Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
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Über das Spiel

Ein Fluch des Meka-Drachen hat dich in ein Monstrum – halb Mensch, halb Echse – verwandelt, und du bist auf der Suche nach dem Salamanderkreuz, einem magischen Item, das Flüche aufheben kann …
- CPU: Any
- GFX: Intel HD Graphics 4000-5000 series (game in 720p)
- Software: Windows 7
- HD: 1100 MB available space
- DX: Version 10
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- CPU: Any
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 1100 MB available space
- DX: Version 10
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 13:37
Ein Remake bzw. Remaster von einem Wonderboy Teil. Es ist ein Plattformer mit Action Adventure Teilen.
Man spielt diverse Charaktere mit verschiedenen Fähigkeiten, sodass man alle Level mehrfach durchlaufen muss um weiter zu kommen. Man durchläuft die Level sammelt, Geld und Items bis zum Schluss ein Boss kommt. Hat man den Boss erledigt bekommt man eine neue Form und muss dann das alte und das neue Level mit dieser Gestalt durchlaufen. Das wiederholt sich dann sehr oft bis man alle Charaktere freigeschaltet hat.
Wenn man im Level stirbt sind alle Items weg, nur Gold und Ausrüstung bleibt erhalten.
Eine richtige Geschichte schein es gar nicht zu geben da niemand mit einem großartig Redet!
Die Grafik sieht super aus, man kann im Spiel direkt zwischen Retro und neuem Grafikstil wechseln.
Die Musik ist auch sehr schon gemacht und auch hier kann man zwischen Retro und neuem Sound wechseln.
Die Steuerung mit meinem Xbox One Gamepad geht mit dem Stick gut (außer das man oft Türen öffnet durch die man gar nicht will), aber mit dem Steuerkreuz kommt es nur zu Problemen (Türen werden nicht geöffnet und man kann sich oft nicht ducken)
+ gute Grafik
+ guter Sound
- keine Geschichte
- Ausrüstung Upgrades wirken nur aufgesetzt
- keine Erklärungen
- wenig Gegnertypen
- Boss kämpfe langweilig
- schlechte Steuerung
- unübersichtliche Level
- Level müssen sehr oft durchlaufen werden
- Bugs (Gegner wollen schießen, können es aber nicht)
- Gegner staggern einen sodass man sogar aus dem Bild gedrückt wird
- Health Anzeige unübersichtlich
Hatte mich wirklich auf dieses Spiel gefreut, sehr positive Bewertungen alle lobten es gute Grafik usw.
Aber nach 3 Stunden (was das halbe Spiel zu sein scheint) merkt man das, dass Spiel einfach nicht so gut ist wie es scheint.
Es wird einem nichts erklärt, es gibt keine Geschichte und das öftere wiederholen der Level nervt nur. Die Gegner sind meistens nicht schwer, dennoch wird es nur schwer da man den Charakter den man spielt einfach sich schlecht Steuern lässt (am meisten die Maus). Viele Charaktere lassen sich so spielen als würde man auf Eis laufen.
Die Level sind finde ich unübersichtlich und die Gegner die eine treffen ziehen manchmal einfach sehr viel Energie ab und manche so gut wie gar nichts. Die Health Anzeige ist einfach Ultra schlecht zu verstehen, ich kann nur selten feststellen wieviel Energie ich nur wirklich habe.
Was am meisten nervt ist das Gegner die einen berühren, einen so außer Gefecht setzten könne sodass man sogar aus dem Bild heraus gedrückt wird. Es ist nicht möglich durch die Level schnell zu kommen da man fast jeden Gegner noch einmal töten muss, da sie auch Respawen wenn man die Bildschirm verlässt.
Ich kann dieses Spiel nicht empfehlen schon gar nicht für 19,99€ bei einer Spielzeit von 5-6 Stunden. Hier hätte man durchaus mehr dran machen müssen, als so oft dieselben Wege gehen zu müssen.
Klar es ist ein Remake/Remaster dennoch hätte ich mir mehr Abwechslung gewünscht, als immer wieder alles 1000x absuchen zu müssen. Die fehlende Geschichte und das nicht erklären von Gegenständen/Items ist finde ich auch sehr schlimm.
So ist es mir passiert das ab einen bestimmten Punkt mir nicht klar war das ich durch einen Handschuh den ich bekommen habe Steine zerstören kann. Diese Steine können aber nur zerstört werden mit dem Drachen durch dranspringen von unten, mit der Maus und dem Fischkopf nur mit dem Schwert.
Ich würde sagen dieses Game ist nur für Leute die auch schon das Original gut fanden. Ich liebe Retro Games aber dieses Game ist für mich ein kompletter Fehlschlag gewesen. Dann probiere ich mich dann lieber mal an Monster Boy, vielleicht ist das ja besser als dieser Mist hier.
Ich habe es 3 Stunden gespielt und es wirkt einfach noch nicht ganz fertig. Hier hätte man einfach mehr draus machen können.
