Vengeance TE
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Map - Vengeance TE
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
27.02.07 06:09
Die ist die Turnament Edition von Vengeance
GameTyp: Multiplayer
MapTyp: keine Infos
Autor: Ifurita (USA)
Veröffentlicht: 03.12.06 - 00:05:08
Website: keine Infos
Die ist die Turnament Edition von Vengeance
Changes from Vengeance_final

- South Rocket eliminated as an objective
- North Rocket moved inside the hanger
- Tunnel connecting North and South hangers added
- Returnable objective now a single set of codes which must be capped in the Radar Station instead of the north and south bunkers. Capping obj opens the two hanger doors and enables the rocket to be dyno'd
- Health and ammo racks moved up to the pipes room
- Improved data presentation in the command map
- Random objective spawning eliminated. Codes are in Bunker #2
- Improved audible prompts for objective taken, stolen, flag captured, and obj destroyed
- Side door removed
- Bunker #2 door is not dynoable and not rebuildable
- Forward flag becomes permanent axis once bunker door is blown
- Allies can now spawn at the CP at game start. Axis must blow the CP in order to eliminate the allied spawn there
- Allied spawns at CP moved upstairs to prevent spawning within clear LOS of the cap location
- Added lots of cover here and there
- Moved initial axis spawns slightly forward
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Erstellt von nilius
Zuletzt online: 1 Sekunde
27. 02. 2007 um 06:09
27. 02. 2007 um 06:09
ePoints verdient durch Maps