WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship
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Über das Spiel

Mit dem neuen dynamischen Wettersystem, das für WRC 8 entwickelt wurde, wirken sich Regen, Schnee und Hagelschauer stärker aus, was zu einer wesentlich realistischeren Simulation führt. Änderung der Bodenhaftung während des Rennens, Abstimmung der Fahrzeuge auf die jeweilige Wertungsprüfung, Reifenauswahl und Bevorratung müssen berücksichtigt werden und auch die richtige Nutzung des Wetterteams, um die beste Beratung zu erhalten ... Das Wetter ist viel mehr als ein visueller Effekt ? jetzt spielt es endlich seine volle Stärke aus und verleiht dem Spiel eine ganz neue Dimension.
Im Einzelmodus gilt es, die neuen Herausforderungen eines komplett überarbeiteten, realistischeren Karrieremodus anzunehmen, der in Zusammenarbeit mit WRC-Fahrern entwickelt wurde: Termin- und Aktivitätsmanagement zwischen den Rallyes, Forschung und Entwicklung zur Verbesserung des Autos, Rekrutierung und Management des Personals (Mechaniker, Ingenieure, Medizin- und Wetterteam, Finanzdirektor, Kommunikationsmanager etc.).
Im Multiplayer-Modus sind wöchentliche Challenges und eSports WRC wieder da, und der Wettbewerb ist intensiver denn je.
Mit 50 Teams, 14 Rallyes und mehr als 100 Wertungsprüfungen aus der Saison 2019 bietet WRC 8 den umfangreichsten Inhalt, der je in einem Offroad-Rennspiel geboten wurde. Die Herausforderung wartet!
- CPU: Intel Core i3-540 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 - Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 or AMD Radeon HD 6870
- RAM: 4 GB
- Software: Windows 7 64bits
- HD: 19 GB
- DX: Version 11
- CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 or AMD FX-8350 - Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- GFX: Nvidia GTX 780 or AMD R9 290
- RAM: 8 GB
- Software: Windows 10 64-bit
- HD: 19 GB
- SFX: DirectX Compatible Soundcard
- DX: Version 11
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 15:15
Da bleibe ich bei DiRT Rally (2), da geht es ohne Probleme.
Alleine die Steuerung so einstellen ist ein graus! Dann die Consolen Menü-Bedienung ein graus!
3714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 14:13
WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship
kam schon am 5.09.2019 raus. Aber nur im Epic Store! Hier bei Steam wurde das Game erst ein Jahr später veröffentlicht. Allein diese Tatsache ist eigentlich ein No-Go und ein Schlag ins Gesicht aller Steam User. Ich wollte es mir anfangs nicht kaufen. Da ich ein Fan der WRC Reihe bin, tat ich es trotzdem. Ich habs aber im Sale gekauft und rate jeden das gleiche. Also entweder im stark reduziertem Sale oder gar nicht kaufen, um den Publisher für diese Geldgier Aktion abzustrafen.WRC 8 ist an sich ein gutes Game. Es gibt zwar keine Perfektion, aber Spaß kann man hier allemal haben.
- Grafik ist gut
-Sound ist toll
-Steuerung passt auch
-Autovielfalt ist ausreichend
-Streckenanzahl ist groß
-Streckengestaltung ist prima
-Errungenschaften sind vorhanden
Negativ sind mir manche Unfälle aufgefallen. Diese sehen teils unrealistisch aus. Und die Online Funktion funzt nicht richtig, oder ist mittlerweile tot. Wäre auch kein Wunder, da es den neunten Teil schon seit dem 3.09.2020 gibt. Aber wieder mal nur im Epic Store! Hier müssen wir wieder ein Jahr warten oder es einfach ignorieren und nicht Kaufen.
An sich ist WRC 8 ein gutes Game, aber wegen den Geschäftspraktiken des Publishers muss jeder für sich entscheiden ob man Kaufen oder diese Aktion mit einem Nicht-Kauf bestrafen sollte.
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 09:42
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267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 14:37
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347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 18:29
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 12:43
- Co driver now finally doesn't sound like he is on drugs anymore. in wrc7 he is constantly screaming - creating stress where there need not be any
- a proper rev counter. i hated that digital nonsense
- gear ratios can now be adjusted individually per each gear. in wrc7 the 1st was always too long - launching the car was very annoying and 3rd gear was always too short and basically useless so I often skipped it
- force feedback is excellent out of the box. i can even feel the tires skid. i don't know for sure if i have felt that in DR2.