Einzelspieler: 4/10
Grafik: 10/10
Musik: 9/10
Steuerung: 6/10
Spiel: 7/10
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.18 22:57
Das Nostalgie Feeling fängt das Remake recht gut ein, nicht zuletzt, weil man das Spiel
auch in Original Grafik incl. Retro Sound zocken kann.
Für Neulinge würde ich das Spiel nicht uneingeschränkt empfehlen, da das Spielkonzept
doch schon etwas angestaubt ist.
Für Genrefans und all jene die wissen wollen, wie sich die 80er angefühlt haben, kann ich
es auf jeden fall empfehlen.
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.17 12:05
Im Orginalspiel haben wir einen Helden ( in dieser Version ist auch eine Heldin möglich) der Monsterland retten möchte. Um dies zu bewältigen muss er einen Drachen töten. Als ihm dies gelingt wird unser Held jedoch mit einem Fluch belegt.
Jetzt müssen wir uns aufmachen und diesen Fluch besiegen. Dafür müssen wir weiter durch Monsterland streifen.
Dieses Spiel ist eine Neuauflage eines alten Klassikers. Die neue Grafik ist sehr Liebevoll gestaltet und es macht spaß sich diese anzuschauen. Jedoch kann man bei Bedarf auch die Alte Retro Grafik hervor holen mit allen Retro extras die man sich vorstellen kann ( Röhrenbildschirm Feeling ).
Sowohl die Tastatur als auch die Controller Steuerung ist recht einfach gehalten und man macht sich sehr schnell vertraut damit. Es spielt sich auch sehr flüssig. Wobei die verschiedenen Charaktere die man in dem Spiel erwirbt sich meiner Meinung schon sehr unterschiedlich spielen.
Die Musik wurde ebenfalls überarbeitet und man kann sich auch die alte Musik aussuchen wodurch das Spielfeeling richtig schön wird. Aber auch die neue Musik haben Sie gut getroffen und ist eines Remaster Spiel würde.
Da es 2 Schwerigkeitsgrade gibt und auch ein paar Geheimnisse zu entdecken gibt lohnt es sich, dieses Spiel mindestens ein 2. mal durch zu spielen.
Am Anfang hat man wenig Ausrüstung wodurch es manchmal wirklich schwer wird. Je mehr man an Ausrüstung gewinnt desto einfacher wird es. Doch selbst bei der Besten Rüstung kann man manchmal verzweifeln. Auch die Geheimnisse die es zu entdecken gibt bieten etwas Herausforderung.
Ich habe dieses Spiel 2 mal durchgespielt und habe auch den Klassiker früher gespielt. Für Wonderboy Fans ein einfaches Muss! Alle anderen sollten diesem Spiel auch eine Chance geben und sich davon verzaubern lassen.
718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 16:52
Nicht Empfohlen
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 11:13
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 10:07
This game has some issues, mostly due to the old-school game design, but if you played any 8-16 bit games you can deal with it.
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 21:57
Simplesmente o que sonhava que fosse um remake, esse jogo trouxe tudo sem alterar o que o jogo era.
A arte está incrível as músicas remixadas se encaixam bem e ainda sim trazem a nostalgia da versão clássica, você pode escolher se joga a versão 8 bits ou a versão remasterizada e o melhor de tudo é poder escolher o áudio remasterizado ou o clássico, isso mesmo você pode alterar a hora que quiser com as teclas F1 e F2 isso foi genial,
Faltou o mod da turma da Mônica <3
150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 04:55
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 01:09
Whilst dabbling in this beautiful game Played bunch with the swap visual and music for the fun of it because these guys made exactly the same game as before but now you can spice up difficulty to make it worth a replay if you are an old school gamer. I never even knew this game existed but wow, wow, wow, wow.
You want metroidvania history come check this out, one of the greatest video game OF ALL TIME!!!!!!
562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 01:19
The game is difficult but not infuriating, and with only a little bit of persistence you'll get through any of the challenges ahead
It doesn't have a lot to offer after you've played it once (unless you like it enough to play a bunch more to improve your time) but I am very satisfied with the experience I had as it is
Congrats to everyone responsible for making this game, you should be very proud
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 11:24
That being said, i love 2D platformers, so getting a second chance to play this game is pretty cool.
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 20:27
I hope more and more studios will do these kind of documentary-like remakes, it's a lower barrier of entry for smaller studios to start with a tested title, and gives younger players a chance to discover and appreciate old gems once again.
10/10 for sure
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 20:49
Old School gameplay, new graphisms, same (fantastic) level design, and an original soundtrack updated to new standard.
Btw, the possibility to switch from the retro style to the new wonderboy graphisms in game is just insane !
Great Win ! And what a respectul tribute to the original game !
784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 22:30
1753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 08:23
It also was a fantastic game that rivaled entries like Metroid and allowed players to return to areas they had been in before to find new rooms with abilities earned over time. It was essentially a predecessor to what would be known as a Metroidvania.
