WRC 5: FIA World Rally Championship
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 14:03
WRC 5 FIA World Rally Championship
Rezension vom 31.10.2021
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Ich kann soweit sagen das, dass Spiel Spaß macht. Ich bin jetze kein WRC Fan aber ich zocke die einfach mal für nebenbei.
Das Fahrgefühl ist etwas steif, aber wenn man schon paar Einstellung vornimmt ist das schon etwas besser.
Die Grafik sieht schick aus für ein 2015 Spiel. Die Strecken lassen sich gut fahren und an paar Stellen sind auch paar Böse Stellen dabei wo man sich vorsehen sollte.
Als Vollpreis finde ich es schon etwas Heavy aber wer wartet kann sich das Spiel in Sale holen.
Soweit kann ich aus meiner sicht das Spiel Empfehlen !
Bitte achtet wann die Review geschrieben oder bearbeitet wurde !
Nicht Empfohlen
4582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.17 07:28
Fangen wir mal mit dem Fahrverhalten der verfügbaren Kraftfahrzeuge an:
Need for Speed trifft Arma. Vollgas ist King aber die Physik ist nie nachvollziehbar.
Wie ein Klebestift auf nem Spiegel.
Anfangs motiviert es sehr die richtig guten Verträge frei zu schalten. Dies ist aber nach ca. 10h erledigt und man hat immer die selben Teams zur Auswahl. Zurück in eine andere Klasse geht nicht.
Hier gibt es mal einen Pluspunkt. Die Auswahl ist sehr abwechslungsreich und umfassend gut gewählt. Die Grafik ist zwar nicht mehr die Neuste aber wen juckt das, wenn man mit 180 kmh durch die Botanik brettert ? ( ich persönlich mochte Polen am liebsten)
WRC und E-Sport.
Wer jetzt denkt das er bei den Großen direkt mitmischen kann wird bitter enttäuscht. Ohne DLC´s kann man nämlich nicht ein mal zusehen. Ich habe also Paket x gekauft um mal einen Einblick zu erhalten.
Was soll ich sagen? Naja. Hätte ich mir sparen können. Was mich zum nächsten Punkt führt.
Regeln und Strafen:
Wenn man mit mehr als 2 Rädern über die Strasse kommt: Strafe 5 Sekunden....Wutanfall
Mal eine Haarnadelkurfe anbremsen, Anker werfen und mit Gaspedal durchdriften?
Vergiss es. STRAFE.
Dieses ist übrigens von Strecke zu Strecke verschieden. Es fühlt sich an als wenn man eine Hitbox
berührt und automatisch das Lenkrad abgeben muss. Richtig schlimm.
Also zum E-Sport.
Regeln? Gestern :D. Strafen? Wo leben wir denn :D
Diese Leute fahren einfach Querfeldein, was im Hauptspiel niemals möglich wäre. Irre.
Die WRC Lizens hat viele gute Rally Titel hervor gebracht.
Dieser gehört nicht dazu.
Wer Rally mag sollte sich diesen Titel ersparen und sein Geld lieber in andere, bessere
Spiele investieren.
Mir kommt dieses Spiel wie ein misslungener Versuch vor, auf den Hype der E-Sport Szene
Der Spagat zwischen, ernsthafter Simulation und Casual Gaming, ging den Entwicklern voll
in die Hose. Es ist irgendwie nix Halbes und nix Ganzes.
Dafür gibt´s von mir ein klares nein.
Danke für den Versuch aber: Nein danke!
EDIT: Habe ich schon erwähnt das man die grundlegende Steuerung nicht einstellen kann?
Ich persönlich nutze einen Playstation gestylten X-box Controller, steuere und gebe Gas mit Joysticks. Das geht hier nicht !. Man kann nur Tasten für: Ansicht wechseln. Schalten usw selbst belegen.
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71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.16 23:19
If your a fan of a solid driving expirience you should leave this game alone.
I do play with a Logitec G 27 and play Project Cars and Dirt Rally with it and it is awesome!
This game thoe...I played 15min and was so disappointed that I couldn't do any more.
The FFB is strange and stiff, the tracks are like 90's arcade games, the graphics are a joke so is
the handling of the cars. I completly wasted my money on this one, luckily I got it pretty cheap.
It may be that the FFB - Prblemes are related to something else I haven't figured out jet, but the rest is
as it is and that is complete nonsense.
I was realy looking forward to this game because I knew WRC 4 and liked it quite alot but this? This
is such a big step backwards I can't belive anyone could find this satisfying at all. Sorry BigBen I hop you lose your license to WRC so someone else can do a proper job on this. Shame on you!
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.15 20:00
Super Rally Game
Als grosser Richard Burns Rally und Dirt Rally Fan kann ich auch dieses Spiel sehr empfehlen.
Nicht im Sinne, dass es sich wie eins von den zweien fährt... sondern als geniale Ergänzung dazu.
Ich habe alle Spiele der WRC-Reihe gespielt, und muss sagen, WRC 5 ist mit Abstgand das Beste.
