Wargaming.net is glad to announce that the registration for Clan Wars has been officially opened for both servers. 50 most active and oldest clans from both EU and US servers were registered by developer team, other clans are allowed to register themselves through special web-based application
here. Clan registration cost - 2500 gold
Clan registration is a way of self-identification for well-organized and active teams, which allows not only getting team tag, but also will reflect team attitude through its motto and symbolics! Also clan registration is preparation stage for upcoming clan wars!
Clan Wars concept revolves around the Global Map divided into a number of provinces each providing a particular revenue stream and hundreds of clans fighting for taking control over them. Comprehensive diplomatic and economic systems provide a wide array of options to wage war for global domination not only on tank battlefields.
“Clan Wars is not just a new game mode, but rather a separate gameplay layer or meta-game designed to provide years of fun and action for those fond of strategy thinking, politics, alliances and intrigues,” said Victor Kislyi, CEO of Wargaming.net. “We’re very excited to start enrolling people now thus making the launch of the Clan Wars closer.”
Some more information and instructions about clan registration will be posted on forums shortly!
UPDATE: The invite issue has been fixed. In order to invite new members to your clan, delete the old invite and send a new one.