And so in 2017, Wonder Boy: The Dragon Trap was released, remaking the original title, but also improving it and giving it a more interesting overhaul to mesh with modern gamers. While the original game can still be seen in the new release, the improvements will welcome gamers who aren’t looking for a replica of what a Master system was limited to.
The story remains the same, Wonder Boy is cursed by a MEKA(robot) Dragon, who changes him into a lizard man, and from there the player has to explore the world, figure out which locations are available to him, and fight various bosses to attempt to break the curse. Similar to the original game, each boss will transform Wonder Boy into a new beast, such as a mouse, or an eagle, and each transformation will open up new parts of the world.
The original game of Wonder Boy III: The Dragon Trap is still here, every room has been recreated, and the main game’s flow is the same as the original title, with a few minor tweaks. The most noticeable change is that graphics have been overhauled, and rather than extremely dated sprite gameplay, there’s a default graphic mode that has beautifully animated hand-drawn characters.
Fans of the original game should check this out just for the art. It’s a gorgeous-looking game, and worthy of praise for that feature alone. The audio has also been vastly improved, adding in FM audio tracks that were never before released in America, and a brand new interface was added to make it easier to control the game.
However, purists still have the option to remove the improved graphics, audio, and inventory, and play the game as it was originally released, at least mostly so. There are new areas of the map and the removal of the “Charm” system, but both of those changes benefit the game.
What is particularly interesting is how the improved graphics appeared to be a strange overlay for the original game. While the two games look vastly different, the player still appears to be moving in the same ways, and the attacks are similar. It appeared that somehow the new graphics are just an animated visual reference to the original game. If so, it’s an impressive translation that feels unique, especially if players flip between the two graphical looks.
As mentioned, the game has now removed the Charm points, where players would have to have a certain amount of “CP” before different items were able to be purchased. This system in the original game could be quite frustrating and often required players to backtrack so they could collect “everything” but didn’t significantly improve the experience of the game as most shops were locked off behind abilities and skills that players would gain over time.
The new areas of the game are also a rather big change, but they are more challenging areas that are optional. However, those are some of the most interesting areas of the game, giving a strong challenge and showing off the talents of the team who made the port because they are some of the best areas in the title.
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap adds in new difficulty options, which tailors the game to player’s skill levels. Hard appears to be on par with the original game, but Normal is a more reasonable challenge where players will be able to easily progress through the game.
The only real issue of Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is that ultimately it’s unable to fully sever its connection with the original title. The gameplay, combat, story, and major locations are all the same. This is the true challenge with remaking a classic game. To go any farther, even to change the dated combat from the original title, would make me question where the “remake” part of the title is as so much of this game has been updated and modernized. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap appears to find the correct middle ground, even if it can result in an uneven experience.
Players are going to be experiencing the best version of Wonder Boy III: The Dragon Trap, even with a slightly different name, style, and additions. At the heart, this is a remake of a classic title, and while it has a lot of appeal to it, I am forced to wonder how many players want to go back and check out a classic Sega title they might not recognize. I did, and I’m better for it, but it’s going to be a harder sell to many players, even with its improved experiences.
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap as it is finds a way to position itself as a perfect throwback for players who want to check out a classic game, with some modern conveniences. It’s a great way to revisit a classic title and get the best experience for players, and it makes me want to see this done again and again with many of my favorite titles.
I give Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap an arbitrary
If you enjoyed this and want to see more from me, you can check out my youtube channel at
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 22:28
The art and animation is absolutely beautiful. Being able to swap between retro and modern aesthetics at any point was great.
660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 21:35
+ Faithful to the original, to the point of being partially emulated.
+ Beautiful graphics (and you can also toggle the old graphics)
+ Great soundtrack (and you can also toggle the old chiptunes)
+- The Game Is Hard
+- Hard Mode feels brutal, but I think that's the point.
It's a bit short, but I really enjoyed my playthrough.
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 20:03
I grew up playing the original on the Sega Master System, and playing it again as an adult many years later, I think think this title has aged well and presents a satisfying challenge, even with its somewhat dated game design and occasional crypticness.
And cryptic it be, for as a child, I was never able to beat the game and always got stuck after beating the first couple dungeons, and had to resort to using codes my siblings found online to teleport me to dungeons I could never get to legitimately. In many ways, given how long it’s been since I played, and the fact I recently beat it without resorting to any guides and also discovered a few really cool well-hidden secrets, it feels like I’m playing it for the first time again.
Anywho, this title is kinda like a Metroidvania platformer with light RPG elements, where you have a hub area that takes you to various locations. You’ll need to venture out into various areas each connected to this hub, reach and clear the dungeons in those areas, and then fight bosses that will reward you with the ability to play as new characters each with abilities that will allow you to reach new areas. And if you want to survive in the game’s environments, you’ll also need to regularly purchase progressively better gear you find in shops around the world too. Which is helped by the fact there are treasure rooms (some of which are well-hidden) that will reward you either with heaps of gold, much-needed life pool increases, or consumable items (such are fireballs or boomerangs) that can make some fiendishly difficult rooms much easier to deal with.
That’s the basic formula, and it’s fun, as there’s a lot of enemies who have thoughtful and challenging placements within the environment, as well as some some cool and creepy bosses to take down. It’s also gratifying to purchase better equipment or to discover hidden goodies scattered throughout the world, as with any other game in this genre.
What’s not good is that some amount of gold grinding will be required to purchase the best equipment in the game, and as I hinted at previously, things can be somewhat cryptic at times too. There are some systems in the game that aren’t explained at all (such as Charm Points and what they have to do with item shops), and it can be downright confusing to figure out where to go next, or what you should be doing. So chances are you will get stuck at some point, perhaps even right after the prologue when the open-world portion starts, as you have access to multiple areas and there’s no indication to where you should be going or if you even have the ability to proceed further.
If you get stuck for a while, don’t frustrate yourself. Just look up a guide online that will point you in the right direction and keep going; the game is challenging enough as it is, and getting stuck for too long will probably make the game overstay its relatively short 3-6 hour runtime.
Next is sound and then graphics, which I’ll be spending a disproprionate amount of time on in this review, since I believe the charm of the audio and visuals is a huge part of this game, and is a large part of what I think makes the game so memorable. Expect much ranting about “BuT MuH atMospHeRe”.
You can switch between the beautiful, hand-drawn cartoon-style graphics and its accompanying orchestral soundtrack; and between the original spritework and bleepitly-bloopy music and soundeffects from the original game, mixing and matching between the two styles as you please. And while I think the new visuals and audio are great, I really preferred to play with the original graphics and audio - perhaps for reasons that are not simply nostalgia-related.
On the music front, I personally found the original rendition of the game to be much more atmospheric and foreboding than the new one, while the new one consistently felt overbearing and mood-killing, mostly due to constantly playing orchestral music, or music that totally did not suit an area. For epic orchestral music to fit a game, a particular playspace or event in the game must have a feeling of grandiosity, or the entire game must have a sense of being grand and larger-than-life (one example of such a game is Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, where orchestral music throughout suits it perfectly). Not so for this game, for this is an oldschool platformer where you travel across desolate environments, fighting through cramped and spooky dungeons, where you eventually fight even weirder and creepy bosses.
Though, while the old audio is catchy, charming and consistent in presenting the themes of the game, it can start to feel slightly recycled towards the end of the game. Which leads into a strength of the new music: variety. The developers opted to use a number of orchestral themes, and gave each area and boss its musical remix, making them all feel unique in contrast to the original music.
However it’s a double-edged sword: there are a couple instances where the new music really suits the environment, and others where it feels out-of-place. Variety is good, but not if it feels like they randomly mixed-up the theme simply because they felt they should. One example on the Plus side is an underground area where the new audio feels really subdued and really suits the lonely, claustrophic atmosphere there; whereas with the old music it’d just be playing the exact same old music you’ve heard before. And on the Minus side, there’s a lava area with very dangerous, spooky enemies and endless pools of, well, lava. The music there should be, as I’ve repeatedly whined, of the “muh foreboding atmosphere” variety - but the music playing there is jazzy and upbeat instead, making it contrast strangely with what’s going on.
Graphics time. I don’t have much to say here, as I did not play much with the new graphics switched on, and only sampling them randomly throughout my playthrough. Even so, I do believe that the old and new looks are both wonderful in their own rights; they’re both completely unique from one another, and completely change the feel of the game, while still preserving the charming and expressive spritework. Though, I did subjectively prefer the old look and found it suited the environments and enemy sprites a lot better.
Now, I don’t have anything against the new audio and graphics for making the game feel different. Different is good, and I always had the option to go back and play it the way I remembered it anyway. Perhaps, if I ever play this game again, I’ll do so with the new look, and might end up changing my mind.
And with that, I guess I’ll bring things to a close.
My TL;DR is that this game is literally 100% perfect and the one and only flaw is that the developers filled the end credits with photos of ugly children. That is, beautiful ugly children, because they’re childhood photos of the awesome developers who helped bring this gem of a game back from the past.
Thanks for reading. Buy this game, because it still holds up.
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 20:52
Having a button mapped specifically to swap seamlessly between old/new visual and old/new audio just serves even further proof of how well executed the original game was, but also how much richer and improved the experience is when everything is enhanced without altering the core.
After playing this I want Lizardcube to bring back every game I ever played as a kid, for they are the only ones I would trust to actually match and go beyond my impossibly nostalgia-enhanced memories.
It exists
Undeserving cretins arguing the gameplay is dated
549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 14:54
There isn’t much to say when it comes to presentation that hasn’t been said before. The visuals are beautiful; they were the reason why I wanted to buy it on the first place and have remained as appealing as they were back then. The art style reminds me of the illustrations one would find in those old children story books from past decades: they’re pretty charming. The music is quite good too although I feel it didn’t impact me as much as the art did, yet that doesn’t mean it’s bad.