Es ist ein riesen Fortschritt zum Vorgänger WRC 4, welches in meinen Augen nicht wirklich gelungen war. WRC 5 spielt sich viel runder, die Grafik ist besser und am Wichtigsten: das Handling wurde komplett überarbeitet. Perfekt abgestimmt, um mit einem Kontroller zu zocken.
Darum auch die Empfehlung meinerseits; super Spiel um neben der genialen Simulation Dirt Rally zu spielen.
Nicht Empfohlen
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.15 15:23
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.15 22:02
Kleines Fazit bis hier her:
Wer bissel mit dem Gamepad Arcade zocken möchte ist bei WRC5 ganz gut aufgehoben.
Wer allerdings bessere Physik und ein bisschen mehr Herausforderung haben möchte, wird an Codemasters DIRT Rally nicht vorbei kommen. Momentan befindet sich dieses Rally Spiel aber noch in der EA Phase und kann eigentlich noch garnicht zum vergleich genommen werden bis es diese Phase verlässt, und offiziell Released wurde...
Bis dahin kann man diesem Spiel WRC 5 ruhig eine Chance geben, da dies halt fertig ist, und eben halt auch momentan mehr Strecken und Inhalt zu bieten hat als dies bei DIRT Rally momentan der Fall ist .
Dieses Review ist als ein vorläufiges Review anzusehen aufgrund der geringen Spielzeit! Es ist also möglich das sich meine Meinung gegenüber dem Spiel , noch ändern könnte nachdem man mal eine komplette Saison in dem Spiel gefahren ist...
Nicht Empfohlen
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.15 19:53
Mit Abstand das schlechteste an diesem Spiel ist aber die Umsetzung des Beifahrers (deutsch, männlich). Hört sich so an als würde ein 10 Jahre alter Computer mit einem reden. Sehr unnatürlich, eintönig und einfach nur schlecht.
Wer Lust auf ein Rally-Game hat und 40€ ausgeben will sollte sich DiRT Rally 2x kaufen.
972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 17:14
-Have a lot of tracks and they feel pretty nice.
-Interesting rally school implementation.
-Fast forward/rewind in replay.
-Some weird physics when you bump into something
-On snow tracks when you drive a little bit off road and hit the snow on the ground, it stops the vehicle's acceleration dramatically which I think it's over aggressive because the ground isn't completely fill with snow and it doesn't look thick either.
-Some rocks are literally non-existent and you can run over them without any collision.
-I like the way they put skid marks especially on tarmac tracks which gives you a great hint to turn.
-Rear mirror not working (You don't need them for rally anyway but still).
-Have female driver and co-driver, but when you watch the replay you can clearly see the game still use male models.
-Sometimes the pacenote come out late or inaccurate, on certain sections of certain tracks the co-driver even go silent for a couple turns.
1398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 20:26
Don't get me wrong, this game has it's weaknesses. Map design is not well done, some stages are clanky with many invisible or unrealistic, edgy obstacles which will send your car straight into the air or wreck it. Sending into the air is pretty common as physics are a little bit primitive.
Overall WRC 5 is a really nice and fun racing game. Steering is really well done and the whole gameplay is really satisfing but challenging at once. I can't wait to play another game from the WRC series.
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 19:49
* J-WRC completed
* Lovely GB tracks
* Mixed graphics feelings
* Sound is ok, Citroen though sounds as a brick
* Trees and grass are green
* Overall enjoying the process
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 10:02
The game has something to please the eye, this is fog and snow, rain, mud, graphics, although not the last squeak, are nevertheless more than pleasant, the computer's resources are not consumed even at maximum settings.
Physics has become a little better than in 4 parts, there is a Russian translation of the text, excellent sound, cars really diminished in comparison with the previous part, but in general everything is buzzing.
For the first time, he even began to pass his career, the game is definitely catchy!
2299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 15:29
This game is actually amazing. Has great (although short) stages. Handling and physics imo better than WRC 6 and 7 (but please dont compare with RBR, etc). Very decent graphics (tho sometimes doesnt look very smooth / antialiasing seems unpresent).. but love the sceneries and everything,
The big downfall of this game is performance. It doesn't run great regardless of how buff your system is, and can create lots frustration. Noticeable stuttering and frame drops from time to time.. I have also experienced input delay.. I could solve most (not all) of the issues using other softwares (Rivatuner) and running at 50fps.
If you enjoy rallying and, specially, are willing to deal with the performance issues, i highly recommend this game.
1354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 18:34
WRC 5 is a racing video game developed by Kylotonn and published by Bigben Interactive.
Career Mode
In Career Mode you step into 2015 Season of World Rally Championship, with a goal being reaching WRC category and winning a trophy, starting from Junior-WRC class.
WRC 5 offers plenty of rally racing as you drive in different locations spanning out across the globe in order to achieve best results possible, complete team goals and sign new contracts after each season.
Rallies have a 3 day calendar with each day featuring a stage or multiple stages you have to drive, and last stage of the rally usually is a Power Stage.
