• Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
  • Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic: Screen zum Spiel Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.


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Demo auf Steam verfügbar!
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 15.03.2019
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Preis Update 08.07.24

Über das Spiel

Derzeit gibt es über 30 Rohstoffe, die Sie abbauen, transportieren und herstellen können. Wenn Sie Kleidung erwerben möchten, müssen Sie zunächst Ressourcen für die Herstellung eines Stoffes erhalten. Dann benötigen Sie eine Bekleidungsfabrik, in der die Kleidung aus diesem Stoff hergestellt wird. Sie können die fertigen Kleidungsstücke dann in Geschäfte transportieren, in denen Ihre Bürger sie kaufen können.
Jede Ware hat eine bestimmte Anforderung. Wenn Sie also Öl in den Kesselwagen laden möchten, benötigen Sie eine spezielle Ladestation für Pumpen. Wenn Sie Kies in einen Muldenkipper verladen möchten, benötigen Sie eine spezielle Ladestation, an der der Kies von den Förderern in den Lastwagen kommt. Flüssige Ressourcen wie Öl oder Brennstoff können nur in Tanks gelagert werden, während Ressourcen wie Holz, Stahl oder Betonfertigteile im Freien gelagert werden können. Die Verwendung eines Krans erhöht die Be- und Entladegeschwindigkeit. Waren wie Kleidung, Lebensmittel usw. können in Lagern gelagert werden.

Jeder Arbeiter / Bürger geht jeden Tag zur Arbeit. Wenn sie für Sie arbeiten, haben sie Forderungen. Zu Beginn des Spiels sind sie nur mit dem Essen zufrieden, aber mit der Zeit haben sie vielleicht mehr Anforderungen wie Fleisch, Kleidung, Alkohol oder Elektronik. Um glückliche Arbeiter zu haben, braucht man Orte, an denen sie ihre Freizeit verbringen können - Kino, Spielplätze, Kneipen usw.
Jeder Arbeitnehmer hat ein Bildungsniveau. Sie können zur Schule oder auf die Universität gehen, um dieses Niveau zu verbessern. Wenn ihre Ausbildung zu niedrig ist, können sie nicht arbeiten. Wenn ihre Ausbildung hoch genug ist, können sie Lehrer oder Forscher sein oder in Fabriken mit besonderen Anforderungen arbeiten.

Sie haben viele Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Ressourcen und Warentransport verwalten. Wenn Sie aus einer Mine Eisenerz beziehen, müssen Sie es verarbeiten. Dann müssen Sie es irgendwie in ein Stahlwerk transportieren, um Stahl herzustellen. Sie können die Verarbeitungsanlage und das Stahlwerk in der Nähe des Bergwerks bauen und alles mit Förderern transportieren oder Sie können Eisenerz für eine längere Strecke mit dem Zug in ein Stahlwerk transportieren.
Es liegt an Ihnen zu entscheiden, wo die Arbeiter in die Fabriken gehen werden. Sie können Wohnzonen einrichten und Arbeiter mit Bussen oder Zügen in Industriegebiete transportieren. Sie können auch Wohngebäude in der Nähe der Fabriken errichten, damit die Arbeiter zur Fabrik gehen können. Vergessen Sie jedoch nicht, dass ein Arbeiter Lebensmittel kaufen und seine Freizeit genießen muss. Daher müssen Sie erneut entscheiden, ob Sie diese Einrichtungen in der Nähe Ihres Hauses bauen oder ob Sie sie in Geschäfte oder Restaurants transportieren, in denen Sie ihre Freizeit verbringen möchten.

Das Spiel simuliert das Wirtschaftssystem. Es gibt keine Festpreise! Die Kosten von allem werden von der wirtschaftlichen Situation bestimmt. Zum Beispiel werden die Stahlkosten aus dem Preis für Eisen, Kohle und Arbeit sowie zum Teil aus den Kosten des Stahlwerkbaus berechnet.
Sie kaufen oder verkaufen Waren für Geld (Dollar oder Rubel). Aber seien Sie vorsichtig, denn wenn Sie für hohe Werte kaufen oder verkaufen, können Sie den Preis der Ware auf dem Markt beeinflussen. Sie könnten möglicherweise zu einem höheren Preis einkaufen oder es billiger verkaufen.
Mit zunehmender Zeit nimmt auch die Komplexität zu. Einige Ressourcen oder Produkte können teurer werden (da zum Beispiel mit fortschrittlichen Technologien weniger menschliche Arbeit erforderlich ist), so dass es später mit größerer Komplexität erforderlich sein muss, so autark wie möglich zu sein.

  • Verwalten Sie alle Aspekte Ihrer eigenen Republik mit der Planwirtschaft, einschließlich Ressourcen für den Abbau, Herstellung von Waren, Bauwesen, Investitionen und auch Bürgern.
  • Erstellen Sie Ihre eigenen Industriekomplexe mit Be- und Entladestationen, Lagern, Lagerhäusern und Fabriken.
  • Bauen Sie die Infrastruktur auf und verwalten Sie den Verkehr, einschließlich Straßen, Eisenbahnen, Gehsteige, Förderbänder, Verkabelungen und Pipelines. Platzieren und verbinden Sie Fabriken, Häuser und Lager, und stellen Sie die effizientesten Verbindungen her.
  • Planen und bauen Sie die Wohnbereiche mit allem, was Ihre Bürger möglicherweise benötigen, um ein glückliches Leben zu führen, wie z. B. Spielplätze, Kinos, Kneipen und Geschäften.
  • Entsenden Sie die Bürger zur Mine, um Kohle, Eisen und andere natürliche Ressourcen zu erhalten; oder schicken Sie sie auf die Felder, um die Ernte einzuholen. Oder entsenden Sie sie in Fabriken, um Waren herzustellen.
  • Kauf und Verkauf von Ressourcen und Gütern aus westlichen Ländern oder anderen sowjetischen Ländern, um Dollar oder Rubel zu erhalten und die benötigten Produkte oder Ressourcen zu kaufen ... oder in neue Infrastruktur oder Gebäude zu investieren.
  • Genießen Sie authentische sowjetische Gebäude und Fahrzeuge, sowie realistische Landschaften der 60er bis 90er Jahre.
  • Spielen Sie, wie Sie wollen! Sie können sich darauf konzentrieren, natürliche Ressourcen oder Produkte zu beschaffen und sie gegen Geld einzutauschen. Sie können eine autarke Republik aufbauen oder Sie können einfach den einfachen Sandbox-Modus mit unbegrenztem Geld/Ressourcen verwenden und einfach etwas bauen.
  • Wirtschaftssimulation. Die Preise für Rohstoffe auf dem Weltmarkt ändern sich mit der Zeit. An einem Tag können Sie Stahl für 100$ pro Tonne kaufen oder verkaufen, aber in einigen Monaten können die Kosten auf 200$ steigen oder bis auf 50$ sinken. Der Preis von allem hängt von den Arbeitskosten und den Ressourcen ab.
  • Increasing difficulty.Mit den Preisen ändern sich auch die Anforderungen der Bürger und Sie benötigen mehr Ressourcen, um sie glücklich zu machen und sie zur Arbeit zu zwingen.

Zusatzinhalte zum Spiel


  • CPU: 2,5 GHz Dual Core
  • GFX: DirectX 11 compatible gamer graphics card
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Polnisch, Russisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

203 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
199147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 15:33
430 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
21566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 16:59
Micromanagement zum verzweifeln. Ich liebe es :D
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 09:06
zur Zeit ist mir kein Besseres und anspruchsvolleres Spiel in dieser Kategorie bekannt. egal wie viel es Später Kosten wird es wird jeden Cent Wert sein.
478 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
18432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 12:24
Das wohl beste und Komplexeste Spiel das es gibt. Mit einer sehr grossen auswahl an Mods im Workshop. Kann ich jedem nur empfehlen.
104 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
12663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 21:02
Ich kenne keinen Wirtschaftssimulator/Städtebauspiel der so detailverliebt ist, wie Soviet Republic. Kein vergleichbares Spiel gibt einem so viele Möglichkeiten, verlangt aber auch einiges an Einarbeitungszeit, denn alles verlangt gute Planung.
Strom, beispielsweise, wird in Kraftwerken als Starkstrom produziert, via Hochspannungsleitungen zu einem Umspannwerk geleitet und da in Mittelstrom gewandelt, über Mittelspannungsleitungen zu Transformatoren in der Nähe der Zielgebäude geführt. Damit ist die Planung aber noch nicht zu Ende, denn wenn die Leistung, die am Transformator
ankommt, nicht ausreichend ist, für alle Abnehmer, dann kommt es zu Stromausfällen.
So ist es mit alles Produkten, die dein virtueller Staat braucht um autark zu werden. Jeder Rohstoff muss weiterverarbeitet werden.
Das ausgeklügelte Transportsystem ist aber meine eigentliche Leidenschaft. Egal ob LKW, Züge, Flugzeuge, Hubschrauber oder mit dem Schiff.
Die Strecken zu entwerfen und miteinander zu verknüpfen, ist genauso spaßig, wie es befriedigend ist, zuzusehen, wenn deine Logistik wie ein Uhrwerk läuft.
Das alles und die unglaublich passende musikalische Untermalung des Spiels (welche als Playlist sogar auf Spotify zu hören ist), lässt mich Soviet Republic nur empfehlen.
Wer sich dafür entscheidet, muss aber auch viel Fleiß mitbringen, sich durch YouTubetutorials kämpfen und nicht beim ersten Mal aufgeben.
Dafür wird er mit unzähligen genialen Mods und einem engagierten Entwickler belohnt.
492 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 22:30
Sehr komplex.
Man kann hunderte von Stunden rein Semmeln.
Man denkt ok... jetzt ist alles perfekt & man hat Geld, Sicherheit macht sich breit.
Und dann der Schock, wieder pleite und spiel RIP ^^

Sehr interessantes Spiel!
Sehr willkommene Tiefe!
277 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 09:21
605 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 18:35
Es ist so deprimierend wie Halle Neustadt! ;)
141 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
73239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 10:33
Nach fast 1200 Stunden (Im Zeitraum von März 2019 bis September 2021) kann ich sagen, dass dieses Spiel das beste Aufbauspiel ist, welches ich jemals in meiner gesamten Spielerkarriere gespielt habe. Es wird nichts geschönt, man wird nicht an die Hand genommen und wenn man Fehler macht fliegt man meistens gnadenlos auf die Füße. Wenn man sich auf die Suche nach den Fehlerquellen macht, wird man eigentlich immer fündig (wenn es ein BUG ist, wird dieser nach dem Melden, auch zumeist sofort behoben, der Entwickler geht sogar soweit und repariert eigenhändig beschädigte Savegames).

Generell wird in diesem Spiel EIGENES Denken voraus gesetzt. Blinkende Berater oder irgendwelche Tipps, was man als nächstes machen soll, sucht man vergeblich. Man bekommt die ungeschönten Zahlen und kann dementsprechend handeln. Stromleitung am Versorgungslimit? - Selber Nachdenken - Entlastungsleitung daneben bauen... Es gibt mittlerweile Tutorials die grundlegende Spielkonzepte erklären. Das sollte aber auch reichen. Das Spiel baut auf die Experimentierfreudigkeit seiner Spieler und das gefällt mir sehr.

Die Community ist etwas schräg, aber stets hilfsbereit. Der Entwickler ist sehr kommunikativ und es werden sinnvolle Vorschläge aus der Spielerschaft ins Spiel implementiert. Auch herrscht eine extrem große Vielfalt an Gebäuden, Fahrzeugen und sonstigem Kram im Workshop. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen haben mir bisher die Originalgebäude und Originalfahrzeuge gereicht. Auch da mir viele Gegenstände aus dem Workshop teilweise zu unausgewogen sind, bzw. lediglich optische alternativen darstellen. Aber einige sinnvolle Ergänzungen habe ich mir geholt.

Zum Early Access Status: Das Spiel hat sich in den letzten 2 Jahren enorm weiter entwickelt (Content und Stabilität). Zudem gibt es eine Roadmap bis zum Release Q4 2022. Es kommen also noch einige Features bis das Spiel abschließend gebalanced wird. Denn das ist es momentan noch überhaupt nicht :D.

Ich kann das Spiel nur Menschen ans Herz legen, die viel Zeit in einem komplexen Spiel versenken wollen, nicht auf topmoderne Grafik beharren, sich nicht davon abschrecken lassen die ersten 40-100 Spielstunden mit LERNEN zu verbringen oder einfach mal wissen wollen warum eine Planwirtschaft so komplex ist und meistens nicht funktioniert...
160 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
6992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 14:50
Die Grafik ist grausam aber das Spiel ist genial.
54 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 10:54
258 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
64035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 13:17
Wahrscheinlich der beste City Builder überhaupt. Riesige Produktionsketten und unendliche Möglichkeiten zum errichten von Städten aufgrund des modularen Aufbaus. Workshop ist ein riesiges Plus für das Game. Auch merkt man dem Spiel den EA nicht wirklich an. Es läuft stabil, auch meist mit open beta branch. Für 25€ bekommt man hier mehr geboten als bei Citys skylines mit allen DLC´s.