- at the end of a stage there isn't this ridiculous slow motion animation anymore of the car coming to a stop from 200 to 0 in 2 seconds.
cons i have noticed: texture quality cannot be set higher than medium for some reason. they do look sort of mushy. a fact i could complain about in most games.
i picked it up at 50% discount and I don't regret it. get it if you enjoy rally simulation.
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25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 18:38
2827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 16:08
Allerdings gibt es auch einige Sachen die mich doch sehr Stören jedoch im gesamten ein gut gelungen Spiel.
Die Wasserlöcher auch den Strassen sind überall egal ob es steil bergauf geht oder über eine Kuppe das finde ich sehr schade, auch der Sound wenn man durch die Wasserlöcher fährt ist mir viel zu laut zum restlichen Sound, auch sind die Wasserlöcher wie Schleuderplatten was auf manchen strecken zum Abflug führt.
Einen Kritik Punkt habe ich noch und zwar der Zeitsprung von Einfach auf Mittel ist für mich viel zu enorm, auf einfach fahre ich der KI um längen davon, auf mittel hingegen sehe ich kein Licht mehr und die KI fährt mir um längen davon.
Vllt gibt es ja ein Feedback von den Entwickler dazu oder es wird sogar noch etwas nachgebessert was zu mindestens die Wasserlöcher betrifft
Danke fürs aufmerksam Durchlesen.
Einen schönen Tag noch.
1016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 18:38
- Better, and more beautiful tracks
- Better weather effects
- More settings (camera position, co-driver language)
- Faster loading times
- Less frustrating (in Dirt 2.0 I had tyre damage every second race!)
I can only recommend this over Dirt 2.0 and wish I had played it earlier.
3144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 01:40
But what is terrible horrible about this game is the codriver voice it's completely out of pace, lacks expression, and lacks accuracy, it's awful. In that sense Dirt series game (the more arcade or the more simulation one, either of those) are vastly superior in that regard. In this game you need to trust more your instintics and memory, the copilot voice notes are a total disaster.
look into this thread for more people that think similar to me https://steamcommunity.com/app/1004750/discussions/0/1657817111850539271/?l=koreana
Anyways still a thumbs up because I liked the complexity of the tracks, for my taste the blend of simulation and arcade is spot on, graphics are decent, and the campaign mode is quite extensive with quite a number of different tracks.
So overall a pretty complete Rally Sim/Arcade but with some important flaws on the copilot voice notes.
(I play this on 3rd perspective and with a controller I understand that for people that use a steering wheel in 1st perspective, broken voice notes, completely ruins the game)
I played this on Kubuntu 20.04.2 with proton experimental, you need to use this flags for the game to properly recognize your controller.
Performance is more or less decent but could help that proton devs look into improving this game a little, for medium settings at 60fps... imho you need at least an rtx 2060, which is an overkill for the type of graphics this game has. But anyway you could get away with it , with a less powerful GPU but lowering the graphics details a lot more.
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193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 03:24
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 08:32
Dear devs, can you please explain why WRC 8, WRC 9 and WRC 10 games have Vsync 60 Hz issues? It's silky smooth in WRC7 and most other racing/rally games i own on PC, but WRC8-WRC10 is a stutter mess?
P.S. I have around 30 hours with this game (Epic Store).
1002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 17:50
The physics and force feed back might take a little getting used to but they work well enough. The track design is what really grabbed me. They are super fun and in the long run I think having fun is what matters most.
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 14:18
Graphics-wise. Beautiful ????????
Gameplay-wise. Always good ????
Overall, if you're new to the WRC game series, start with 8, it's code friendly enough to run on most decade old gaming rigs.
