- Nutzen Sie mehr als 55 sonderbare und phantastische Waffen und Geräte, darunter Erdbeben, Einfrieren und Französischer Schafangriff.
- Spielen Sie den Deathmatch-Modus als Einzelspieler und eine spannende Kampagne mit mehr als 40 Missionen.
- Lernen Sie Taktiken, indem Sie fünf spezielle Trainingslevel absolvieren, unter anderem Schafrennen, Verrückte Kisten und ein Waffenkurs für Fortgeschrittene.
- Mehr als 30 eigene und lustige Sound-Sets (einschließlich steifer Oberlippe, Cyberworms und vielen weiteren).
- Neu im Mehrspielermodus: Handicaps (erhöhen oder reduzieren Sie die Lebenspunkte einer Mannschaft), verbündete Teams (schließen Sie sich mit Freunden zusammen, um gemeinsam einen anderen Spieler zu erledigen), Wurmbefall, Home Runs und vieles mehr.
Worms Armageddon
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Über das Spiel

- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD 64x2 oder besser
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce 8600GT (256MB), AMD/ATI Radeon HD3650 (256MB), Intel HD3000 oder besser
- Software: Windows XP oder besser
- HD: 2 GB HD frei
- SFX: DirectX 9 kompatible Soundkarte oder besser
- DX: 9.0
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 13:30
- 1999 Released und bekommt bis heute immer noch Updates.
- Simples Interface und sollte grafisch auf keinem PC/Notebook Probleme bereiten
- Hat alle Features die man in einem Worms Teil braucht. (zumindest wenn man Klassisch spielen will)
- Multiplayer ist durch Steam immer noch möglich
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 23:30
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 06:56
(But yeah I loved this game as a kid because haha funny worm goes splash. Play it.)
790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 03:30
10/10 nearly 25 years in. I have bought this game 4 times in 2 different countries.
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 01:12
452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 16:56
2005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 05:16
Worms Armageddon was made as an expansion for Worms 2 before being shipped as a standalone game in 1999.
The game builds on Worms 2's mechanics and looks while improving pretty much every single aspect.
More than 20 years after it's original release, It's astounding how many times Team 17 tried to remake this game and failed. There's always something that's not quite right.
Maybe it's the visuals, the weapons, the animations, the maneuvrability of the worms or simply the lack of settings.
Something is always off.
-The visual aesthetic is clean, simple and not aggressive on the eyes like some titles where the worms and the map look like plastic fisher-price toys with and over abundance of details.
- The worms arsenal as always been wacky in every title and Armageddon is no exception. However I feel that in term of balance and relevance, this one is the best. Each weapon feels and flows well with the game. Choosing the proper weapon for the right task is part of the charm of this turn base strategy game and each weapon does have it's place. While you won't use the Dragon Ball punch, the petrol bomb or the skunk every game, they all have their window of relevance where they are the best tool for maximum result.
-In a world of destruction you need to be able to move around. This may sound silly but it's very important. As the map gets destroyed, it becomes harder and harder to move. Worms Armageddon has 4 types of jumps with their own unique arc and like the weapons they all have a use for the appropriate moment. In this regard, other games like Worms reloaded removed those jumping option and dumbed it down. Moving around the map is half the game so if you remove those features, the quality of the gameplay and skill ceiling takes a beating. In fact the only way to make this better would be to add a new weapon: anti-gravity boots that allow you to scale walls during your movement or replacing the jump system with one where you can adjust the angle and power of your jump.
-The amount of options was already insane for 1999 and they added a special section with an absolute bajillion more back in the 2010's. You can adjust the randomness of the wind or how rubbery the worms are or if you wants to remain hanging on ropes between turns. While the average player may never touch these just like in many other games, this grealty helps to expand on the possible ways to play the game. Griffball in Halo, Races in Unreal Tournament 2004 or the sheer cacophony of hilarious stupidity that is G-Mod would have never happened if game devs didnt include a plethora of options to modify the gameplay.
Obviously the game is not perfect and does show it's age in some regards. Trying to gold every mission is an absolute pain because you can't choose if you are playing it on bronze. silver or gold. The main menu is stuck in the 1990's and completely screws you if you have more than one monitor. The shotgun might be slightly too powerful. 20 damage per shot instead of 25 would probably be better.
Worms Armageddon is an oftentimes forgotten gem from the old pc days of gaming before the mindless drivel of Fornite, Call of Duty and Twitch streamers abducted our brains. It has a very simple gameplay loop that can become quite challenging with the right situation and opponents. A classic that as yet to be surpassed or remade.
6360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 06:52
1176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 23:25
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 07:46
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 13:47
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 04:00
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 23:07
It is a really fun game to play, even if we take into account its age. Obviously you can't expect great graphic nor an amazing gameplay, but as far as I can tell, for me this is one of the post amazing entrances of the series.
Anyway, even if you don't like the genre, it is a piece of history of video games so at least try it once!
I fully recommend it, for any gamer or game collector like me!
9159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 19:34
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 23:10
16101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 19:34
Games from my childhood, I still have my old PC version on CD-Rom, as well as my PlayStation 1 version of Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party.
And although Worms Armageddon is almost 22 years (!) Old, this Worms game with its successor Worms World Party is explicitly the best from the entire Worms series.
The graphics, the music, the physics, the weapons featured in the game (super sheep, holy grenade, carrier pigeon, etc.), the online community make this game immortal.