Das einzige, was mich wirklich stört, ist die Performance bei größeren Population, da ab 50.000 Einwohnern die FPS merklich stark nach unten dropt. (und das auch bei besseren Systemen Vega Liquid cooled und 2080 schaffen bei großen Städten keine konstante FPS Rate über 30. Meist sind nur 20-25 FPS drin. )Das macht dieses ansonsten so perfekte Game irgendwann ziemlich wack.
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
71308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 17:47
Ein absolutes Suchtspiel mit einer engagierten Modding-Community. Wer sich schon immer mal gefragt hat, wofür Bahnhöfe eigentlich 20 Gleise nebeneinander brauchen, Wie man einen guten und funktionierenden ÖPNV aufbaut, und wie und warum Güter auf der Schiene eigentlich 'ne Gute Idee sind, bevor man sich seine Innenstädte mit LKW vollstopft, der ist hier genau richtig. Zusätzliche Komplexität erhält das Spiel durch seine komplexe Wirtschaftssimulation: Die Republik lebt wahlweise durch Handel mit dem Osten oder dem Westen, nahezu alles kann gehandelt werden, ist dann aber auch dem weltweiten Markt und seinen Tücken unterworfen. Ein anderer Weg ist, einfach alles selbst zu produzieren - Geld ist dann irgendwann einfach bedeutungslos. Eine echte Herausforderung für jeden, dem Cities: Skylines zu langweilig geworden ist.

Hinweis: Das Spiel ist noch im Early Access. Mit jedem Update kommen aber unglaublich viele neue Funktionen und Bugfixes hinzu. Dranbleiben lohnt sich!
325 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 11:54
Really good game for lovers of complex city builders. The game is very micromanagy so one have to like the direction Workers & Resources takes but if you manage to get a production line going (maybe even produce everything necessary yourself) its very satisfying. another good thing about the game is that every citizen is a real person. So sooner or later your towns will get very busy and bustling with activity. It reminds me of my childhood days where i had a model town with trucks, cars and trains. its fun just too look at your work from time to time and here you have even pedestrians

however, as the game is still early access, it has its flaws. the graphics are functional at best (doesnt matter for me tbh). this is countered a bit by the sheer activity of the game, however dont expect any graphic opulence. The buildingsystem and terraforming is finicky and sometimes outright frustrating and creates some weird and ugly crossroads. Also, the game obviously lacks some mechanics you would expect (theres no real maintenance for buildings besides energy and resource input you probably have to buy, but salery for citizen is missing for example) but then again, its early access. Development isnt super fast but its steady.

Getting into the game can be frustrating as W&R lacks some comfort functions. it doesnt explain much, too, so chances are you will fail your on your first attempts.

All in all i really recommend the game to people who like to build citys from scratch and want to manage nearly everything.

You should also consider downloading mods from the workshop, some are really good for problems the vanilla game itself has no solution for
1317 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
37936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 19:58
i think i like it, a little XD
15 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 20:48


Es erfüllt mich mit großem sozialistischen Stolz, den Brigaden der Stahlwerker und Traktoristen bei ihrer Arbeit zuzusehen.
Stein für Stein bauen wir mit der Kraft der Arbeiter und Bauern unsere sozialistische Heimat auf und befreien uns vom Joch des Kapitalismus. Lenin wäre stolz!

Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer! Es lebe der Fortschritt!


45 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
5965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 11:21
Review zu Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Wichtig: Reviews bezieht sich allgemein auf die Beta(Test Branch)

Empfehlen kann ich nur das ihr dem offiziellen Discord beitretet: https://discord.gg/QKHrhmY

Grafik (9 von 10):
[] - Gameboy-Grafik
[] - Minecraft ohne Shader
[] - man muss nicht kotzen
[x] - Immer wieder schön anzusehen

Spielspaß (10 von 10):
[] - Lieber den Kopf gegen die Wand schlagen
[] - Besser als nichts
[] - ein paar Stunden gelegentlich reichen
[] - Spielt sich super und wird nicht langweilig
[x] - SUCHTGEFAHR, besser als Sex

Bugs (9 von 10):
[] - Hab das Spiel gestartet und Windows hat sich deinstalliert
[] - Fast durchgehend Bugs
[] - Einige Bugs, aber erträglich
[x] - Nahezu komplett Bugfrei [es gibt durchaus mal Bugs aber die werden sofort gefixed und meist sind das nur lustige oder kleine grafische Bugs]
[] - Läuft wie Butter, richtig sahnig, schön saftig, nicht ein Bug gefunden

Performance/FPS (10 von 10):
[] - meine Grafikkarte qualmt noch
[] - die Diashow sieht echt gut aus
[] - könnte besser sein
[x] - Läuft stabil, ohne Frame-Drops [ich habe mit meinem Setup min 60FPS, aber Vulkan soll ja noch kommen]
[] - 1000fps sind ein Witz dagegen

Updates (10 von 10):
[] - ich glaube die Entwickler sind vor langer Zeit gestorben
[] - wenn die Sonne, Mond, Uranus und Jupiter hintereinander stehen gibt es ein Update
[] - Updates halten sich in Grenzen, aber besser als nix
[] - die häufigen Updates halten das Spiel am leben
[x] - die Updates kommen regelmäßig und bringen sinnvollen Content [jede Woche ein Update mit neuen Dingen, für ein fünfköpfiges Team sehr gut]

Zusammenfassung: [48 von 50 Punkten]
Note: 1
242 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
6262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 14:44
Ach du Scheiße!
Das ist noch nichtmal richtig fertig und jetzt schon besser als SimCity, Transport Fever, Cities:Skyline und wie die anderen möchtegern Bausimulatoren alle heißen zusammen!
Ich habs bis jetzt nur kurz angezockt, aber die Möglichkeiten sind schon enorm. Ein Spiel wo mal die zentrale Steuerung von oben richtig Sinn ergibt, warum soll ich wie in Transport Fever Leute mit Waren versorgen, wenn die nicht mal für mich arbeiten!
Brutal Plattenbauten hochziehen macht mir hier mit Sicherheit mehr Spaß als irgendwas in Cities: zu bauen, zumal man es auch noch aus eigenen Ressourcen hochziehen kann.

Mal sehen was da noch alles kommt!
116 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 18:17
Hammer,absolut geiles Spiel
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 08:40
Cooles Game!. Ich würde mir aber noch wünschen das es noch eine Müllabfuhr geben würde und Polizei. Bitte fügt auch unterschiedliche Wetter hinzu z.B. Donner, Regen und so weiter. Sonst ist es aber ein richtig cooles Game!
111 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
7074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 09:38
This is one of the best building games I have ever come across. Workers & Resources is not about building cities with millions of people in a very short time, it is about building a functional society as a whole. It's rather slow-paced, which is good!

One of the best features of the game is the detailed building simulation. You can actually choose to provide all kinds of materials and vehicles to construct buildings yourself. It takes quite a while to get that industry up and running, but finishing constructions without using the auto-function or importing the necessary materials is extremely rewarding.

There are multiple levels of education, a pollution system that impacts the health of your citizens, changing seasons and a day-and-night-cycle with effects on your society (including varying vehicle speeds and snowplowing), an electricity and heating system, global events, a research system, fires, an awesome soundtrack and much more.

Early-access progress is also astonishing. The devs keep adding not only content, but also complex mechanics to the game. I liked the game when I bought it (which was ages ago), but I absolutely love it now.

If you are after a challenge, try this game on the hardest settings and see if your economy can survive. The main appeal to me is that you can actually fail by running out of money and being unable to pay back your loans. This will result in you not being able to import necessary resources such as food and electricity (if you're not producing it yourself yet) and your people dying/fleeing the republic. Most other building games are pretty much a walk in the park as you can always recover from mismanagement one way or another.

Every time I think that this game can't get any better, the devs are taking it to another level.
Get this game if realism and complex mechanics are more important to you than AAA graphics. You won't be disappointed.


EDIT: Just failed a very promising run after 14 years because of a power outage, which led to the gas stations not functioning, which led to workers not being able to reach their work places, which led to the heating system failing in the middle of winter, which led to 700 people fleeing the country and 3300 dying. Which left me with a population of 0 and quite a bit of residual debt. Just to give you an example of how the game can screw you over even though you think you're doing well.
189 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
79693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 00:29
Das beste Aufbau Spiel das ich je gespielt habe . sind schon über 1300 Stunden und es ist noch kein ende in sicht.
20 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
16144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 22:25
Geht man drin unter. Habe nach 10 Minuten spielen auf die Uhr geguckt - war 12 Stunden später.
15 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 19:58
ich halte nicht viel von Kommunismus, Faschismus und Co, aber in der Welt der Spiele kann man durchaus noch was daraus machen.

hier besonders gut zu sehen. eine wirklich hoch komplexe Wirtschafts Simulation mit angenehm zweckmäßiger Grafik, passender Polka Musik und ordentlich Micro Management. wie weit man hier gehen kann ist erstaunlich.

es gibt viele Tutorials aber die sind eher läppisch und da ist YouTube und die community meine Hilfe. das Spiel wird wohl gut unterstützt und im aktuellen Status kann ich es schon voll empfehlen für Freunde von komplexen Simulationen mit Kreisläufen, Verkehrssystem, Bevölkerung und und und.

die Entwickler sollen das Spiel bloß weiter so ausbauen. super Job und das Geld Wert!
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
15986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 10:57
Es stürzt öffters mal ab aber an sich ein echt schönes spiel , kann man stunde um stunde dran verbringen
35 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 18:05
Dieses Spiel ist sehr gut. Es simuliert den Alltag sehr gut. Die Graphik lässt zunächst auf ein pornografisches Spiel schließen, für uns Genoss*innen ist es das auch.

Ich hoffe das in Zukunft noch mehr Möglichkeiten dazu kommen um seine Bevölkerung zu unterdrücken, wie z.B. Mauern und Mittel um Aufstände niederzuschlagen.




33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
14168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 14:59
Wo Spiele wie Anno 1800 und Cities Skylines aufhören fängt workes & ressources erst an. Sicher es gibt noch einiges an Verbesserungspotenzial aber es wird auch noch kontinuierlich daran gearbeitet. Toller Titel für alle die gerne etwas Micro Management betreiben :)
62 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
25555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 11:00
Ein Spiel, das meiner Meinung nach alle bisher gekannten Grenzen durchbricht. Die Komplexität ist einfach makellos.
Schon lange war ein Spiel nicht mehr so fesselnd wie Workers & Resources.

Man kann es mit keinem bekannten Vergleichen, denn in sich ist es eine komplette Spielesammlung bekannter Aufbaustrategie und Wirtschaftssimulationen.

Es beinhaltet folgende Spiele komplett:
SIEDLER (Resourcenbeschaffung für jedes einzelne Bauvorhaben)
City Skylines (Schönbau & Funktionalität)
Transport Fever (Ausarbeitung von Transportsystemen)

Für ältere Semester:
Aufbau Ost

Und wäre das nicht genug, gibt es eine lebhafte Moding Community, welche fleißig an neuen Skins und Erweiterungen arbeiten. Ostalgie pur.

Der Wahnsinn, warum dieses Spiel wirklich empfehlenswert ist, ist der Publisher/ Entwicklerstudio selbst.
Trotz der Unmengen an Kontent, was W&R schon bietet, arbeiten sie mit der Community akribisch daran, das Spiel immer weiter zu verbessern und zu entwickeln. Manche Patches sind wirklich mega umfangreich und wären bei einer Vielzahl von Publishern ein eigener DLC. Aber nein 3Division will noch nicht mal den Early-Access Status verlassen.

Ich vermute Stand jetzt haben Sie sich im Game die Parteizugehörigkeit offen gelassen um die Spielesammlung um ein TROPICO noch zu erweitern.

Ich kann es nur jedem empfehlen. Seit Stunden lässt das einen nicht mehr los.
71 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 22:08
Ist es Planwirtschaft? Ist es Marktwirtschaft?! ....man kann selber entscheiden, wie hart man das eigene Imperium ausbaut und an wen man seine Waren und Rohstoffe verkauft. An die Kommunisten oder die Kapitalisten? Schier unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten, wie man die Geschicke seines Landes lenken kann, bieten sie in diesem Game. Wer darf ein Auto kriegen?! Die Regime-Getreuen?! Perlen unter die Säue... Du hast es in der Hand! Schalte und walte in einer komplexen Wirtschafts- und Aufbau Simulation die nach seines Gleichen sucht. Errichte Dir ein eigenes Monument und kümmere Dich gut um deine arbeitende Bevölkerung... sonst flüchten sie vor Dir.... ***Eines der genialsten Games die ich je gezockt habe*** !!!
98 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
12118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 12:25
The best city builder i know of. Great game!
11 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 14:15
Am Beginn recht hart reinzukommen, da das Spiel selbst wenig erklärt und man sich über Gamer-Channels und letztlich trial&error vieles erst beibringen muss. Teilweise auch kleinere Bugs. Wenn man drin ist, machts riesig Spaß ne potthässliche Ostblock-Retortenstadt aufzubauen. Viele tolle Mods mit mehr Gebäuden und Fahrzeugen.
54 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 18:41
Tropico und Anno magst du, aber die Auswahl an Gebäuden und die Komplexität der Produktionsketten, waren irgendwann ausgelutscht?
Sim-City oder Capitalism hast du gerne gespielt, aber jetzt suchst du was moderneres?

Wenn du auf Aufbausimulatitionen stehst, ist Sowiet Republic genau das richtige Spiel für dich.
Ich habe Tage damit verbracht die perfekte Produktionskette zu bauen und verschiedene Strategien auszuprobieren und trotzdem habe ich noch nicht das Gefühl, ich hätte das Spiel durchgespielt.
Auch wenn immer wieder Änderungen veröffentlicht werden, habe ich gerade einmal einen Bruchteil der Spielmechanik ausprobiert, einfach weil ich bisher Geld für den Bau von Gebäuden genutzt und auf die Simulation von Treibstoff verzichtet habe. Und bis ich damit anfange, werden auch noch einige Tage in Land ziehen.

Falls du keine komplexen Spiele magst und Mikromanagement verabscheust, ist Workers & Resources nichts für dich. Wenn du die Geduld, den Ehrgeiz und die Zeit hast die perfekte sich selbst versorgende Soviet Republic zu bauen, dann ist das Spiel perfekt für dich.
In dem Fall solltest du das Spiel kaufen. Allerdings würde ich dir empfehlen, zunächst auf die Simulation von Treibstoff zu verzichten und mit einem hohen Startkapital zu starten. Sonst könnte der Einstieg sehr frustrierend werden.
Außerdem solltest du daran denken, dass das Spiel noch im Early Acces-Status ist und manche Sachen manchmal ein bisschen umständlich und nicht zu 100% ausbalanciert sind,
363 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 13:11
Fordern, belohnend und einfach Atemberaubend wie tief die Produktions-ketten sind. Es ist eine wahre Freude wenn man es endlich geschafft hat Stahl zum laufen zu bekommen, seine Fahrzeuge mit eigenem Öl versorgen kann oder Das Kraftwerk mit der selbst geförderten Kohle arbeitet.
Unheimlich befriedigend.
41 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 18:45
Tolles spiel,
Sehr witzig sind die detailes vom Studio.Preisslich könnte es noch ein wenig günstiger sein aber da es fast monatlich neue Ubdates gibt finde ich es ok (war bei ealry acces)
bin selber Fan der DDR-Soviet Zeit und liede diesen baustyle
112 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 18:05
Eins der Umfassendsten und besten Städtebau-Simulation die mir seit sehr langer Zeit auf die Festplatte gekommen ist. Obwohl hier der Aspekt des Wirtschaftlichen Aufbau im Vordergrund steht kann und sollte man seine Genossen/innen nicht unberücksichtigt lassen. Die Bedürfnisse der Bevölkerung spielen hier hier ebenso eine Rolle wie die Selbstständige Nutzung der Erwirtschafteten Ressourcen.
Ein großes Lob an den Entwickler!
49 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 16:55
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 10:30
Großartiges Aufbauspiel, hoher Wiederspielwert und, dank sehr aktiver Workshop-Community und verschiedene Spieloptionen, die unterschiedliche Schwierigkeitsgrade ermöglichen, stark individualisierbar. Besonders geeignet für Menschen, die sich für die Zeit des Kalten Krieges und den Ostblock interessieren und Menschen, die sich für komplexe Volkswirtschafts-/ Transport-/ und Städtebau-Simulatoren begeistern. Kann das Spiel nur empfehlen und bin gespannt auf seinen weiteren Werdegang.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
64657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 10:13
Macht einfach spass
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 10:13
Schönes Spiel, stellt gut dar, dass der Sozialismus funktioniert.
Kann es nur weiterempfehlen.
216 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
2331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 14:49
Nicht einfach aber sehr toll. Entwickler wirken sehr kompetent. Hoffentlich werden noch viele gute Updates folgen! :)
64 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
3552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 10:48
In der Tat ein ausgezeichnetes Spiel mit kompelxen Warenketten und einem - wer hätte es gedacht - Sozialistischen Gedanken. Für Early Access ist das Spiel schon gut und es werden noch kräftig weiter Features hinzugefügt. Eine der besten Punkte des Spiels ist auch die hervorragende Musik, in die der Trailer schon einen guten Einblick gibt. Durch eine schon beachtliche Mod Auswahl ist auch schon für viele weitere Gebäude, Fahrzeuge , usw gesorgt. Bis auf seltene Abstürze ist nichts zu bemängeln.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
72441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 10:12
I`ve never seen such a complex town building- or rather say- state building game before.
Still a few things not finished yet, but absolute playable.
I caught myself being in the planing mode for hours, adjusting train lines and factory connections etc., before they are even built.
It´s awesome to have the chance to build things yourself in the game, and not just with a mouse click.
9 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 14:55
Ich habe mir dieses schöne Spiel vor wenigen Tagen mit leichtem Rabatt geholt, finde aber, dass es definitiv auch den Vollpreis wert ist, obwohl es sich noch im Early Access befindet.
Bevor ich mich selbst rangewagt habe, habe ich einen Teil der Entwicklung abgewartet und einige Let's Plays und Streams damit verfolgt, was hilft, um sich schon etwas auszukennen, was das Spiel bietet und wie man sinnvoll vorgehen kann.
Das friedliche Aufbauspiel mit der komplexen Simulation von Energie, Bildung und Bauwirtschaft in einer kleinen sozialistischen Republik ist aus meiner Sicht gut für Spieler geeignet, die Spaß am Mikromanagement haben und es genießen zuzuschauen, wie ihre Fahrzeuge und Arbeiter herumwuseln.
Den Stil finde ich ansprechend, mal ein Spiel in dem es Spaß macht hässlich statt schön zu bauen.
Inzwischen gibt es ein paar Tutorials und Erklärungen im Spiel, falls man noch gar nichts davon vorher gesehen hat oder sich komplett alleine hineinfuchsen möchte und neben der vorgebauten Karte auch die Möglichkeit, sich zufällig eine Spielwelt generieren zu lassen, die ich aber bisher noch nicht genutzt habe, weil ich nach einer Spielzeit von 29 Stunden die viel mit Planung ausgefüllt war noch am Anfang des Aufbaus meiner Republik stehe.
Bedingt durch den Early Access sind einige neue Gebäude und Beschreibungen noch auf Englisch. Wer da sofort eine Allergie kriegt, sollte vielleicht noch warten, bis die Entwicklung abgeschlossen ist.
In meiner Spielzeit von 29 Stunden hatte ich bisher einen Absturz, der am Ende des Energietutorials beim Speichern war, beim Neuladen war das Tutorial dann beendet, also hatte ich nichts verloren. Auch sonst habe ich gehört, dass das Spiel recht stabil läuft (bei mir keine sonstigen Probleme) und auch bei Updates im Prozess der Entwicklung sollen Spielstände kompatibel zum Weiterspielen bleiben, was ich recht wichtig finde, wenn ich viel Zeit in ein Spiel investiere.
Aus meiner Sicht kann ich in dem Spiel noch hunderte Stunden verbringen, ein Zeitfresser der echt Freude macht. Auch gibt es schon einiges an Mods zum Spiel im Workshop, selbst habe ich aber noch die Finger davon gelassen, weil ich erstmal das Spiel so genau kennenlernen möchte. Dass größere Baubüros beispielsweise praktisch wären, hat sich in meiner Anfangserfahrung schon gezeigt.
37 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
10068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 08:45
Time Killah
84 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
29759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 09:24
Ich machs ganz kurz und schmerzlos. 496,0 Std. gespielt und klares Fazit. Gutes Spiel, am Anfang auch sehr stabil. Aktuell aber nicht zu empfehlen. Das Spiel hat zu viele Crashes. Hab das Gefühl, jeder Fix/Patch machts schlimmer. Ich werde trotzdem positiv bewerten, aber aktuell KEINE Kaufempfehlung.
93 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
3144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 12:35
top Aufbauspiel, tolle Musik, fleissige modding community, stetig lernt man hinzu, mich wundert es, daß man in paradox Spielen diese Art von Spieltiefe bislang nicht eingebaut hat. Hervorragend, Pflichtkauf für alle Aufbauhobbyspieler!
83 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
6006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 07:23
Es ist gar nicht lange her, da habe ich ANNO 1800 nach ein paar Spielstunden geschlossen und seit dem nicht mehr geöffnet. das Spielprinzip ist durch. Zu oft in meinem Leben habe ich die geometrischen Häuserparzellen errichtet, und die Brotproduktionskette nebeneinander geklickt.

Dann ein kurzes Auflodern, Surviving Mars konnte mich kurzzeitig voll gefangen nehmen. Bis zu dem Punkt, an dem man nur noch die Kolonisten in den Kuppeln befriedigt und das wars.

Lange nichts.

Life Is Feudal Forest Village habe ich seit letzter Woche drauf. Nicht schlecht, konnte mich fesseln, aber seit dem ich den Dreh raus hab, tut sich nichts mehr, außer immer dasselbe nur mit immer einem Haus mehr.

Der Traum vom wirklichen, echten Aufbauspiel schien sich nicht erfüllen zu wollen. City Skylines war mir auch viel zu eindimensional.

W&R hat seit gestern abend bei mir auf dem Rechner eingeschlagen wie eine Bombe. Eine Revoltion. Die Erfüllung aller Aufbauträume...
Man muss JEDE Produktionskette genau plann. Straße rasten nicht von selbst in ein Schachbrettmuster. Wohnhäuder müssen manuell platziert werden, auch deren Gehwege. Man kann nicht einfach eine Produktion hinflanschen, alles bracht Strom, Treibstoff, Arbeiter, Lager, Verkehrsanbindung etc.

Wir befinden uns im Early Access Stadium und die Modkiste ist schon prall gefüllt. Ich freue mich wahnsinnig und habe viiiiel zu wenig Zeit abends. Stecke gerade erst in den Kinderschuhen der Lernkurve...
15 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
64942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 06:02
Das ist ein Spiel mit Suchtfaktor. Man baut in einem sozialistischen Land ganze Wirtschaftskreisläufe, kümmert um die Bedürfnisse der Bevölkerung, betreibt Im- und Export.
Mit PKW´s, LKW´s, Bussen, Zügen und Schiffen werden alle Personen und Güter transportiert. Der sozialistische Charm der Gebäude und Fahrzeuge ist auch schön animiert.
47 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 11:10
Eine sehr komplexe Simulation die auf Grund der mittelmäßig guten Steuerung und der teilweise fehlenden Erklärungen viel Geduld benötigt
365 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 15:08
Eines der wenigen Spiel, wo ich bis jetzt mehr Let´s Learn und Tutorials gelesen habe, als ich gespielt hab´
Wer eine hohe Frusttoleranz hat und nicht alles in Rastern schön gerade gebaut haben will. Ist hier richtig.
Bis dato, hab ich es noch nicht geschafft eine funktionierende Infrastruktur aufzubauen, aber ich arbeite dran :D

Wer was einfaches sucht -> Transport Fever 2
Wer eine Herausforderung braucht -> Workers & Resources

Ich empfehle es mal, da das Spiel ja nichts dafür kann, dass ich schlecht bin :D
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 20:28
Das spiel ist herrlich komplex, Es ist kein Anno oder Siedler oder Sim City... Man muss wirklich viel tüfteln, und es ist herrlich realistisch dargestellt. einfach mal den strom von a nach b ziehen? Vergiß es... du musst Trafos bauen Umwandler von Stark auf Normalstrom use etcpp... das zieht sich durch das ganze Spiel. Gebäude bauen kann wird auch zur Tüftelei, nichts wird einfach so in Reih und Glied gebaut. Aber dafür hat man auch genug Zeit weil das Geld schnell alle ist und es dauert schon recht lange bis das Konto sich wieder gefüllt hat. Zum bauen kann man die Blaupause verwenden oder das Spiel einfach anhalten und weiter bauen. Super gemacht. Freu mich schon auf das fertige Spiel, da es hin und wieder Bugs gibt und die Grafik auch noch nicht final sein kann denke ich. Es ist herrlich erfrischend das Konzept, dass ich so noch nicht gesehen habe für das Genre.
197 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
6121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.19 13:49
Wie bitteschön soll man es schaffen, als einzelner Mensch ein ganzes Land im Blick zu haben? Alle Versorgungswege müssen einzeln gesteuert werden. Die Arbeiter müssen innerhalb von 5h überall aus dem Land herangekarrt werden. Das Geld ist mittlerweile knapp und es dauert ewig, bis mal so eine läppische Strasse gebaut ist. Ich überlege gerade, die in Zukunft selbst zu bauen und alle Bauverträge zu kündigen. Vom Energiesystem möchte ich gar nicht anfangen. Das ist so komplex, dass es mir schon die Freudentränen ins Gesicht treibt.
Ja, richtig gelesen. Das ist das wohl genialste und komplexeste Spiel in diesem Genre und ich liebe es. Es gibt keinerlei Hilfen und man muss alles im Blick haben. Micromanagement at its best!
Ein genialer Zeitfresser und im jetzigen Status schon absolut gut spielbar. (von einigen kleinen, nicht nennenswerten Kuriositäten mal abgesehen)

Fazit: 50h in 2 Wochen. Und ich arbeite pro Woche knapp 60h. Noch Fragen? ;-)
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
16145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.19 18:27
erster Eindruck nach 4h Spielen: MEGAGEIL
Bisher stabil spielbar, nur kleine Bugs die das Gameplay nicht wesentlich beeinflussen. An spielbarem Content und Details ertrinkt man förmlich. Alles und jedes ist bis ins Kleinste optimierbar.
Kritikpunkte bisher: das Terraforming und der Fahrzeugbau, hier muss definitiv noch was passieren!

btw: Ich kann die Kritiken hier, die das Spiel für unspielbar halten in keinster Weise nachvollziehen.. Wer erwartet innerhalb von 10 Minuten das vermutlich komplexeste je dagewesene Städtebau/Tycoon/Alles-was-man-immer-haben-wollte-Spiel zu verstehen ist hier einfach grundlegend falsch und soll Siedler spielen.
68 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
5003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 04:55
City builder with complete end-to-end logistical and transport management systems. Down to the citizen level if you want, it's really up to you how much you want to manage from the selection in the new game menu.