Now, gameplay and such is where I have to get critical: this is the remake of an old Sega Master System game and no matter how many changes its exterior receives, the core remains the same. That’s not to say it’s bad: I enjoyed a lot the adventure and platform combination it provides along with a few RPG touches regarding the equipment. I like exploring so returning to previous areas to find secrets or things I may have missed wasn’t too bad for me.
Instead, my issues would come with the control itself: I didn’t expect the game to be turned into a hack and slash, but the movements remain rather stiff in execution. For example, I’d lose momentum after jumping if I decided to attack in the air, which feels weird: it’s not the worst thing in the world, it’s more so manageable. Now, what is the WORST THING IN THE WHOLE GAME is the knockback: the miserable, miserable knockback. The number of times I’ve been pushed back, kicked off and outright locked bouncing between enemies as if they were playing tennis with my character as the ball is absurd: the worst part of this came, if I recall correctly, with the second boss, which would go from one end of the room to the other and drag me along the whole way through with no way of escaping if I didn’t land a hit properly. That’s one of the main sour spots of the game and one that sadly doesn’t go away so it’s up to the player to learn to deal with it.
The other questionable aspect would be the grinding, and not so much for experience but for money: besides being healed and purchasing some powers (if you find them), what you’ll want to buy is new swords, shields and armour. It’s very important to expand your equipment from time to time, not only because of the attack and defence boosts it provides but also because those have a number value which changes depending on what’s the character’s current form. As such, you need the right gear to get through the new areas and the prices can be rather high, specially if you want to get some of the best pieces for sale yet that requires you to find specific grind spots and go at it for a long time before having enough for just one.
With that said, Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is in no way a bad game, it probably won’t be for everyone: it’s worth checking out but make sure you know what you’ll get yourself into if you decide to buy it and don’t hesitate to check out a guide if you really need it and it helps make your journey more manageable.
1193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 07:16
I don't know how I could be miss this game when it was released a couple years ago.
Whether you're an old fart and played the original or playing for the first time, this is a piece of art.
Even if the world is not giant, progression in the game is fun. For some items you'll definitely need to find some hints on the Internet but that's still fun.
The only con is the fact they haven't released more games like this one!!
Nicht Empfohlen
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 14:23
I love the game's gorgeous remastered art, the commitment to the retro side of the game (toggleable FM sound and scanlines!), and, just, the overall interface to the game - but I feel that the number-one sin any platformer can commit is just being awkward and stiff and unpleasant to play, and unfortunately while playing The Dragon's Trap, it just don't feel as though my inputs are generating the outputs I hoped for. I feel as though I'm fighting to control my character instead, which is frustrating when enemies seem to aim their attacks at your face. Back to the save point in the hub, let's try tanking through that section again...
The developers seem to have made a point of being completely authentic to the original game, which is a completely valid choice and one they've accomplished very well - I just feel as though, given their commitment to modernising the look of the game (rebuilding it for modern displays while making the modern/retro an instant toggle), they could have taken a look at how the game feels to play as well. Because I really, really, really want to recommend this game otherwise!
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 12:03
23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 20:45
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 20:31
NB Love the retro/modern switch-buttons <3 great job!
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 08:34
There are additional options allowing you to switch to the original graphics and sounds, which whilst not changing anything mechanically, adds to the charm and highlights just how faithful a recreation this is, as well as new difficulty modes, including an incredibly brutal difficulty that adds a timer to your health bar emulating that of the older Wonder Boy titles. Additional challenge rooms have also been added to test each of your forms and rewards you with a whole new weapon for purchase upon completion of them all.
But the real crown jewel of the PC port of this game is the ability to mess around with the dev tools that were made to help debug the game. Changing the Editor option in the settings config to True and then pressing F or Select in-game allows you to edit maps and stats at a whim and it's an absolute joy to see how the game was put together.
2057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 20:25
Art is beautiful
Is somewhat open world, has lots of places to explore.
You can switch to retro mode
Each character has their own unique section
The game has different modes, so younger players and older players can enjoy this game.
This game could be a bit too hard for some people, even on easy mode.
The controls are kinda slippery
I highly recommend this game, besides the slippery controls and difficulty.
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 22:55
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 02:55
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 08:27
Nicht Empfohlen
301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 05:50
Firstly the presentation is amazing. I love the artstyle, I love the music and I love the ability to switch between retro and modern on the fly. It truly looks and sounds amazing.
The gameplay is good, I understand its an older game so the mechanics are dated but it functions well EXCEPT and this is a MAJOR issue, any enemy moving toward your character, when hit can get knockbacked toward you rather than away from you. This means you could potentially get hit for half your health bar outside of you own control.
This would have been a small issue if there was a means to counter play it but outside of grinding the next tier of gear for a few hours, its just functionally flawed.
Here is a clip of the aformentioned buggy forward knockback, disclaimer: profanity
If this issue didnt show up as frequently as it did, I would've played the game further and pushed my way to the nostalgic end but I'm not about to force myself to play a game where each enemy has the potential to kill me regardless of how I play around them.