In particular, it should be noted that Worms Armageddon only got a new update this summer from hobby developer 'Deadcode' with permission from Team17, which has now updated the game to version 3.8.
It's unbelievable that after more than 20 years this legendary game is still getting an update.
Here are my pros and cons:
+ legendary, entertaining gameplay
+ super simple and easy to learn controls
+ local online multiplayer
+ many challenging missions
+ training missions
+ deathmatches
+ aquasheep: D (but has to be unlocked first via super sheep training mode)
+ great retro graphic style, even nowadays just great to look at and by far the best of the Worms series (is also the same for Worms World Party and Worms 2 (1997))
+ sound effects and music
+ Worms' sound banks are legendary (Thespain or Stiff Upper Lip are one of my favorites)
will still be patched even in 2020 and supported by fan developers (Deadcode and Cybershadow), which keeps the game up to date!
+ all weapons can be edited in the weapon scheme, even the secret weapons such as concrete donkey or super banana bomb
-you must first complete basic training on gold so that you can play all missions
-some missions are very difficult
-to unlock all weapons you have to complete all missions on gold and deathmatches on elite rank
-the Steam version has been cutted down by some voice sound banks and flags (but you can still download the missing ones from the old CD-Rom version from one of the Steam guides)
Still the best Worms ever with Worms World Party.
There is no better worms. If you want to save your old CD, or even want to buy the game again and no longer have it, and the game is on Steam then be sure to get it! Especially if you want to play it online. It works great, in contrast to the one from Worms World Party!
In deutsch:
Worms Armageddon ist ein zeitloser, legendärer Klassiker und der Vorgänger vom legendären Worms World Party.
Spiele meiner Kindheit, ich besitze sogar noch meine alte PC-Version auf CD-Rom, sowie meine PlayStation 1 Version von Worms Armageddon und Worms World Party.
Und obwohl Worms Armageddon schon fast 22 Jahre (!) alt ist, ist explizit dieses Worms-Spiel mit seinem Nachfolger Worms World Party, die besten aus der gesamten Worms-Reihe.
Die Grafik, die Musik, die Physik, die Waffen die im Spiel vorkommen (Superschaf, Heilige Granate, Brieftaube usw.), die Online-Community machen dieses Spiel unsterblich.
Insbesondere sollte man bemerken dass Worms Armageddon erst diesen Sommer, ein neues Update von Hobbyentwickler 'Deadcode' in Erlaubnis von Team17 bekommen hat, welches das Spiel jetzt in Version 3.8 geupdatetet hat.
Unglaublich dass nach mehr als 20 Jahren immer noch dieses legendäre Spiel ein Update bekommt.
Hier mal meine Pros und Contras:
+legendäres, kurzweiliges Gameplay
+super einfache und leicht erlernbare Steuerung
+lokale Online-Multiplayer
+viele herausfordernde Missionen
+Aquaschaf :D (muss aber erst freigeschaltet werden
+super Grafikstil, selbst heutzutage einfach nur toll anzusehen und mit abstand der beste der Worms-Reihe (ist auch bei Worms World Party und Worms 2 (1997) der selbe)
+Soundeffekte und Musik
+Soundbanks der Würmer sind legendär (Thespain oder Stiff Upper Lip sind einer meiner Favoriten)
wird selbst im Jahr 2020 noch immer gepatcht und unterstützt von Fan-Entwicklern (Deadcode und Cybershadow), welches das Spiel auf den neusten Stand hält!
+alle Waffen können im Waffenschemas bearbeitet werden, sogar die Geheimwaffen wie Betonesell oder Schafsangriff
-Es muss erst die Grundausbildung auf Gold abgeschlossen werden, damit man alle Missionen spielen kann
-Manche Missionen sind sehr schwer
-um alle Waffen freizuschalten muss man alle Missionen auf Gold und Deathmatches auf Elite-Rang schaffen
-Die Steam-Version ist um einige Stimmen-Soundbanks und Flaggen gekürzt (kann man aber bei den Steam-Guides die fehlenden der alten CD-Rom Version wieder runterladen)
Immer noch mit Worms World Party das beste Worms überhaupt.
Es gibt kein besseres Worms. Wenn ihr eure alte CD schonen wollt, oder gar dass Spiel wieder kaufen wollt und nicht mehr habt, und das Spiel ist im Steam-Sale dann holt es euch unbedingt! Vorallem dann wenn ihr es Online spielen wollt. Der funktioniert nämlich super, im Gegensatz von dem von Worms World Party!
7535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 21:03
It only went downhill from here until Worms W.M.D, but that is a smaller peak, and a rather different kind of Worms because of the vehicles and crafting.
14638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 06:11
33369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 16:32
Creating teams, characters and a really great space for realizing my own ideas.. this game offered me the opportunity to develop my imagination and partially build my game world.
This is the best game in the whole series (but I haven't played everything yet), but at the moment I want to say goodbye to it with this review, because graphically it is no longer catching up to today.
Rest in peace, hundreds of dead friends, thousands of dead enemies (stupid worms I fought), you will have a chance to take revenge on me in more games. 85%
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 11:45
It’s chock full of convoluted weapons to use against your opposing team. This includes little old ladies with walkers to literal carpet bombs.
It comes with a terrain editor. Best part of is that you can import bitmap images to use as maps so long as they are in a 256 color pallet.
Fond memories of this one include aforementioned use of 8bit bitmapped images of maps. Another good one is switching out the hot seat in local multiplayer gameplay....with the timer set to a ridiculously low time between turns...caused many prat fall injuries