's hard to collect them in that state.

Other Areas
Although the game has a lot of areas where you have to fight monsters, there are four areas that will test your skills. Two areas will test your reaction speed by pressing two buttons at nearly the same time while the other two will test your luck since you need to pass through a rotating pole with obstacles in it. To be honest, I found these areas to be horrible and it took me several tries to finish them.

The game offers 3 difficulties. I played the easiest difficulty and the difficulty is just right for me. There were some levels that I found to be very easy although there were some levels where I died.

I found it weird that the character tends to jump even though I didn't do that; the main character will sometimes even jump when I walked on a stair. This also might be causing a problem with the double jump system because there were times when I couldn't double jump, especially when I jumped close to an edge of a cliff.

The game also offers auto-lock that behaves weirdly. First of all, you need to use a middle mouse button to lock on an enemy, which most of the time doesn't work, and even if it does, the auto-lock will go off after you cast a spell to the enemy. I ended up giving up using it after a few tries since it was faster to kill the enemies without it.


It's a hack-and-slash game with a lot of problematic mechanics and an unappealing story. The game is also too repetitive at some points.

531 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
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94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 23:20
No I do not recommend this game at all, it's just a cute anime protagonist slashing through a bunch of repetitive arenas filled with enemies it's massively annoying after the first two missions. Every so often you get a chance to do something different but nothing stands out.
129 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
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145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 00:59
After two hours of button-mashing, I can safely say that I do not recommend this game.

The combat feels awful and leaves a lot to be desired. It tries to copy something akin to Devil May Cry but fails and ends up being nothing more than a button-mashing simulator.

As for the writing, the characters are not interesting or unique in any way and the story is even worse.

As far as visuals go, the game as a whole is rather drab. The color palette is ugly and the domineering bloom effect on everything does not help.

All in All, you would be better off spending your money elsewhere.
511 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 09:44
X-Blades (2007)

My playtime on steam does not reflect my true playtime of this game as I have it on physical disc. Anime style hack and slash third person type game with gunblades. Pretty fun with some puzzles to do and there are two different endings for the game with good and evil elements.

97 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 20:11
hmmm just average rlly. Nothing wrong with it, but nothing particularly eyecatching
60 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 12:52
this game is actually terrible
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 15:12
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 17:09
Good action game, nice sountrack :) old, but gold game, i think :))
425 Produkte im Account
379 Reviews
603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 16:20
Decent Hack and Slasher like GOW and DMC

Got this really cheap prob around when I started this account

Has enough entertainment value, visuals and plot to make it worth it XD
663 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
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585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 14:26
Horrible game, chore to finish.

This game is bad, really bad. When I first started it I did not know what to expect but that became clear soon.

X Blades looks incredible for its time and the graphics and camera run very smooth. The animations are well done and the soundtracks are wonderful. But here is where the praise ends and the horror begins.

After 4 levels I knew what was ahead of me. Forty levels of doing the same sh!t over and over, and over again. Every level is either kill a boss, destroy monster generators or kill every living soul in sight. That is literally all that’s to it.

I immediately got annoyed by the bitchy “whateva i do what i want” attitude of the main character and her unlimited stupidity throughout the “story”. Also, when mister handsome entered the game, it felt so hollow, so unnecessary, so misplaced, it is a joke.

The weapons are a complete disaster. No matter how many upgrades you find or buy, the damage stays the same. The prices for new upgrades and spells do not make any sense. Your first attacks cost 30 souls, 400 souls and then BAM! 9000000 souls. The game is too short to collect the millions, millions of souls you need to unlock all the items and even then, it is not worth it. But the biggest joke is that the worst weapons of all in X Blades, are the X blades. They kill nothing without 6 or 7 hits, even with upgrades, the pistols on the other hand kill everything with 2 or 3 shots.

You can only kill bosses with your magic attacks and because of this, I almost only used my pistols and the magic attacks, almost completely forgot that I had two big ass swords to attack with. The boss is surrounded by cannon fodder, I mean minions on which you can leech your rage.

The rage system is terrible, you NEVER have enough rage, so I found myself buying it in the store over and over and over again. I hated it. If I could transfer my own rage into this game then I would never run out of it.

I also wanted to make a special note for the hit recovery time. When you get hit by a fireball attack from an enemy, it takes hours before you can move and run again, first you must watch a sad animation of our heroin trying to stay strong and get back on her feet. By the time this happens, you got gang raped by 20 horny lizards.

The controls are horrendous, they are the worst I have ever experienced. The jump mechanics are stiff, broken and unresponsive and it does not help that there are 3 other moves and actions assigned with a magic jump + move combination. Any combo you want to make fails and when you don’t need them, they happen.

The hit detection is awful, especially with smaller enemies and small urns.

Like I said, it was a horrible chore to finish. And for what? For one of the worst endings I have ever seen in my life.

109 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 10:38
Honestly, i love this game, i love the abilities with the four elements with dark and light but this last two elements doing the difference between the good ending and the bad ending.

now is time to try the remake blades of time.
109 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 05:11
how did this get in my library
87 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 22:32
This game is fucking awesome. 10/10 would recommend to anyone who likes hack and slash games... and hot babes ;)
94 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 18:22
Defintely stay away from this one....
Thought it would be fun seeing as it had swords and such but the combat is wonky, the opponents are plain and it really feels like an unfinished game...
1222 Produkte im Account
153 Reviews
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185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 02:32
The things you can find positive in this game are very few.
I guess the fairly modern options and graphics.
I don't mind the cheesy story as well but the combat feels honestly terrible.
No clear indication you hit something, nor you get some satisfying hit sound or maybe some different animation.
You spam the attack button and sometimes it hits, you can't really tell.
As for guns everything about them is bad (animation, dps, range, targeting).
Spells looked fun, at least the aoe ones, the targeting magic is almost as bad as pistols.
Not to mention the main character is so annoying I'm rooting for the bad guys.
185 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.20 12:57
Imagine the smell...
188 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 23:13
DMC for the rеtarded

1840 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.19 14:12
this is a underdog game.. It's very good playwise and graphics still hold up after these years since X-blades release.
If you have not checked this by now then you can probably pick this game up dead cheap.
Highly recommended
631 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.19 18:19
A nostalgia game from my childhood. I used to play and like this game. It's really a challenging and engaging fights similar to DMC. Its a short and yet fun hacknslash and shooter game. It can get repetitive and overwhelming doing same thing again and again but the good thing is it's not long just seem redundant gameplay but still fun if you're into this kind of game.
406 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
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295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.19 23:17
The most boring 4 hours of my life that I'll never get back.

Often times mid-fight I'd be constantly asking myself when is this level going to be over, please let this be over! The rage meter is probably the most tedious mechanic as you find yourself constantly running out of rage unless you purposely get hit, attack with melee, rage crystal or buy more rage from the menu.

Yes you can buy rage from the menu, sometimes the bosses are so frustratingly bad and tedious that you should farm for souls and just stun-lock the boss by constantly buying rage from the menu.

Ayumi doesn't even look that great, wish there was a paper bag costume.

Trash game, play this game if you hate yourself.
344 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.19 12:11
Still holds up after all the years. Its a short and fun hacknslash adventure
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
52.6% 749 675
Release:06.02.2009 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Gaijin Entertainment Vertrieb: Zuxxez Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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