WW2: Bunker Simulator
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Demo auf Steam verfügbar!
Über das Spiel

Deine Befehlshaber haben eine Menge an Missionen für dich vorbereitet, darunter:
Soldaten sind zwischen den Kampfgefechten auch nur Menschen und müssen sich ausruhen, um wieder zu Kräften zu kommen. Der Feind wird nicht warten bis du voll einsatzfähig bist. Der Tag ist kurz, es erwarten dich viele Aufgabe. Bereite dir ein wenig Essen zu und regeneriere deine Kräfte.
Der Himmel ist voll von feindlichen Flugzeugen. Es ist sehr schwer, an genügend Vorräte von deinen Verbündeten zu kommen. Du musst also plündern was das Zeug hält, um zu überleben. Durchsuche die Leichen der im Kampf Gefallenen – hier kannst du sogar mal Schokolade finden! Denke immer daran, deine Vorräte regelmäßig zu überprüfen, da du dich auch um deine Kameraden kümmern musst. Bestelle weise deinen Nachschub und teile das Essen gerecht auf.
Wenn du nicht genug Verbände, Nahrung oder Munition hast, musst du eine Nachricht an das Oberkommando mit der Bitte um Nachschub senden. Die Eingabe des Passworts im Morsecode ist dabei zwingend erforderlich. Empfange verschlüsselte Nachrichten und sei deinen Feinden einen Schritt voraus.
Schießen, töten und zerstören
Deswegen bist du doch hier! Führe Missionen aus, sei wachsam und nutze deine Panzerfaust, dein Maschinengewehr und dein Flugabwehrgeschütz so, wie du es gelernt hast.
Vergiss nie: Das Schicksal eines Soldaten… ändert sich nie. Dachtest du etwa, dass die 101. Luftlandedivision einfach so berühmt wurde?
Überlebe oder sterbe,
ndem du so viele Feinde wie möglich ausschaltest
Lass die Geschichte dich nach deinem Willen und deinem Durchhaltevermögen beurteilen. Lass jeden wissen, dass DU hier warst und DU Widerstand geleistet hast.
- CPU: Quad Core Processor or equivalent
- GFX: GTX 770 4 GB or equivalent
- Software: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (x64 x86)
- HD: 5 GB available space
- SFX: DirectX compatible
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish - Spain, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Hungarian, Japanese, Portuguese, Turkish
- CPU: Intel Core i7-4790k (AMD Ryzen 7 1700)
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 1080 or equivalent
- Software: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (x64 x86)
- HD: 5 GB available space
- SFX: DirectX compatible
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish - Spain, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Hungarian, Japanese, Portuguese, Turkish
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.22 18:34
5 schuss mir der Bazooka und nope Panzer steht und ballert weiter auf den Bunker und tadaaaaa Bunker zerstört. Ja ich weis wieso nehme ich nicht die Panzer abwehr na weil die gleich zu anfang zerstört wird. Und ja ich habe sie auch repariert im Kampf aber dann Bum ein treffer und wieder Futsch das teil und wenn die Panzer von der anderen seite kommen brauche ich nich zu sagen was passiert is bevor man das geschütz gedreht hat^^ ........ F U T S C H !!! ...... XD
Die feinde bleiben meist selbst nach 3 Kopfschüssen noch stehen und ja ich bin zu 100% sicher das es Headshots waren. Mal fallen sie auch sofort um wenn man das Bein trifft. Ich hoffe das so einiges an dem Game noch verbessert wird aber so wie es momentan is rate ich ab vom Kauf
Nicht Empfohlen
515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 16:11
1. Die Kämpfe.
Ja klingt komisch ist aber schlimmer als man denkne könnte. Da das hauptaugenmerk bei einem WW2 Survial Shooter schon auf den Feuerkämpfen liegen sollte. Die Deutschen Soldaten sind teilweise nicht zu treffen, selbst aus wenigen Metern mit einem Maschinengewehr. Wenn sie sich hinlegen ist sowiso ganz vorbei mit treffen. Ausserdem Spwarnen sie oftmals direkt im Bunker ohne vorher hineingelangt zusein. Womit wir auch zum 2. Punkt kommen
2. Der Bunker:
Der Bunker ist schon cool, so ist es nicht. Aber es gibt zu viele Räume. Die meisten werden nicht genutzt obwohl sie da sind. Man verrennt sich zuschnell, grade wenn es brenzlich wird.