Every day starts in service area. Here you can see upcoming stages and prepare your vehicle for them in configuration menu (or let the game do the job), repair it after driven stages, plus check leaderboards and relationships with your team. Your results impact team's mood, and more importantly-repair time. So better positions mean better mood, granting you faster repairs, making it a win-win scenario.
When you feel ready, you can start a stage and show off your skills on the track. From snowy Swedish roads and French asphalt to Mexican gravel, you will drive on every type of surface, and every type of condition, from rain to dark nights, pushing your car to the limits. Listen to the notes made by a co-pilot to know about upcoming dangers, corners, and other additional information. Leaving the track will result in reset and punishment in added time, but to avoid it game features mechanics such as an option to manually reset your vehicle, and Snapshot, allowing you to restart from last checkpoint. One of the more interesting changes lies in checkpoints, as usually those point out time difference between you and other drivers, while here this is gone. With only basic information about your performance, you constantly have to push ahead, adding this bit of tension to the races.
Driving style is slighty different than in WRC 4. Bit closer to simulation than previous game, mainly due to more realistic feel of the track surfaces. You can notice it quite early in game as Monte Carlo Rally, first rally, features snowy and ice covered tracks where you already feel that your car has less grip than it would in previous entry, for example. It's still playable on keyboard, but like with racing games it tends to be, experience gets a bit better with controller, even more with steering/racing wheel.
There is plenty of options which can change your experience, as you can increase AI difficulty forcing you to push even more, or turn off helpful systems such as Traction Control to change vehicles behaviour.
Playtime, replayability and other modes
Career Mode never ends so you can drive it forever! It also makes it hard to point out the amount of hours one will spend in it. One rally takes ~30 minutes so assuming you will do 3 seasons in Career, to finish all classes at least once, it will take you roughly 15 hours, something around that.
Not a title that offers a lot of replayability.
Besides Career Mode, you have Quick Stage and Quick Rally modes, where you pick one stage or rally you want to drive, plus a category and vehicle, and Training Mode where you can take part in lessons to practice, learn something new, or master already known techniques.
There is Multiplayer where up to 8 players can challenge themselfs on stages. It also offers Offline Multiplayer with option of 4 players competing one after another. You should rather look at Offline MP with friends as you won't find people to play it Online.
Pros and cons
Those little changes in driving style and checkpoint mechanics make game more enjoyable than before!
Career Mode is better than in previous entry, especially the team system, and Training Mode makes sure newer/less experienced players might learn a thing or two.
Loading screen doesn't repeat same crappy one-sentence interviews, it instead features curiosities about different rallies.
Unfortunately what didn't change is poor audiovisual design as game looks like a PS2 game, and lack of any new interesting gamemodes or classes. Tracks are nothing special.
Final words and conclusion
If you want something better, and from same release year I recommend Dirt Rally instead. Best rally experience on the market (besides a 2.0 sequel), but it's very hardcore, where having a steering wheel (and experience) is a must. Less hardcore but still with better rally experience (even if it came out a bit later) is Dirt 4, which is my second recommendation. Of course you don't have the WRC license so no actual teams or duos but the weather system is better, same goes for driving style and variety of machines, but less track variety making it quite painful to play in a long run.
WRC 5 is a decent title. Needs more polish and audiovisual side begs for improvement but game itself is fun due to driving style and new little additions.
Check out my curator page for more reviews!
Nicht Empfohlen
2564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 18:25
WRC 5 is ok~ish for a 2015 rally game.
Strong :
✔ noticeable graphical upgrades, the car models are more detailed and there are nice physics effects (when they work)
✔ upgrading from WRC 4 they added weather effects, this time you can experience rain and snow which is nice
✔ sometimes you can come across a river or some puddles to splash through although the splash effect is average in both sound and looks
✔ supports 5K super ultra wide resolution (when driving)
✔ keeping up with a good list of tracks and countries to run in
Weak :
❌they got rid of the real life cinematics
❌driving assists are horribly implemented and totally useless. its far better to learn to drive without them.
❌keymapping indicators switch into controller mode for no reason some times (i only have my keyboard connected!)
❌i don't even know if reversing your car is possible. why would they not bind this on the brake button like everyone else does.
❌very very poor virtual damage effects on cars
❌ridiculous bugs and glitches. grass placed above the ground level, invisible walls, respawning without reasons, car bounces like a rubber ball when colliding with some obstacles, penalty time given at point it shouldn't, and not given at times that it should.
❌graphical lag from object collision and physics reaction (bump on something, and you will see the visual damage on the car taking place with a lag which is completely braking the immersion)
❌40EUR on steam for a 2015 rally game that also has that many bugs is just ridiculous. wait for a huge offer.
Final verdict: it's average even for its time. if it was not for the extremely high price tag i might be recommend it, but at this point you better be looking to not spend more than 5 bucks to play this.
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 23:59
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.19 13:59
Kylotonn Entertainment
Bigben Interactive
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos