Jetzt hat man aber im Hause des Entwicklers erkannt, dass frühzeitige Ankündigungen nichts weiter bringen, als verärgerte Spieler, wenn man diese nicht einhalten kann. Nun hat man erstmal die Ankündigungen zurück geschraubt und präsentiert einen neuen Trailer aus der kommenden 0.6.4 Version. Darin zu sehen, zwei neue Maps aus der kommenden Version, "Pass" und die "The Steppe".
Wie gross jetzt der Patch werden wird, der demnächst eingespielt wird, können wir auch noch nicht sagen, aber es wird ein grosser, wir rechnen mit etwa 930MB. Also ein ordentlicher Brocken, der soll aber auch eine Menge an Features enthalten.
So nun viel Spass mit dem neuen Trailer und den aktuellsten Patch-Änderungen.
World of Tanks v. – 0.6.4 patch notes:
Vehicles and balance. General:
- Added new vehicles: premium heavy Lowe and KV-5, KV-13 and Pz38NA, tier 8 SPGs: Object 261, GW-E serie, T-92.
- Fixed hitboxes for the following tanks: IS-7, Jagdpanther, Tiger, Tiger II, VK4502, Ferdinand, Jagdtiger, Panther II, M41, T2 Med.
- Fixed minor inaccuracies in hitboxes of several tanks.
- Fixed a number of model and texture bugs.
- Added new gun 3d models to the following tanks: VK4502, Ferdinand, Tiger II, Jagdtiger.
- Readjusted visibility parameters of all vehicles while standing still and on the move.
- Readjusted visibility of all guns when firing.
- Readjusted maximum range of fire for all shells.
- Readjusted shell velocity for all shells: fixed errors, improved gameplay balance.
- Introduced detailed damage mechanics for tracks. Reworked durability of tracks and repair time for all vehicles.
- Increased match-making value for tier 9 medium tanks.
Combat mechanics:
- Added extra checkpoints on tank models for more accurate visibility checks.
- Readjusted visibility calculation for multiple bushes if they are within 15m range away from the vehicle.
- Engine now catches fire, if is has received certain fixed amount of damage, which is the same for all vehicles. The purpose is to reduce the ability of low-tier automatic guns to cause engine fire.
- Changed fuel tanks fire mechanics. It catches fire when it is destroyed now. It can’t be put on fire after a regular hit.
- Changed mechanics of "Fill tanks with CO2" equipment, now it increases durability of fuel tank.
- Changed firefighting mechanic: fire strength decreases with each second. The exact value differs from vehicle to vehicle and is multiplied by average crew firefighting skill. As soon as fire strength reaches zero (and the vehicle is not destroyed), the fire is put out.
- Changed effect for credit and gold first aid kits, repair kits and fire extinguishers:
Credit repair kit will fix 1 chosen damaged module until the end of battle. Gold will repair all currently damaged modules until the end of battle.
You can put both repair kits on the same tank together.
First aid kits work similar to repair kits.
Credit fire extinguisher will extinguish fire immediately after you manually activate it – by pressing its button ingame.
Gold fire extinguisher will automatically extinguish fire 0.5 seconds after tank catches fire and will reduce chance of catching fire by 10%.
- "Extra combat rations", "Case of cola", "Chocolate" consumables are now automatically activated at the beginning of the battle.
- "Removed speed governor" equipment now damages the engine 50% faster.
- Changed damage mechanics for tracks. You can damage tracks if you hit the leading or the rearmost wheel of the tank. It will be much more difficult to detrack it by hitting middle part of the tank.
- Reworked vehicle movement system – stucking at vertical surfaces and map borders is nearly eliminated. Reduced chance of getting stuck in terrain objects.
- Added first version of moving wrecks of destroyed vehicles.
- Fixed hitboxes of several open top SPGs during a minor contact (ramming) with other vehicles
- Fixed the condition of getting “Defender” medal. Now it meets the description requirements.
- Fixed the condition of getting “Reaper” achievement, which wasn’t granted when the tank was destroyed by splash wave or fire.