I don't know if this bug is regular behaviour in the classic but there are literally hundreds of games I would recommend over this one and I wouldn't recommend this experience to my worst enemy.
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 10:22
To appreciate the game you'll need to understand that this is not a remake/reboot. It's purely a modern re-skin so it carries all the exact same game play and floaty controls under the hood from the original. This can't compete to modern games in any sense so it's a shame to see so many negative reviews complaining hard about these factors.
If you've never played the original (or other games from that era) I doubt you'll get too much out of this game as you can beat it in 2-3 hrs and it'll seem simple enough. For me it was one of the coolest nostalgia hits in a modern form. Usually I'm pretty cynical about trying to bring old games into the modern gaming scene but this was able to tread that fine line perfectly in updating but not ruining the original.
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34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 11:08
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68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 16:50
But NO, you don't release a platformer when controls sucks. Jumping sucks, there too much inertia in the character, hitboxes feels funky. Plus (maybe it's in my head), there's latency in the controls.
They really nailed the late 80's controls feeling but sadly nostalgia doesn't apply to that and ,given the 400-ish game I still have to play in my library, I won't give more of 1 hour of my reduced gaming time.
Ps: Anyway, thanks for the linux port, greatly appreciated.
665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 21:46
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235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 09:03
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35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 18:07
The music is decent for 10 mins but afterwards it becomes annoying due to the repetition.
The only thing I really liked was that you can switch the visuals and the audio between retro and normal, which I would like more game developers to add.
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384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 08:25
I did not enjoy the gameplay though, physics felt like you were always on ice because of your momentum, you could get stun-locked for like 20 seconds in combat, the combat wasn't that fun in general, and there was no map or fast traveling.
The game is pretty short, taking me around 6 hours to 100% it. It's good for an evening I guess, but there are a lot better games out there for $20.
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 01:07
10/10 for quality of remake alone, real standard setter.
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 18:30
It's amazing! If you were a fan of the original, I think you'll love this as a good trip down memory lane :) Great stuff! Please make more!
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 21:40
566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 02:54
+Fantastic visuals that are pleasing to the eye and adds all sorts of nuance to the original visuals while still remaining unique
+Amazingly composed soundtrack, both in the game and the unused tracks that hang on the ear wonderfully
+You can switch to retro visuals and music on the fly, but can also mix and match however you please
+Settings for other retro effects like scanlines, CRT TV blur, and even the Master System's FM chip for a different sounding soundtrack
+Extremely well optimized, I'm convinced literal potatoes could run the game
+Hard mode is a nice little nod to Wonderboy in Monster Land
-It's not 1-to-1 to the original, but if you want the original game to be exactly the same, you may as well just emulate it or play it on a real Sega Master System. It's about 95% identical to the original, the only stuff that is missing is the unnecessary fluff like pausing to change subweapons, the retro UI isn't 100% identical, gemstones are now a bonus and not a random item drop. There's other things like the retro credits not being identical, or how retro mode doesn't run at 30fps, but again at that point you may as well play the original ROM file. Emulating the original game is the only way for me to play it without buying a SMS, so I can live with the fact it's not identical.
-Not a trillion and one different settings to change audio and video if that for whatever reason matters for a re-imagining of a retro game
-There aren't more remakes like this for the rest of the Wonderboy series
-The previous point makes me sad
255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 00:17
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 03:26
Other than that, the game is fantastic. It was arguably the best game of its system and it stills holds up today, over 30 years later.
I highly recommend it if you are into Metroidvanias, since this was one of the oldest, more important games in the genre.
662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 22:25
Very highly recommended, beautiful game with great music, fun to explore the world and find all of the little secrets hidden everywhere.
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 03:47
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 15:26
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26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 05:00
- the art was great! (I like that you can change the art or music to retro style with a click of a button)
- The game mechanics is not good (as mentioned in another review, walking is slippery and combat feels underwhelming)
- the world looks great but the story is mediocre
- upgrades feel useless
Definitely not a good side-scroller for 2020. Would maybe recommend to a long time fan of the original but not anyone else
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 17:19
The graphics are absolutely fantastic, imbuing the game (which for it's time was already full of character) even more character, and really enhance the experience.
Of course, there are options for you to use the games original graphics and sound mode (both chosen seperatley, and can be switched out during the game) so for those with a very fond memory of playing this game 20 years ago can get their nostalgia kicks.
The game is not particularly long, and the whole game can be completely completed in approximately 6-7 hours, but the games enjoyment stays consistent throughout, and never drags.
For anyone who has not had the pleasure of playing the original, this is still a gem of a game if you have any love for 2D platformers.
Best for: Wonder Boys
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91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 23:20
It is anything BUT fun. Even on EASY! Ridiculous response times, enemies that change course AFTER a pattern has been detected, Pixel-anal for edges/ledges, sliding out of control when jumping onto tiny ledges. Let's just say that if your reflexes are not 100% perfect, YOU WILL DIE a lot! Again, EVEN ON EASY!