Like City Skylines without all the traffic problems and more authority.

Awaiting for the highly anticipated 2022 Expansion Pack.

Amazing game all round, would recommenced comrade.

10/10 blyats.
223 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 01:41
It's not like Simcity or Cities Skylines it is more like Factorio. I was a bit disappointed because I was hoping it was going to be a city builder but it's a resource juggling game resource > factory> market etc. Not really for me but if you're looking for that sort of thing this game would certainly scratch that itch there is a lot of stuff to keep moving.
282 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 16:02
Developers probably best I have ever seen. They clearly love the game and offer constant updates. Pay full price, dont wait for a sale.
173 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 13:11
This is a game for the ones among you that really love to micromanage the absolute crap out of everything. Enjoy: city builders? have a dream about managing a countrys economy? wanna roleplay a psychopatic soviet dictator? Well this game got you covered!

Hop in and play!
5 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 19:06
communism is great :D
38 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 16:05
gave everyone a free car and built shopping center for every 5 meters

The American Dream.
1220 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
5980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 03:04
Whenever someone tells you communism would be great, and that economies are easy; send them this game.
It's... Fun...
In all seriousness this is a very complicated and deep game. Think cities skylines if you had to manage every possible aspect of production and construction. Literally. Every. Single. Resource.
As an example, to build roads and buildings you can pay money, but that assumes you have money, which means you need to produce exports. If you don't want to spend money, you have to have the production lines to fufill the construction.
You need gravel. You build a mine, a processing unit for the mine. You store the gravel in the storage. You need trucks to carry and pave the roads, buses to carry workers to and from the job sites, and places for workers to live, shop, and relax.
Asphalt needs Oil. Trucks need fuel. Trains need fuel or power. Everything needs power.
Many buildings need steel. You need Iron ore mines, coal mines, and ore processors, plus a steel mill.
All of this requires transportation networks and power. every building needs different resources. Each of those resources needs other resources. Literally everything can be made in your country, but it is a long difficult journey to get to that point. You also have to manage health and crime and government loyalty, all of which can lead to people fleeing the country. Then you build walls and armed guards. No one leaves alive.
This game is maddening, but I can't stop playing.
217 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 20:09
Soviet Sim City, but if Sim City was really hard.
666 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
6281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 15:49
This game easily became my favorite PC game for 2021 and most likely 2022 as well. It has a micromanaging element that for some sick reason borders on being addictive as ****. I love Russian themed anything, culture etc so this checks all the boxes. The developers have great communication on all updates and releases game updates quite frequently.
67 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 07:55
This is a great game. Coming from many hours on Cities: Skylines, I like this type of game - but the challenges are different. C:S is a pretty game and has a lot of depth to it, but ultimately it's a game about a wholesome world. Steve might might drive a garbage truck, but he goes home at night to his nice house on a tree-lined street and waits for his block to level up.

W&R is a machine, both from the emphasis on the industrial and supply chains, to the glimpses you get of citizen's lives as they shuttle between the occasional shop to the indoor pool where Sergei spends his leisure hours completing laps.

There's a lot of love in this game. You see it in the way that modders affectionately include all manner of underpowered busses and trucks. On the forums, people talk about their lives in concrete block apartments, just like the apartments in the game.

There is a different tone in this game to C:S. In C:S, you start a town in the hope you can create something a little beautiful and profitable, one more prosperous burg in a nation of prosperous cities. However, in this game you get the feeling you are creating something worthwhile. You're establishing a city to be self-sustaining, to preserve your culture, to maybe sell some goods for dollars and gain some grudging respect.

You might not create a pretty city, but you might end up with one that works, and that your citizens can feel some pride in.
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
75301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 02:06
Novel, frustrating, complicated, difficult and i love it so.
77 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
27061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 11:07
Perhaps my faviouret game i have played to date. Imersive challenging but also a personilastion ability in matched in any other city builder iv played.
I was able to creat my own map bassed on my home region and then download mods for trains, veichels and buildings like the ones produced and built in my home region.
the game is noting short of a master peice. A must play if you enjoy conplexity in your citty builders and haveing total control over the way you shape the country you are governing.

You can play berry hard or easy or use my faviouret feature. Have you put 100+h into a save but suddenly the pollution is efecting your cities in a too extream fashion ?? Just turn it off in game , it's your save nó one cares and the deves have made tings toggle from the in game menur with out even going back to the main menu.

In a word ...the game is PERFECTION
22 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 18:34
I was doubtful about this game after seeing several comments (and some ethic implications). How wrong I was, or maybe I just arrived in the right time. I love the game, yes, it's pre-release and I can't do in-depth comments yet, but although some features are missing/in development gameplay is very smooth, few bugs and robust building tools. I'm excited to see what comes from it.
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 00:57
It is a top game, OK???
214 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 20:01
I've seen a lot of negative reviews, but most are from people who actually don't seem to know how to play the game at all. The game is in depth, it's not like Cities Skyline where you just build roads, plop down zones, etc. This game is in depth, you don't build a city, you basically build an entire country. At first starting with having to import everything, to creating everything imaginable, working on supplying everything your country needs including the vehicles and machinery, electricity, heat, building materials and even making the materials to build roadways like gravel and asphalt.
The game does have a minor tutorial, but doesn't really teach you much (devs are working on a better one) so you have to go to YouTube to learn how to play. Once I watched a few videos there, figured out how to get started, the game became awesome!
101 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 18:28
I am 88 hours in this game at the moment of writing this comment. This is one of the greatest city builders I have ever played. I was looking for a real simulation like this for a long time.
Let me explain why I love it:
- The buildings house a REALISTIC number of people (not like CS). A building that looks like it should house around 200 people, actually does that!
- The maps are huge which only adds to the realistic aspect.
- You can be self sufficient even in terms of constructing everything from scratch, including materials used for construction, which is so meta.
- The SCALE of things is just perfect. A human is as tall as it needs to be relatively to the buildings, which can appear huge and add to the immersion. The distances are very smartly calculated so as a bus station has an area of max 400 m. Beyond that point people will not walk on foot.
- The game is quite hard. Even on easy difficulty (10 mil rubles) I got in quite some trouble before I found a suitable recipe for making money (started with bitumen and fuel).
That's it for me. To sum up, huge pluses and TL;DR version:


Enjoy :)

EDIT: Don't forget that this is still in Early Access and the Devs have added a roadmap which only adds to the excitement of this game in terms of more content and complexity to come!
195 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 00:05
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122 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 20:32
game needs some polishing, but its very rich in content. i'd definitely recommend. it's a city builder resource management, trade & logistics simulator with proper iron curtain aesthetics and songs. replayability potential is huge and it gets updated often.
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
60207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 05:14
Love this game. City builder only begins to describe it. You get to control production, logistics, people, aesthetics. Scratches all my builder style itches.
24 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
12247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 11:48
Thisis a amazing game, probably even the best in my opinion,
It is the most soviet-accurate game in all of steam, so this is ideal for people who want real soviet content. this is something that isnt made by americans, that fail terribly when trying to develop something soviet.
46 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
61292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 18:21
I am not sure that there is another game of this caliber out there, and don't be fooled by the Early Access tag, it far away from a regular e.a. title, its more complete than most other games I've played, with more features, more complexity, and more of it being added every few months. On top of that the dev team takes player feedback into account A LOT, so a lot of the feedback goes directly into new features or tweaks to existing gameplay elements.

Overall, this is a grand strategy management builder, with socio economic simulations and you can create everything from scratch (build with your own resources and vehicles and workers)...

One word of caution, I have not come across a game with a steeper learning curve, and even after 1000+ hours you will still learn new things, which in my mind is awesome!

Disclaimer: I make videos for this game, but the developer does not compensate me for them in any way, and they are 100% my representation of this game with my opinions (positive and negative).
260 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 19:51
???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????
659 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
3506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 22:48
Great incredibly detailed game. I've never seen so deep building mechanics.
485 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
33510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 19:26
The most important thing to note about Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic is that the game at first glance is very deceiving.

Many people will come in expecting this game to be a city builder, only to be faced with the many, MANY logistical problems that need solving after placing only a couple of apartments. City building in and of itself is incidental in this game, only done largely to provide workers to industries. The open secret about this game is that its DNA actually comes more from Transport Tycoon Deluxe than Sim City. In fact in spite of economic mode being completely different, this game is a better spiritual successor to TTD than almost everything that has come out since (Yes this includes the Transport Fever series)

The vast majority of your time spent in this game is planning and building transportation infrastructure so that you can efficiently take resources from industry to industry until it becomes a product or good that can be then used for civilian consumption. If you need funding however you can always transport any resource to a border station bring your country's balance out of the red. And yes you read that right. *Country.* You are given an an absolutely gigantic amount of space to build on and you are expected to build multiple cities as per needed.

The game's attention to detail for every method of transportation is astounding and it really gets you sucked in. From pipelines, conveyors, water, rail, road, flight, to electricity wires, you will need EVERYTHING to build a self sustaining country. Once you get everything up and running, it is a beauty to behold all of your independent networks coalescing into a single machine.

Even then, it's not enough. You will always strive to build up on that machine. You will always be thinking about what other networks you can make. Even maps with large, established networks, you will ALWAYS find new projects to add onto it.

The game is still in early access, but it already has more depth than 99% of other games on the market. On top of that it gets regular updates just about every month and it has a vibrant modding community. If you like logistics and transportation games, or if you're a civil engineer, I guarantee you will *LOVE* this game
43 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 22:34
5 year plan out of 5. Would stalin again
1168 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
10435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 17:12
Workers and Resources is a sandbox style Cities Skylines meets Factorio, in a planned economy country where you control every minute detail of your population. Money doesn't grow on trees or residential areas and only on the borders of exporting to a Soviet or NATO nation, gaining Rubels or Dollars respectively. You spend those on importing the necessary goods to keep your country running as well as buying a very large array of vehicles from the times.

One common goal chosen by players is to get your country completely independent of imports, making everything you need yourself. A vast construction industry allows you to build everything for free, using homemade construction materials and manpower, whereas farming allows you to become independent to food imports.

The game is very enjoyable but very micromanagement heavy. You will need to plan and build a city in very lovely detail, but this could be overwhelming to some people. Expect the Factorio thing to happen, where you build something and then completely want to tear it down and restart, because you either found something that you would like to change to optimize something or you made a minor mistake and the workaround feels painful.

Very much recommend this. You get a fully sized Cities Skylines with many of its DLC included already and it is still growing and being expanded upon with fresh new content regularly.
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
584625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 00:31
Given > 9,221 hours with W&R:SR, it seems I like this game. Right now, I'm enjoying the 1908 early start and the steam-powered vehicles from the mods. I recommend the game.
63 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
68371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 20:17
I have just over 1100 hours in this game now, which is roughly 46 work-days. Meaning that if I was given 0.61 tons of Steel, 0.12 tons of mechanical components, 0.014t of fabric, 0.015 of electrical components and 0.024t of plastic, I could have used this time to produce a Trabant 601 for the working class all on my own.

This game has a steep learning curve. It is unbalanced. The music is pretty trash and at first the graphics look like they're from the mid-2000s. Despite this, its hands down the best game I've ever played.

As most good games, the real fun starts once you get familiar with the stock mechanics, and start using the workshop maps and buildings. At this point many players start to set rules for themselves which the game currently does not enforce, such as importing resources by truck, rather than 'teleporting' them automatically to your shops and factories, or building everything only using your own construction industry from the very start. Further challenges include playing on an island, or a map without any resources. My point is that even in this unfinished state, the game will keep you busy!!

Developers are extremely active, responsive, and each patch released tends to include more content than any Cities Skylines DLC. Can't stress enough how much I look forward to the further development of this game!!!
296 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 20:38
After they finish this game, and all DLCs of course, get these guys working on Cancer. Brilliant.
342 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
12021 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 15:46
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic, or wrsr is the best game of it's kind.

I have always liked city builders like Simcity while growing up, but I was always looking for something more. Looked into mods, looked into other games but none had what I was looking for. A city builder with a lot of resource management in it. The idea of being able to build your whole republic from scratch with attention to detail is why I fell in love with this game.

As of yet the game is still in development so I have like so many others encountered weird bugs and the like. However with a very active community and an incredibly involved development team I have my hopes high for this game. It is definitely a product of love and that shows.