- Fixed the condition of getting Fadin's Medal which wasn’t granted when the tank was destroyed by splash wave or fire.
- Fixed the discrepancy between arcade and sniper reticle, when the tank is positioned on a slope.
Non-combat mechanics:
- Added the possibility of dismounting nondemountable equipment ("Rammer", "Coated Optics" and other) for 10 gold. To dismount it, click the module and choose “dismount equipment” option at the end of the dropdown list.
- Now when leveling the crew (on an elite tank with marked “Rapid crew training”) – bonus experience received for the crew is given to the least experienced crew member. The estimation is based on the general experience (not on the basis of skills percentage); if several crew members have equal values, the first one is chosen.
- Added the automated ban system for teamkillers.
- Added new maps: Mountain Pass and Prairies.
- Visually redesigned Pagorki map, map name changed to Mines.
- Komarin map redesigned from the point of view of gameplay: the amount of bushes is reduced, buildings for cover added to the central island.
- Corrected a lot of mistakes connected with objects’ disposition, passing ability, getting stuck on most of the maps.
- Corrected borders and skyboxes’ junctions on some maps.
- Fixed full-screen effects on Abbey map.
- For most of the maps the red line marking the edges of the map removed from those places where vehicle is unable to go through (mountains, cliffs, water etc.)
- Reworked base capture circles. Now they reflect the capture radius precisely.
- Fixed/redesigned hitboxes for a large number of small objects.
- Fixed missing objects on Ensk map when rotating the camera.
- Optimized texture sizes for some objects and buildings.
- Added some new pieces to the current track list.
- Fixed some sounds effects for objects.
- Fixed some sounds effects for shots and explosions.
Garage Interface:
- Added the information about the player’s clan to player’s information window.
- Added the possibility to block voice messages from a player both while a battle and in garage.
- Added extra statuses displayed while loading.
Added an option to disable vehicle shaking when shooting/starting/stopping/being hit in a sniper mode. The shaking is enabled on default.
- Added an option to switch off the display track prints.
- Added an option to switch off smoke and mud effects.
- Added advanced voice chat settings: the choice of audio device, connection test and other.
- Fixed the bug with client’s hangup when joining platoon or tank company when voice chat ports are blocked.
- Added the adjustable volume suppression of primary sound effects when using voice chat.
- Added Clan section with its members to the Contacts window.
- Corrected and updated tips displayed when map is loading.
- Corrected the message when changing the engine with installed consumable of a different type (e.g. diesel engine and “105 octane gasoline” consumable).
- Added visual display for “talking” players: training room, platoon and tank company windows, map loading screen.
- Corrected skybox rendering in garage when it takes long to download.
- Added possibility to close consequently opened interface windows by pressing "Esc" button.
- Added “asterix” mark for icons of those vehicles which haven’t received double experience for a day.
- Reworked old and added new pop-up tips for interface elements in garage.
- Fixed vehicle overlapping by the elements of a premium hangar (balcony, ladder).
- Fixed bug with credits counter updating when vehicle comes after the battle.
- Adjusted the change of equipment weight after it has been mounted on a tank in some cases.
- Fixed the display of pre-battle waiting queue if the player has reclogged in.
- Fixed the discrepancy in crew family names in additional information window.
- Fixed the “compression” of crew personal data window in some cases.
- Added the display of already researched modules for unresearched vehicle.
- Added the display of the additional statistics for “Mouse Trap” achievement.
- Fixed the display of counter for “Sharpshooter” achievement.
- Fixed the display of counter for “Invincible” achievement in the general statistics.
- Changed default display for tank company and platoon channels of the chat.
- Added new sound effects for some interface elements.
- Fixed a lot of minor interface errors.
- Removed duplicated family names from the respective list.
- Added pop-up hint for nondemountable modules.
- Fixed incorrect resolution of Ensk map at loading screen.
Combat interface:
- Minimap reworked in flash, as well as the rest of UI. Added the display of different tank classes.
- The icon of the player’s tank who has killed several allies turns blue.