Not to mention the Endless backtracking and Expensive purchases beyond belief at Places you'll spend hours looking for once you DO have the Coins.
Also, I didn't try to, but if you can, you are GOING to want to change the bloody awful controls! I'm not going to try to change them because I'm not giving this game any more of my time. UGH!
Two Dragons down, but I can't stand it anymore.
I'm glad this was on a bundle, and didn't pay full price for this since refunds are virtually never given.
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 14:33
If you ever needed proof to that show remakes can, in fact, be worthwhile efforts and not mere cash grabs for creatively bankrupt companies I believe this may be the one you were looking for. Ability to switch from original's to remake's presentation puts that faithfulness on display with this action platformer and diminishes none of its strengths. Defeat evil Dragons, acquire more shapeshifting forms and slash your way to become Hu-man once again as you pile on fighting equipment on top of unique form properties. Outstanding production values at every step steal the show and tight, throwback design make Wonder Boy imminently playable. It could have benefited from somewhat longer play time seeing I clocked out at four hours or so, though.
Full Review
Professing my utter ignorance of the Wonder Boy trilogy I would like to point out that won't really affect your experience with Wonder Boy The Dragon's Trap even though it is a remake of the third game in aforementioned trio. Provided you find yourself in the same situation, of course.
Considering the material it draws from this is one of those cases where story isn't exactly the highest priority. Not to say platformers can't have a good writing or anything, but in summation we have the following: Wonder Boy, or Wonder Girl in the remake if you choose so, beats the Mecha Dragon in the prologue only to get cursed and shapeshifted into a Lizard-man. For the remainder of the game you embark on taking out other dragons holed up in their castles in the attempt to become Hu-man again. Needless to say, things aren't that simple because there are more forms you “unlock” over the course of the game and each has its own properties that will help our intrepid Wonder hero accomplish his goal.
It is precisely those forms that make up the backbone of the game seeing as I kinda lied above. They do more than just come with a single signature ability you will use them for. For example, Lizard-man you start with doesn't even have a melee attack like everyone else which may lead you to believe it's the easiest form to use, but in reality it gets pretty weak bonuses from equipment to offset his default ranged attack. Something like Lion-man is a walking engine of destruction considering his massive bonuses from weapon, armor and shield alongside arc-based attack instead of aiming for what's directly in front of you. Others like Piranha-man or Hawk-man lean more on the specialized side, though. Ability to freely dive or fly is invaluable once they're made available because you really want to scour all corners of the world for goodies, but it just points out not all forms are created equal. Doubly so when you know you CANNOT freely change them and need to find a dedicated room where you switch them.
Equipment I briefly mentioned is the most tangible way you “develop” your character. You will find some swords, armors and shields along the way, one even drops inconspicuously from a random enemy and I almost missed getting it, but majority of your arsenal you will have to purchase with hard cold coins. Provided you're playing the game correctly and not spending gold on things you can get through alternative methods, like keeping track which enemies drop keys, this is where your money will be going to. Along with healing if you lack patience to rely on RNG heart drops. Trick with equipment is all forms get different bonuses from same piece and some are uniquely suited to them, like Aquatic shield for Piranha-man and such. In practical terms this means you may find yourself rotating gear depending on which shape you're currently inhabiting. Add to that some limited use side weapons like fireball, arrows, boomerangs, etc and encouragement to use such because you lose them on death unless you have a healing potion on-hand and you suddenly find yourself quite well equipped for whatever the game throws at you.
All of these lovely things I've written would be meaningless unless the game world itself was engaging enough to lose yourself in and I guess I'm in luck because Wonder Boy absolutely delivers on that front. Given its origins game certainly doesn't hold your hand nor is it overtly linear, though. It merely limits what you can do based on abilities you currently make use of. For example, you cannot move past a certain block wall before unlocking Mouse-man who can scamper across certain block types and this is your indication of the direction in which to proceed. Game is surprisingly subtle with design like that and I never felt particularly lost because it's not there's an open world to contend with. There's a zone leading to the castle, and then the castle itself, for each dragon boss and they out stand out with their own identity thanks to presentation elements. One thing that struck me as odd and counter intuitive was how dealing with certain elements, star blocks and lava specifically, was handled because up to that point equipment description never really mattered as more than just flavor text.
I wish I could tell you more about the game on the gameplay front, but sadly platformers aren't my usual thing and weren't even back in their heyday because JRPGs and strategies were my poison. What to say? Well, nothing in particular stood out as bad so I can only assume everything worked as intended. No, wait a second. I remember being slightly peeved by how Mouse-man sticking to walls made controls fiddly because game suddenly requires more pixel-perfect accuracy in regard to dropping from mentioned wall. Easier said than done when there's ghosts and gargoyle heads chucking projectiles in your direction. Wonder Boy is otherwise pretty generous with controls and aside from those slippery exceptions it's just a matter of taking in that all forms have varying ranges and defense capabilities.
