Worms: Ultimate Mayhem
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Über das Spiel

Kämpfen und rätslen Sie Ihren Weg durch alle Missionen aus "Worms 3D" und "Worms 4: Mayhem" - das macht zwei Spiele in einem. Die HD-Grafik, Spielverlauf-Verbesserungen und zusätzlichen Spielinhalte machen dieses Paket zur ultimativen "Worms"-Sammlung in 3D!
- CPU: 3.0 GHz P4, Dual Core 2.0 (oder höher) oder AMD64X2 (oder höher)
- GFX: 512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 8400 / ATI Radeon HD 4650 oder höher
- RAM: 2 GB
- Software: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
- HD: 1.8 GB frei
- SFX: DirectX 9.0c kompatibel
- DX: 9.0c
- INET: Internet Verbindung vorausgesetzt
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 15:55
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 12:17
Wer jedoch Worms auf die 2D-Weise kennen gelernt hat, dürfte einige Schwierigkeiten haben, sich an die Hakeligkeiten und Ungenauigkeiten von Kamera und Movement in diesem Teil zu gewöhnen.
Das Gameplay würde ich allerdings auch heute noch als gut einschätzen und auch im Singleplayer oder lokalem Multiplayer hat man mehr als genug Möglichkeiten, seine Zeit zu verdaddeln. Die Kampagne ist natürlich sinnlos, aber die Gefechte teils anspruchsvoll, teils in spannenden Modi und eine Prise Humor fehlt logischerweise nie.
Ob man dafür wirklich die momentan aufgerufenen 13€ investieren möchte, muss man selbst entscheiden, aber im Sale kann man hier eigentlich gar nichts falsch machen. Spaß und Unterhaltung sind jedem garantiert, der gerne Granaten wirft, Bazookas schießt und Dynamit fallen lässt.
1784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 18:08
Also, It seems that the controls as far as the mouse cursor are really jittery and hard to use, I found no way to remedy it by adjusting the settings on both my lap top mouse settings or in game settings
Other than minor technicalities, I still give it 5* because i love this game!
1445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 17:50
Ultimate destruction
This game is one (If not) one of THE greatest Turned-based Strategy games out there !!
- Wonderful weapons
- Great physics
- Amazing Customization
and LOTS of content to play around alone or with friends.
You really can't go wrong with this one 10/10 for sure.
1757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 14:28
Is it perfect? Not at all!
The controls are clunky and not great. The camera adjustment can be annyoing.
WHY THE FUCK ARE THE CUTSCENES IN THE WORMS 3D CAMPAIGN ARE UNSKIPABLE?! WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TEAM17?! The game already has the feuture to skip cutscenes in it. Why would you take it away? It's really fucking annyoing when you die for the 50th time and you have to rewatch the stupid cutscenes again and again. You can skip the cutscenes in the main campaign (story mode of worms 4). So again, why the fuck would you remove this feature from the Worms 3D campaign?!
The game sometimes lags for no damn reason. So performance is meh. I'm also pretty sure that this game is locked at 30 fps. EDIT: yap, it is locked to 30 fps. I just checked it.
I haven't tried multiplayer yet but from what I can see from the reviews here it's pretty barren there.
Overall, do I recommend this game? Yes, but it's no masterpice. It can be fun to play with your friends or alone too.
1412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 15:51
-It lacks other levels from Worms 3D especially challenges, if you want custom generated terrain levels (in multiplayer) from Worms 3D you will be dissapointed because there are none, you only have those vanilla terrains. Why ? I have no f*****g idea.
-There are some new cosmetic items, some of them require dlcs and others require you to own some games from Team17 in order to get them (very nice).
-The perfomance is dog s**t because sometimes it lags for whatever reason. I swear it ran better on old HP Compaq notebook along side with the Worms 4 Mayhem. (Also by the way I now own HP Omen 15 and I expect this game to run nicely.
Do I reccomend this game ? Yes, but perfomance kinda suck so be prepared.