All in all I can not but recommend this game to everyone who likes a good city/republic manager, which can be both casual and/or challenging depending on your preferences. Big thumbs up!
67 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
8403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 09:07
Complicated but madly addicting. I rate it 9 Builders of Glorious Socialist Future of 10 (I still believe some of the controls are funky)
88 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 16:04
It's as if Simcity and Transport Tycoon had a baby, only instead of market capitalism you have a planned economy. And instead of a leasurey game you play to relax, this game is a nightmare of one self-inflicted disaster after another that often causes your entire republic to fall into a death spiral that even the alcoholism stat can't save you from.
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
36476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 15:48
this is an amazing game that keeps getting better.
429 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
12579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 17:15
This game is already fantastic both as a city builder and a logistics management game for those who enjoy getting deep in the weeds about how their cities operate, and does a great job allowing you to tailor your experience one way or the other. Most of the features that significantly affect gameplay can be toggled. More interested in the industrial side of things and are tired of having to build kindergartens and schools? Turn off the education system. Tired of workers freezing to death in winter? Turn off the seasons. Don't like not being able to see at night? Turn off the day night cycle. Tired of your indoor pool burning down again? Turn off fires. And naturally, of course, if you just want to play around in a sandbox and build huge cities and not worry about money, you can disable that as well.

From a citybuilding standpoint, the game is still young but with housing quality, city halls, radio and television stations, hospitals, stores, fire departments, schools, kindergartens, and universities, local goods distribution, hotels and tourist attractions, and an upcoming justice system, the game has already made great strides in fleshing out the systems that make for complex and interesting cities. You can pay to have buildings built, or, if you've invested into the industrial side of things, you can construct buildings using your own resources and construction machinery.

Which brings me to the industrial side of things. The game is complex; easy to understand, difficult to master. Logistics is very much the name of the game and you will spend most of your time figuring out the best way to move - as the title suggests - workers and resources from one place to another, for which Soviet Republic gives you many options, from cableways and conveyor engines, to trucks and trains, to boats and planes, there's a solution for just about any logistical problem and it's incredibly satisfying when you finally have a steady production line set up.

Finally, graphics: The game looks great for what it is. It's scruffy in some places, certainly, but the things it does well, it does spectacularly well. Looking out over cities at night or in the winter is gorgeous. However, if there's one thing I think this game does better than any other city builder out there, it's scale. From above it's easy enough to appreciate how sprawling your cities and industrial complexes can get, but it's not until you get down to ground level that you truly feel dwarfed by towering tenement blocks and colossal machinery. There's something special about riding a train and looking out across a snow covered field at a distant mining complex, or standing beneath massive conveyor engines and high tension power lines, or watching an enormous ship haul thousands of tons of coal downriver. It grounds the places you build in reality in a way few if any other games do.

Whether you strive to build a self sufficient communist utopia or seek to hoard wealth under state capitalism is up to you, but Workers & Resources is a fantastic addition to the genre and I greatly look forward to its progress.
165 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
38495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 18:41
This game is amazing and gives many hours of joy, as is evident from the amout of time I've already spent on it, though I know of people that already have over 1500 hours and for good reason - it has a lot to give, from city/country planning, to funds management (up to about mid-game), build with your resources or just pay for it, economy, tourism, road, sea and air traffic & transport options and a lot more is planned, as is evident by the developer's trelo board

I definitely recommand this game - worth the price and even more
208 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
13196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 11:11
This is a game in a class of it's own. There are some obvious missing functionality, looking at you trafic light.
However it is still in early access, so hopefully soon.

The biggest point to bear in mind that this is not a city builder, but a republic builder, you are not going to build only one city, but a whole country with it's infrastructure.

Looking forward to the mirrored buildings.
28 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 22:19
Finally, something soviet.
199 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
5434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 21:37
I bought this two days ago and I'm at 20 hours of playtime. I really like how this game is designed.

I play a lot of economy management and city builder games, and I've never seen one that lets you set the level of micromanagement in quite so much detail as this one does. The power system in this game can be a little overwhelming for a new player who doesn't understand the mechanics yet, so you can just switch that off until you have a better grasp on everything else the game has to offer, then switch it back on when you're comfortable with learning the system.
699 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
2841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 15:34
Prefer watching?

Otherwise keep reading!
Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic is a real time city building game with a big emphasis on resource management and creating a self sufficient society that doesn’t depend on outside imports or man power in order to survive and thrive. It’s still in early access which means it’s not fully finished and the goal of this review is to help you decide if it’s worth buying in its current state.

It’s a really challenging game with a fairly steep learning curve compared to other city building games, but despite the added difficulty, that made me question my own intelligence on more than one occasion, it’s actually really addictive and enjoyable to play!

It feels like a mix between Cities Skylines and Transport Fever 2 while adding plenty of new ideas to make it feel really unique.

The game takes place during the height of the soviet era from 1960 to 1990 and your main objective is to create a sustainable republic that mines its own coal, processes its own oil and builds its own cars, planes and trains. The key is to optimize your industry setups to operate at peak efficiency.

There’s tons of different resources, products and vehicles to play around with and you’re able to build complex conveyor belt setups to connect different factories and storage yards. Ontop of that you can buy loads of different trains, trucks, diggers, trams and even cable cars to help your citizens and tourists get to where they’re going, be it a mountain lodge for tourists or a dirty old coal mine for the locals.

You also need to build and maintain multiple towns and cities on a single map and set up transportation routes to ferry the workers from the towns to the factories and mines. You’ve got to make sure there’s always enough workers available to cover shift changes otherwise it can lead to a total shut down of production which can have some dramatic consequences, so building an effective transport network is extremely important.

The maps are randomly generated and you can choose to start with an existing population or a completely blank canvas depending on your playstyle.

Making money in any meaningful amount is exceptionally difficult and requires a long and intricate production chain to pull off. There’s 2 currencies in the game, dollars and rubles, and you’re able to fund building projects and buy resources using either currency. The edges of the map represent your borders with neighboring states where one side is aligned with NATO and the other with the Soviet Union, and you can make more of each currency by shipping goods like steel and oil to a customs office located along each sides border. It’s up to you which side you sell to and there’s different vehicles available for each currency.

As I mentioned earlier though your main goal is ultimately to become self sufficient as soon as possible. By using a construction office you’re able to buy vehicles like bulldozers and road rollers that, together with locally sourced labor, can use materials you’ve mined and processed in other industrial areas to build things like roads, residential buildings and new factories.

Once your town’s populated you need to make sure they have a reliable source of electricity, heat and basic services which you can either import or manufacture yourself. Temperatures plummet during the winter and electricity consumption increases during the night.

Unlike other city builders there’s no tax income, so any money you spend has to be replenished by exporting a product. The AI takes care of most tasks automatically once you’ve bought or manufactured the vehicles and services they need. They send their kids to daycare themselves, they find the nearest transport link or workplace on their own and construction offices and factories take care of construction and manufacturing as long as they have staff and materials to work with.

On the surface building a self sufficient republic for free by doing all the work yourself and then export everything you make to make loads of money sounds easy, but getting all the pieces to fit together to maximize production and keep your citizens happy so they don’t escape requires a lot of skill and planning and that’s where the game excels.

Graphically it’s honestly pretty gross but in an intentionally bleak, Soviet sort of way and the music is insanely catchy. The performance is good and I didn’t have any fps issues on my 1080ti though it did crash whenever I alt-tabbed from full screen mode, but running it in windowed full screen worked like a charm.

Basically if you’ve ever wanted a more challenging city builder with an emphasis on worker and resource management and you’re not put off by the hopeless soviet-style graphics then this is definitely worth a look. I’ve put it over 45 hours playtime in the last few days and, although I ultimately failed to create a sustainable republic that didn’t end in bankruptcy, the addictive and slow paced gameplay always kept me coming back for more and we recommend checking it out.

I hope you found this review helpful and if you did then consider checking out some of our other reviews and leave a comment to let us know WHICH game you’d like us to review next.

Thanks for reading, have fun and don’t forget to save!

349 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 12:08
cities skylines for real men
114 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 15:20
164 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 17:19
Fantastic game. Good balance of city management and logistics. Can't wait for more content.
104 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 23:09
Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic is more than just a city builder, it allows you to build an entire country with a fairly complete simulation of it's various industries, specifically a soviet country with a centrally planned economy.

While W&R is known for being a difficult game, there has a difficulty setting for everyone and many of the mechanics such as heating or electricity that could frustrate newer players can be completely disabled in the settings as well as there being an unlimited money. I highly suggest that new players first play with unlimited money so they can get to know how to create supply together to fully process your resources.


There are several industries that can be built, ranging from electricity to steel, and managing them is the main focus of the gameplay. Each industry takes the form of a chain of buildings, for example a coal mine produces coal, which you will transport to a refinery, and then transported to a coal power plant which will turn the coal into electricity which you can use to power your republic or to export for money. You will need to decide how the resources are being transported between these steps via trains, trucks, conveyor ect. Each of these buildings requires an amount of workers to staff the building requiring you to be able to house and transport enough workers to keep your industry going. Workers have many needs to be satisfied, such as food, clothes, work, electronics, party loyalty, health, culture, and warmth. If the needs are not being met, at best they may turn to drink or emigration, and at worse die. If their job is not within walking distance of their apartment, you will need to arrange transportation through bus, train, ect. In conclusion, you must provide for your workers so they can produce the resources needed for your republic.

like other city building games, cashflow is the main indicator of success, however this game has a heavy focus on self sufficiency, so infinite growth is not a necessity. Money can be spent on many things, such as importing goods and labor, (it costs less to build a building with your own workers and imported resources than outright buying it as you will be paying for foreign labor) Money can be made through exports and tourism.


While the graphics in this game are rather low poly, the graphics are fairly high quality, the buildings and vehicles are visually distinct and look quite realistic even zoomed in, and the workers have enough variation to not look like a formless mass of identical bodies. The art direction is fantastic, all of the game's assets fit together well and look like their irl soviet counterparts going so far as to include some real-life vehicles.


Terraforming is a massive pain, buildings will not build unless the ground is considered flat enough and using the manual tools is pure suffering. even with the awesome new topographic map feature.

Sometimes roads will fail to connect with one placement, but when you place them a little at a time, they will connect without issue.

conveyor belts have a fixed height for their start and end point, making it so they are very difficult to place properly if there roads or other conveyors in the way.

each building has a fixed layout of inputs and outputs meaning you need to carefully plan the orientation of your buildings so they fit together correctly, this can be extremely frustrating for new players and old players alike.


The game has a very active modding scene, mostly for making custom buildings, many which fill some of the gaps in the base game, such as a smaller hospital for a smaller city. Many custom maps as well.


For the most part this game despite developed by anticommunists, shows soviet style socialism in a mostly positive light, it's completely possible to create a harmonious socialist society where there is no unemployment, and people's material needs are met, which is very refreshing in a world where the vast majority of games are deeply reactionary to the core. The developers couldn't help but use loaded language in some of the tooltips, such as referring to your neighbor as the 'very free peoples republic' or the delete message button being named 'remove from history' or referring to emigration as 'escapes.' Its like they realized the game they created was showing socialist society in a good light and then slapped on this superficial criticism and called called it a day. Well good job devs, you mildly irritated me, congrats. (less than the terraforming though!)

Even as a communist, the society feels a little too harmonious, no way a socialist republic would be allowed to exist without CIA agents infiltrating it and planting explosive seashells (look it up lol.) and doing other nefarious deeds. I get that it is supposed to be an escapist fantasy and I appreciate it, but it is really letting the west off the hook.
164 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
21950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 17:01
Wow, uh, didn't realize I'd played 64 hours. I should probably shower and walk the dog.

It's everything addicting about Factorio, Cities Skylines, and other great management games rolled into one.

About the only thing I can complain about is just how fussy building placement can be, but the depth of simulation provided here is well thought out and their roadplan to completion is full fleshed out and they're actively working to complete it.
173 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 08:33
Transport Tycoon Deluxe on steroids. Take care of the economy of your nation. Challenging but not difficult.

Graphics could be either more realistic or more cartooney, they now live a bit in the uncanney valley.
32 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 11:59
Communism is good for you
79 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 18:46
This is the pinnacle of realistic city builders. Although the mechanics for placing buildings and roads are a bit annoying sometimes, with enough practice one will learn to compensate for them. The recourse mechanics are very realistic, but extremely hard to gasp at the beginning. The learning curve is steep, and I recommend playing the tutorials first. The graphics are good for an indie game, but don't expect some magic. They are simple. The OST is magnificent and the composer did a fantastic job. The music can get a bit repetitive for someone tho, because there's only 28 tracks. The game also has a open modding community and an asset creator built in. Overall a very enjoyable experience, especially for someone from the former USSR/Eastern block.
290 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 16:22
If Spintires and Cities: Skylines had a glorious love child.
85 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
17708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 21:59
When things go wrong I don't get notified and so people go without and industry fails to produce and allocate effectively.

10/10 realism

3.6/5 resource allocation

Not great, Not terrible.

EDIT: In light of making an unauthorised joke, I have been sent to candy factory where I am treated very well and can eat all the candy I please until I choose to go back to building socialism when I feel like it.

