Wolfenstein - Mod - Shrapmod
24.08.09 09:09
Shrapmod ist die erste Mod die für Wolfenstein erschienen ist. Diese ändert ein paar Grundeinstellungen des Multiplayer von Wolfenstein.
GameTyp: Multiplayer
Autor: Shrap. A
Veröffentlicht: 24.08.2009
Website: keine Infos


Shrapmod ist die erste Mod die für Wolfenstein erschienen ist. Diese ändert ein paar Grundeinstellungen des Multiplayer von Wolfenstein.
Instalation Method 1:

1) Create a shrapmod folder in your wolf directory and place the shrapmod.pk4 file there.
2) Create a shortcut to Wolf2MP.exe
3) Add +set fs_game shrapmod to the Target line of the shorcut so it looks likge this: C:\{GAME PATH}\Wolf2MP.exe +set fs_game shrapmod

Instalation Method 2:
Just put the shrapmod.pk4 file in the base directory located my default at C:\Program Files\Activision\Wolfenstein\base

  • Remove having to "pick up" docs with use key *DONE*
  • Remove Moving affecting aim *DONE*
  • Remove muzzleflash on mp40,mp43,pistol *DONE*
  • Fix (rework) pistol *DONE*
  • Make holding down shoot for too long increase spread by way more (3x-4x more?) *DONE*
  • Rework revive system from scratch *DONE* *Needs work*
  • Scale all movespeed up 30% *DONE*
  • Incresed HP 100->120 *DONE*
  • Increased HS damage multiplier from 2.0 -> 2.57 *DONE*
  • Add sprinting while strafing *DONE* *Needs work*
  • Fix panzer: now uses charge bar and charge up sound *DONE* *Needs a little work*
  • Soldiers now move slower with panzer
  • Footsteps *DONE* may need to tweak range and volume
  • Removed stupid self spawn timer nonsense *DONE*
  • Changed attacking respawn time to 20 by default *DONE*
  • Changed defending respawn time to 30 by default *DONE*
  • Added reload sounds when ui_showgun = 0


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Erstellt von nilius
Zuletzt online: 1 Sekunde
24. 08. 2009 um 09:09
24. 08. 2009 um 09:09
ePoints verdient durch Mods