5 road pebbles with shadows out of 5
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743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 11:33
3145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 08:49
Её очевидно решили взять из V-Rally 4, которую делали разработчики в 2018. Много упрощений в поведении автомобиля по сравнению с WRC 7. И если гонять в аркадном стиле – это прикольно. Ставишь отсутствие повреждений и понеслась. Когда приноровишься к управлению начинаешь так входить в управляемые заносы, что сам себе удивляешься. Взлетаешь, кувыркаешься, ездишь по скалам и буеракам без всяких проблем. Но если включить после этого WRC 7, то понимаешь, что в угоду упрощениям автомобилю просто ампутировали подвеску и ты здесь словно на воздушной подушке скользишь по любым покрытиям. Мне зашло то, что я смог комфортно управлять с камерой позади автомобиля, чего не мог сделать в предыдущей части. Но ощущение дороги конечно не то. Отдельно порадовали местные лужи, после проезда по которым автомобиль просто швыряло в сторону. Хоть и не ново в гонках, но молодцы, что сделали. Также автомобиль интересно ведёт себя на мокром покрытии, а вот на снежном в WRC 7 мне больше нравилось.Звук
Ну как так можно было всё испортить!!! У вас же в WRC 7 было всё довольно круто. Зачем вы ребята вместо звука двигателя поставили перделку, а вместо скрипа тормозов сопелку. На мой взгляд озвучка машины очень плохая. Чего не могу сказать о звуках погоды. В наушниках звук шторма приятно ласкал ухо, хоть и звучал не совсем натурально. Отдельное спасибо, что взяли на озвучку штурмана адекватного человека с нормальным голосом. В 7-ой части не самый удачный голос оповещал тебя о событиях.Графика
На мой невооружённый взгляд изменений окружающего мира конечно маловато. Но зато большой респект за работу со светом, каплями дождя и частицами. Теперь ночью у многих болельщиков да и просто по бокам тртассы есть фаеры. Мне понравилась такая подсветка. Свет фар автомобиля тоже изменили, но тут не знаю даже к лучшему или нет. В целом графика чуть лучше, но за 2 года могли бы внести и больше изменений.Погода
Погода здесь динамическая и рандомная. И это плюс. Если в предыдущих частях можно было узнать погоду на весь сезон вперёд, то здесь как повезёт. Ну и начав кататься под солнышком можно завершить заезд, когда вокруг лютует шторм. Наконец-то и здесь это появилось.Система повреждений
Как же я был счастлив, когда разбил машину от одного удара в дерево на большой скорости. А ведь когда-то в WRC убить машину было невозможно. Радость, к сожалению, моя была недолгой. Всё дело в том, что в целом система повреждений оставляет много вопросов. К примеру, почему от удара задней осью у переднемоторного автомобиля страдает двигатель, а всё остальное без изменений? Да и в целом поломки порой несопоставимы ударам. Также зачем ввели износ шин? Управление если и меняется, то настолько незаметно, что мне было без разницы Soft или Hard я ставлю. Ну и в целом косяк с системой повреждений в том, что выбор её перед сезоном ничего не значит. Какую ты выставил в основном меню, такая и будет. То есть, по сути, её можно менять каждую гонку, хотя в самой игре говорится другое. Могли бы за год и исправить…Календарь
Вот это уже интересная штука. В каждом месяце по 4 недели. На каждой неделе происходит какое-то событие, которое ты выбрал или ты отдыхаешь. Можно принять участие в исторической гонке, выступить за другую команду, подняв у неё свой авторитет, понтануться перед другой командой и после этого перейти в неё или погонять в экстремальных условиях. Жаль, что большинство исторических автомобилей в платных DLC за ломовую цену и по итогу на исторических трассах гоняешь на одной Ланче. С другой стороны игра на косарь дешевле WRC 7 и то ладно. Что касается экстремальных условий – интересно первые заезды 2-3, потом уже их не выбираешь. В целом календарь лучшее, что было введено нового и что полноценно работает.Команда и деньги
Интересная задумка, которую взяли из V-Rally 4 и не смогли толково применить здесь. Там деньги были нужны не только на содержание команды, но и на покупку авто, также при нехватке средств нельзя было участвовать в мероприятии. Здесь же можно спокойно отправиться на ралли в долг и у тебя будет минусовой баланс. Правда, если будешь хорошо выступать, через пару заездов денег будет хоть ..опой жуй и что с ними делать неясно. Но разработчики решили этот вопрос. Если перейти к другому производителю, всё отберут и дадут 30000 в WRC 2 и 50000 в WRC чемпионате. А куда пропадают честно заработанные??? Что у вас там за контракты такие??? Не хорошо…Прокачка