Glory to the DEV'S !
135 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 07:18
Yes this is a Simcity style game. If you want an advanced Simcity game this is for you. However if you're looking for a more basic city builder then this may not be for you. This game makes Simcity look like a stroll in the park with the care bears. Everything is micromanaged and everything is a project to some extent. Just figuring out or becoming proficient in certain aspects and functions of the game can be a fairly big undertaking. For example; If you wanna build a rail network it's not a matter of just throwing down a track and a train station. There are 6 or so different types of rail buildings and the track itself is a virtual simulation of real life rail tracks with realistic semaphores etc. and you'll need to manage supply lines and you'll even have to build and manage the trains themselves.
161 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
8071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 14:29
Waauw this game really hits that spot you know the empty chamber in your hart reserved for the warm glow of a barrel fire in the midst of a miserable existence under the yoke of a state regime, but also pride of the sweat and tears and blood of past generations and to be as modest as not to have any ambition for more than to be a cog in the great eternal machine of it all, even the tiniest goods producing building in this game is a conrete mastodont which make your civilians look like microbes... and the terrain is hilly and bumpy so the actual game is more like a puzzle game how will i position this or that so it wont mck up everything i did before - type of riddle but then the logistics side of it is still fully lazy functional i mean the state doesnt care if only one russian dude shows up at work the factory will just run slowly no food? ppl will eventually disappear probably looking for better lives elsewhere no power? well ppl are patient you know as long as there is some power theyre good i mean you could as well not play the game at all and just look at the cities be communist to no avail but then the lenin side of you will not be satisfied so once you take it up to say build this there and there and buy this put it in there etc etc well it actualy becomes something of a vision for the freedom of the collective its mesmerising seeing all these little busses with migrants driving off to an endless stream of massive industrial complex parts going about their daily business the whole game looks so fantastic like its really a place where you want to make things better its untapped virgin grasslands and meandering steelblue dead rivers they beg for industrialisation streetlights railroad tracks distribution centers and huge epiphanic manifestations of ant hive architecture i only scratched the surface but already one of my favourite most convincing lore rich city builder games ever conceived фантастический
24 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
8830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 11:33
The game is honestly very good, easier to get into than Cities Skyline, but bit more tricky with mechanics.
You are free to build the city you want, the workshop is full of good mods, editing terrain is very easy to do.

Overall, depite the drawback given by the complexity of the ressources system, it is very enjoyable, and fun to play.
93 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
5562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 17:52
my planned economy didn't work.
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
19400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 14:06
very good building tycoon game, only issue is that the citizens cant walk more than 400 meters to work or a bus station or a shop, And private cars only travel 1km and then they cant seem to want to drive further, they should be able to travel at least 6km before they would have to get specific places to go to work, Such as factories outside of the city, Other wise a really good game to play, May take a while to get used to the game mechanics but other wise the game is a solid 4.5/5
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 17:19
a must have for every comrade
125 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
51331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 23:48
This is by far best Tycoon Map Builder- Sandbox ever created, constantly developed. Workshop Items are integral part. There incredible learning curve, which takes about 20-30 h to get your head around everything.
My recent game is about 650+ h and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere near limits of map.

Great Relaxing Game
149 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 21:26
Realy in-depth gameplay and gives a good Control-Economy Simulation. Perfect for people who likes getting dopamine through hardship and getting beaten up by the system.
63 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
19105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 19:38
It is cities skylines but communist.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 07:05
What is great about this game,..is that you can start off simply with basic town planning and connecting using rail, car or electric. Or you can go deeper as you become more skilled. Deeper meaning that instead of building roads automatically, you need to get the resources and and place a series of factories for road products, such as making asphalt then buying machines to lay roads etc. I am at easy, but there is and easier stage than easy also that is unlimited. The map is quite large (vast) so can build a few separate towns on the one map also and buy and sell between towns. But the main thing is to get your economy up and running so as you can trade between regions connected to the map from rubles to dollars. This as I said at the start can be either easy or complex, which I prefer, so the game grows with me. The transport and rail system is pretty complex too, which is fun.
289 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
5733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 16:00
What do you mean its too cold? I have a heating plant.. it.. oh wait.. it doesn't have power.. wait wheres the power?? power plant has coal.. where are my workers?? oh god.. the snow.. its the snows fault.. a little snow storm slowed down my buses and started a chain reaction ?! you're telling me a snow storm caused 4000 people to die because of cold temperatures? I no longer have the population to support my economy? My city is on fire, industries crippled and, my economy has fully collapsed? Everyone is either leaving or dead?


No seriously get this game..
842 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 05:19
Quite simply the best City Builder money can buy.

Not to forget Skylines but it has had its' day in the sun and is now showcasing that is is too long in the tooth to add anything compelling.

In contrast you have never played anything like this.

These guys deserve the support and this game - provided you can get over the UI which is indicative of the compliexity - will not disappoint you.
391 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 07:09
If Cities: Skylines and Transport Fever had a baby and sent it away to be raised by Factorio, that baby would grow up to be Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
514 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 18:19
Finally, a city builder where I don't have to build a police station.
106 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
9011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 05:26
Built a new town of coal miners to solve my overpopulation. Realised i forgot some facilities, so i removed some power lines in the process of building them, intending to replace them later. Forgot to replace them, and everyone died, because that power line powered the heating plant in the dead of winter. 2,000 people froze to death for my mistake. 10/10.

edit: power lines
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 18:05
I really wanted to like this game, but after 71 hours, I realized that it's one of those games that keeps you hooked not because you love it but because you're foolishly hoping that maybe, just maybe, it will all click into place once you get this steel mill up and running, and because you're too stubborn to admit that you've wasted hours and hours of your precious time. To me, this game is like an extremely complicated version of Tetris...or Space Invaders...but I'll stick with Tetris because of the Soviet connection. Anyway, for those of you who've never played Tetris, the more levels you complete, the faster the blocks fall, until eventually you can't keep up. This all happens in a few minutes, though, so it's all in good fun. In Workers and Resources, the level of micromanagement required to keep everything running is simply too high. Therefore, when you've built a nicely-functioning city with lots of happy and prosperous citizens and those citizens are being fruitful and multiplying, you'll need to expand, which is fine. It's logical, and it keeps the game going. If you didn't need to expand, it would get boring real fast. The trouble is that by the time you've built a nicely-functioning city, you'll have your hands full keeping it functioning so nicely. For instance, you'll be trying to keep your power plants, factories, mines, etc adequately staffed (because transportation is a nightmare), and then adjust your exports so that you don't run out of resources because your output is always changing because the number of workers in your factories is always changing because transportation is a nightmare. Seriously. One day my oil refinery would have 400 workers and be cranking out fuel and bitumen like nobody's business, and then suddenly there would only be 50 workers and output would slow to a trickle. Why? Who knows. I only had fifty or sixty buses running between every apartment complex and every possible place of employment. Point is, if you ignore one city, or even one factory, for any length of time while you're working on something else, you'll go back and find that one of your trains ran out of fuel at the platform because it didn't fill up at the fueling station a kilometer down the line, and there's absolute gridlock at your gravel plant because all the workers went home and the dump trucks full of quarried stone are queued up outside and are blocking the buses trying to bring fresh workers. So the more you expand the more you find yourself pausing the game so that you can run here and there like a clown spinning plates on sticks, until the pace of the game has slowed to a glacial crawl. There are also issues like the fact that buildings that can only connect to each other and to transportation infrastructure on preset sides. So, say you want to build a chemical plant and connect it to a plastics factory, and then connect the plastics factory to a warehouse, it might all end up such that you can't connect the warehouse to the railroad because the warehouse output is facing a hill. And don't even get me started on train signals, which made me curse like a sailor. So...no...it never all clicked into place. Quite the opposite.
159 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
61004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 22:05
One of my favourite builder games from.. well, ever. The devs inspire confidence in the future of the game, with regular improvements and additions.
201 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
9977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 14:45
There's just something about this game that completely sucks you in once you clear the initial hurdle of complexity. Once your realize the true scope of what you can do all on your own this moves quickly from 'SimCity style game with a funky twist on setting' to a very detailed simulator to work your way into a self-sustaining and constantly growing urban planner/simulator. The mod community is vibrant and fun and despite the bugs (this is still Early Access and is undergoing constant refinement and feature additions) remains an incredibly engrossing game that's fun to play.
253 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
3069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 13:49
got sick of the game soundtrack, so just ran a soviet synthpop playlist in the background.
10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 01:56
Fantastic Game!!
27 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
46244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 00:47
After playing this game for around 800 hours I feel confident that I can recommend this game.

The first thing is the state of the game. This game is still in early access but even when I started playing it last year felt like a full and complete game. The developer has been constantly developing new content for this game and there is still more to come. What has been added has added a lot to the game already. I mean my 770 hours has been spent on a single map with more I want to do with it. There's plenty of opportunities for people like me who like getting detailed but also has plenty of community-made maps for others.

Lets be fair this game is not easy in the sense that the game will not hold your hand. There is a definite learning curve in understanding exactly how everything interacts with everything else and you will be forced to keep tracks of everything important, and if something is left alone for too long it may just run out of resources or power or the workers might not have enough of the materials they need to be satisfied. The game doesnt have much in the way of notifications if things are going wrong. This is a double-edged sword in ways because its nice not to have innumerable pop-ups on the screen when im concentrated on something but it also means if a mistake has been made it usually goes unnoticed until the problem becomes apparent in different ways. For example I had troubles with my rail system that would lead trains to get stuck and I wouldnt notice until my industries stopped from lack of resources or I saw I was loosing money, etc. which got frustrating because it took time to normalize everything of course. The game is definitely micromanagement heaven where it is possible to micromanage everything down to who in your population gets a car and how many people in an apartment goes to which jobs, where you want to store all your goods, up to whether or not you want to become self-sufficient or engage in imports and exports to get the materials you need to manage your country.

There are a couple of things that arent great about the game- mainly the UI which can be hard to handle and isnt too detailed like I mentioned earlier. The graphics arent amazing but they add to the atmosphere. The socialist theme of the game is kind of fun to interact with since it makes the micromanagement realistic and is familiar to anyone with ties to soviet-era eastern europe. Also having a region with the potential for multiple towns and industries really expands the scope of the game.

All in all it is a really good game that is definitely worth it if you like city-builders with a lot of economic management and attention to detail.
991 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 13:49
Bit fiddly at times, but well done and seems development is chugging along at a decent pace.

Could turn into a real gem :thumbs_up:
195 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 17:43
its a great game if you´re into heavy management and want to get down to detail with things, it might seem a bit overwhelming at first but you will catch on qiuckly.

downside, got 2-3 crashes, that´s were the autosave comes in handy.
building buildings, roads, power lines etc is a bit clunky, but you get used to that as well.

cant see myself doing nothing else than plowing down many more hours into this one, trying out different strategies and whatever. go buy!
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
39516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 19:46
No Gulags :(
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 15:51
When I was a kid, I absolutely felt in love with Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Later on it was replaces with Open TTD, that I have spent way too many hours playing, but always raved for more. Tried to fill this hunger with multiple city builders, however, it was not what I was missing. Until now.

Guys, thank you very much for such a complex game! It is definitelly not for everyone and still lacks on multiple fields, however, potential of this game and the reality it reflects... it is just wonderful combination of something that I know really well from my childhood (Poland), intermingeled with wonderful gameplay and multiple opportunities. Just keep on your great work, and please, do not abandon this project, as it is one of the best games developed recently. I absolutely adore city builder that requires strategical approach to production chains. Gameplay 10/10, I trust that GFX and sound will get to the same level as gameplay shortly. Love it!
286 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 16:06
I want this game to succeed! I REALLY do! I am torn about it, so at this time I have to refund it. There are some UI issues that just make the game unworkable for me. Even after just an hour, I am frustrated.

I hope these are addressed!

1. The atmosphere is very good. The sounds, the designs of the buildings, even the colors, seem correct.

2. I like the way the vehicles move on the roads. There is a little bit of weirdness when they turn around at buildings (They DON'T turn, they just pop into the new direction) but it is not too distracting.

3. Free form construction of roads, railroads, paths, etc. There is no grid (or it is very dense).

4. You can adjust the height of roads, railroads, pipelines, etc. In these types of games, I always prefer building in elevation rather than abstract underground tunnels

5. A tremendous number of options for buildings, vehicles, and infrastructure. There is a serious amount of content here!

1. You cannot zoom with the mouse wheel while a building or infrastructure item is in your hand. I had no IDEA how much I actually do this in these types of games until I couldn't do it. This alone breaks the game for me.

2. The heat maps for resources only work when hovering over the buttons on the minimap. I need to be able to toggle these on or off. Also, all resources use the same color. I assume that's why we can't toggle: There would be large blobs of red everywhere, with no way to discern which means what resource.

3. You do not get an indication of how effective on oil well will be until you place it, hover over it, and see its percentage. While building, there is a layer of green, yellow, and red dots which are supposed to indicate effectiveness. However, I have built when entirely in the green, and some are at 90%, others are at 70%. Maybe there is a way to figure out why, but it is not intuitive.

4. Need more options for train loading. I am coming from Factorio, so maybe my expectations are way too high?

I will put this game back on my wishlist and continue to watch its development. Many people enjoy it. I hope I will, too.
174 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
16092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 15:06
Work in progress but what it has put in the game is working and enjoyable. This is pretty much the ultimate city builder in my opinion. You are more or less the Central Committee of a small Soviet Republic (as the title indicates) and have to design everything planned economy style from building homes for your people to infrastructure networks on road rail and even the sea. Is it complex with a learning curve? Yes. Is it some impossible game that you will never be able to learn? No. Will you ever master it? Just as the science of Dialectical Materialism is a living ideology so is one's relationship with this game. Only through constant Self-Criticism can one even begin to get good at this game. I am constantly at war with the person I was 2 hours ago who is a coward and a revisionist, I mean what kind of person would build their main train network without room for expansion besides an enemy of the state?
222 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
7799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 22:40

Do you want to build glorious socialist republic for betterment of workers and advancement of great nation? Of course you do. Get in, comrade, we're restoring the Soviet Union.