Glancing at my play time tells me I've spent just over four hours with the game... and that I've apparently done everything there is next to finishing the game on Hard difficulty, something I opted out of because I don't like having a constant timer in a game where I can search every nook and cranny for stuff like heart containers to expand my health and such. Keeping relative ease in mind I almost wish I had played on Hard, though. It would've made hidden Unknown Areas pretty challenging and they're the only optional content if you ignore post-game ability to fight previously defeated Dragons anew. What I'm trying to eloquently say here is, well, game is short so prepare yourself for that if you were expecting to put in dozens of hours into this one.
But this presentation. Oh man, where to even begin?
Having dedicated buttons for switching between remake/original really puts forth what a straight up gorgeous job Lizardcube's artists did. By that I mean both visual and audio people because they're equally impressive and show just how far we've come from pixel sprites and tilesets of yore. Hand-drawn 2D assets with clever use of layering perspective paired with just damn charming animations steal the show. Not to be outdone the composer and performers hammered home what an asset actual instruments can be over samples. Really makes me want to congratulate to everyone involved for showing you can stay faithful to the original and present your own take on it.
563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 00:10
If you enjoy platformers this is a must-buy.
If you played the original as a kid (I did not), then you must-buy this all the more.
The ability to switch between both modern and retro graphics and music in-game on the fly is phenomenal.
Additionally if you dig up any original sega save codes online. those work here too.
328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 23:42
Unlike the Sega Master System version which ran at 30fps, this one is at a smooth 60fps-even when using the original graphics...something I always wanted when I was a kid playing this game and before I knew anything about fps.
I really appreciate the retro options here. You can mix and match to exactly what you want/don't want, from original/new graphics to sound effects, music, inventory, hell even the FM synth from the SMS version is optional too which is cool. The hud is slightly different from the SMS version but it's fine.
My only gripe...hard mode. Man, after completing the game with original graphics/sound/music I was excited to tackle hard mode with the remade graphics but what you get is an annoying hourglass that after a certain amount of time makes you lose some of your life. Then the hourglass refills and does it all over again. That's just annoying af. When the main menu said I had limited time, I thought it would mean like I only had a certain amount of time to complete the game but this constant annoyance of losing life completely killed the hard playthrough for me.
Achievements are straightforward mostly, but I wish there were more of them. No big deal though.
This game has always had a special place in my heart and I'm so happy it got a re-release!
584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 18:02
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 08:27
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.20 20:49
838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 21:03
The thing that pulled me towards this game at first was the INCREDIBLE artwork and animations, but it was only after playing through this game that I realized just how amazing every single background, level. enemy and all the animal transformations looked. The soundtrack is truly incredible and makes the experience that much more enjoyable with it's soothing and exciting tunes.
In terms of gameplay, the game is incredibly fun and quite difficult (although not on the same level of difficulty as other platformers known for their difficulty like Cuphead or Hollow Knight). Each transformation brings something new to the table with new areas to explore and secrets to find. The enemy-filled areas that you have to go through bring a nice challenge and aren't unwelcome since you can just sweep through the initial areas when you have the lion-man transformation (just make sure to grab the Muramasa Blade since it's easy to get and is has incredible damage). The bosses are pretty basic in terms of attacks, but that doesn't mean they are easy, in fact it is quite the opposite. There's also an extremely hard challenge (in comparison to the rest of the game) that wasn't in the original retro game, with a worthy reward at the end.
The only bad thing about this game is being too short. If you play on Hard mode on your first playthrough you can 100% (as in unlocking all the achievements and owning all weapons, shields and armor) the game in 6-7 hours, depending on your skill level. However that isn't too bad since you can always replay the game in either 8-bit or modern visuals or sound to change your experience (you can even split the screen with half 8-bit and half modern visuals!).
All around, I recommend this game. Regardless if you have played the retro original or just like the visuals, this game is for you, because, it's a game for everyone!
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420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 20:00
To elaborate:
The controls are extremely, when you jump you are never sure if you will make it because the character has a slippery weight that makes it virtually impossible to be precise.
You can't tell if an attack connects or not until it actually does and the dissonance between your attack and your enemy sprite can lead to unfair deaths(especially if you see your sword or flame hit them but it doesn't damage them) .
And you can get stun locked till your health is gone.
Not gonna lie, the music,graphics and menus are pretty good, but the problems in this game I would have expected to find in a bad NES game from the 80's, NOT in a game released in 2017.
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39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.19 08:33
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.19 07:31
The animations, the soundtrack and all the stuff in between are pleasing for both sight and hearing.
I must say, there are countless of times I enjoyed the soundtrack while I'm on my travels to places in the real world. There were times I want to do a little dance.
If I had to score this, 11 out of 10 for sure.
Great job and keep up the great work. :D
(Alex Kidd in Miracle World as a possible remake in the future, maybe? lol)
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.19 21:54
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