Интересная задумка, о которой забываешь дойдя до 50 уровня и выбрав необходимые элементы. Развитие сохраняется для любой машины и чемпионата, правда иногда слетает и приходится заново выбирать нужное. Ну хоть стоит 25000 и то ладно. Было бы интереснее добавить побольше машин и сделать как в Dirt Rally 2.0, когда прокачивается только та машина, на которой ты гоняешь. Ну, добавили чего-то нового и ладно.Перки
Интересная конечно возможность, применять какие-то особенности для заездов, но могли бы хоть и объяснить, как это работает. Я не в головоломку играю, а в гонки!!! Более подробно о перках / особенностях можно почитать в моём гайде к игре.Почта
Зачем??? Ну зачем??? Единственная польза – можно узнать какой сейчас ты гоняешь сезон. А так, просто аппендикс.В целом, почти все нововведения либо не работают толком, либо вообще не нужны и только мешают. Рекомендую любителям аркадных гонок, ну а заядлым раллистам лучше пройти мимо, чтобы потом не хэйтить игру. Она не для вас. Лично я поиграл с удовольствием, но когда после этого запустил WRC 7, просто ахнул, как разработчики в угоду аркадности и в попытке разнообразить времяпрепровождение между заездами в ралли испоганили эту серию.
P.S. Надеюсь 9 и 10 части будут доведёнными до ума, так как эта выглядит недоделанной.
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967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 10:07
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 23:11
The stages are very detailed, graphic and sound engine is very inferior to DR and DR2.
Very good career mode.
The physics are a bit messy with both the FFB and crash/colision engine.
Would go to DR2 or WRC9.
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1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 06:09
Edit: Weather in the game is very nice :) big feeling of danger
Hoping WRC 10 is good I don't think we will get a dirt rally 3.0 anytime soon
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362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 13:57
I want to enjoy WRC8 but I cant as the game frustrates me so much on so many levels…stupid fov setting, stupid camera positions, poor FFB and handling, stupid bugs and very poor lighting/auto exposure/post process calibration.
- Fov setting is a joke (The Fov only effects the world and not the cockpit WTF?)
- The cockpit camera position control sliders are very limited. (So you cannot put the cockpit cam where you want as the cockpit camera positions are dreadful.
- In game wheel doesn’t match my wheel rotation
- The graphics auto exposure is a joke (The gravel can look bleach white and in general the games graphics looks like it was calibrated by morons)
- The FFB sucks and the car handling with the wheel don’t feel great.
- The cockpits look like PS2 graphics
- The game cannot even reset FFB settings to default right (as when you do it won’t save and you need to manually set every setting to 100)
- This game can’t even exit the game right, every time you exit the game it pops up saying WRC8 has stopped working, do you want to send error report??
Changed to a different car & track. Now using Citroen C3 WRC 380HP at Mexico and the car handling seems a lot better and the graphics seem way better on this track too. It seems some car & tracks are quite good but others are very poor. Some tracks have zero road vibration on the wheel and other do, so the game seems pretty inconsistent across cars, tracks and surfaces.
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182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 18:51
I'm desperate. If there exist ANY splitscreen rally games (with both collision + simultaneous start*) please let me know. Leave a comment here.
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707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 16:04
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 09:24
The various terrains feel great from Mud, gravel, Tarmac and snow.
The car selection might not be so ample as in Dirt 2.0 you only have the 2018 WRC, R5, Junior Fiesta, the rest is 3 Historics and 5 DLC.
The stage selection on the other hand is quite amazing, not the mention the lvl of details put into these stages. There is no repetition in the scenarie, the stages are memorable and very technical.
A solid Rally Sim if you ask me, well worth the price.
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72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 14:51
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 10:45
⚖️ Grade = B. Worth a buy, if you enjoy Real Rally tracks & adapt grip handling. However, if you're looking for Historic Cars, Visual Customization, it doesn't have
???? 2019: Game released but not on Steam
???? 2020: Playtest and felt... Good.
???? 2021: Compare again, and determined.