- Added in-battle ignore feature. Press Ctrl and RMB click on the player’s nickname to add him to ignore list.
- Added the display of additional markings above the platooned tanks.
- Added option to change markings above the tanks: “show the tank’s icon”, “show the tank’s tier”.
- Added pop-up panel with possible actions when player’s vehicle is destroyed.
- Improved the battle statistics interface (press "Tab" button in battle).
- Improved the in-game help window. (press “F1” button in battle).
- Fixed bug with random appearance of "Panzerwaffe JagdPanther 26%" line in reticle.
- Improved full-screen stretching for battle chat when typing a lot of spaces in it.
- Adjusted sticking of the voice chat button during battle with simultaneously opening the chat window.
- Fixed the use of graphics settings presets for some old graphic cards.
- Improved auto-detect feature for graphics settings.
- Fixed a lot of rendering errors, increased the efficiency of advanced dynamic shadows.
- Changed memory allocation for 64-bit operation systems, which should solve the problem of memory leak.
- Added the limitation for maximum texture quality for 32-bit configurations with 2GB or less of the address space available.
- Reworked post-effect displayed when player’s vehicle is destroyed.
- Adjusted the display of server reticle in SPG-mode, in some cases its size was displayed incorrectly.
- Adjusted the display of track wheels rotation for large distances and low graphic settings.
- Changed the display of the track prints. For different types of terain the prints are different.
- Added the protection against client-side changing the colour, brightness and the time of tracer effects.
- Adjusted microfreezes and FPS drops while rendering track prints.
- Fixed some cases with vehicle’s “weird” behavior (vehicle doesn’t move or moves with delays) when the ping is normal and there are no package losses.
- Saving screenshots is performed by means of a different application stream. It will fix hangups when taking screenshots.
- Fixed the display of the player’s vehicle when switching from arcade to sniper mode.
- Adjusted the effect of space “compression” when post-processing is switched on and the camera is rotating sharply.
- Changed the settings of objects’ rendering check-up.
Full list of balance adjustments:
Changes to German vehicles:
PzKpfw 38H735(f) (Hotchkiss): increased match-making value.
PzKpfw B2 740(f) (B-1bis): hit points decreased by 15.
- Hit points increased by 10.
- Rate of fire for 150mm_sIG33L11 gun set to 4.4 rounds per minute.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%.
Grille: hit points decreased by 20.
- Hit points decreased by 40.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%.
- Rate of fire for 150mm_sFH13_L17 gun set to 4 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 150mm_sFH18_L30 gun set to 3.24 rounds per minute.
- Hit points decreased by 60.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse for top suspension increased by 10%.
- Rate of fire for 150mm_sFH18_L30 gun set to 3.24 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 150mm_sFH36_L43 gun set to 2.92 rounds per minute.
- Damage for 150mm_sFH36_L43 shells increased to 1200/900/1200.
- Hit points decreased by 40.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%.
- Dispersion for 210mm_Morser_21 gun decreased to 0.51.
- Added AP shells for 210mm_Morser_21 gun.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_PaK_39_L48 and 75mm_PaK_39_L48 un set to 17.14 rounds per minute.
- Added ventilation equipment.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_StuK40_L43 gun set to 17.65 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_StuK40_L48 gun set to 17.65 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_StuK42_L70 gun set to 15.38 rounds per minute.
JagdPanzer IV:
- Rate of fire for 75mm_PaK_39_L48 gun set to 19.35 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_StuK42_L70 gun set to 17.14 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_PaK_36_L56 gun set to 11.7 rounds per minute.
- Reworked hitbox: significantly decreased the size of transmission, fixed wrong elements at the rear part, reworked gun mantles.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_StuK42_L70 gun set to 18.2 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_PaK_36_L56 gun set to 12.77 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_PaK_36_L56 gun set to 12.77 rounds per minute.
- Aiming time for 88mm_PaK_43_L71 gun set to 2 sec.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_K18_L52 gun set to 8.57 rounds per minute.
- Aiming time for 105mm_K18_L52 gun set to 1.5 sec.