1145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 17:58
-requires a pretty potato pc
-in 3d
-controls are adjustable(they start you out as inverted camera just switch to Y axis inverted on)
-there's an optional tutorial
-customizable teams and weapons
-easter eggs
-tons of weapons
-customizable matches, maps, teams, weapons, worm pot(double damage, super explosives, etc)
-limit of teams(i think)
-some unskippable cutscenes
-multiplayer is delayed, i mean it is a 2011 game so dont expect much
-game doesn't have a lot of people playing multiplayer
-wind can be annoying(you can disable it in private matches but not in campaign)
9/10 i used to play this as a child and it was so fun and it brings back many memories to me
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 03:30
✅ My grandma could play it
✅ Normal
???? Hard
✅ A challenge to be reckoned
????In the heat of confrontation, (Only PVP games)
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
✅ Normal
????Very Good
???? An original artistic direction
???? Masterpiece
???? This game has no story
✅ Basic element of the contractual requirements
????It's there for people who want it
???? Well written
???? Leading to more in-depth researches/thoughts
???? A model to get inspired by
???? 0 (No story)
???? Short
???? Long
???? To infinity and beyond
???? Just filling noises/No music
???? Trivial and uneventful
✅ Good and/or fitting the game's artistic dispositions
???? Memorable
???? Transcending whispers of a forgotten world
???? I would rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
????Repetitive and/or uninspired
???? A good moment
???? Sticking out of the pack
✅ You will remember it long after
???? A one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years (or with mods)
✅ Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable (or almost)
~ BUGS ~
✅ Never heard of
???? Minor bugs
???? Can get annoying
???? Impacts the player's experience badly
???? The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
✅ You can run it on a microwave
???? Low
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Free
???? Underpriced
✅ Perfect Price
????Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
???? No
???? If you have nothing else to play
???? Wait for sale
✅ Yes
???? It's a completely different game
???? This game is a scam
???? It's missing many features they announced
???? Looks very similar to the steam page
✅ Better than expected and/or announced
???? Masterpiece, no patch or feature has to be added.
Nicht Empfohlen
1063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 19:13
557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 08:32
☑ Your Mom probably would enjoy this
☐ Kids
☑ Everyone
☐ Everyone except kids
☐ Casual players
☐ Pro players
☐ People who plan to take one game and make it their life
- - - [ Graphics/Animation: ] - - -
☐ I want to poor bleach in my eyes
☐ Bad, but playable.
☑ Decent
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☐ You forget what reality is
---[ Price: ]---
☐ Free
☑ Buy now
☐ Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Do not buy it
☐ Do not throw money into a trash can
- - - [ Requirements: ] - - -
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ 90's PC
☑ Minimum
☐ Medium
☐ High end
☐ NASA computer
- - - [ Difficulty: ] - - -
☐ You just need 2 arms
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Average (Depends on the difficulty set)
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Only the best of the best can complete this game
☑ Nothing
☐ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ A bit grindy...sometimes
☐ Go back to the last village and shoot some more scarecrows
☐ Practically a full time job
- - - [ Story] - - -
☐ Only gameplay, doesn't include a story.
☐ There is a story, but most of the game is focused on gameplay.
☐ Better than nothing I suppose...
☑ Average.
☐ Decent.
☐ Amazing!
☐ It‘ll replace your life
- - - [ Bugs ] - - -
☐ Game itself is one big BUG
☐ Ark: Survival Evolved
☐ Lot of bugs (Can get annoying)
☐ Few Bugs
☑ You can use them for speedrun
☐ Nothing (I've seen)
---[ Game Time ]---
☐ Long enough for a cup of tea
☐ Short
☐ Not too short
☑ Depends on you
☐ Long
☐ Very Long
☐ Endless
- - - [ Enjoyment ] - - -
☐ One long, tedious grind
☐ Better than mobile
☑ Fun at first, but gets old quick
☐ Consistently fun
☐ Can't stop playing, even though I should be finished
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 21:44
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 13:21
It has missions from both games: Ultimate Mayhem and Worms 3D, along with many challenges, trials and customizable to unlock in-game.
Dialogues are funny, the game is challenging and enjoyable and there are a couple of different weapons from classic 2D worms. Will go for 100% at some point.
2100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 22:57
all worms games are 10/10 for me so go buy all of them
worms in 3d are often underrated as bad offshoot of 2d worms but thats not true, worms in 3d are on equal ground to worms in 2d and are worth playng for every worms fan
you have team of worms that handle deadly weapons such as bazooka granade shotgun sniper rifle and many more
you and your oponent are one after another taking turns, each turn you or oponent controll one worm from team, your turn ends after using weapon or after tiem runs out so you spend turn getting to good position and collecting crates with weapons and than you use a weapon
its a perfect party game for more hard core party gamers sence you can play with up to 4 players at once
game has many layers of strategy and every single game is a blast
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 07:02
Nicht Empfohlen
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 20:25
Normally I'd understand if a game doesn't have good controller support if it wasn't originally made for use with one. Or perhaps the game just doesn't lend itself very well for use with a controller. That's fine. But since this game includes levels the Playstation 2 game it should worked perfectly fine with my PS4 controller. Here it doesn't. They had all the resources to match it with that older game. The mappings included are horrid and trying to get it set up like it originally was is tiresome and still doesn't work quite right. The menus hardly work at all as well no matter my mappings. Plus without having the original game in front of me I don't know for sure how it used to be set up so I was never able to get it right. Plus I had to use DS4Windows instead of native support which shouldn't be needed.
Also speaking about that PS2 game, they included some of the levels from that game which was great. However they didn't include all the levels. I bought this game because I wanted to relive the PS2 days on a better system, my PC. And if they don't include that entire experience then I don't care as much for this version.
So yeah, this game wasn't what I was hoping for nor was able to be played very well and let me down.
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 05:59
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 21:06
That's how playing this feels like. Getting your worm stuck on a rock and accidentally hurting yourself when you just wanted to shoryuken your friend off of a cliff. You should probably flood them instead. Worms can't swim!
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 22:27
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 17:55
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 23:28
It's fun, it's simple, and its 3D. They buffed the original graphic options for the steam release, so it supports up-to 21:9 screen ratio and 75Hz refresh rate or more. Plus the multiplayer is fully steam based, you dont need any 3rd party programs.
1481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 09:47
There are a variety of weapons in the game with most relying on trajectory and power to hit your targets.The Game is Amazing and so much fun!
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 17:27
1) The Cinematic Camera likes to take over my First-Person or Blimp View and show the explosion from unfavorable angle, would like being able to disable it in settings;
2) Campaign maps' record times are hard to beat, because the timer runs also during AI turns (and they like to stop and think);
3) Why is that the worm keeps bouncing off the ground after detaching rope? It doesn't bounce like crazy when I disable Jetpack's ignition, or land a parachute;
4) Worms 3D Campaign cutscene intros are unskipable;
5) I'd appreciate a difficulty switch, that would re-adjust worms health in early maps;
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 02:05
1787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 18:53
even though i am not a very skilled player, i still enjoy playing this game. The animation when the worms die is just too funny!! I sometimes jump in the water just so i can get the funny death message. I am such a troll hahahaaa
Anyways I have to go now, my mom is making dinner. I wish you the best of luck fighting for your worms elo. GG
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 21:57
Unfortunately no co-op over the internet. Only through Steam Remote Play.
Some issues to get it working right away that are solved only through guides.
1074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 04:20
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 10:59
I was 14 when Worms 3D came out and at the time I didn't have a PC at home, instead I had to rely on various gaming clubs and friends to get my gaming fix. I remember when I first launched the game at a friend's house and was immediately captivated by the colorful and absurd world of a fully 3D Worms game! Before this I had played the other more traditional Worms games with many friends but this particular one fueled my imagination like nothing before it... That first playthrough took me the whole afternoon to enjoy and I didn't stop playing for even a second! Before I knew it it was dark outside and I had to head home, I was so into the game world that I honestly could see weird colors and shapes as I made my way through the corridor and into the dimly lit elevator. That same night I had weird vivid dreams about the cartoonish worms and their bizzare world... The following years I started drawing worms everywhere, I even created my own comic for my friends to enjoy that featured slugs with guns! It was very original and was in no way influenced by the worms, I swear!
Many Worms fans disregard the 3D entries as some weird spinoffs undeserving of the Worms name but I know that if they gave those games enough time they'll see the charm and uniqueness that I saw as an early teen!
So yes give this game a chance! Let the worms make their way inside you and burrow deep inside your heart and mind! Embrace the annelid infestation and fall in love with a truly great game for all ages and tastes!
Nicht Empfohlen
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 14:27
Nicht Empfohlen
88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 21:44
The singleplayer is gold tho, and if you are looking forward only to play single you are good and I highly recommend it.