A+ | Worth Deluxe Edition | - | No Wait | [/tr]
A | Worth Normal Price | - | No Wait | [/tr]
B | Overpriced | ✔ | Wait 10%~35% | [/tr]
C | Lack of value | - | Wait 40%~90% | [/tr]
D | Not what you need | - | Wait 100% | [/tr]
✔️ Rally (Point A to Point B)
✔️ Modern Rally Car
✔️ Fast car at the beginning
✔️ Vehicle Damage Management
✔️ Optional Rally with crew management
✔️ Optional false start rule
✔️ Circuit (1 vs 1)
❌ RallyCross (versus group of opponents)
❌ Variety of Historic cars
❌ No retry in online random event (Dirt Rally#)
????Reveal long version checklist
???? Vehicle parts condition display on the HUD
???? SSS available
???? Cannot drift
???? Many improvement compare to WRC7
???? Community Rating: Mostly Positive
⚠️ Graphic is horrible ➜ Switch TAA into FXAA, but poor particle is true
⚠️ Physic is terrible ➜ I think is not all the cars, also depend how you drive
⚠️ Manage a team is suck ➜ That's is optional
???? Added 2 historic cars
???? Added more livery for 180-280hp cars
???? Added Free-roam to test car performance
???? Added 4 type of training course
???? Added objectives option in career
???? Added calendar for list of next events
???? Added R & D departments (skill tree system)
???? Added crew members managements
???? Added option for local ghost car in Quick Play
???? Added some music
???? Added many setting for variety camera view
???? Added more graphic option & misc setting
???? Added 5 new locations, removed 5 locations
???? Once finish a quick play, next track selection show-up without exit
???? Hot-seat Player option removed
???? 2 Co-driver languages option removed
Thanks for reading, if you found this helpful please ???? then:
???? Browse more similar reviews and follow this Curator, or
???? Join our group to discuss future review format and layout
???? Disagree, Criticize, Insult ➜ Write here
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 16:34
so I took the plunge and got wrc 8 on steam on sale and the game works amazingly well on steam also i can play in offline mode to on steam without been online..i would've like to have played more of wrc 9 because it looked ok but Epic games is so poor when it comes to support help.
i will just have to wait till its on steam to play WRC 9
wrc 8 highly recommended on steam
601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 23:01
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 11:43
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1045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 11:46
I was hoping this would grow on me but it hasn't, I was hoping I would get past the problems but I can't. There's too many unfixed issues that have rolled over from the earlier games.
The Dev's are not putting enough effort into updating new versions of the WRC games, maybe they think the name is enough to keep sales high and based on so many thumbs up reviews for what I think is a seriously flawed racer it looks like it is, Everything I wrote in the earlier review still stands.
Original Review 2nd/3rd March 2021
The good & the bad.
The game suffers from constant stuttering where it drops frames for some reason (My guess is that the actual game engine needs updating), In a rally game with lots of tight turns I found myself more often than not having my stage times sabotaged by the juddery experience.
The visuals are dated as you can tell by the amount of noise which I think is due to old anti-aliasing techniques,
Speaking of noise the British co-driver voice sounds like a WWII Colonel Mainwaring type character, Having spent my 50 years of life in the UK & having not heard anyone talk like that since the disappearance of my Great Grandad's generation I can only surmise that this is some sort of stereotypical joke.
Another issue I mentioned in reviews for the older WRC titles is that the cars have no weight & the handling suffers because of it,
Dynamic weather
I prefer the Sweden stages better than those used in other rally games.
I like the Chile stages/maps.
My Conclusion:
I think it's sad that the game that holds the official WRC title has been left in their dust by so many other modern rally games, My overall experience hasn't been an enjoyable one so far but if my opinion of the game changes I'll update this review, that said seeing that WRC 9 is now out on another platform it seems unlikely that they'll be coming back to work on this so like previous titles it will likely be left with the bugs it still has today, maybe I should be grateful the audio bug that's still in WRC4 isn't in any of the newer titles.
I got this game as part of a Humble bundle, If I'd bought it on release I'd of refunded it as it's not in my opinion an okay game & the fact that it has so many old bug's & issues from previous iterations in the franchise it feels like minimal effort was made, It has real issues that should of never made the release, they're more important than giving the same old tired game a quick spruce up so they can cash in on the branding.
WRC 8 has problems, some of which were there as far back as WRC 5, that should tell you all you need to know.