- Reworked gun mantles
- Side hull armor decreased from 85 to 80mm.
- Aiming time for 88mm_PaK_43_L71 gun reduced to 2 sec.
- Reloading time 105mm_K18_L52 gun increased to 7 sec.
- Aiming time for 105mm_K18_L52 gun reduced to 1.5 sec.
- Hit points increased by 200.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse decreased by 15%.
- Reworked gun mantles.
- Rate of fire for 128mm_PaK44_L55 gun set to 6.32 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 128mm_PaK44_2_L61 gun set to 6 rounds per minute.
- Aiming time for 128mm_PaK44_2_L61 gun set to 2 sec, accuracy set to 2 sec.
- Changed model for 128mm_PaK44_2_L61 gun.
Pz38t: research branch to Hetzer replaced by a branch to Pz38 NA.
PzII Luchs: turret traverse for the PzIIL Luchstrum turret increased from 30 to 45 degrees per second.
PzIII: increased passability for stock suspension.
- Changed the thickness for front hull armor from 80 to 60 mm.
- Weight of the vehicle hull decreased from 14570 to 13570 kg.
- Increased the front armor for the PzIV ausfH turret from 65 to 80 mm.
- Weight of the PzIV ausfH turret increased from 3500 to 4000 kg.
- Traverse speed increased for the PzIV ausfH turret from 50 to 60 degrees per second.
- Hit points of the PzIV ausfH turret decreased by 10.
- Maximum speed increased from 43 to 55 km/h.
- Hit points of the tank hull increased by 30.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_KwK_37_L24 gun with top turret set to 17 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 50mm_KwK_39_L60 gun with top turret set to 30 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_KwK_40_L43 gun with top turret set to 17 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_KwK_40_L48 gun with top turret set to 17 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_StuH42_L28 gun with top turret set to 17 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_KwK_40_L43 gun with top turret set to 17 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_KwK_40_L48 gun with top turret set to 17 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_36_L56 gun with top turret set to 9.23 rounds per minute.
- Traverse speed for stock suspension increased to 28 deg/sec.
- Traverse speed for top suspension decreased to 28 deg/sec.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_KwK_40_L48 gun with both turrets set to 17 rounds per minute.
VK3002 DB:
- Rate of fire for 75mm_KwK_40_L48 gun with stock turret set to 16 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 75mm_KwK_40_L48 gun with top turret set to 17 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_StuH42_L28 gun with stock turret set to 8 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_36_L56 gun with top turret set to 9.23 rounds per minute.
PzV Panther:
- Increased the front hull armor thickness from 80 mm (upper) and 60 mm (lower) to 82 and 62 mm, also the armor plating over the tracks from 30 to 41 mm, bottom and roof plating from 16 to 17 mm.
- Front plating for the PV-V_Standardturm turret changed from 110 to 100 mm, shielding for view ports from 16 to 30 mm.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_36_L56 gun with top turret set to 10.34 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_43_L71 gun set to 9.84 rounds per minute.
Armoring of Pz V/IV and Pz V/IV alpha changed in accordance with the tank Pz V Panther.
Panther II:
- Changed the model of the stock turret.
- Reworked gun mantels.
- Weight limit of the stock suspension now allows mounting the 8.8cm L/71 gun.
- Reworked the tank research tree: 8.8cm L/71 gun is now moved to the first turret.
PzVI Tiger:
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_36_L56 gun with stock turret set to 9.23 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_36_L56 gun with top turret set to 10.34 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_43_L71 gun with top turret set to 8.82 rounds per minute.
- Significantly decreased the size of the transmission and engine in the hitbox model.
PzVIB Tiger II:
- Reworked gun mantels for both turrets.
- Front armor of the Henschel turret increased to 185 mm.
- Thickness of the lower front hull changed from 150 to 120 mm.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_36_ L71 gun with stock turret set to 9.23 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_KwK46_L68 gun with stock turret set to 5.45 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_36_ L71 gun with top turret set to 9.83 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_KwK45_L52 gun with top turret set to 6.82 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_KwK46_L68 gun with top turret set to 6 rounds per minute.