3. KI
Die deutschen regaieren sofort auf dich wenn du auch nur ein Harr aus der Deckung zeigst, sie treffen einen immer perfekt und decken dich mit unheimlich zielsicheren Sperrfeuer ein. Sie tuen abver sinst nix was einem Soldaten ähnlich wäre. Sie legen sich einfach hin, gucken durch die gegend(zumindest bis du kommst) oder rennen quer über die Map.
4. Missionen
Jeden Tag holt m,an sich vom Oberkommando einen Lagebericht und eine Mission für den Tag ab. Das System ist gut. man muss eine Telgarfen NAchricht übersetzten und ggf. Antworten. Doch oft führen diese NAchrichten in eine Hinterhalt auf offener Fläche, dem man nicht entkommen kann oder sie führen einen Weit vom Bunker weg so das es unmöflich ist den Feind, der inzwischen 5meter vom Bunker gespwarnt ist zuelimieren bevor er das Radio zerstört. Hier will ich noch mal kurz erwähnen das man, wenn man keine KI verbündetetn Armee besitzt teilweise gar nicht alles auf einemal verteifigen kann. Desweiteren gibt es die MIssion die PAK, Flak und MGs zuwarten und auf zumunitioniern. Ja...blöd nur wenn man keine Muni mehr hat und das Spiel aber darauf besteht gerne aufmunitioniert zu werden...die Mission scheitert hier.
Also alles in allem gilt für dieses Spiel: Die entwickler legen ihr Augenmerk auf Helloween und WEihnachts Events...Super. Das ändert aber nix an der tatsache das das Spiel nicht gut ist so wie es jetzt ist. Es gibt aber dahingehen keine Lösungen. Das Spiel bleibt schlecht. Wenn man läuift kann man auf einmal nicht mehr Zielen, oder im Gegenteil man kommt aus dem Zielen nicht mhr raus. Die Bazooka läd nicht mehr nach oder sie schießt im Dauerfeuer. Wenn das Spiel fertig WÄRE und es einen koop GÄBE. Dann wäre es eine klare entfehlung an dieser Stelle, weil es potential hat, aber dieses mit allen Fehlern begräbt. Nicht kaufen bis es Fertig ist!
1250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 08:27
Ich habe die Demo gespielt und Sie hat mir so sehr gefallen und war interessant, dass ich gar nicht mehr abwarten konnte dieses Spiel zu kaufen. Der Preis hat mich sehr positiv überrascht, habe mit mehr gerechnet.
Da das Spiel gerade erst neue erschienen ist, sind die Inhalte noch recht Rah angesetzt, aber wenn das Spiel wie bisher weiter so gute Leistung hervorbringt. Wird dies ein wirklich sehr gutes Spiel.
und könnte sogar zu einem dauer Brenner werden, wenn man auf Simulatoren steht.
Gibt zwar auch einige mängel, wie bei anderen schon mal gesagt wurde, aber für das erste Spiel was so gestaltet wurde ein muss für jeden.
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 18:09
WW2: Bunker Simulator
Rezension vom 01.09.2021
Bearbeitet: /
Habe mich schon sehr auf das Spiel gefreut. Endlich wieder ein WW2 Spiel!
Das Spielt macht einen guten Eindruck.
Das Konzept finde ich sehr gut und den Umfang auch.
Grafik sieht sehr schick aus und die Steuerung ist sehr verständlich.
Von Bugs oder anderen Technische Problemen hatte ich in meiner Spielzeit keine gehabt.
Es wäre super wenn die Entwickler nochmal über die Nahrung, Durst Verbrauch drüberschauen. Ich finde es geht viel zu schnell runter. Ebenso finde ich den Verbauch von Nahrung etwas Mega. Mal als Bsp. Ca 5 Dosen braucht man um die Nahrung zu füllen.
Aber im guten ein sehr gutes Spiel was ich jetze schon sehr Empfehlen kann ! Der Preis ist mehr als Fair !
Bitte achtet wann die Review geschrieben oder bearbeitet wurde !
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 18:09
WW2: Bunker Simulator
Rezension vom 01.09.2021
Bearbeitet: /
Habe mich schon sehr auf das Spiel gefreut. Endlich wieder ein WW2 Spiel!
Das Spielt macht einen guten Eindruck.
Das Konzept finde ich sehr gut und den Umfang auch.
Grafik sieht sehr schick aus und die Steuerung ist sehr verständlich.
Von Bugs oder anderen Technische Problemen hatte ich in meiner Spielzeit keine gehabt.
Es wäre super wenn die Entwickler nochmal über die Nahrung, Durst Verbrauch drüberschauen. Ich finde es geht viel zu schnell runter. Ebenso finde ich den Verbauch von Nahrung etwas Mega. Mal als Bsp. Ca 5 Dosen braucht man um die Nahrung zu füllen.
Aber im guten ein sehr gutes Spiel was ich jetze schon sehr Empfehlen kann ! Der Preis ist mehr als Fair !
Bitte achtet wann die Review geschrieben oder bearbeitet wurde !
788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.22 14:18
2317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.22 15:16
The ww2 setting only adds to the fun. There are alot of fun little mechanics such as cooking and chopping firewood and maintaining your bunker defenses. Atfirst this can seem like alot to learn. Its not. Once you get that tutorial done you should be good to go. Now, one of the most difficult things I have found is planting mines but once you figure it out its a breeze.
This game still has some work ahead of it. There are some things that need a little polishing but for what it is. This is currently my favorite game to play.
p.s. Tip for new players. Save your empty cans and collect every watch you find. Take those 2 items and combine them with 20 Bullets of any type. Dont use the whole bullet stack it will consume them all. That's your recipe for homemade mines.
8084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 04:57
Nicht Empfohlen
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 18:07
I understand it's in early access and i'll likely change my review after they fix some things with the game but currently I can't even access the options menu because it puts me in a infinite black screen.
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 21:15
I think it's a good game with a lot to do gameplay wise it has some bugs nothing game braking tho.
It deserves a solid 8/10 a difficulty setting for newer players can be good and apart of that it's a good well developed game.
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 15:20
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 15:20
Nicht Empfohlen
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 11:58
Between having to focus on your survival through scavenging for supplies, cooking your meats so do not starve to death, and ensuring you have enough ammo to survive the enemy attacks can provide quite a challenge.
Where I think this game shines is the atmosphere, you are not a spartan who can solo 1000 tanks or armies with 1 hand. You are just a regular soldier alone who must fight to survive. The visuals as well are quite nice, simple but designed in a way that works.
The game also has somewhat of a forgiving death system, if you die you simply wake up and start that day from the beginning. This is great as you don’t have to start the game again and it allows you to get back into the fun knowing the challenge that awaits.
Furthermore, the game also allows you to remove any Nazi symbols from the game as well which I thought was a nice touch just in case seeing that aspect upsets folks.
However, despite all these positives aspects, I can not recommend this game just yet, and here is why.
1) Decoding the Morse code the timer is quite short if you have no experience with morse code and how it works it can provide a challenge to understand the system and by the time you figure it out through the intense stress the counter reaches 0 forcing you to decipher it all again.
If this counter was increased say by another 30 seconds, I feel it would give new players the chance to learn the system and not freak out which can make it harder than it has to be.
2) The Food and water drain was too fast, while at the current point it does provide a challenge, it forces you to focus more on addressing that rather than enjoying the game and learning in this experience.
I feel if this was slowed down a little bit more it would not be a pain in the butt to manage
3) The Tutorials while clear feel like some could have some extra information added to it, for example at one point in the game you must cook food and I could not figure out for the life of me how to get water, I thought I had to go to the lake and boil it. Turns out there is a tap in the kitchen for water. Or at another point, you have to fight off a small wave of attackers and the game tells you to get on one of the MG’s but it does not put a marker above it so you are spending time figuring out which one to go to while the enemy gets on top of you and kicks your butt.
4) Lastly the enemies themselves I felt deal too much damage, there was a point when I was in a firefight, and by the time I realised and fought back, I was close to death.
I also feel this game would benefit from a server setting option, I.E Slow down Food and water drain or reduce enemy damage.
In saying all this the game is a great little gem and I believe over time it will get better, by simply seeing the roadmap in-game shows me the Dev team is keen to make this game amazing and I can not wait till that day so I can give this game a thumb up but until then it is a No from me.
If you wanted to see my first impression gameplay check it out here
Nicht Empfohlen
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 11:58
Between having to focus on your survival through scavenging for supplies, cooking your meats so do not starve to death, and ensuring you have enough ammo to survive the enemy attacks can provide quite a challenge.
Where I think this game shines is the atmosphere, you are not a spartan who can solo 1000 tanks or armies with 1 hand. You are just a regular soldier alone who must fight to survive. The visuals as well are quite nice, simple but designed in a way that works.
The game also has somewhat of a forgiving death system, if you die you simply wake up and start that day from the beginning. This is great as you don’t have to start the game again and it allows you to get back into the fun knowing the challenge that awaits.