This is easily my favorite city-builder game since SimCity 4. At first it seemed like a a SimCity clone with a fun twist in that it's communist instead of capitalist. You plop some residential builds, you plop some services, you plop an industrial building or two, then you set em to work and export your goods for great profit, since taxes and wages don't exist. But as challenges start to arise the depth of this game starts to become apparent. Power lines being overloaded, trucks running out of gas, roads filling with snow, people not getting to work because they're too stupid to figure out where to go, and of course a train system that stands amongst the best train builders in it's complexity.

And then you start to realize your little socialist utopia can be fully self sufficient. Instead of paying to plop your buildings you can make all the resources you need domestically. And instead of just magically appearing out of nowhere they have to be constructed with heavy equipment and of course, workers You can grow your own food and booze to supply your workers, hell you can make their clothes, radios, and CARS if you want! And that creates even new challenges, like setting up a construction hub, creating production chains for resources, managing the logistics of those resources, setting up a rail network that isn't just efficient from point A to Point B but that also ensures that every train can reach the fuel depots or that the train construction yard can reach each rail depot, or that the rail construction office can reach each rail line you want to construct. Yes you can lay your rail yourself! I've found fewer game experiences as satisfying as planning out an extensive railway and watching it be slowly built with resources from industries I've planned and built. If you're this kinda geek then you've gotta get this game.

At the moment it's early access but when I bought it almost a year ago it was already a full game. And the developers keep adding massive new systems that any other developer would just call a DLC and slap a $15 price tag on it. They're barely done with a massive content patch when they're previewing content for the next one that keeps me constantly excited to follow the games progress. Combine that with innovative systems and expanding on features inherent in the genre and WRSR feels like a throw back to the values of PC gaming in decades past.

I can't reccomend this game enough to anyone that likes city-builder games. Urá, comrades!
101 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
12324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 05:54
Brilliant. excellent, superb. Exceeds industry tycoon (jowood) the best tycoon game i ever played, this beats that game hands down. Industrial strategy, city builder strategy, wealth management, transport tycoon, and much much more all rolled into one. My goto game. I could give an in depth explanation of the game, but several people have done that, just buy it and find out for yourself.
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 22:13
Came for the City Building - stayed for the Soviet Charm
328 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
7311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 20:45
Cities Skylines smooshed together with Transport Tycoon and painted over with Soviet imagery. It's great. If you love games where you have to control every single aspect of everything, this is for you. However if you do not like micromanagement, you will not like this game.
166 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
9486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 21:09
234 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 21:03
I bought this using imperialist pig dollars.

Basically Cities Skyline but Soviet style. Great game, even better with the countless mods available in the workshop, very active community. Maps are massive enough to build an entire republic with several cities. Devs constantly update the game with new features. 10/10 would buy again.
79 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 14:18
Awesome atmosphere, intricate detail, great fun
111 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 12:13
It's a very addictive game.

- Very nostalgic
- Replayable
- Never became boring

- Misuc is just a few tracks (Solved it by turning music off and running Sovietwave Radio on background)
- Random crashes a few times per 10 hours
- 30 % chance of game UI turning in white screen if Atl+Tab is pressed to switch active window to something else and then switched back.
19 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 01:25
This is a great construction and economy sandbox. Needless to say, managed economies are not possible and I feel that this game really gives that feel! You might think that you have something going correctly but when you look again you find that it stopped production! Very realistic and a must for any student of world history and Soviet history. I would suggest a future update to this game: Subways for Mega-Soviet cities! The Moscow subway system would be a good model to use. Have fun going out of your head trying to keep everyone fed, clothed and happy!
128 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
10605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 09:37
finally! it's running perfectly!
*three seconds later*
the bus terminal by the heating plant caught fire and everyone froze to death

393 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 13:05
I used to really like this game. The rail building is superb. That said, I spent 2 hours yesterday setting up industry and building my residential area, only to find out that residents will only take a bus or train to a station if that station is their final destination.

My area looked like this:

Industry/station station industry/station
A - residences and main train station

I had hundreds of people waiting to take the A-B train but nobody would ever board, even though I had a second train that went X-B-Z. Upon googling my issue, I found that the dev is aware and this is 'intended.' People will not board a train or bus to go to an intermediate stop. There is no way to make them change lines because they only will travel directly to their destination. Dev told the people in the forums complaining about the issue to 'stop thinking like such a capitalist.' This is game-breaking for me and I have no interest in setting up systems which only go A-B with no line transfers. Uninstalled, sadly.
60 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
39112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 10:52
The game is a great mix of city building and economic simulation! Although that is an understatement, I mean you build your own republic on a huge map! And you can really go into detail and adjust everything as you need it! Even if, like me, you have no experience of living in the Eastern Bloc or the like, this game is pure joy and you can quickly find your way around this setting.

There is also something to be said about the technical part of this game. The graphics are functional, but still very nice to look at. You should also have far more than the minimum system requirements. The larger the population and the more vehicles with tasks are added, the more demanding for the PC. And you will inevitably reach this situation if you play the game extensively.

I would absolutely recommend the game if you're looking for a deep simulation. And the game is already very complex. Of course there are still a few bugs and getting started with the game is not easy, but the developer fixes bugs very quickly and even responds personally to more complex game problems.

By the way, this is the first game with so many hours of play and my first review. So the game seriously convinced me.
867 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
10861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 03:24
This game is hands down the best city-builder I have ever played, and they're not even done developing it. One of very few games I would ever pay full price for.

It has somewhat of a steep learning curve, but it's depth and charm more than make up for it. In comparison to something like cities-skylines/simcity, this isn't a game where you just place down roads and zones. Every home, vehicle, factory, car, train, etc., has to be purchased/built/managed by you in some way. It's really fantastic.
41 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 00:23

One of those games that u feel like rewarding the company that made it.
The updates are amazing.
These Developers should be rewarded with a hit, no doubt about it.
The love for the game transcends in this one.
Thank you for this game.
232 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
11538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 16:43
Extraordinarily in depth city builder, with interesting economy mechanics, active devs, and amazing workshop support. The game is a little buggy at times, and some of the building spacing mechanics drive me mad, but I keep coming back.
123 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 19:51
I absolutley love this game. Being an Olde old gamer (80) I have to choose my games wisely. This game has everything a city builder needs and more. I can not stop playing it. Its logic is faultless and the Devs have taken time to make it so.
I can strongly recommend this game to any city builder enthusiast young and old.
Buy it great value
158 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
4210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 15:27
awesome game, kickass. Why is there no police department, is there no crime in utopia?
186 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 12:14
Ever wondered what it would be like to play a city builder where you had to plan your expansion in phases because construction work *actually* takes time?

Where you need to ensure that there are service roads which flat bed trucks can use to haul your excavators to site, while your cement mixers are slowly crawling across from the opposite side of the city because you only budgeted for one cement plant?

Is your idea of fun attempting to micromanage the semaphore signals on your train line to try and squeeze as many trains into a schedule that doesn't grind to a complete halt every 5 minutes, all because you were too stingy to build additional rail corridors?

Do you dream of ingenious ways to ensure that every glorious member of your proletariat can find joy and purpose in catching the bus to the construction site, and spend their days constructively, contributing to building a beautiful soviet republic?

Then, maybe this is the game for you!
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 21:06
This game will only suit those who have had a past in games of this kind (city building games) or those who love the Soviet Union.
This is because of the difficulty level of the game, the fucking generation of our gamers who can only play Fortnite, but as one who has played a lot in games of this kind I can say that it is a pretty interesting game, especially for the former Soviet community who can build their countries from scratch.
Also in the game there are interesting aspects like research in the field of chemistry and technology that allow in the future to produce materials related to the matter.
In addition, the game has a variety of buildings of all types and a large variety of Soviet vehicles and cars from the West that will allow to develop the logistics.
Overall from a brief acquaintance with the game I can say that the game is good, and we must not forget that this project has not yet been fully developed and every so often more content is added.
Recommended for lovers of the USSR and lovers of strategy games
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 07:42
+ Realistic communism simulator
+ Big moding community
- trains are still not working well
366 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
3534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 19:03
Best city / country builder.
194 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
5517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 17:21
It's a unique take on tycoon and city builder genres, with some extreme depths in it. I've been avid fan of games like (Open)TTD, Chris Sawyer's Locomotion, Cities In Motion, Cities Skylines, SimCity, Voxel Tycoon and this game takes something from all of them it has enough of it's own unique elements to stand out.

Even the era of tha game is bold move and I can state for the fact that while I live in a country that was occupied by Soviet Union and we don't look politelty on it, this game is fun enough that it doesn't make me care about it at all.

Yes, the graphics of the game are nothing special, but in my mind it has enough gameplay value. Of course you can't forget that the game has mod support and avid modding community. It keeps getting updates quite often, which is expected as it's Early Access title.

They have roadmap for features planned, considered and work in progress.
88 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 12:01
Кровавая стройка
2118 Produkte im Account
206 Reviews
581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 01:37
Economic simulations, whether they’re full-blown city builders, like Cities: Skylines and Tropico, or more of a distilled economic experience, like Anno and Port Royale, have always been a genre that piques my interest with each new release. Although the mainstream titles honed the template for these into one that is reliably enjoyable in many similar forms, the experimental varieties that explore new concepts are always welcome, though they often carry with them some new flaws of their own.

Enter Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic. It’s a city builder with a twist that you’re hit with right off of the bat: you’re a socialist republic. From a gameplay standpoint, this means that currency is for your dealings with other nations and that your people are granted what they need and perform their labors without being paid directly. What may surprise some players is the depth to which your planned economy operates though. For better or worse, there’s serious micromanagement to be found here and you’ll be tweaking the flow of your republic from start to finish.

From Each According to His Ability…
As with any good economic simulation, Workers & Resources is composed of a number of interlocking systems that require plenty of oversight to perfect. Forget about zoning though, as its nonexistent here. Every single building is hand-picked and placed by you and there’s quite a selection to choose from. Your industries need to be steadily supplied with workers, power, and raw resources, a task that is easier said than done. In other city builders, you may only need one worker per employment slot that will keep working it until circumstances change in one way or another. In Workers & Resources, every employment slot is fluid and up for grabs, none are reserved, there are no steady jobs, and every member of society goes to the most convenient open employment spot when they walk out their front door for their day’s labors. This ends up making the experience feel more like a puzzle than a simulation at times as your workers will crowd into the closest place of employment near their home, even if there’s one slightly further away that is more in need of their labor. Restricting open employment slots in your workplaces is the name of the game for guaranteeing some level of universal productivity until the population is capable of filling all of the spots available for all shifts, which can be a challenge to balance when you’re also in charge of how many citizens are shipped in to live in your residential facilities and unable to see much other than the maximum number of workers at one time and who’s currently working there.

Logistics take more of a front-row seat than you may be used to in your city builders as well. Just like buildings, every vehicle is individually produced and it’ll be your job to set their routes and determine what they load and unload. Buses and trucks transport your workers and resources and smart management is needed to optimize your production lines to earn you the greatest profit from your neighbors if you so choose. Self-sufficiency is a nice ideal to shoot for, though you’ll likely be exporting excess goods for some time to acquire the rubles and dollars to build the early facilities and infrastructure to start you down that path.

Road and railways offer obvious benefits to those who’ve built a city or two in the past, but a few methods of transportation stood out as particularly useful and well done. Footpaths are absolutely incredible and enhance mobility and travel range for your citizens. They’re every bit as important as roads and allow your citizens to access a greater range of services and workplaces that would be out of their reach if they were walking along your roads. On the other hand, conveyors and factory connections bring in some Factorio-lite logistical methods that allow you to cut out trucks that are acting as middlemen in related industries. Instead of having a truck deliver livestock from your ranch to the slaughterhouse via your road network, you can just build them near each other and connect them with these tools and you’re good to go, no further planning needed on your end. The less trucks on the road the better after all, especially since they require duel to remain in operation.

…To Each According to His Needs
Every citizen has needs that must be filled in order for them to be productive and content members of society. Food, childcare, consumer goods, and booze are a selection of some that you’ll need to be providing, and they’ll need to be within an acceptable traveling distance of the homes of the citizens that are seeking them out. Bus routes, trolleys, and footpaths are some of the effective methods for giving them greater access, but if you play your cards right, you might begin supplying them with personal vehicles that allow them to travel from one parking lot to another. An odd quirk here is that citizens only ever travel in one direction, their destination for the day, and never travel back to their homes. This takes away from the realism value of the simulation somewhat and allows you to game the system by creating an outgoing transportation network without worrying about the return trip as they simply teleport home after finishing with their business. I’m hopeful that this will be changed and represent a more realistic system in the future.