- Detailed armoring for VK4502P_Standardturm turret.
- Detailed armoring for VK4502P_Eliteturm turret.
- Reworked gun mantels for both turrets.
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_43_L71 gun with stock turret set to 9.84 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_KwK45_L52 gun with stock turret set to 6.82 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_KwK46_L68 gun with stock turret set to 6.67 rounds per minute..
- Rate of fire for 88mm_KwK_43_L71 gun with top turret set to 10.34 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_KwK45_L52 gun with top turret set to 7.69 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_KwK46_L68 gun with top turret set to 7.5 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 128mm_KwK44_L55 set to 4.38 rounds per minute.
- Reworked hull armoring taking into account armor shielding.
- Reworked gun mantel.
- Ammunition set to 68 rounds.
Changes to German shells:
- 128mm_PzGr39: damage increased from 470 to 490
- 128mm_PzGr40: damage increased from 470 to 490
- 128mm_SprG18: damage increased from 620 to 630
- 150mm_Sprg: explosion radius decreased from 3.75 to 3.57
- 150mm_Sprg_L: explosion radius decreased from 4.06 to 3.57
- 150mm_SprgG: explosion radius decreased from 3.75 to 3.57
- 150mm_Sprg_L.erz.: explosion radius decreased from 4.06 to 3.57
- 128mm_PzGr39L: damage increased from 540 to 560
- 128mm_PzGr43: damage increased from 540 to 560
- 170mm_Sprg18: explosion radius decreased from 4.81 to 4.59
- 170mm_Sprg18_Ausf_G: explosion radius decreased from 6.95 to 6.57
- 210mm_Sprg18: explosion radius decreased from 7.35 to 7.0
- 210mm_Sprg18_Ausf_G: explosion radius increased from 10.0 to 10.02
- 150mm_SprgG36:
- cost of a shell increased from 12 to 13 gold
- explosion radius decreased from 5.38 to 5.11
- damage increased from 950 to 1200
Changes to American vehicles:
T1 Cunningham: added 20mm Hispano Suiza gun.
T2 med:
- Added 20mm Hispano Suiza gun.
- Reworked gun mantel.
M7 Priest:
- Hit pints decreased by 30.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_Howitzer_M3 gun set to 5.22 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_Howitzer_M2A1 gun set to 7.41 rounds per minute.
- Hit points decreased by 60.
- Rate of fire for 155mm_Gun_M1918M1 gun set to 3.3 rounds per minute.
M12: rate of fire for 155mm_Gun_M1A1 gun set to 2.82 rounds per minute.
- Hit points decreased by 50.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%.
- Rate of fire for 155mm_Gun_M1A1 gun set to 2.82 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 203mm_Howitzer_M1 gun set to 1.78 rounds per minute.
T1 hvy: gun depression decreased by 3 degrees.
M6: gun depression decreased by 4 degrees.
T29: rate of fire for 105mm_Gun_T5E1 gun with top turret set to 6 rounds per minute.
- View range of stock turret decreased to 430 meters.
- Gun depression decreased by 4 degrees.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_Gun_T5E1 gun with stock turret set to 5.45 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_Gun_T5E1 gun with top turret set to 6.32 rounds per minute.
- Gun depression decreased by 4 degrees.
- Rate of fire for 105mm_Gun_T5E1 gun for both turrets set to 7.5 rounds per minute.
M26 Pershing: dispersion during movement decreased by 10%.
Changes to American shells:
- 12.7mm_AP_M2: damage to modules increased from 16 to 20
- 76mm_HE_M42B1: explosion radius decreased from 0.96 to 0.92
- 105mm_HE_M1: explosion radius decreased from 1.84 to 1.75
- 105mm_AP_T32: damage decreased from 360 to 320
- 105mm_APCR_T29E3: damage decreased from 360 to 320
- 105mm_HE_M11: damage decreased from 450 to 420
- 155mm_HE_M101: explosion radius decreased from 4.0 to 3.81
- 155mm_HE_M102: explosion radius decreased from 4.0 to 3.81
- 155mm_HE_M101M2: explosion radius decreased from 5.38 to 5.34
- 203mm_HE_M106: explosion radius decreased from 6.87 to 6.54
- 203mm_HE_A1M1: explosion radius decreased from 9.81 to 9.54
Changes to Soviet vehicles:
- Maximum speed forward and reverse set from 36 and 16 to 38 and 17 km/h respectively.