Furthermore, the game also allows you to remove any Nazi symbols from the game as well which I thought was a nice touch just in case seeing that aspect upsets folks.
However, despite all these positives aspects, I can not recommend this game just yet, and here is why.
1) Decoding the Morse code the timer is quite short if you have no experience with morse code and how it works it can provide a challenge to understand the system and by the time you figure it out through the intense stress the counter reaches 0 forcing you to decipher it all again.
If this counter was increased say by another 30 seconds, I feel it would give new players the chance to learn the system and not freak out which can make it harder than it has to be.
2) The Food and water drain was too fast, while at the current point it does provide a challenge, it forces you to focus more on addressing that rather than enjoying the game and learning in this experience.
I feel if this was slowed down a little bit more it would not be a pain in the butt to manage
3) The Tutorials while clear feel like some could have some extra information added to it, for example at one point in the game you must cook food and I could not figure out for the life of me how to get water, I thought I had to go to the lake and boil it. Turns out there is a tap in the kitchen for water. Or at another point, you have to fight off a small wave of attackers and the game tells you to get on one of the MG’s but it does not put a marker above it so you are spending time figuring out which one to go to while the enemy gets on top of you and kicks your butt.
4) Lastly the enemies themselves I felt deal too much damage, there was a point when I was in a firefight, and by the time I realised and fought back, I was close to death.
I also feel this game would benefit from a server setting option, I.E Slow down Food and water drain or reduce enemy damage.
In saying all this the game is a great little gem and I believe over time it will get better, by simply seeing the roadmap in-game shows me the Dev team is keen to make this game amazing and I can not wait till that day so I can give this game a thumb up but until then it is a No from me.
If you wanted to see my first impression gameplay check it out here
957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 19:30
Some Helpful Tips:
Water goes into the bucket. The bucket can fill cups, canteen, and jugs with water to drink from without boiling anything.
Try to use the cookbook when you can and figure out which recipes gives you more or less food back. Or just make up your own as you go along, but try to add at least 4 things.
The A.i. person they eventually give you to help you is dumber then a sack of sweet sweet potatoes. So my advice is just tell him to star removing the rubble in the blown up room until he dies, saves on food and water and you get some equipment from him. (hes not that accurate or handy soo keeping him around to help against the germans isnt really useful) OH!, and you will have to tell him to sleep, he will not go to sleep unless you tell him too. and make sure you follow him to the bed so he just doesn't stand infront of the bed. He will change into just boxers when hes about to get into bed.
You don't have to do the Daily Missions. You wont fail the day or anything so if you need to catch up on other stuff you can your only loosing out on daily supply stuff.
Try to fight the Germans in the bunker door ways, Its easier to scavenge the bodies for supplies and easier to shoot and duck in and out of door ways as hard cover. (But thats once they either get around your bunker or start coming into the bunker. They run towards the radio room so you Bunker down in the Weapons room and aim towards the bunker entrance or hunker down in the kitchen and shoot them as they come into the doorway or shoot at the radio)
The beginning missions are very important though. Do the first few days as fast as you can and finish all the daily things they give you. If you fall behind in the beginning your always playing catch up. Best to just start a new game and try to go faster with your knowledge you learned. Im a fan of rougelikes, to dieing over and over again so i didnt mind do that. If you finish your Daily Missions and you have time on your hand, start removing the rubble from the blown up room, there an ever spawning medical kit in there, and a bunch of boxes full of supplies buried under the stone.
On the day you get a parachute supply drop hang around in your bunker if you want for a few minutes as the german patrols will come into your bunker, instead of get ambushed trying to get the supply drops with no real cover. Also, Destroying German Convoys will give you a good bit of supplies. So if you can intercept them do so! I usually take out the lead Truck and the rest will stop and unload all their troops to attack you. The convoys usually come along the road to either side of your bunker, so building sand bags projects near the road helps to have good cover as the Germans pour out of the trucks to meet you.
Its still rough and hope it gets more content, but for 10 bucks its not bad :D But, it will take you more then 2 hours to figure a good bit of how everything works so, no refund safety net :c
I've played for almost 10 hours, died or restarted atleast 35 times and im on day 16 with tons of pills, bandages, ammo, guns, and a good bit of food. But if i Loot my daily German corpses i usually make back the food i eat, course again, i let the A.I helper die i do not keep him to strain my supplies. ~
(Update) Took me 14 hours and 60 some deaths but i finally beat the game :D and im gonna do it again >:
Using Drugs really helps sometimes.. Specially Adrenaline ~
957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 19:30
Some Helpful Tips:
Water goes into the bucket. The bucket can fill cups, canteen, and jugs with water to drink from without boiling anything.