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30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 16:21
The co-driver’s voice is absolutely laughable, do the developers think people actually talk like this in the 21st century? He sounds like he’s just been teleported from the Victorian era. Really how much would it have cost to get Nicky Grist or Phil Mills to have done the pace notes?
As for the career mode, I don’t want to have to micromanage every aspect of the team, I have no interest in directing the team, I simply want to be the driver without all of the other boring fiddly stuff.
Physics wise for me it sits between pure arcade and something like Dirt Rally. I’d say the rally cross handling in Project Cars 2 for example is light years ahead of this and that is only one single discipline in that game, in comparison to this which has the entire game built around that sort of driving. It’s not terrible, but I wouldn’t say it’s very good either. Cars feel quite weightless and floaty and seem to have very little grip which is especially noticeable when trying to apply the handbrake for tight hairpins.
I’ll be requesting a refund through Steam for this one.
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 16:47
As others have mentioned, the best part about this game is the physics, but unfortunately it isn't backed up with good forcefeedback. Small cars like the GR Yaris feel nimble and are a blast to drive while lower tier cars like the fwd Ford Focus just feels like an absolute slog to get around a corner. I hate paved courses in DR2.0 but here I'm actually having a decent amount of fun.
The sound is disappointing. Engine noises, gravel, tire squeal, straight cut gears, etc, it's all there in theory, but in the same way it was in a game from 2001. The codriver is loud, but the combination of the accent and unclear recordings somehow causes me to miss practically every call.
I could give the career management mode a miss, I am much more interested in just getting in and driving instead of trying to figure out the menus. I unfortunately accidentally hit turn off the tutorial and I couldn't find how to turn it back on. Luckily there is another careerish type mode that lets you just hop in and the game puts you straight into the rally.
Courses are fun for the most part, but I find myself earning penalties while staying in the middle of the road. Other times I cut corners and get nothing.
Overall I'm not sure if I want to keep this game. The physics and courses are great great, but there's just a lot of mediocre elsewhere. I can't fully recommend this game or say don't buy it to be honest.
7418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 12:32
(+) All season 2020 crews, rallies + bonus / history cars;
(+) It has the greatest stages in all-time rally games history;
(+) An extensive WRC carrier mode (+ challenges, trainings);
(+) Changing weather conditions are nice improvment;
(+) Driving model improved a little compared to previous WRC;
(–) Graphics haven't been too much upgraded;
(–) Still no option to create your own multi-stage carier.
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 17:19
I like them both
Nicht Empfohlen
74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 08:25
This will probably be the last WRC game I buy if this is the direction they will continue. Here's why:
I play rally games to race, not micro manage a whole stupid race team. WRC 7 kept it basic. This game you need to hire crew, unlock 'perks' (very gamey), waste time doing dumb 'training' courses between races, and manage money for all this.
I have zero interest in being a WRC team coordinator.
The racing part is actually decent and once I tweak the settings it will be fun.
Force Feedback is weak. Like very weak on my Thrustmaster TX.
The game randomly changed my wheel settings to 40 degree locks in the middle of a race.
Looks and plays beautiful at 4k, on the highest settings available for me, on an i9 9900k and AMD RX 5700. Good solid 50+ frames from what I noticed.
Probably just go back to WRC 7 and forget this game and WRC ever existed.
1342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 19:12
7022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 18:26
all and all I def reccomend this game but as I said if you are expecting dirt 2.0 you won't be happy
One more thing then the visual damage is very lacking as compared to other rally games
remote play is broken if both have a controller plugged in the game crashes
2002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 01:17
A step in the right direction.
This is the best that I've seen the WRC series since 4. Granted, WRC 4 is the last one I played for any significant amount of time.
I believe that DiRT Rally 2 is this game's main comparison in the market. And here is my review of that.
Now you may ask yourself: Why is WRC 8 up and DiRT Rally 2.0 down?
—Well, there are a few reasons. [olist]
Big Ben is still the publisher, they've re-branded their gaming division under their subsidiary “Nacon”.
KT Racing is still the developer however—Milestone Srl hasn't been the dev since WRC 4. And I have to say this is a huge step up from WRC 7.