- Increased passability for top tracks by 5%.
- Hit points of the hull increased by 100.
- Hit points of the top turret increased by 40.
- Reworked armoring on the turret around external machine guns.
- Decreased the size of the turret rotation mechanism.
- Hit points of the hull increased by 100.
- Hit points of the top turret increased by 10.
- Increased passability for medium terrain by 10%.
- Front hull armoring decreased from 120 to 100 mm.
- Battle tier decreased by 1.
- Hit points decreased by 30.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%.
- Rate of fire for 152mm_BR-2 gun set to 3 rounds a minute.
- Rate of fire for 203mm_B-4 gun set to 1.58 rounds a minute.
- Hit points decreased by 90.
- Traverse increased by 2 deg/sec.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%.
- Rate of fire for 152mm_BR-2 gun set to 3.33 rounds a minute.
- Rate of fire for 152mm_BR-2 gun set to 3.33 rounds per minute.
- Dispersion for 152mm_BR-2 gun set to 0.43.
- Rate of fire for 203mm_B-4 gun set to 1.9 rounds per minute.
- Dispersion for 203mm_B-4 gun set to 0.48.
Object 212:
- Hit points decreased by 90.
- Reworked gun mantel.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%.
- Rate of fire for 152mm_BR-2 gun set to 3.33 rounds a minute.
- Dispersion for 152mm_BR-2 gun set to 0.43.
- Rate of fire for 203mm_B-4 gun set to 1.9 rounds a minute.
- Dispersion for 203mm_B-4 gun set to 0.48.
Object 704:
- Maximum speed forward and backward changed from 43 and 14 to 37 and 13 km/h.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse decreased by 10%.
- Horizontal traverse angle for the gun is set to 11 degrees in each direction.
- Hit points increased by 250.
- Dispersion decreased to 0.34.
- Aim time decreased to 2.5 seconds.
SU-18: rate of fire for 76mm_cannon_mod_1927 gun set to 9.84 rounds per minute.
SU-26: rate of fire for 76mm_cannon_mod_1927 gun set to 10 rounds per minute.
- Hit points decreased by 30.
- Rate of fire for 76mm_cannon_mod_1905_30 gun set to 11.54 rounds per minute.
- Rate of fire for 122mm_cannon_mod_1930 gun set to 8 rounds per minute.
- Hit points decreased by 50.
- Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%.
- Accuracy for 152mm Howitzer ML-20 mod. 1931 gun set to 0.5.
T-34-85: hit points of the T-34-85 turret decreased by 20.
- Weight of the top turret increased by 500 kg.
- Power of the top engine increased to 700 h.p.
- Price of the top engine increased to 82300 credits.
Changes to Soviet shells:
- 76mm_UOF-354K: explosion radius decreased from 0.96 to 0.92
- 122mm_UOF-471: explosion radius decreased from 2.48 to 2.36
- 122mm_OF420SO: explosion radius decreased from 2.48 to 2.36
- 122mm_OF420SOMSH: explosion radius decreased from 2.68 to 2.36
- 152mm_53OF500:
- explosion radius decreased from 3.85 to 3.67
- damage increased from 290 to 330
- 152mm_53-OF-530: explosion radius decreased from 3.85 to 3.67
- 152mm_53-OF-551: explosion radius decreased from 3.85 to 3.67
- 152mm_53-OF-551BM: explosion radius decreased from 5.39 to 5.13
- 203mm_F-625D: explosion radius decreased from 6.87 to 6.54
- 203mm_F-625DBM: explosion radius decreased from 9.62 to 9.16
ETA - May 2011.