Final Thoughts
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic immediately pulled me in when I started it up. It was clear that it had plenty of depth and a good economic sim is something that I’ll always make time for. That said, after a few hours, it started to lose some of that luster after encountering its flaws. Some aspects are much less intuitive than they are in similar titles while offering few if any additional benefits or customization options within their systems. This is further complicated by a tutorial that is functional, though far from complete in giving a new arrival a solid understanding of the simulation. One-way population travel is also immersion-breaking and results in only having to deal with the first half of worker transportation. In a simulation that seems to be reaching for a realistic feel to it, this is a glaring flaw in my eyes. Alternatively, the overall atmosphere is great as the soundtrack fits nicely and the visual presentation is good enough for the genre, even if it’s unlikely to truly impress anyone. Fortunately, we’re still in Early Access with this one and my interactions with other players and those affiliated with the title have been nothing but pleasant when I sought out answers to questions that I had. In its current state, I can’t recommend Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic over its competitors in the genre, but I can say that this one’s likely to have a bright future if its stay in Early Access is used to its fullest to hammer out its flaws and continue to build on its systems.

Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
84587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 16:02
Depth. Details. Total Control. Active Development. City building and control the way it should be.
529 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 04:57
Great Buildup-game! And the theme fits perfectly. The mechanics are strong and varied from other Builder-games.
100 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 15:01
The hell of a good game, comrades.
You'll need some time to learn how to deal with railroad problems, but there's a lot of fun in it too.
Buy it and you'll not regret!
366 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 23:48
The only city builder I've played with high, medium, and low voltage power distribution.

Yes the capacities are wrong (too low), yes the transformers in the sub yard are laughably small, yes the switchyards are missing circuit breakers and actual switches, and yes apparently every building has an underground service running to them, even the gravel pits; but as someone who works in substations I'm just happy that there is something more than just 'generation', and that capacities have to be taken into account.

No more magical connections of 100kV+ lines to a city center that magically powers everyone's home and business (FU skylines)
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 11:26
Planed economy is amazing!
132 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 11:26
Soviet SimCity with a very in depth fuel and electricity requirement for your city, very big maps considering it is an Indie Game. I strongly recommend
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 17:24
this is a very great game to play during quarantaine. I only have the game for one week and have already 40 hours on the record. this game is recommed to everybody who plays a city builder or likes communisem
621 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
1843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 00:27
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic is one of the best simulators ever made. In contrast to other city builders, Workers & Resources accurately portrays its subject matter, that being city and industrial planning for a region in cold war eastern europe. Every detail must be managed, every resource must either be produced or purchased at a cost. Every industry serves a direct purpose to the state, whether it be satisfying the demands of the people or for exports to keep the state afloat.

For these same reasons, W&R can be difficult, obtuse and demanding at times, but it is for these reasons that W&R is a brilliant simulator instead of just being a brilliant city building game. It takes pride in intricate systems, and all these intricate systems underscore the overall political and economic ideals that this game replicates. It dares to be tough and confusing at times, and it dares to be intricate, where most modern city builders are more interested in streamlining. City Skylines comes to mind in this aspect, where you apparently function within a capitalist society, but act more like a communist society. But not in W&R. Message, mechanics and intention are all in alignment.

I heartily recommend this game, and it has only gotten better as the updates come out.
340 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
65128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 20:56
Very very good. Highly engaging.
While this game does have its foibles and it is a bit rough around the edges, I find the core game play mechanics incredibly engaging. There is something about the fact that practically everything you can build and buy in the game can be constructed from raw materials eventually within your republic.
The modding community for the game is exceptional in its dedication and skill and enhance an already very rich game.
The developers have been very ambitious in their proposition and so far it is working. Very very engaging.
231 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 15:22
The UI and the terraforming tools actively play against you.
120 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
16355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 15:03
So after spending a night playing this game and only realising it when the sun came through the windows, I need to post a review...

Is this a good game? Yes.
Is it better than Cities Skylines? Hell no. What the hell are you guys smoking? We are not talking about the same budget scale here...
Is it worth buying? In my opinion yes. But remember this is early access!

Let's look at the pros and cons:


- It's soviet era! 'nough said
- It's much more technical than say Skylines... The learning curve is clearly longer in this game. Don't skip the tutorials!
- The economy system is great, you really have to work hard to get self-sufficient and it's rewarding when you are able to produce your own food and/or your own cars instead of buying them from abroad! The connection system between factories etc... is great.
- The nice looking vehicles... Gotta love your Traby!


- The road/rail connecting and lay-out system can be a real nightmare... Also making straight lines with your roads or buildings is next to impossible.
- Lack of political and/or criminal/police events. I want to opress my people please. And if you give my people cultural needs, give me more than just a cinema and a radio to satisfy them.
- Very limited interface... no way to see what buildings need power, workers, supplies etc except if you click directly on it. More global views on the situation are needed.
- Graphics are so so... also lack of variety in some buildings (monuments...)

All in one I would recommend this game if you are soviet era nostalgic, or if you looking for a city builder with more technical aspects than Skylines... Also remember, it's early access!
127 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5974 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 08:56
roller coaster tycoon but everything ever and the opposite of a tycoon

that paperclip game but to the scale of humanity in eastern europe from the 60's-90's

this is the ultimate game
9 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 21:25
Unfortunately it's so fiddly to build anything, and the interface and controls are so clunky and unintuitive, that the game very quickly gets irritating and boring, especially the terraforming and uneven ground. Too many little bugs and mindless 'challenges', such as the awkwardly located inputs/outputs on the factories. It's a shame, because the concept is quite a good one... These points have been made many times before, and I can only reiterate them. Not worth the money.
340 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 05:52
It has some good ideas, but holy cow are the devs inexperienced or incompetent.
Basically everything that was improved in city-builders in the last... two decades... is missing in this game. Early access or not, I sometimes wonder if the devs have ever played their own game.

Camera is not rotate around where you are looking at but rotate around the camera, the game hi-jacks your scrollwheel for rotating (because I need to rotate 99% of the time I want to place a building instead of zooming in and out to position it properly....).

The terraforming tool is worthless, the limits of their map triangulation show gravely, some mountain rock you can't terraform, inexplicably obviously, bridges can't have bends, every. single. freaking. thing. needs terraforming and if you don't literally flatten half the map before you even think about building anything, it's just a giant pain to build. Now compare that to Cites Skylines, where you can actually build into the natural lanscape.... in this game.... you are asking to ragequit.

Everything but the base idea is just INSANELY finicky, the inputs and outputs of every building have been put in the most annoying places, and the conveyor belts are just one giant pain in the back that add nothing to the game, just make it so you just better build everything at least 2 miles apart to you can somehow finagle the roads and conveyor belts in there... SOMEHOW.

God please, let the dev team hire someone that knows how to develop a city builder game, because I want this to be good. The premise is great, the ideas are great, the implementation is just god awful.
40 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 03:48
Its pretty dank bro
86 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 18:53
The game is very complex in nature and I enjoyed the challenge. However, trying to align a railway line to a gradient is like real life rocket science. The game often would not let me align tracks even though visually the gradients were fine. The game does not explain the issue with the track except for basic instruction as to the track it not flat even though visually it appears level. This bug needs fixing before i would recommend any purchase of this game
40 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 15:14
very slav
332 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 19:52
Reminds me my childhood in Czechoslovakia. Priceless :D
188 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
12199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 06:13
I had to start over a couple times, and actually do the tutorials, but then I began a little Soviet city and it slowly grew and didn't go bankrupt. Over time, we built huge farms, and made food and alcohol to toast our success. It was decided by our glorious leaders to build an oil well, and export the oil to make some money, so we could expand. Then we realized that we could build an oil refinery, to process the oil and sell fuel for much more money. But building the oil refinery would require 1000's of man hours, and all of our resources. Luckily our leaders had already planned ahead and built the infrastructure of construction that we'd need to build the massive oil refinery. Eventually, after an eternity, the glorious people's oil refinery was finally constructed. We wept and drank more liquor. This game has turned me into a Russian.
82 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
8889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 21:26
Though the game has a hell of alot of bugs, the overall experience is great. There are A LOT of things I would like to see changed, like improved worker AI and overall bug fixes. But I will go into the basic pro's and cons

1. the rail system. The way this game does trains is absolutely wonderful! It is just excellent in so many ways I can not describe. It can be a bit challenging to learn at first how to do the rail system, but once you learn how to do it, there is limitless possibilities for customization of your rail system.
2. Industry. Industry in general is wonderfully setup with complex supply and production chains that require a large amount of optimization, but can allow you to produce basically everything your little republic needs without any help from the outside world. Hell, you can become self-sufficient and purely focus on exporting a surplus of everything.
1. worker AI. The worker movement AI is just abysmal. They seem to not comprehend some of the most basic things and often refuse to use the transport networks you set up, even if they would work perfectly fine in a realistic setting. you can work around it, but it is still really annoying.
2. roads. The road system is the opposite of the rail system in terms of depth and usefulness. The lack of road size variety and road snapping can make things fairly challenging to use when you focus on road vehicles.
3. Bugs. Bugs everywhere! Lack of performance optimization is real, as even though the rail system is absolutely splendid, it can be very laggy to deal with. They did fix a bug that would cause your game to lag if not crash with complex rail systems, but building lengthy track lengths can still cause performance to take a nose-dive. And it isnt uncommon for the game to crash unexpectedly from doing the most innocouous things.

Overall it is a fun game for those city-builder types. Though it is nearly as polished a product as games like Cities Skylines, Banished, or Tropico. It has alot of potential and I hope the devs iron out the issues before adding new content.
409 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 23:10
Hello comrade! We serve to Soviet Union!
91 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
11020 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 20:21
This is the best game ever in its genre. Out of my 48 years, I have been playing since the Atari era: I played every title in this category. My only fear is developers to take the rout o watering down (arcadish) for a broader audience. I hope they keep it as deep and as complex as it is. I enjoyed seeing my construction office executing a project for days and days. Moving resources and workers, using all sorts of machinery, as I watch the miracle happen. Unlike many games where you place a building, and it is done in three seconds. My best approach is becoming self-sufficient, so my Russia does not depend on global market fluctuations.
For me, it is a complete game at the core, but they need to work on the terrain handling: You can spend thirty minutes building a mine, saving and loading the game. It is hard to develop and connect roads. Needs polish.
However, it is so rewarding that I go through the pain.
I can't wait for the final release.
102 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 18:49
This game is, like so many others, often labeled as a city builder. Which isn't untrue per se, but calling this a 'country builder' would be much more accurate in my opinion. Remember those old city builders where you had to manage every aspect of you kingdom, but that kingdom was in fact always a single city covering the map? Well not this game. You'll find yourself building multiple larger or smaller towns across a map that is square kilometers in size , and having to exploit resources that are spread apart. Think of it as a crossover that combines elements from Cities: skylines, industry giant, transport fever and, hopefully sometime in the future, Tropico. Add the atmospheric Cold War era Soviet styled theme and you have a great game. I just went in to my first real playthrough but i can already feel that this game scratches itches like none of the above mentioned games can on their own

- Real industries: Industries in W&R:SR aren't simply zones that spawn generic industry that provide a set number of labour places and generate taxes and traffic, you build industries that produce something according to the number of workers employed and the produced goods have to be transported or processed further
- Real Economy: By that I don't mean real as opposed to fake, but real as opposed to fiscal. There is no abstracted income in the form of taxes. You earn money by exporting and you spend it by importing. That means that it is possible to become completely self sufficient if you want to (takes a LOT of time and effort). Alternatively, you can export certain products to earn cash and import everything else, your choice!
- Logistics: Industries require workers and resources (no surprise there, given the title). You have to make sure both get there. If a factory has 200 jobs and needs to run round the clock, you need 600 workers in the town you build next to it, because workers have 8h shifts. They also need support building to be able to lead happy lives (shops, schools, hospital). Those also have to be staffed, you see where this is going: one industry requires an entire town to support its 24h production
- Huge map: as mentioned before, the map is huge and actually makes you build specialized towns that are all connected through transport networks. There is enough room for you to lay out intricate industrial parks with all the necessary rail, road , storage and transfers AND a sprawling garden city that provides the labour without feeling contstrained or forced to cram too much in too litle space.


- Steep learning curve: you need to manage everything and take everything into account when building or planning to build.

- No tutorial: Yeah, literally no handholding in this game yet. I'm sure that will be covered eventually, but right now there isn't any. Luckily, by now there are plenty of youtubers with great example playthroughs that can help you on your way, but it still might be daunting.
- Somewhat clunky interface: some substantial clicking through menus (they have added a hotkey bar now!), building roads can be a frustrating experience because of how stringent the terrain limits are
- Micromanagement: depending on who you ask, this could also be counted as a pro, but in my opinion workers require a little too much babysitting. It's fine for now but if more buildings and features are added it might become unwieldy to the point that it becomes a chore.

Right now the game focuses on the economic side of things, but the devs have plan to add features regarding internal political control and stability (police, secret or otherwise), foreign politics and international events, as well as tons of new industries and building. There is also workshop support so users have already made a lot of stuf that provides even more options and flexibility in shaping you rsoviet republic.

For now a solid thumbs up!

46 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 14:25
im absolutely addicted to this game!! its so in depth and not in any way easy to understand how everything works at first it take time and patience for sure and can be a bit rough but VERY rewarding when you finally figure out how something works or how to utilize a building or resources better and can be very satisfying creativity wise, calling this a city builder does not do this game justice its a nation builder unlike iv ever played before where you can build many cities that can work together to build your economy.. yes its glitchy still a few bugs here and there nothing game breaking but seeing its early access still, those can be ironed out easily i definitely suggest a must try for this game 8/10 scale for me
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