That being said, the physics are not... good. They are however functional. —“But Space, you said it was a huge step up?!”—Well, it is! Unlike WRC 7 where the cars behaved as though the tires were covered in soap, WRC 8 feels like every track is on a different planet with a slightly smaller mass than Earth.—
Let me explain: 90% of the time when your tires are touching the ground it feels good if you keep in mind that everything feels a little floaty. You'll definitely run into situations where you slide too much and then get the car juggled by space-moon creatures as you bounce off of rocks. And there are other times where the car tries to take off as if it merely a hollow paper weight. But in context, the physics work.
The nuances between the physics and weather of DIRT Rally 2 and WRC 8 are as such:
DiRT Rally 2.0
- Differences between surfaces are marginal. Light gravel to ice covered tarmac behave only slightly differently.
- Weather is set up front (as in the start of the race) and is unchanging throughout the stage.
- While the physics overall are... well, they're worse. The differences between light and heavy gravel to compacted snow to wet tarmac is dramatic. The undulation caused by heavy gravel for example, completely changes the way the vehicles drive.
- Weather is dynamic and can change throughout a stage. You can start in sunny, dry weather and end up driving into a storm. Unfortunately, the wind and temperature play no role in how the car drives.
Four slot sim/arcade scale.
In my totally arbitrary and subjective four slot scale. WRC sits in slot 3. If slot 1 is Ridge Racer, slot 4 is Assetto Corsa/BeamNG and in slot 2 is your main DiRT series, Project Gotham Racing, some Need for Speeds and Forza Horizons—WRC and the DiRT Rally side series sit firmly in slot 3.
Visually the game is a little underwhelming for a 2019/2020 release.
But it's perfectly serviceable.
Now, the main DiRT Series has a more robust career than DiRT Rally 2. However, since I'm mainly comparing this to DiRT Rally 2, the career in WRC is very good whereas in DR2, it's essentially non-existent. You'll have to contend with satisfying manufacturers, managing crew members across seasons and have to schedule events, rest days, training, sponsor try-outs. Your crew will get tired and will need to rest or you can replace them with the “B-Team” as you schedule events beyond your means. This effectively means worse repairs during events.
As you level within the career you'll unlock R+D points that will improve sponsor relationships, make cars more reliable, among other things.
Of course, if that is too much and you just want to drive the damn car, you can just do the quick play mode or even the season mode which is essentially a less involved career mode.
WRC 8 does have weekly challenges, but they're nothing close to what DiRT Rally 2 offers for dailies.
The co-driver VO is okay. Though, if you're careening off a cliff in Greece in the middle of a storm, your co-driver will still robotically recite the pacenotes as if all was well. But I doubt this will change until some deep learning AI can reproduce a fake voice to do it dynamically. It'd be too costly to record and implement all that dialogue in different inflections.
WRC 8 is a huge step up from WRC 7. But it's got a long way to go to truly compete with DiRT. At its best, it's a tertiary add-on to what is already a niche genre in Rally racing. And I can only recommend to extreme rally fans or sim racing enthusiasts.
If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus
If you use an Xbox one pad, WRC 8 supports “Impulse Triggers”. (Something I didn't even know the gamepad did.) It sends small resistance and vibrations in the triggers. You can feel the gravel hit the brakes. You can feel the tires attempt to gain purchase on tarmac. I can't speak personally, but I imagine the FFB is pretty decent on a proper wheel. I simply don't own one.
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 10:24
Driving down the road, happy with my lead on this stage, when suddenly, a large black square appeared across the entire road. Unavoidable, I entered it, head held high. Surely, this would end.
But NO! This was the fabled Rally Black Hole event. I had finally been selected!
Confidently, I hit the gas pedal. VROOM. Top speed in to the unseen wall, like the Coyote in looney tunes.
My run fell apart like a Chinese made toothbrush, taking my confidence with it.
This fantastic sequence was gone upon reloading the stage, alas, my Ray Charles driving skills would have to be put to the test another day.
Beyond that, It's been fun. You remember when games were fun, right? Pepperidge farm remembers....
This is my opinion, obviously:
It's succeeded in walking the line between realism and fun. While there's been a bit of a learning curve, the vehicles offer consistent performance allowing me to grasp the game enough to get ok at driving it which is saying something because while I love rally games, I'm typically bad at them.
Give it a shot. Why not Zoidberg? You can always refund it and blame me.
Kylotonn Entertainment
Bigben Interactive
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
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