Try to use the cookbook when you can and figure out which recipes gives you more or less food back. Or just make up your own as you go along, but try to add at least 4 things.
The A.i. person they eventually give you to help you is dumber then a sack of sweet sweet potatoes. So my advice is just tell him to star removing the rubble in the blown up room until he dies, saves on food and water and you get some equipment from him. (hes not that accurate or handy soo keeping him around to help against the germans isnt really useful) OH!, and you will have to tell him to sleep, he will not go to sleep unless you tell him too. and make sure you follow him to the bed so he just doesn't stand infront of the bed. He will change into just boxers when hes about to get into bed.
You don't have to do the Daily Missions. You wont fail the day or anything so if you need to catch up on other stuff you can your only loosing out on daily supply stuff.
Try to fight the Germans in the bunker door ways, Its easier to scavenge the bodies for supplies and easier to shoot and duck in and out of door ways as hard cover. (But thats once they either get around your bunker or start coming into the bunker. They run towards the radio room so you Bunker down in the Weapons room and aim towards the bunker entrance or hunker down in the kitchen and shoot them as they come into the doorway or shoot at the radio)
The beginning missions are very important though. Do the first few days as fast as you can and finish all the daily things they give you. If you fall behind in the beginning your always playing catch up. Best to just start a new game and try to go faster with your knowledge you learned. Im a fan of rougelikes, to dieing over and over again so i didnt mind do that. If you finish your Daily Missions and you have time on your hand, start removing the rubble from the blown up room, there an ever spawning medical kit in there, and a bunch of boxes full of supplies buried under the stone.
On the day you get a parachute supply drop hang around in your bunker if you want for a few minutes as the german patrols will come into your bunker, instead of get ambushed trying to get the supply drops with no real cover. Also, Destroying German Convoys will give you a good bit of supplies. So if you can intercept them do so! I usually take out the lead Truck and the rest will stop and unload all their troops to attack you. The convoys usually come along the road to either side of your bunker, so building sand bags projects near the road helps to have good cover as the Germans pour out of the trucks to meet you.
Its still rough and hope it gets more content, but for 10 bucks its not bad :D But, it will take you more then 2 hours to figure a good bit of how everything works so, no refund safety net :c
I've played for almost 10 hours, died or restarted atleast 35 times and im on day 16 with tons of pills, bandages, ammo, guns, and a good bit of food. But if i Loot my daily German corpses i usually make back the food i eat, course again, i let the A.I helper die i do not keep him to strain my supplies. ~
(Update) Took me 14 hours and 60 some deaths but i finally beat the game :D and im gonna do it again >:
Using Drugs really helps sometimes.. Specially Adrenaline ~
1196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 10:50
1196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 10:50
101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 03:50
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Okay
☐ Bad
☐ Masterpiece
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Will do
☐ Bad
☐ Awful
☐ Amazing
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Everyone
☐ Lovely
☐ Good
☐ Average
☑ Not great
☐ None
☐ Just press a bunch of buttons
☐ Easy
☑Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Not so easy
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing
☐ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ A bit grindy sometimes
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ Insanity
Game Time-
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ Depends on you
☑ Endless
☐ Just buy it
☑Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ Always
☐ Most of the time
☐ Sometimes
☐ Almost some
☑ Dead (Singleplayer)
101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 03:50
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Okay
☐ Bad
☐ Masterpiece
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Will do
☐ Bad
☐ Awful
☐ Amazing
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Everyone
☐ Lovely
☐ Good
☐ Average
☑ Not great
☐ None
☐ Just press a bunch of buttons
☐ Easy
☑Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Not so easy
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing
☐ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ A bit grindy sometimes
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ Insanity
Game Time-
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ Depends on you
☑ Endless
☐ Just buy it
☑Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ Always
☐ Most of the time
☐ Sometimes
☐ Almost some
☑ Dead (Singleplayer)
1483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 22:39
It's Early Access so little things can be fixed or improved upon but as of time of writing it's the release day of Early Access.
Don't know why people buy early access games then thumb down them because the game is not AAA 100% polished. It's called early access for a reason.
1483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 22:39
It's Early Access so little things can be fixed or improved upon but as of time of writing it's the release day of Early Access.
Don't know why people buy early access games then thumb down them because the game is not AAA 100% polished. It's called early access for a reason.
Nicht Empfohlen
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 18:29
Nicht Empfohlen
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 18:29
Art Games Studio S.A.
Game Factory
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos